import numpy as np |
import shutil |
import torch |
import os |
import io |
import copy |
import math |
import logging |
from collections import defaultdict |
import torch.distributed as dist |
from torch.nn import BatchNorm2d |
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint |
import cv2 |
import subprocess |
from PIL import Image |
import core.fp16 as fp16 |
from typing import Optional, List |
from torch import Tensor |
import torch._utils |
try: |
torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2 |
except AttributeError: |
def _rebuild_tensor_v2(storage, storage_offset, size, stride, requires_grad, backward_hooks): |
tensor = torch._utils._rebuild_tensor(storage, storage_offset, size, stride) |
tensor.requires_grad = requires_grad |
tensor._backward_hooks = backward_hooks |
return tensor |
torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2 = _rebuild_tensor_v2 |
import torch.nn as nn |
cv2.ocl.setUseOpenCL(False) |
class AverageMeter(object): |
"""Computes and stores the average and current value""" |
def __init__(self, length): |
self.length = length |
self.reset() |
def reset(self): |
self.history = [] |
self.val = 0 |
self.avg = 0 |
def empty(self): |
return len(self.history) == 0 |
def update(self, val): |
self.history.append(val) |
if self.length > 0 and len(self.history) > self.length: |
del self.history[0] |
self.val = val |
self.avg = np.mean(self.history) |
class AverageMinMaxMeter(object): |
"""Computes and stores the average and current value""" |
def __init__(self, length): |
self.length = length |
self.reset() |
def reset(self): |
self.history = [] |
self.val = 0 |
self.min = 10000 |
self.max = 0 |
self.avg = 0 |
def empty(self): |
return len(self.history) == 0 |
def update(self, val): |
self.history.append(val) |
if self.length > 0 and len(self.history) > self.length: |
del self.history[0] |
self.val = val |
self.avg = np.mean(self.history) |
self.min = min(self.min, val) |
self.max = max(self.max, val) |
def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): |
"""Computes the precision@k for the specified values of k""" |
maxk = max(topk) |
batch_size = target.size(0) |
_, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True) |
pred = pred.t() |
correct = pred.eq(target.reshape(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) |
res = [] |
for k in topk: |
correct_k = correct[:k].reshape(-1).float().sum(0, keepdim=True) |
res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size)) |
return res |
def accuracy_multi(output, target): |
pred = (output > 0).float() |
tf = (pred == target).float() |
acc = tf.sum() / output.size(0) / output.size(1) * 100 |
return acc |
def save_state(state, path, step): |
path, filename = os.path.split(path) |
assert path != '' |
if not os.path.exists(path): |
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) |
print('saving to {}/{}_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(path, filename, step)) |
try: |
torch.save(state, '{}/{}_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(path, filename, step)) |
except TypeError as e: |
print(f"Full key list: state['state_dict'].keys(): {state['state_dict'].keys()}") |
raise e |
def load_last_iter(path): |
if os.path.isfile(path): |
checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu') |
dist.barrier() |
print("=> loaded last_iter={} from {}".format(checkpoint['step'], path)) |
dist.barrier() |
return checkpoint['step'] |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("=> no checkpoint found at {}".format(path)) |
def remove_prefix_string(string, prefix): |
assert string.startswith(prefix), "can not remove prefix." |
return string[len(prefix):] |
def remove_prefix_from_state_dict(state_dict, prefix): |
for old_key in list(state_dict.keys()): |
if old_key.startswith(prefix): |
new_key = remove_prefix_string(old_key, prefix) |
state_dict[new_key] = state_dict.pop(old_key) |
def load_state(path, model, ignore=[], optimizer=None, cuda=False, recover=False, |
remove_prefix=None, strict=False): |
def map_func_cuda(storage, location): |
return storage.cuda() |
def map_func_cpu(storage, location): |
return storage.cpu() |
if cuda: |
map_func = map_func_cuda |
else: |
map_func = map_func_cpu |
if os.path.isfile(path): |
print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(path)) |
checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=map_func) |
if 'state_dict' in checkpoint.keys(): |
pretrained_state_dict_new = checkpoint['state_dict'] |
else: |
pretrained_state_dict_new = checkpoint |
pretrained_state_dict = dict() |
for k in list(pretrained_state_dict_new.keys()): |
if '_orig_mod.' in k: |
k_new = k.split('_orig_mod.')[1] |
pretrained_state_dict[k_new] = pretrained_state_dict_new[k] |
else: |
pretrained_state_dict[k] = pretrained_state_dict_new[k] |
