from typing import Optional, Tuple |
import torch |
import triton |
import triton.language as tl |
from fla.utils import contiguous |
@triton.autotune( |
configs=[ |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=8), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=8), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=8), |
], |
key=['D'] |
) |
@triton.heuristics({ |
'USE_INITIAL_STATE': lambda args: args['h0'] is not None, |
'STORE_FINAL_STATE': lambda args: args['ht'] is not None, |
'USE_OFFSETS': lambda args: args['offsets'] is not None |
}) |
@triton.jit |
def fused_recurrent_hgrn_fwd_kernel( |
x, |
g, |
o, |
h0, |
ht, |
offsets, |
T: tl.constexpr, |
D: tl.constexpr, |
BD: tl.constexpr, |
USE_INITIAL_STATE: tl.constexpr, |
STORE_FINAL_STATE: tl.constexpr, |
USE_OFFSETS: tl.constexpr |
): |
i_d, i_n = tl.program_id(0), tl.program_id(1) |
bos, eos = tl.load(offsets + i_n).to(tl.int64), tl.load(offsets + i_n + 1).to(tl.int64) |
T = eos - bos |
else: |
bos, eos = i_n * T, i_n * T + T |
o_d = i_d * BD + tl.arange(0, BD) |
mask = o_d < D |
p_x = x + bos * D + o_d |
p_g = g + bos * D + o_d |
p_o = o + bos * D + o_d |
b_h = tl.zeros([BD], dtype=tl.float32) |
p_h0 = h0 + i_n * D + o_d |
b_h += tl.load(p_h0, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
for _ in range(0, T): |
b_x = tl.load(p_x, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
b_g = tl.load(p_g, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
b_h = tl.exp(b_g) * b_h + b_x |
tl.store(p_o, b_h.to(p_o.dtype.element_ty), mask=mask) |
p_x += D |
p_g += D |
p_o += D |
p_ht = ht + i_n * D + o_d |
tl.store(p_ht, b_h.to(p_ht.dtype.element_ty), mask=mask) |
@triton.autotune( |
configs=[ |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 32}, num_warps=8), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 64}, num_warps=8), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=1), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=2), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=4), |
triton.Config({'BD': 128}, num_warps=8), |
], |
key=['D'] |
) |
@triton.heuristics({ |
'USE_INITIAL_STATE': lambda args: args['h0'] is not None, |
'USE_FINAL_STATE_GRADIENT': lambda args: args['dht'] is not None, |
'USE_OFFSETS': lambda args: args['offsets'] is not None |
}) |
@triton.jit |
def fused_recurrent_hgrn_bwd_kernel( |
g, |
o, |
h0, |
dx, |
dg, |
do, |
dht, |
dh0, |
offsets, |
T: tl.constexpr, |
D: tl.constexpr, |
BD: tl.constexpr, |
USE_INITIAL_STATE: tl.constexpr, |
USE_OFFSETS: tl.constexpr |
): |
i_d, i_n = tl.program_id(0), tl.program_id(1) |
bos, eos = tl.load(offsets + i_n).to(tl.int64), tl.load(offsets + i_n + 1).to(tl.int64) |
T = eos - bos |
else: |
bos, eos = i_n * T, i_n * T + T |
o_d = i_d * BD + tl.arange(0, BD) |
mask = o_d < D |
p_g = g + (bos + T - 1) * D + o_d |
p_o = o + (bos + T - 2) * D + o_d |
p_dx = dx + (bos + T - 1) * D + o_d |
p_dg = dg + (bos + T - 1) * D + o_d |
p_do = do + (bos + T - 1) * D + o_d |
b_dh = tl.zeros([BD], dtype=tl.float32) |
p_dht = dht + i_n * D + o_d |
b_dh += tl.load(p_dht, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
for i in range(T - 1, -1, -1): |
b_g = tl.load(p_g, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
b_do = tl.load(p_do, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
if i > 0: |
b_o = tl.load(p_o, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
b_o = tl.load(h0 + i_n * D + o_d, mask=mask, other=0).to(tl.float32) |
else: |
b_o = tl.zeros([BD], dtype=tl.float32) |
b_dh = b_dh + b_do |
b_dx = b_dh |
b_dh = b_dh * tl.exp(b_g) |
b_dg = b_dh * b_o |
tl.store(p_dx, b_dx.to(p_dx.dtype.element_ty), mask=mask) |
tl.store(p_dg, b_dg.to(p_dg.dtype.element_ty), mask=mask) |
p_g -= D |
p_o -= D |
p_dx -= D |
p_dg -= D |
p_do -= D |
p_dh0 = dh0 + i_n * D + o_d |
tl.store(p_dh0, b_dh.to(p_dh0.dtype.element_ty), mask=mask) |
def fused_recurrent_hgrn_fwd( |
x: torch.Tensor, |
g: torch.Tensor, |
initial_state: torch.Tensor = None, |
output_final_state: bool = False, |
offsets: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
B, T, D = x.shape |
N = B if offsets is None else len(offsets) - 1 |
o = torch.empty_like(x) |
