Error: cannot find tensor model.layers.0.ln1.weight

by miketang84 - opened

I use huggingface's candle to run this model, met error:

mike@LAPTOP-04V0EV33:~/works/candleworks/candle/candle-examples$ proxychains cargo run --example yi --release -- --prompt "what's rust"
ProxyChains-3.1 (
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.11s
     Running `/home/mike/works/candleworks/candle/target/release/examples/yi --prompt 'what'\''s rust'`
avx: true, neon: false, simd128: false, f16c: true
temp: 0.00 repeat-penalty: 1.10 repeat-last-n: 64
retrieved the files in 140.739µs
Running on CPU, to run on GPU, build this example with `--features cuda`
Error: cannot find tensor model.layers.0.ln1.weight

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