if len(ignore) > 0: |
assert optimizer == None |
for k in list(pretrained_state_dict.keys()): |
flag = False |
for prefix in ignore: |
if k.startswith(prefix): |
flag = True |
the_prefix = prefix |
break |
if flag: |
print('ignoring {} (prefix: {})'.format(k, the_prefix)) |
del pretrained_state_dict[k] |
if remove_prefix: |
remove_prefix_from_state_dict(pretrained_state_dict, remove_prefix) |
model.load_state_dict(pretrained_state_dict, strict=strict) |
dist.barrier() |
if dist.get_rank() == 0: |
keys1 = set(pretrained_state_dict.keys()) |
keys2 = set([k for k,_ in model.named_parameters()]) |
not_loaded = keys2 - keys1 |
for k in not_loaded: |
print('caution: {} not loaded'.format(k)) |
dist.barrier() |
if optimizer != None: |
assert len(ignore) == 0 |
optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) |
for state in optimizer.state.values(): |
for k, v in state.items(): |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
state[k] = v.cuda() |
else: |
state[k] = v |
print("k: {} do not move to cuda".format(k)) |
print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (step {})".format(path, checkpoint['step'])) |
return checkpoint['step'] |
if recover: |
return checkpoint['step'] |
else: |
assert False, "=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(path) |
def load_state_model(model, state, ginfo): |
if ginfo.task_rank == 0: |
printlog(f'======= loading model state for task {ginfo.task_id} ... =======') |
msg = model.load_state_dict(state, strict=False) |
state_keys = set(state.keys()) |
model_keys = set(model.state_dict().keys()) |
missing_keys = model_keys - state_keys |
if ginfo.task_rank == 0: |
for k in missing_keys: |
printlog(f'missing key: {k}') |
printlog(f'load msg: {msg}') |
def load_state_optimizer(optimizer, state, ginfo): |
if ginfo.task_rank == 0: |
printlog(f'======= loading optimizer state for task {ginfo.task_id} ... =======') |
optimizer.load_state_dict(state) |
def create_logger(name, log_file, level=logging.INFO): |
l = logging.getLogger(name) |
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s][%(filename)20s][line:%(lineno)4d][%(levelname)8s] %(message)s') |
fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file) |
fh.setFormatter(formatter) |
sh = logging.StreamHandler() |
sh.setFormatter(formatter) |
l.setLevel(level) |
l.addHandler(fh) |
l.addHandler(sh) |
return l |
class IterLRScheduler(object): |
def __init__(self, optimizer, milestones, lr_mults, last_iter=-1): |
assert len(milestones) == len(lr_mults), "{} vs {}".format(len(milestones), len(lr_mults)) |
self.milestones = milestones |
self.lr_mults = lr_mults |
if not isinstance(optimizer, torch.optim.Optimizer) and not isinstance(optimizer, fp16.FP16_Optimizer): |
raise TypeError('{} is not an Optimizer'.format( |
type(optimizer).__name__)) |
self.optimizer = optimizer |
for i, group in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups): |
if 'lr' not in group: |
raise KeyError("param 'lr' is not specified " |
"in param_groups[{}] when resuming an optimizer".format(i)) |
self.last_iter = last_iter |
def _get_lr(self): |
try: |
pos = self.milestones.index(self.last_iter) |
except ValueError: |
return list(map(lambda group: group['lr'], self.optimizer.param_groups)) |
except: |
raise Exception('wtf?') |
return list(map(lambda group: group['lr']*self.lr_mults[pos], self.optimizer.param_groups)) |
def get_lr(self): |
return list(map(lambda group: group['lr'], self.optimizer.param_groups)) |
def step(self, this_iter=None): |
if this_iter is None: |
this_iter = self.last_iter + 1 |
self.last_iter = this_iter |
for param_group, lr in zip(self.optimizer.param_groups, self._get_lr()): |
param_group['lr'] = lr |
def reset_bn(module): |
if isinstance(module, BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(module, torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm): |
module.running_mean = torch.zeros_like(module.running_mean) |
module.running_var = torch.ones_like(module.running_var) |
def pil_loader(img_str): |
buff = io.BytesIO(img_str) |
with Image.open(buff) as img: |
img = img.convert('RGB') |
return img |
def cv2_loader(img_str): |
img_array = np.frombuffer(img_str, dtype=np.uint8) |
return cv2.imdecode(img_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) |
def param_groups(model): |
bn_group = [] |
fc_group = [] |
feature_group = [] |
normal_group = [] |
bn_names = set() |
for name,m in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm): |
if not m.weight is None: |
bn_group.append(m.weight) |
bn_names.add(name+'.weight') |
if not m.bias is None: |
bn_group.append(m.bias) |
bn_names.add(name+'.bias') |
for name,param in model.named_parameters(): |
if name in bn_names: |
continue |
elif name.startswith('module.base.fc'): |