final_state = x.new_empty(N, D) if output_final_state else None |
def grid(meta): return (triton.cdiv(D, meta['BD']), N) |
fused_recurrent_hgrn_fwd_kernel[grid]( |
x=x, |
g=g, |
o=o, |
h0=initial_state, |
ht=final_state, |
offsets=offsets, |
T=T, |
D=D |
) |
return o, final_state |
def fused_recurrent_hgrn_bwd( |
g: torch.Tensor, |
o: torch.Tensor, |
do: torch.Tensor, |
dht: torch.Tensor = None, |
initial_state: torch.Tensor = None, |
offsets: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
B, T, D = do.shape |
N = B if offsets is None else len(offsets) - 1 |
dx = torch.empty_like(o, dtype=torch.float) |
dg = torch.empty_like(g, dtype=torch.float) |
dh0 = torch.empty_like(initial_state, dtype=torch.float) if initial_state is not None else None |
def grid(meta): return (triton.cdiv(D, meta['BD']), N) |
fused_recurrent_hgrn_bwd_kernel[grid]( |
g=g, |
o=o, |
h0=initial_state, |
dx=dx, |
dg=dg, |
do=do, |
dht=dht, |
dh0=dh0, |
offsets=offsets, |
T=T, |
D=D |
) |
return dx, dg, dh0 |
class FusedRecurrentHGRNFunction(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
@contiguous |
def forward( |
ctx, |
x: torch.Tensor, |
g: torch.Tensor, |
initial_state: torch.Tensor = None, |
output_final_state: bool = False, |
offsets: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None |
): |
o, ht = fused_recurrent_hgrn_fwd( |
x=x, |
g=g, |
initial_state=initial_state, |
output_final_state=output_final_state, |
offsets=offsets |
) |
ctx.save_for_backward(g, o, initial_state) |
ctx.offsets = offsets |
return o, ht |
@staticmethod |
@contiguous |
def backward(ctx, do, dht=None): |
g, o, initial_state = ctx.saved_tensors |
offsets = ctx.offsets |
dx, dg, dh0 = fused_recurrent_hgrn_bwd( |
g=g, |
o=o, |
do=do, |
dht=dht, |
initial_state=initial_state, |
offsets=offsets |
) |
return dx, dg, dh0, None, None |
def fused_recurrent_hgrn( |
x: torch.Tensor, |
g: torch.Tensor, |
initial_state: torch.Tensor = None, |
output_final_state: bool = False, |
offsets: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
r""" |
Args: |
x (torch.Tensor): |
inputs of shape `[B, T, D]. |
g (torch.Tensor): |
Forget gates of shape `[B, T, D]`. |
initial_state (Optional[torch.Tensor]): |
Initial state of shape `[N, D]` for `N` input sequences. |
For equal-length input sequences, `N` equals the batch size `B`. |
Default: `None`. |
output_final_state (Optional[bool]): |
Whether to output the final state of shape `[N, D]`. Default: `False`. |
offsets (Optional[torch.LongTensor]): |
Offsets of shape `[N+1]` defining the bos/eos positions of `N` variable-length sequences in the batch. |
For example, |
if `offsets` is `[0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]`, there are `N=5` sequences with lengths 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. |
If provided, the inputs are concatenated and the batch size `B` is expected to be 1. |
Default: `None`. |
Returns: |
o (torch.Tensor): |
Outputs of shape `[B, T, D]`. |
final_state (torch.Tensor): |
Final state of shape `[N, D]` if `output_final_state=True` else `None`. |
Examples:: |
>>> import torch |
>>> import torch.nn.functional as F |
>>> from einops import rearrange |
>>> from fla.ops.hgrn import fused_recurrent_hgrn |
# inputs with equal lengths |
>>> B, T, D = 4, 2048, 512 |
>>> x = torch.randn(B, T, D, device='cuda') |
>>> g = F.logsigmoid(torch.randn(B, T, D, device='cuda')) |
>>> h0 = torch.randn(B, D, device='cuda') |
>>> o, ht = fused_recurrent_hgrn(x, g, initial_state=h0, output_final_state=True) |
# for variable-length inputs, the batch size `B` is expected to be 1 and `offsets` is required |
>>> x, g = map(lambda x: rearrange(x, 'b t d -> 1 (b t) d'), (x, g)) |
# for a batch with 4 sequences, offsets with 5 start/end positions are expected |
>>> offsets = x.new_tensor([0, 2048, 4096, 6144, 8192], dtype=torch.long) |
>>> o_var, ht_var = fused_recurrent_hgrn(x, g, initial_state=h0, output_final_state=True, offsets=offsets) |
>>> assert o.allclose(o_var.view(o.shape)) |
>>> assert ht.allclose(ht_var) |
""" |
return FusedRecurrentHGRNFunction.apply( |
x, |
g, |
initial_state, |
output_final_state, |
offsets |
) |