# PyTorch Template Project |
PyTorch deep learning project made easy. |
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* [PyTorch Template Project](#pytorch-template-project) |
* [Requirements](#requirements) |
* [Features](#features) |
* [Folder Structure](#folder-structure) |
* [Usage](#usage) |
* [Config file format](#config-file-format) |
* [Using config files](#using-config-files) |
* [Resuming from checkpoints](#resuming-from-checkpoints) |
* [Using Multiple GPU](#using-multiple-gpu) |
* [Customization](#customization) |
* [Custom CLI options](#custom-cli-options) |
* [Data Loader](#data-loader) |
* [Trainer](#trainer) |
* [Model](#model) |
* [Loss](#loss) |
* [metrics](#metrics) |
* [Additional logging](#additional-logging) |
* [Validation data](#validation-data) |
* [Checkpoints](#checkpoints) |
* [Tensorboard Visualization](#tensorboard-visualization) |
* [Contribution](#contribution) |
* [TODOs](#todos) |
* [License](#license) |
* [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) |
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## Requirements |
* Python >= 3.5 (3.6 recommended) |
* PyTorch >= 0.4 (1.2 recommended) |
* tqdm (Optional for `test.py`) |
* tensorboard >= 1.14 (see [Tensorboard Visualization](#tensorboard-visualization)) |
## Features |
* Clear folder structure which is suitable for many deep learning projects. |
* `.json` config file support for convenient parameter tuning. |
* Customizable command line options for more convenient parameter tuning. |
* Checkpoint saving and resuming. |
* Abstract base classes for faster development: |
* `BaseTrainer` handles checkpoint saving/resuming, training process logging, and more. |
* `BaseDataLoader` handles batch generation, data shuffling, and validation data splitting. |
* `BaseModel` provides basic model summary. |
## Folder Structure |
``` |
pytorch-template/ |
β |
βββ train.py - main script to start training |
βββ test.py - evaluation of trained model |
β |
βββ config.json - holds configuration for training |
βββ parse_config.py - class to handle config file and cli options |
β |
βββ new_project.py - initialize new project with template files |
β |
βββ base/ - abstract base classes |
β βββ base_data_loader.py |
β βββ base_model.py |
β βββ base_trainer.py |
β |
βββ data_loader/ - anything about data loading goes here |
β βββ data_loaders.py |
β |
βββ data/ - default directory for storing input data |
β |
βββ model/ - models, losses, and metrics |
β βββ model.py |
β βββ metric.py |
β βββ loss.py |
β |
βββ saved/ |
β βββ models/ - trained models are saved here |
β βββ log/ - default logdir for tensorboard and logging output |
β |
βββ trainer/ - trainers |
β βββ trainer.py |
β |
βββ logger/ - module for tensorboard visualization and logging |
β βββ visualization.py |
β βββ logger.py |
β βββ logger_config.json |
β |
βββ utils/ - small utility functions |
βββ util.py |
βββ ... |
``` |
## Usage |
The code in this repo is an MNIST example of the template. |
Try `python train.py -c config.json` to run code. |
### Config file format |
Config files are in `.json` format: |
```javascript |
{ |
"name": "Mnist_LeNet", // training session name |
"n_gpu": 1, // number of GPUs to use for training. |
"arch": { |
"type": "MnistModel", // name of model architecture to train |
"args": { |
} |
}, |
"data_loader": { |
"type": "MnistDataLoader", // selecting data loader |
"args":{ |
"data_dir": "data/", // dataset path |
"batch_size": 64, // batch size |
"shuffle": true, // shuffle training data before splitting |
"validation_split": 0.1 // size of validation dataset. float(portion) or int(number of samples) |
"num_workers": 2, // number of cpu processes to be used for data loading |
} |
}, |
"optimizer": { |
"type": "Adam", |
"args":{ |
"lr": 0.001, // learning rate |
"weight_decay": 0, // (optional) weight decay |
"amsgrad": true |
} |
}, |
"loss": "nll_loss", // loss |
"metrics": [ |
"accuracy", "top_k_acc" // list of metrics to evaluate |
], |
"lr_scheduler": { |
"type": "StepLR", // learning rate scheduler |
"args":{ |
"step_size": 50, |
"gamma": 0.1 |
} |
}, |
"trainer": { |
"epochs": 100, // number of training epochs |
"save_dir": "saved/", // checkpoints are saved in save_dir/models/name |
"save_freq": 1, // save checkpoints every save_freq epochs |
"verbosity": 2, // 0: quiet, 1: per epoch, 2: full |