feature_group.append(param) |
elif name.startswith('module.logits'): |
fc_group.append(param) |
else: |
normal_group.append(param) |
return bn_group, feature_group, fc_group, normal_group |
def clip_grad_value(parameters, clip_value): |
clip_value = float(clip_value) |
for p in filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters): |
p.grad.data.clamp_(min=-clip_value, max=clip_value) |
def compute_grad_norm(parameters): |
parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters)) |
total_norm = 0 |
for p in parameters: |
param_norm = p.grad.data.norm(2) |
total_norm += param_norm ** 2 |
total_norm = total_norm ** 0.5 |
return total_norm |
class SIMSELoss(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self): |
super(SIMSELoss, self).__init__() |
def forward(self, pred, real): |
diffs = real - pred |
n = torch.numel(diffs.data) |
mse = torch.sum(diffs.pow(2)) / n |
simse = torch.sum(diffs).pow(2) / (n ** 2) |
return mse - simse |
class GradRejust(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, x, grad_scale): |
ctx.grad_scale = grad_scale |
return x.view_as(x) |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, grad_output): |
return ctx.grad_scale * grad_output, None |
def grad_rejust(x, grad_scale=1.0): |
return GradRejust.apply(x, grad_scale) |
def count_parameters_num(model): |
count = 0 |
count_fc = 0 |
param_dict = {name:param for name,param in model.named_parameters()} |
param_keys = param_dict.keys() |
for m_name, m in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm): |
weight_name = m_name + '.weight' |
bias_name = m_name + '.bias' |
if weight_name in param_keys: |
temp_params = param_dict[weight_name] |
count += temp_params.data.nelement() |
if bias_name in param_keys: |
temp_params = param_dict[bias_name] |
count += temp_params.data.nelement() |
elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): |
weight_name = m_name + '.weight' |
bias_name = m_name + '.bias' |
if weight_name in param_keys: |
temp_params = param_dict[weight_name] |
count_fc += temp_params.data.nelement() |
if bias_name in param_keys: |
temp_params = param_dict[bias_name] |
count_fc += temp_params.data.nelement() |
sync_print('Number of conv/bn params: %.2fM' % (count / 1e6)) |
sync_print('Number of linear params: %.2fM' % (count_fc / 1e6)) |
def get_gpu_memory_map(): |
"""Get the current gpu usage. |
Returns |
------- |
usage: dict |
Keys are device ids as integers. |
Values are memory usage as integers in MB. |
""" |
result = subprocess.check_output( |
[ |
'nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=memory.used', |
'--format=csv,nounits,noheader' |
], encoding='utf-8') |
gpu_memory = [int(x) for x in result.strip().split('\n')] |
gpu_memory_map = dict(zip(range(len(gpu_memory)), gpu_memory)) |
return gpu_memory_map |
def param_group_no_wd(model): |
pgroup_no_wd = [] |
names_no_wd = [] |
pgroup_normal = [] |
type2num = defaultdict(lambda : 0) |
for name,m in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d): |
if m.bias is not None: |
pgroup_no_wd.append(m.bias) |
names_no_wd.append(name+'.bias') |
type2num[m.__class__.__name__+'.bias'] += 1 |
elif isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear): |
if m.bias is not None: |
pgroup_no_wd.append(m.bias) |
names_no_wd.append(name+'.bias') |
type2num[m.__class__.__name__+'.bias'] += 1 |
elif isinstance(m, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.BatchNorm1d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm): |
if m.weight is not None: |
pgroup_no_wd.append(m.weight) |
names_no_wd.append(name+'.weight') |
type2num[m.__class__.__name__+'.weight'] += 1 |
if m.bias is not None: |
pgroup_no_wd.append(m.bias) |
names_no_wd.append(name+'.bias') |
type2num[m.__class__.__name__+'.bias'] += 1 |
for name,p in model.named_parameters(): |
if not name in names_no_wd: |
pgroup_normal.append(p) |
return [{'params': pgroup_normal}, {'params': pgroup_no_wd, 'weight_decay': 0.0}], type2num |
def freeze_bn(model): |
names = [] |
for name, m in model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm): |
m.eval() |
names.append(name) |
return names |
def named_buffers(self, memo=None, prefix=''): |
if memo is None: |
memo = set() |
for name, b in self._buffers.items(): |
if b is not None and b not in memo: |
memo.add(b) |
yield prefix + ('.' if prefix else '') + name, b |
for mname, module in self.named_children(): |
submodule_prefix = prefix + ('.' if prefix else '') + mname |
for name, b in module.named_buffers(memo, submodule_prefix): |
yield name, b |
def change_tensor_half(): |
sync_print('override tensor.half() to preserve task_specific flag') |
ori_tensor_half = torch.Tensor.half |
torch.Tensor.ori_half = ori_tensor_half |
def new_half(self, *args, **kwargs): |
half_t = self.ori_half(*args, **kwargs) |
