ForkedHulk2 / helper /
tuandunghcmut's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
345ee20 verified
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import logging
from collections import Iterable
# from .misc_helper import to_device
logger = logging.getLogger('global')
def clever_format(nums, format="%.2f"):
if not isinstance(nums, Iterable):
nums = [nums]
clever_nums = []
for num in nums:
num = int(num)
if num > 1e12:
clever_nums.append(format % (num / 1e12) + "T")
elif num > 1e9:
clever_nums.append(format % (num / 1e9) + "G")
elif num > 1e6:
clever_nums.append(format % (num / 1e6) + "M")
elif num > 1e3:
clever_nums.append(format % (num / 1e3) + "K")
clever_nums.append(format % num + "B")
clever_nums = clever_nums[0] if len(clever_nums) == 1 else (*clever_nums,)
return clever_nums
def flops_cal(model, input_shape):
inputs = {
'image': torch.randn(1, input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2]),
'image_info': [[input_shape[1], input_shape[2], 1, input_shape[1], input_shape[2], False]],
'filename': ['Test.jpg'],
'label': torch.LongTensor([[0]]),
# flops, params = profile(model, inputs=(to_device(inputs),))
flops, params = profile(model, inputs=(inputs,))
flops_str, params_str = clever_format([flops, params], "%.3f")
flops = flops / 1e6
params = flops / 1e6
return flops, params, flops_str, params_str
def profile(model, inputs, verbose=True):
handler_collection = []
def add_hooks(m):
if len(list(m.children())) > 0:
m.register_buffer('total_ops', torch.zeros(1))
m.register_buffer('total_params', torch.zeros(1))
m_type = type(m)
fn = None
if m_type in register_hooks:
fn = register_hooks[m_type]
if fn is None:
if verbose:
print("No implemented counting method for {} in flops_helper".format(m))
handler = m.register_forward_hook(fn)
# original_device = model.parameters().__next__().device
training =
# with torch.no_grad():
total_ops = 0
total_params = 0
for m in model.modules():
if len(list(m.children())) > 0: # skip for non-leaf module
total_ops += m.total_ops
total_params += m.total_params
# total_ops = total_ops.item()
# total_params = total_params.item()
total_ops = total_ops[0]
total_params = total_params[0]
# reset model to original status
for handler in handler_collection:
return total_ops, total_params
multiply_adds = 1
def count_zero(m, x, y):
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([0])
m.total_params = torch.Tensor([0])
def count_conv2d(m, x, y):
cin = m.in_channels
cout = m.out_channels
kh, kw = m.kernel_size
out_h = y.size(2)
out_w = y.size(3)
batch_size = x[0].size(0)
kernel_ops = multiply_adds * kh * kw
bias_ops = 1 if m.bias is not None else 0
output_elements = batch_size * out_w * out_h * cout
total_ops = output_elements * kernel_ops * cin // m.groups + bias_ops * output_elements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
total_params = kh * kw * cin * cout // m.groups + bias_ops * cout
m.total_params = torch.Tensor([int(total_params)])
def count_bn(m, x, y):
x = x[0]
c_out = y.size(1)
nelements = x.numel()
# subtract, divide, gamma, beta
total_ops = 4 * nelements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
m.total_params = torch.Tensor([int(c_out) * 2])
def count_relu(m, x, y):
x = x[0]
nelements = x.numel()
total_ops = nelements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
def count_softmax(m, x, y):
x = x[0]
batch_size, nfeatures = x.size()
total_exp = nfeatures
total_add = nfeatures - 1
total_div = nfeatures
total_ops = batch_size * (total_exp + total_add + total_div)
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
def count_avgpool(m, x, y):
total_add =[m.kernel_size]))
total_div = 1
kernel_ops = total_add + total_div
num_elements = y.numel()
total_ops = kernel_ops * num_elements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
def count_adap_avgpool(m, x, y):
kernel = torch.Tensor([*(x[0].shape[2:])]) // torch.Tensor(list((m.output_size,))).squeeze()
total_add =
total_div = 1
kernel_ops = total_add + total_div
num_elements = y.numel()
total_ops = kernel_ops * num_elements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
def count_linear(m, x, y):
# per output element
total_mul = m.in_features
total_add = m.in_features - 1
num_elements = y.numel()
total_ops = (total_mul + total_add) * num_elements
m.total_ops = torch.Tensor([int(total_ops)])
m.total_params = torch.Tensor([m.in_features * m.out_features])
register_hooks = {
nn.Conv2d: count_conv2d,
nn.BatchNorm2d: count_zero,
nn.InstanceNorm2d: count_zero,
nn.ConvTranspose2d: count_conv2d,
nn.ReLU: count_zero,
nn.ReLU6: count_zero,
nn.Tanh: count_zero,
nn.LeakyReLU: count_zero,
nn.AvgPool2d: count_zero,
nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d: count_zero,
nn.Linear: count_linear,
nn.Dropout: count_zero,
nn.Sigmoid: count_zero,
nn.Softmax: count_zero,
# VarChannelConv2d: VarChannelConv2d.flops_count,
# VarChannelBatchNorm2d: VarChannelBatchNorm2d.flops_count,
# VarChannelSyncBatchNorm2d: VarChannelSyncBatchNorm2d.flops_count,
# VarChannelSyncMultiBatchNorm2d: VarChannelSyncMultiBatchNorm2d.flops_count,
# VarChannelLinear: VarChannelLinear.flops_count,
# DeprecatedGroupSyncBatchNorm: count_zero,
# Identity: count_zero,
# VcIdentity: count_zero,
nn.MaxPool2d: count_zero,
nn.CrossEntropyLoss: count_zero,
# SamePadConv2d: count_conv2d,
# conv_bn_swish: count_zero,
# Swish: count_zero