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license: apache-2.0
- Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset
- dj
- wer
- cer
- openai/whisper-large-v3
pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition
# Model Card for Fine-tuned Whisper Large V3 (Moroccan Darija)
## Model Overview
**Model Name:** Whisper Large V3 (Fine-tuned for Moroccan Darija)
**Author:** Ayoub Laachir
**License:** apache-2.0
**Repository:** [Ayoub-Laachir/MaghrebVoice](https://huggingface.co/Ayoub-Laachir/MaghrebVoice)
**Dataset:** [Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset)
## Description
This model is a fine-tuned version of OpenAI’s Whisper Large V3, specifically adapted for recognizing and transcribing Moroccan Darija, a dialect influenced by Arabic, Berber, French, and Spanish. The project aims to improve technological accessibility for millions of Moroccans and serve as a blueprint for similar advancements in underrepresented languages.
## Technologies Used
- **Whisper Large V3:** OpenAI’s state-of-the-art speech recognition model
- **PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) with LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation):** An efficient fine-tuning technique
- **Google Colab:** Cloud environment for training the model
- **Hugging Face:** Hosting the dataset and final model
## Dataset Preparation
The dataset preparation involved several steps:
1. **Cleaning:** Correcting bad transcriptions and standardizing word spellings.
2. **Audio Processing:** Converting all samples to a 16 kHz sample rate.
3. **Dataset Split:** Creating a training set of 3,312 samples and a test set of 150 samples.
4. **Format Conversion:** Transforming the dataset into the parquet file format.
5. **Uploading:** The prepared dataset was uploaded to the Hugging Face Hub.
## Training Process
The model was fine-tuned using the following parameters:
- **Per device train batch size:** 8
- **Gradient accumulation steps:** 1
- **Learning rate:** 1e-4 (0.0001)
- **Warmup steps:** 200
- **Number of train epochs:** 2
- **Logging and evaluation:** every 50 steps
- **Weight decay:** 0.01
Training progress showed a steady decrease in both training and validation loss over 8000 steps.
## Testing and Evaluation
The model was evaluated using:
- **Word Error Rate (WER):** 3.1467%
- **Character Error Rate (CER):** 2.3893%
These metrics demonstrate the model's ability to accurately transcribe Moroccan Darija speech.
The fine-tuned model shows improved handling of Darija-specific words, sentence structure, and overall accuracy.
## Audio Transcription Script with PEFT Layers
This script demonstrates how to transcribe audio files using the fine-tuned Whisper Large V3 model for Moroccan Darija, incorporating PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) layers for improved performance.
### Required Libraries
Before running the script, ensure you have the following libraries installed. You can install them using:
!pip install --upgrade pip
!pip install --upgrade transformers accelerate librosa soundfile pydub
!pip install peft==0.3.0 # Install PEFT library
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq, AutoProcessor, pipeline
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
from pydub import AudioSegment
from peft import PeftModel, PeftConfig # Import PEFT classes
# Set the device to GPU if available, else use CPU
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
torch_dtype = torch.float16 if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.float32
# Configuration for the base Whisper model
base_model_name = "openai/whisper-large-v3" # Base model for Whisper
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(base_model_name) # Load the processor
# Load your fine-tuned model configuration
model_name = "Ayoub-Laachir/MaghrebVoice_OnlyLoRaLayers" # Fine-tuned model with LoRA layers
peft_config = PeftConfig.from_pretrained(model_name) # Load PEFT configuration
# Load the base model
base_model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained(base_model_name).to(device) # Load the base model
# Load the PEFT model
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(base_model, model_name).to(device) # Load the PEFT model
# Merge the LoRA weights with the base model
model = model.merge_and_unload() # Combine the LoRA weights into the base model
# Configuration for transcription
config = {
"language": "arabic", # Language for transcription
"task": "transcribe", # Task type
"chunk_length_s": 30, # Length of each audio chunk in seconds
"stride_length_s": 5, # Overlap between chunks in seconds
# Initialize the automatic speech recognition pipeline
pipe = pipeline(
model=model, # Use the merged model
# Convert audio to 16kHz sampling rate
def convert_audio_to_16khz(input_path, output_path):
audio, sr = librosa.load(input_path, sr=None) # Load the audio file
audio_16k = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=16000) # Resample to 16kHz
sf.write(output_path, audio_16k, 16000) # Save the converted audio
# Format time in HH:MM:SS.milliseconds
def format_time(seconds):
hours = int(seconds // 3600)
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)
seconds = seconds % 60
return f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:06.3f}"
# Transcribe audio file
def transcribe_audio(audio_path):
result = pipe(audio_path, return_timestamps=True) # Transcribe audio and get timestamps
return result["chunks"] # Return transcription chunks
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error transcribing audio: {e}")
return None
# Main function to execute the transcription process
def main():
# Specify input and output audio paths (update paths as needed)
input_audio_path = "/path/to/your/input/audio.mp3" # Replace with your input audio path
output_audio_path = "/path/to/your/output/audio_16khz.wav" # Replace with your output audio path
# Convert audio to 16kHz
convert_audio_to_16khz(input_audio_path, output_audio_path)
# Transcribe the converted audio
transcription_chunks = transcribe_audio(output_audio_path)
if transcription_chunks:
print("WEBVTT\n") # Print header for WEBVTT format
for chunk in transcription_chunks:
start_time = format_time(chunk["timestamp"][0]) # Format start time
end_time = format_time(chunk["timestamp"][1]) # Format end time
text = chunk["text"] # Get the transcribed text
print(f"{start_time} --> {end_time}") # Print time range
print(f"{text}\n") # Print transcribed text
print("Transcription failed.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
## Challenges and Future Improvements
### Challenges Encountered
- Diverse spellings of words in Moroccan Darija
- Cleaning and standardizing the dataset
### Future Improvements
- Expand the dataset to include more Darija accents and expressions
- Further fine-tune the model for specific Moroccan regional dialects
- Explore integration into practical applications like voice assistants and transcription services
## Conclusion
This project marks a significant step towards making AI more accessible for Moroccan Arabic speakers. The success of this fine-tuned model highlights the potential for adapting advanced AI technologies to underrepresented languages, serving as a model for similar initiatives in North Africa.