if hasattr(self, 'task_specific'): |
print('preserving task_specific in .half') |
half_t.task_specific = self.task_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'modality_share'): |
print('preserving modality_share in .half') |
half_t.modality_share = self.modality_share |
if hasattr(self, 'backbone_specific'): |
print('preserving backbone_specific in .half') |
half_t.backbone_specific = self.backbone_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'adapter_specific'): |
print('preserving adapter_specific in .half') |
half_t.adapter_specific = self.adapter_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'neck_specific'): |
print('preserving neck_specific in .half') |
half_t.neck_specific = self.neck_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'decoder_specific'): |
print('preserving decoder_specific in .half') |
half_t.decoder_specific = self.decoder_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'rgb_specific'): |
print('preserving rgb_specific in .half') |
half_t.rgb_specific = self.rgb_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'dense_label_specific'): |
print('preserving dense_label_specific in .half') |
half_t.dense_label_specific = self.dense_label_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'sparse_label_specific'): |
print('preserving sparse_label_specific in .half') |
half_t.sparse_label_specific = self.sparse_label_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'text_specific'): |
print('preserving text_specific in .half') |
half_t.text_specific = self.text_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'video_specific'): |
print('preserving video_specific in .half') |
half_t.video_specific = self.video_specific |
return half_t |
torch.Tensor.half = new_half |
def change_tensor_cuda(): |
sync_print('override tensor.cuda() to preserve task_specific flag') |
ori_tensor_cuda = torch.Tensor.cuda |
torch.Tensor.ori_cuda = ori_tensor_cuda |
def new_cuda(self, *args, **kwargs): |
cuda_t = self.ori_cuda(*args, **kwargs) |
if hasattr(self, 'task_specific'): |
cuda_t.task_specific = self.task_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'modality_share'): |
cuda_t.modality_share = self.modality_share |
if hasattr(self, 'backbone_specific'): |
cuda_t.backbone_specific = self.backbone_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'adapter_specific'): |
cuda_t.adapter_specific = self.adapter_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'neck_specific'): |
cuda_t.neck_specific = self.neck_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'decoder_specific'): |
cuda_t.decoder_specific = self.decoder_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'rgb_specific'): |
cuda_t.rgb_specific = self.rgb_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'dense_labeling_specific'): |
cuda_t.dense_labeling_specific = self.dense_labeling_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'sparse_labeling_specific'): |
cuda_t.sparse_labeling_specific = self.sparse_labeling_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'text_specific'): |
cuda_t.text_specific = self.text_specific |
if hasattr(self, 'video_specific'): |
cuda_t.video_specific = self.video_specific |
return cuda_t |
torch.Tensor.cuda = new_cuda |
def add_task_specific(m, task_specific): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
param.task_specific = task_specific |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.neck_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False |
if task_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_task_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
buffer.task_specific = task_specific |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.neck_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
if task_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_backbone_specific(m, backbone_specific): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
param.task_specific = False |
param.backbone_specific = backbone_specific |
param.neck_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False |
if backbone_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as backbone_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_backbone_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
buffer.task_specific = False |
buffer.backbone_specific = backbone_specific |
buffer.neck_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
if backbone_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as backbone_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_neck_specific(m, neck_specific): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
param.task_specific = False |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.neck_specific = neck_specific |
