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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import torch
def naive_recurrent_rwkv6(
q: torch.Tensor,
k: torch.Tensor,
v: torch.Tensor,
w: torch.Tensor,
u: torch.Tensor,
scale: float = 1.0,
initial_state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
output_final_state: bool = False,
u_2d: bool = False,
torch_dtype = q.dtype if q.dtype in [torch.float16, torch.float32, torch.float64] else torch.float32
orig_dtype = q.dtype
B, H, T, K, V = q.shape[0], q.shape[1], q.shape[2], q.shape[3], v.shape[-1]
q, k, v, w, u = (x.to(dtype=torch_dtype) for x in (q, k, v, w, u))
h = torch.zeros(B, H, K, V, dtype=torch_dtype, device=q.device)
o = torch.zeros_like(v)
if scale == -1.0:
scale = K**-0.5
if initial_state is not None:
h += initial_state.to(dtype=torch_dtype)
w = w.exp()
if u_2d:
u_expand = u[None, ..., None]
u_expand = u[..., None]
for i in range(T):
q_i = q[:, :, i, :] * scale
k_i = k[:, :, i] * scale
v_i = v[:, :, i, :]
w_i = w[:, :, i]
kv_i = k_i[..., None] * v_i[..., None, :]
o_i = (h + u_expand * kv_i) * q_i[..., None]
o[:, :, i] = o_i.sum(-2)
h = h * w_i[..., None] + kv_i
ht = h if output_final_state else None
return o.to(orig_dtype), ht
def naive_recurrent_rwkv6_bwd(
q: torch.Tensor,
k: torch.Tensor,
v: torch.Tensor,
w: torch.Tensor,
u: torch.Tensor,
o: torch.Tensor,
do: torch.Tensor,
dh_t: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
initial_state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
scale: float = 1.0,
u_2d: bool = False,
torch_type = torch.float32 if q.dtype != torch.float16 else torch.float16
q, k, v, w, u, o, do = (x.to(dtype=torch_type) for x in (q, k, v, w, u, o, do))
B, H, T, K, V = q.shape[0], q.shape[1], q.shape[2], q.shape[3], v.shape[-1]
h = torch.zeros(B, H, K, V, dtype=torch_type, device=q.device)
dq = torch.zeros_like(q)
dq_aux = torch.zeros_like(q)
if initial_state is not None:
h += initial_state
if scale == -1.0:
scale = K**-0.5
w = w.exp()
if u_2d:
u_expand = u[None, ..., None]
sum_dims = [0, -1]
u_expand = u[..., None]
sum_dims = [-1]
for i in range(T):
k_i = k[:, :, i] * scale
v_i = v[:, :, i]
w_i = w[:, :, i]
kv_i = k_i[..., None] * v_i[..., None, :]
h_i = h + u_expand * kv_i
dq_i = (do[:, :, i, None, :] * h_i).sum(-1)
dq_aux_i = (do[:, :, i, None, :] * h).sum(-1)
dq[:, :, i] = dq_i * scale
dq_aux[:, :, i] = dq_aux_i
h = h * w_i[..., None] + kv_i
du = torch.zeros_like(u)
dh = torch.zeros_like(h)
if dh_t is not None:
dh += dh_t
dk = torch.zeros_like(k)
dk_aux = torch.zeros_like(k)
dv = torch.zeros_like(v)
for i in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
q_i = q[:, :, i] * scale
k_i = k[:, :, i] * scale
v_i = v[:, :, i]
d_kv_i = do[:, :, i, None, :] * q_i[..., None]
du += (d_kv_i * k_i[..., None] * v_i[..., None, :]).sum(sum_dims)
dk_i = (dh * v_i[..., None, :]).sum(-1)
dk_aux[:, :, i] = dk_i
dk_i += (d_kv_i * u_expand * v_i[..., None, :]).sum(-1)
dv_i = (d_kv_i * u_expand * k_i[..., None]).sum(-2)
dv_i += (dh * k_i[..., None]).sum(-2)
dk[:, :, i] = dk_i * scale
dv[:, :, i] = dv_i
dh = dh * w[:, :, i, :, None] + d_kv_i
# dw = q * dq_aux - k * dk_aux
dw = torch.zeros_like(w)
for i in range(T - 2, -1, -1):
dw[:, :, i] = (
dw[:, :, i + 1] + dq_aux[:, :, i + 1] * q[:, :, i + 1] * scale - dk_aux[:, :, i] * k[:, :, i] * scale
return dq, dk, dv, dw, du, dh
class NativeRecurrentRWKV6Function(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(
output_final_state: bool = False,
u_2d: bool = False,
training: bool = True,
o, ht = naive_recurrent_rwkv6(q, k, v, w, u, scale, initial_state, output_final_state, u_2d)
if initial_state is not None:
initial_state = initial_state.clone()
if training:
ctx.save_for_backward(q, k, v, w, u, o, initial_state)
ctx.u_2d = u_2d
ctx.scale = scale
return o, ht
def backward(ctx, do, dht):
q, k, v, w, u, o, initial_state = ctx.saved_tensors
dq, dk, dv, dw, du, dh = naive_recurrent_rwkv6_bwd(
q, k, v, w, u, o, do, dht, initial_state, ctx.scale, ctx.u_2d
dh = dh if initial_state is not None else None
return dq, dk, dv, dw, du, None, dh, None, None, None
def native_recurrent_rwkv6(
r: torch.Tensor,
k: torch.Tensor,
v: torch.Tensor,
w: torch.Tensor,
u: torch.Tensor,
scale: float = 1.0,
initial_state: torch.Tensor = None,
output_final_state: bool = False,
training: bool = True,
causal: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
r (torch.Tensor):
reception of shape `(B, H, T, K)`. Alias: q, query in linear attention.
k (torch.Tensor):
keys of shape `(B, H, T, K)`
v (torch.Tensor):
values of shape `(B, H, T, V)`
w (torch.Tensor):
data-dependent decays of shape `(B, H, T, K)` in log space! Alias: g.
u (torch.Tensor):
bonus of shape `(H, K)` or `(B, H, K)` for each head.
scale (Optional[int]):
Scale factor for the RWKV6 attention scores.
If not provided, it will default to `1 / sqrt(K)`. Default: `None`.
initial_state (Optional[torch.Tensor]):
Initial state of shape `(B, H, K, V)`. Default: `None`.
output_final_state (Optional[bool]):
Whether to output the final state of shape `(B, H, K, V)`. Default: `False`.
if scale == -1.0:
scale = r.shape[-1] ** -0.5
u_2d = True if u.dim() == 2 else False
o, final_state = NativeRecurrentRWKV6Function.apply(
r, k, v, w, u, scale, initial_state, output_final_state, u_2d, training
return o, final_state