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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Sep 13 16:13:29 2024
This script generates preprocessed data from wireless communication scenarios,
including token generation, patch creation, and data sampling for machine learning models.
@author: salikha4
import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
import pickle
import DeepMIMOv3
import torch
#%% Scenarios List
def scenarios_list():
"""Returns an array of available scenarios."""
return np.array([
'city_18_denver', 'city_15_indianapolis', 'city_19_oklahoma',
'city_12_fortworth', 'city_11_santaclara', 'city_7_sandiego'
#%% Token Generation
def tokenizer(selected_scenario_names=None, manual_data=None, gen_raw=True):
Generates tokens by preparing and preprocessing the dataset.
scenario_idxs (list): Indices of the scenarios.
patch_gen (bool): Whether to generate patches. Defaults to True.
patch_size (int): Size of each patch. Defaults to 16.
gen_deepMIMO_data (bool): Whether to generate DeepMIMO data. Defaults to False.
gen_raw (bool): Whether to generate raw data. Defaults to False.
save_data (bool): Whether to save the preprocessed data. Defaults to False.
preprocessed_data, sequence_length, element_length: Preprocessed data and related dimensions.
if manual_data is not None:
patches = patch_maker(np.expand_dims(np.array(manual_data), axis=1))
#patches = patch_maker(torch.tensor(manual_data, dtype=torch.complex64).unsqueeze(1))
# Patch generation or loading
deepmimo_data = [DeepMIMO_data_gen(scenario_name) for scenario_name in selected_scenario_names]
n_scenarios = len(selected_scenario_names)
cleaned_deepmimo_data = [deepmimo_data_cleaning(deepmimo_data[scenario_idx]) for scenario_idx in range(n_scenarios)]
patches = [patch_maker(cleaned_deepmimo_data[scenario_idx]) for scenario_idx in range(n_scenarios)]
patches = np.vstack(patches)
# Define dimensions
patch_size = patches.shape[2]
n_patches = patches.shape[1]
n_masks_half = int(0.15 * n_patches / 2)
# sequence_length = n_patches + 1
# element_length = patch_size
word2id = {'[CLS]': 0.2 * np.ones((patch_size)), '[MASK]': 0.1 * np.ones((patch_size))}
# Generate preprocessed channels
preprocessed_data = []
for user_idx in tqdm(range(len(patches)), desc="Processing items"):
sample = make_sample(user_idx, patches, word2id, n_patches, n_masks_half, patch_size, gen_raw=gen_raw)
return preprocessed_data
def deepmimo_data_cleaning(deepmimo_data):
idxs = np.where(deepmimo_data['user']['LoS'] != -1)[0]
cleaned_deepmimo_data = deepmimo_data['user']['channel'][idxs]
return np.array(cleaned_deepmimo_data) * 1e6
#%% Patch Creation
def patch_maker(original_ch, patch_size=16, norm_factor=1e6):
Creates patches from the dataset based on the scenario.
patch_size (int): Size of each patch.
scenario (str): Selected scenario for data generation.
gen_deepMIMO_data (bool): Whether to generate DeepMIMO data.
norm_factor (int): Normalization factor for channels.
patch (numpy array): Generated patches.
# idxs = np.where(data['user']['LoS'] != -1)[0]
# # Reshaping and normalizing channels
# original_ch = data['user']['channel'][idxs]
flat_channels = original_ch.reshape((original_ch.shape[0], -1)).astype(np.csingle)
flat_channels_complex = np.hstack((flat_channels.real, flat_channels.imag))
# Create patches
n_patches = flat_channels_complex.shape[1] // patch_size
patch = np.zeros((len(flat_channels_complex), n_patches, patch_size))
for idx in range(n_patches):
patch[:, idx, :] = flat_channels_complex[:, idx * patch_size:(idx + 1) * patch_size]
return patch
#%% Data Generation for Scenario Areas
def DeepMIMO_data_gen(scenario):
Generates or loads data for a given scenario.
scenario (str): Scenario name.