param.decoder_specific = False |
if neck_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_neck_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
buffer.task_specific = False |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.neck_specific = neck_specific |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
if neck_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_decoder_specific(m, decoder_specific): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
param.task_specific = False |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.neck_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = decoder_specific |
if decoder_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as decoder_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_decoder_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
buffer.task_specific = False |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.neck_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = decoder_specific |
if decoder_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as decoder_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_aiov2_decoder_specific(m, decoder_specific, task_sp_list=(), neck_sp_list=(), modality_share_list=()): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_neck_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in neck_sp_list) |
_modality_share_flag = any(name.startswith(share_name) or name.endswith(share_name) for share_name in modality_share_list) |
param.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
param.modality_share = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag else _modality_share_flag |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.rgb_specific = False |
param.dense_labeling_specific = False |
param.text_specific = False |
param.video_specific = False |
param.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else decoder_specific |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _neck_sp_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _modality_share_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as modality_share'.format(name)) |
elif decoder_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as decoder_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_decoder_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_neck_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in neck_sp_list) |
_modality_share_flag = any(name.startswith(share_name) or name.endswith(share_name) for share_name in modality_share_list) |
buffer.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
buffer.modality_share = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag else _modality_share_flag |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.rgb_specific = False |
buffer.dense_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.text_specific = False |
buffer.video_specific = False |
buffer.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else decoder_specific |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _neck_sp_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _modality_share_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as modality_share'.format(name)) |
elif decoder_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as decoder_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_aiov2_backbone_specific(m, backbone_specific, task_sp_list=(), neck_sp_list=(), modality_share_list=()): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_neck_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in neck_sp_list) |
param.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
param.modality_share = False |
param.backbone_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag else backbone_specific |
param.rgb_specific = False |
param.dense_labeling_specific = False |
param.text_specific = False |
param.video_specific = False |
param.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _neck_sp_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
elif backbone_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as backbone_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_backbone_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_neck_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in neck_sp_list) |
buffer.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
buffer.modality_share = False |
buffer.backbone_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _neck_sp_flag else backbone_specific |
buffer.rgb_specific = False |
buffer.dense_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.text_specific = False |
buffer.video_specific = False |
buffer.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _neck_sp_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as neck_specific'.format(name)) |
