Paul Bird
commited on
Upload RunYOLO.cs
Browse files- RunYOLO.cs +43 -18
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ public class RunYOLO : MonoBehaviour
40 |
41 |
private VideoPlayer video;
42 |
43 |
//bounding box data
44 |
public struct BoundingBox
45 |
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ public class RunYOLO : MonoBehaviour
60 |
labels = labelsAsset.text.Split('\n');
61 |
62 |
//Load model
63 |
model = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath +
64 |
65 |
targetRT = new RenderTexture(imageWidth, imageHeight, 0);
66 |
@@ -123,51 +124,75 @@ public class RunYOLO : MonoBehaviour
123 |
label = labels[(int)output[n, 5]],
124 |
confidence = Mathf.FloorToInt(output[n, 6] * 100 + 0.5f)
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
public void DrawBox(BoundingBox box)
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
//Create the bounding box graphic
135 |
var panel = new GameObject("ObjectBox");
136 |
137 |
Image img = panel.AddComponent<Image>();
138 |
img.color = color;
139 |
140 |
panel.transform.SetParent(displayLocation, false);
141 |
panel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(box.centerX, -box.centerY);
142 |
RectTransform rt = panel.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
143 |
rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(box.width, box.height);
144 |
145 |
146 |
var text = new GameObject("ObjectLabel");
147 |
148 |
Text txt = text.AddComponent<Text>();
149 |
text.transform.SetParent(panel.transform, false);
150 |
txt.font = font;
151 |
txt.text = box.label + " (" + box.confidence + "%)";
152 |
txt.color = color;
153 |
txt.fontSize = 40;
154 |
txt.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
155 |
RectTransform rt2 = text.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
156 |
rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(20, rt2.offsetMin.y);
157 |
rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, rt2.offsetMax.y);
158 |
rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMax.x, 30);
159 |
rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMin.x, 0);
160 |
161 |
rt2.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1);
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
public void ClearAnnotations()
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
40 |
41 |
private VideoPlayer video;
42 |
43 |
List<GameObject> boxPool = new List<GameObject>();
44 |
//bounding box data
45 |
public struct BoundingBox
46 |
61 |
labels = labelsAsset.text.Split('\n');
62 |
63 |
//Load model
64 |
model = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath +"/"+ modelName);
65 |
66 |
targetRT = new RenderTexture(imageWidth, imageHeight, 0);
67 |
124 |
label = labels[(int)output[n, 5]],
125 |
confidence = Mathf.FloorToInt(output[n, 6] * 100 + 0.5f)
126 |
127 |
DrawBox(box, n);
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
public void DrawBox(BoundingBox box , int id)
132 |
133 |
//Create the bounding box graphic or get from pool
134 |
GameObject panel;
135 |
if (id < boxPool.Count)
136 |
137 |
panel = boxPool[id];
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
panel = CreateNewBox(Color.yellow);
143 |
144 |
//Set box position
145 |
panel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(box.centerX, -box.centerY);
146 |
147 |
//Set box size
148 |
RectTransform rt = panel.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
149 |
rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(box.width, box.height);
150 |
151 |
//Set label text
152 |
var label = panel.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
153 |
label.text = box.label + " (" + box.confidence + "%)";
154 |
155 |
156 |
public GameObject CreateNewBox(Color color)
157 |
158 |
//Create the box and set image
159 |
160 |
var panel = new GameObject("ObjectBox");
161 |
162 |
Image img = panel.AddComponent<Image>();
163 |
img.color = color;
164 |
img.sprite = boxTexture;
165 |
img.type = Image.Type.Sliced;
166 |
panel.transform.SetParent(displayLocation, false);
167 |
168 |
//Create the label
169 |
170 |
var text = new GameObject("ObjectLabel");
171 |
172 |
text.transform.SetParent(panel.transform, false);
173 |
Text txt = text.AddComponent<Text>();
174 |
txt.font = font;
175 |
txt.color = color;
176 |
txt.fontSize = 40;
177 |
txt.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
178 |
179 |
RectTransform rt2 = text.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
180 |
rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(20, rt2.offsetMin.y);
181 |
rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, rt2.offsetMax.y);
182 |
rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMin.x, 0);
183 |
rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMax.x, 30);
184 |
rt2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
185 |
rt2.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1);
186 |
187 |
188 |
return panel;
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191 |
public void ClearAnnotations()
192 |
193 |
foreach(var box in boxPool)
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198 |