gen_deepMIMO_data (bool): Whether to generate DeepMIMO data.
save_data (bool): Whether to save generated data.
data (dict): Loaded or generated data.
import DeepMIMOv3
parameters, row_column_users, n_ant_bs, n_ant_ue, n_subcarriers = get_parameters(scenario)
deepMIMO_dataset = DeepMIMOv3.generate_data(parameters)
uniform_idxs = uniform_sampling(deepMIMO_dataset, [1, 1], len(parameters['user_rows']),
data = select_by_idx(deepMIMO_dataset, uniform_idxs)[0]
return data
def get_parameters(scenario):
n_ant_bs = 32 #32
n_ant_ue = 1
n_subcarriers = 32 #32
scs = 30e3
row_column_users = {
'city_18_denver': {
'n_rows': 85,
'n_per_row': 82
'city_15_indianapolis': {
'n_rows': 80,
'n_per_row': 79
'city_19_oklahoma': {
'n_rows': 82,
'n_per_row': 75
'city_12_fortworth': {
'n_rows': 86,
'n_per_row': 72
'city_11_santaclara': {
'n_rows': 47,
'n_per_row': 114
'city_7_sandiego': {
'n_rows': 71,
'n_per_row': 83
parameters = DeepMIMOv3.default_params()
parameters['dataset_folder'] = './scenarios'
parameters['scenario'] = scenario
if scenario == 'O1_3p5':
parameters['active_BS'] = np.array([4])
elif scenario in ['city_18_denver', 'city_15_indianapolis']:
parameters['active_BS'] = np.array([3])
parameters['active_BS'] = np.array([1])
if scenario == 'Boston5G_3p5':
parameters['user_rows'] = np.arange(row_column_users[scenario]['n_rows'][0],
parameters['user_rows'] = np.arange(row_column_users[scenario]['n_rows'])
parameters['bs_antenna']['shape'] = np.array([n_ant_bs, 1]) # Horizontal, Vertical
parameters['bs_antenna']['rotation'] = np.array([0,0,-135]) # (x,y,z)
parameters['ue_antenna']['shape'] = np.array([n_ant_ue, 1])
parameters['enable_BS2BS'] = False
parameters['OFDM']['subcarriers'] = n_subcarriers
parameters['OFDM']['selected_subcarriers'] = np.arange(n_subcarriers)
parameters['OFDM']['bandwidth'] = scs * n_subcarriers / 1e9
parameters['num_paths'] = 20
return parameters, row_column_users, n_ant_bs, n_ant_ue, n_subcarriers
#%% Sample Generation
def make_sample(user_idx, patch, word2id, n_patches, n_masks, patch_size, gen_raw=False):
Generates a sample for each user, including masking and tokenizing.
user_idx (int): Index of the user.
patch (numpy array): Patches data.
word2id (dict): Dictionary for special tokens.
n_patches (int): Number of patches.
n_masks (int): Number of masks.
patch_size (int): Size of each patch.
gen_raw (bool): Whether to generate raw tokens.
sample (list): Generated sample for the user.
tokens = patch[user_idx]
input_ids = np.vstack((word2id['[CLS]'], tokens))
real_tokens_size = int(n_patches / 2)
masks_pos_real = np.random.choice(range(0, real_tokens_size), size=n_masks, replace=False)
masks_pos_imag = masks_pos_real + real_tokens_size
masked_pos = np.hstack((masks_pos_real, masks_pos_imag)) + 1
masked_tokens = []
for pos in masked_pos:
original_masked_tokens = input_ids[pos].copy()
if not gen_raw:
rnd_num = np.random.rand()
if rnd_num < 0.1:
input_ids[pos] = np.random.rand(patch_size)
elif rnd_num < 0.9:
input_ids[pos] = word2id['[MASK]']
return [input_ids, masked_tokens, masked_pos]
#%% Sampling and Data Selection
def uniform_sampling(dataset, sampling_div, n_rows, users_per_row):
Performs uniform sampling on the dataset.
dataset (dict): DeepMIMO dataset.