elif backbone_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as backbone_specific'.format(name)) |
def add_aiov2_task_specific(m, task_specific=True): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
param.task_specific = task_specific |
param.modality_share = False |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.rgb_specific = False |
param.dense_labeling_specific = False |
param.text_specific = False |
param.video_specific = False |
param.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_task_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
buffer.task_specific = task_specific |
buffer.modality_share = False |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.rgb_specific = False |
buffer.dense_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.text_specific = False |
buffer.video_specific = False |
buffer.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
def param_specific_setting_with_modality(param, modality, _task_sp_flag, _modality_share_flag, modality_specific): |
param.rgb_specific = False |
param.dense_labeling_specific = False |
param.text_specific = False |
param.video_specific = False |
param.sparse_labeling_specific = False |
if modality == 'rgb': |
param.rgb_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else modality_specific |
elif modality == 'dense_labeling': |
param.dense_labeling_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else modality_specific |
elif modality == 'sparse_labeling': |
param.sparse_labeling_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else modality_specific |
elif modality == 'video': |
param.video_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else modality_specific |
elif modality == 'text': |
param.text_specific = False if _task_sp_flag or _modality_share_flag else modality_specific |
return param |
def add_aiov2_modality_specific(m, modality, modality_specific, task_sp_list=(), modality_share_list=()): |
for name, param in m.named_parameters(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_modality_share_flag = any(name.startswith(share_name) or name.endswith(share_name) for share_name in modality_share_list) |
param.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
param.modality_share = False if _task_sp_flag else _modality_share_flag |
param.backbone_specific = False |
param.decoder_specific = False |
param = param_specific_setting_with_modality(param, modality, _task_sp_flag, _modality_share_flag, modality_specific) |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _modality_share_flag: |
printlog('add param {} as modality_share'.format(name)) |
elif modality_specific: |
printlog('add param {} as {}_specific'.format(name, modality)) |
if not hasattr(torch.nn.Module, 'named_buffers'): |
printlog('registering named_buffers for nn.Module at add_adapter_specific') |
torch.nn.Module.named_buffers = named_buffers |
for name, buffer in m.named_buffers(): |
_task_sp_flag = any(name.startswith(sp_name) or name.endswith(sp_name) for sp_name in task_sp_list) |
_modality_share_flag = any(name.startswith(share_name) or name.endswith(share_name) for share_name in modality_share_list) |
buffer.task_specific = _task_sp_flag |
buffer.modality_share = False if _task_sp_flag else _modality_share_flag |
buffer.backbone_specific = False |
buffer.decoder_specific = False |
buffer = param_specific_setting_with_modality(buffer, modality, _task_sp_flag, _modality_share_flag, modality_specific) |
if _task_sp_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as task_specific'.format(name)) |
elif _modality_share_flag: |
printlog('add buffer {} as modality_share'.format(name)) |
elif modality_specific: |
printlog('add buffer {} as {}_specific'.format(name, modality)) |
def copy_state_dict_cpu(state_dict): |
new_state = {} |
for k,v in state_dict.items(): |
new_state[k] = v.cpu() |
return new_state |
def copy_optim_state_dict_cpu(state_dict): |
new_state = {} |
new_state['param_groups'] = copy.deepcopy(state_dict['param_groups']) |
new_state['state'] = {} |
for k,v in state_dict['state'].items(): |
new_state['state'][k] = {} |
for name,x in v.items(): |
if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): |
new_state['state'][k][name] = x.cpu() |
else: |
new_state['state'][k][name] = copy.deepcopy(x) |
return new_state |
def copy_optim_state_dict_cpu_fp16(state_dict): |
new_state = {} |
new_state['optimizer_state_dict'] = copy_optim_state_dict_cpu(state_dict['optimizer_state_dict']) |
for k in state_dict.keys(): |
if k != 'optimizer_state_dict': |
new_state[k] = copy.deepcopy(state_dict[k]) |
return new_state |
def sync_print(*args, **kwargs): |
if not dist.is_initialized(): |
print(*args, **kwargs) |
else: |
rank = dist.get_rank() |
print('sync_print: rank {}, '.format(rank) + ' '.join(args), **kwargs) |