"monitor": "min val_loss" // mode and metric for model performance monitoring. set 'off' to disable. |
"early_stop": 10 // number of epochs to wait before early stop. set 0 to disable. |
"tensorboard": true, // enable tensorboard visualization |
} |
} |
``` |
Add addional configurations if you need. |
### Using config files |
Modify the configurations in `.json` config files, then run: |
``` |
python train.py --config config.json |
``` |
### Resuming from checkpoints |
You can resume from a previously saved checkpoint by: |
``` |
python train.py --resume path/to/checkpoint |
``` |
### Using Multiple GPU |
You can enable multi-GPU training by setting `n_gpu` argument of the config file to larger number. |
If configured to use smaller number of gpu than available, first n devices will be used by default. |
Specify indices of available GPUs by cuda environmental variable. |
``` |
python train.py --device 2,3 -c config.json |
``` |
This is equivalent to |
``` |
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 python train.py -c config.py |
``` |
## Customization |
### Project initialization |
Use the `new_project.py` script to make your new project directory with template files. |
`python new_project.py ../NewProject` then a new project folder named 'NewProject' will be made. |
This script will filter out unneccessary files like cache, git files or readme file. |
### Custom CLI options |
Changing values of config file is a clean, safe and easy way of tuning hyperparameters. However, sometimes |
it is better to have command line options if some values need to be changed too often or quickly. |
This template uses the configurations stored in the json file by default, but by registering custom options as follows |
you can change some of them using CLI flags. |
```python |
# simple class-like object having 3 attributes, `flags`, `type`, `target`. |
CustomArgs = collections.namedtuple('CustomArgs', 'flags type target') |
options = [ |
CustomArgs(['--lr', '--learning_rate'], type=float, target=('optimizer', 'args', 'lr')), |
CustomArgs(['--bs', '--batch_size'], type=int, target=('data_loader', 'args', 'batch_size')) |
# options added here can be modified by command line flags. |
] |
``` |
`target` argument should be sequence of keys, which are used to access that option in the config dict. In this example, `target` |
for the learning rate option is `('optimizer', 'args', 'lr')` because `config['optimizer']['args']['lr']` points to the learning rate. |
`python train.py -c config.json --bs 256` runs training with options given in `config.json` except for the `batch size` |
which is increased to 256 by command line options. |
### Data Loader |
* **Writing your own data loader** |
1. **Inherit ```BaseDataLoader```** |
`BaseDataLoader` is a subclass of `torch.utils.data.DataLoader`, you can use either of them. |
`BaseDataLoader` handles: |
* Generating next batch |
* Data shuffling |
* Generating validation data loader by calling |
`BaseDataLoader.split_validation()` |
* **DataLoader Usage** |
`BaseDataLoader` is an iterator, to iterate through batches: |
```python |
for batch_idx, (x_batch, y_batch) in data_loader: |
pass |
``` |
* **Example** |
Please refer to `data_loader/data_loaders.py` for an MNIST data loading example. |
### Trainer |
* **Writing your own trainer** |
1. **Inherit ```BaseTrainer```** |
`BaseTrainer` handles: |
* Training process logging |
* Checkpoint saving |
* Checkpoint resuming |
* Reconfigurable performance monitoring for saving current best model, and early stop training. |
* If config `monitor` is set to `max val_accuracy`, which means then the trainer will save a checkpoint `model_best.pth` when `validation accuracy` of epoch replaces current `maximum`. |
* If config `early_stop` is set, training will be automatically terminated when model performance does not improve for given number of epochs. This feature can be turned off by passing 0 to the `early_stop` option, or just deleting the line of config. |
2. **Implementing abstract methods** |
You need to implement `_train_epoch()` for your training process, if you need validation then you can implement `_valid_epoch()` as in `trainer/trainer.py` |
* **Example** |
Please refer to `trainer/trainer.py` for MNIST training. |
* **Iteration-based training** |
`Trainer.__init__` takes an optional argument, `len_epoch` which controls number of batches(steps) in each epoch. |
### Model |
* **Writing your own model** |