sampling_div (list): Step sizes along [x, y] dimensions.
n_rows (int): Number of rows for user selection.
users_per_row (int): Number of users per row.
uniform_idxs (numpy array): Indices of the selected samples.
cols = np.arange(users_per_row, step=sampling_div[0])
rows = np.arange(n_rows, step=sampling_div[1])
uniform_idxs = np.array([j + i * users_per_row for i in rows for j in cols])
return uniform_idxs
def select_by_idx(dataset, idxs):
Selects a subset of the dataset based on the provided indices.
dataset (dict): Dataset to trim.
idxs (numpy array): Indices of users to select.
dataset_t (list): Trimmed dataset based on selected indices.
dataset_t = [] # Trimmed dataset
for bs_idx in range(len(dataset)):
for key in dataset[bs_idx].keys():
dataset_t[bs_idx]['location'] = dataset[bs_idx]['location']
dataset_t[bs_idx]['user'] = {k: dataset[bs_idx]['user'][k][idxs] for k in dataset[bs_idx]['user']}
return dataset_t
#%% Save and Load Utilities
def save_var(var, path):
Saves a variable to a pickle file.
var (object): Variable to be saved.
path (str): Path to save the file.
path_full = path if path.endswith('.p') else (path + '.pickle')
with open(path_full, 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(var, handle)
def load_var(path):
Loads a variable from a pickle file.
path (str): Path of the file to load.
var (object): Loaded variable.
path_full = path if path.endswith('.p') else (path + '.pickle')
with open(path_full, 'rb') as handle:
var = pickle.load(handle)
return var
#%% Label Generation
def label_gen(task, data, scenario, n_beams=64):
idxs = np.where(data['user']['LoS'] != -1)[0]
if task == 'LoS/NLoS Classification':
label = data['user']['LoS'][idxs]
elif task == 'Beam Prediction':
parameters, row_column_users, n_ant_bs, n_ant_ue, n_subcarriers = get_parameters(scenario)
n_users = len(data['user']['channel'])
n_subbands = 1
fov = 120
# Setup Beamformers
beam_angles = np.around(np.arange(-fov/2, fov/2+.1, fov/(n_beams-1)), 2)
F1 = np.array([steering_vec(parameters['bs_antenna']['shape'],
for azi in beam_angles])
full_dbm = np.zeros((n_beams, n_subbands, n_users), dtype=float)
for ue_idx in tqdm(range(n_users), desc='Computing the channel for each user'):
if data['user']['LoS'][ue_idx] == -1:
full_dbm[:,:,ue_idx] = np.nan
chs = F1 @ data['user']['channel'][ue_idx]
full_linear = np.abs(np.mean(chs.squeeze().reshape((n_beams, n_subbands, -1)), axis=-1))
full_dbm[:,:,ue_idx] = np.around(20*np.log10(full_linear) + 30, 1)
best_beams = np.argmax(np.mean(full_dbm,axis=1), axis=0)
best_beams = best_beams.astype(float)
best_beams[np.isnan(full_dbm[0,0,:])] = np.nan
# max_bf_pwr = np.max(np.mean(full_dbm,axis=1), axis=0)
label = best_beams[idxs]
return label.astype(int)
def steering_vec(array, phi=0, theta=0, kd=np.pi):
idxs = DeepMIMOv3.ant_indices(array)
resp = DeepMIMOv3.array_response(idxs, phi, theta+np.pi/2, kd)
return resp / np.linalg.norm(resp)
def label_prepend(deepmimo_data, preprocessed_chs, task, scenario_idxs, n_beams=64):
labels = []
for scenario_idx in scenario_idxs:
scenario_name = scenarios_list()[scenario_idx]
# data = DeepMIMO_data_gen(scenario_name)
data = deepmimo_data[scenario_idx]
labels.extend(label_gen(task, data, scenario_name, n_beams=n_beams))
preprocessed_chs = [preprocessed_chs[i] + [labels[i]] for i in range(len(preprocessed_chs))]
return preprocessed_chs |