def fully_checkpoint_sequential(functions, segments, input, **kwargs): |
r"""Modified version of torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint_sequential for memory efficiency. |
It is assumed that at least one of the inputs have requires_grad=True, so we can checkpoint |
all of the segments at ease. |
Please refer to https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/checkpoint.html#torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint_sequential |
for more details. |
-1 -> sqrt chunk checkpoint |
0 -> no checkpoint |
others -> |
""" |
preserve = kwargs.pop('preserve_rng_state', True) |
if kwargs: |
raise ValueError("Unexpected keyword arguments: " + ",".join(arg for arg in kwargs)) |
def run_function(start, end, functions): |
def forward(input): |
for j in range(start, end + 1): |
input = functions[j](input) |
return input |
return forward |
if isinstance(functions, torch.nn.Sequential): |
functions = list(functions.children()) |
if segments == 0: |
return run_function(0, len(functions) - 1, functions)(input) |
if segments < 0: |
segments = int(math.ceil(len(functions))) |
segments = min(segments, len(functions)) |
segment_size = len(functions) // segments |
end = -1 |
for start in range(0, segment_size * (segments - 1), segment_size): |
end = start + segment_size - 1 |
input = checkpoint(run_function(start, end, functions), input) |
return checkpoint(run_function(end + 1, len(functions) - 1, functions), input) |
def printlog(*args, **kwargs): |
if not dist.is_initialized(): |
print(*args, **kwargs) |
else: |
print(f"[rank {dist.get_rank()}]", *args, **kwargs) |
def _max_by_axis(the_list): |
maxes = the_list[0] |
for sublist in the_list[1:]: |
for index, item in enumerate(sublist): |
maxes[index] = max(maxes[index], item) |
return maxes |
class NestedTensor(object): |
def __init__(self, tensors, mask: Optional[Tensor]): |
self.tensors = tensors |
self.mask = mask |
def to(self, device): |
cast_tensor = self.tensors.to(device) |
mask = self.mask |
if mask is not None: |
assert mask is not None |
cast_mask = mask.to(device) |
else: |
cast_mask = None |
return NestedTensor(cast_tensor, cast_mask) |
def decompose(self): |
return self.tensors, self.mask |
def cuda(self): |
return self.to('cuda') |
def __repr__(self): |
return str(self.tensors) |
def nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(tensor_list: List[Tensor]): |
if tensor_list[0].ndim == 3: |
max_size = _max_by_axis([list(img.shape) for img in tensor_list]) |
batch_shape = [len(tensor_list)] + max_size |
b, c, h, w = batch_shape |
dtype = tensor_list[0].dtype |
device = tensor_list[0].device |
tensor = torch.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
mask = torch.ones((b, h, w), dtype=torch.bool, device=device) |
for img, pad_img, m in zip(tensor_list, tensor, mask): |
pad_img[: img.shape[0], : img.shape[1], : img.shape[2]].copy_(img) |
m[: img.shape[1], :img.shape[2]] = False |
else: |
raise ValueError('not supported') |
return NestedTensor(tensor, mask) |
def get_num_layer_for_vit(var_name, config): |
if (var_name == "module.backbone_module" or var_name.endswith("prompt_embed_kv")) and config.get('lpe_lr', False): |
return config.num_layers - 1 |
if var_name in ("module.backbone_module", "module.backbone_module.cls_token", "module.backbone_module.mask_token"): |
return 0 |
elif var_name.startswith("module.backbone_module.patch_embed"): |
return 0 |
elif var_name.startswith("module.backbone_module") and not (var_name.startswith("module.backbone_module.norm") or |
var_name.startswith("module.backbone_module.ln_pre")): |
layer_id = int(var_name.split('.')[3]) |
return layer_id + 1 |
else: |
return config.num_layers - 1 |
def get_num_layer_for_vit_with_adapter(var_name, var_param_name, config): |
if (var_name.startswith("module.adapter_") and var_param_name=='pos_embed' and len(var_name.split('.'))==2) and config.get('lpe_lr', False): |
return config.num_layers - 1 |
elif var_name.startswith("module.adapter_") : |
return 0 |
def nested_tensor_from_tensor_list_fix_shape(tensor_list: List[Tensor],max=1333,short=800,idx=None): |
if tensor_list[0].ndim == 3: |
_, _h, _w = tensor_list[0].shape |
if _w > _h: |
max_size = [3, short, max] |
else: |
max_size = [3, max, short] |
batch_shape = [len(tensor_list)] + max_size |
b, c, h, w = batch_shape |
dtype = tensor_list[0].dtype |
device = tensor_list[0].device |
tensor = torch.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
mask = torch.ones((b, h, w), dtype=torch.bool, device=device) |
for img, pad_img, m in zip(tensor_list, tensor, mask): |
pad_img[: img.shape[0], : img.shape[1], : img.shape[2]].copy_(img) |
m[: img.shape[1], :img.shape[2]] = False |
else: |
raise ValueError('not supported') |
return NestedTensor(tensor, mask) |