1. **Inherit `BaseModel`** |
`BaseModel` handles: |
* Inherited from `torch.nn.Module` |
* `__str__`: Modify native `print` function to prints the number of trainable parameters. |
2. **Implementing abstract methods** |
Implement the foward pass method `forward()` |
* **Example** |
Please refer to `model/model.py` for a LeNet example. |
### Loss |
Custom loss functions can be implemented in 'model/loss.py'. Use them by changing the name given in "loss" in config file, to corresponding name. |
### Metrics |
Metric functions are located in 'model/metric.py'. |
You can monitor multiple metrics by providing a list in the configuration file, e.g.: |
```json |
"metrics": ["accuracy", "top_k_acc"], |
``` |
### Additional logging |
If you have additional information to be logged, in `_train_epoch()` of your trainer class, merge them with `log` as shown below before returning: |
```python |
additional_log = {"gradient_norm": g, "sensitivity": s} |
log.update(additional_log) |
return log |
``` |
### Testing |
You can test trained model by running `test.py` passing path to the trained checkpoint by `--resume` argument. |
### Validation data |
To split validation data from a data loader, call `BaseDataLoader.split_validation()`, then it will return a data loader for validation of size specified in your config file. |
The `validation_split` can be a ratio of validation set per total data(0.0 <= float < 1.0), or the number of samples (0 <= int < `n_total_samples`). |
**Note**: the `split_validation()` method will modify the original data loader |
**Note**: `split_validation()` will return `None` if `"validation_split"` is set to `0` |
### Checkpoints |
You can specify the name of the training session in config files: |
```json |
"name": "MNIST_LeNet", |
``` |
The checkpoints will be saved in `save_dir/name/timestamp/checkpoint_epoch_n`, with timestamp in mmdd_HHMMSS format. |
A copy of config file will be saved in the same folder. |
**Note**: checkpoints contain: |
```python |
{ |
'arch': arch, |
'epoch': epoch, |
'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), |
'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), |
'monitor_best': self.mnt_best, |
'config': self.config |
} |
``` |
### Tensorboard Visualization |
This template supports Tensorboard visualization by using either `torch.utils.tensorboard` or [TensorboardX](https://github.com/lanpa/tensorboardX). |
1. **Install** |
If you are using pytorch 1.1 or higher, install tensorboard by 'pip install tensorboard>=1.14.0'. |
Otherwise, you should install tensorboardx. Follow installation guide in [TensorboardX](https://github.com/lanpa/tensorboardX). |
2. **Run training** |
Make sure that `tensorboard` option in the config file is turned on. |
``` |
"tensorboard" : true |
``` |
3. **Open Tensorboard server** |
Type `tensorboard --logdir saved/log/` at the project root, then server will open at `http://localhost:6006` |
By default, values of loss and metrics specified in config file, input images, and histogram of model parameters will be logged. |
If you need more visualizations, use `add_scalar('tag', data)`, `add_image('tag', image)`, etc in the `trainer._train_epoch` method. |
`add_something()` methods in this template are basically wrappers for those of `tensorboardX.SummaryWriter` and `torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter` modules. |
**Note**: You don't have to specify current steps, since `WriterTensorboard` class defined at `logger/visualization.py` will track current steps. |
## Contribution |
Feel free to contribute any kind of function or enhancement, here the coding style follows PEP8 |
Code should pass the [Flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/) check before committing. |
## TODOs |
- [ ] Multiple optimizers |
- [ ] Support more tensorboard functions |
- [x] Using fixed random seed |
- [x] Support pytorch native tensorboard |
- [x] `tensorboardX` logger support |
- [x] Configurable logging layout, checkpoint naming |
- [x] Iteration-based training (instead of epoch-based) |
- [x] Adding command line option for fine-tuning |
## License |
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details |
## Acknowledgements |
This project is inspired by the project [Tensorflow-Project-Template](https://github.com/MrGemy95/Tensorflow-Project-Template) by [Mahmoud Gemy](https://github.com/MrGemy95) |