ForkedHulk2 / core /solvers /utils /
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import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.nn import functional as F
import cv2
from ast import literal_eval
import torch.distributed as dist
from .seg_tester_dev import DatasetEvaluator
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from PIL import Image
class HumParEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
Evaluate human parsing metrics, specifically, for Human3.6M
def __init__(
dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
distributed (bool): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
output_dir (str): an output directory to dump results.
num_classes, ignore_label: deprecated argument
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._dataset_name = dataset_name
self._distributed = distributed
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
self._class_names = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.label_list #[1:] # 0 as background
self._num_classes = len(self._class_names)
assert self._num_classes == config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes, f"{self._num_classes} != {config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes}"
self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(
self._class_names)} # Dict that maps contiguous training ids to COCO category ids
self._ignore_label = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.ignore_value
def reset(self):
self._conf_matrix = np.zeros((self._num_classes, self._num_classes), dtype=np.int64)
self._predictions = []
def generate_pseudo_labels(self, inputs, outputs, dataset=None, save_dir='./'):
assert dataset is not None
assert dataset.pseudo_labels_palette is not None, "palette follows the default property of the Human3.6M dataset."
# import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
palette = np.array(dataset.pseudo_labels_palette)
assert palette.shape[1] == 3
assert len(palette.shape) == 2
palette = palette.flatten().tolist()
palette = palette + [255] * (256 * 3 - len(palette))
for _idx, output in enumerate(outputs):
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
gt = np.array([inputs["height"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device), inputs["width"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device)]).astype(np.int64)
raise OSError("Height and width are not recorded during dataloading!")
# import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
par_pred_size = par_pred.size()
gt_h, gt_w = gt[-2], gt[-1]
if par_pred_size[-2]!=gt_h or par_pred_size[-1]!=gt_w:
par_pred = F.upsample(par_pred.unsqueeze(0), (gt_h, gt_w),mode='bilinear')
output = par_pred[0].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
output = par_pred.argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
pred = np.array(output, dtype=np.int64)
png_img = Image.fromarray(np.array(pred).astype(np.uint8))
img_name = inputs['filename'][_idx]
# TODO auto postfix exchanging
if img_name[-4:] in ['.jpg', '.png', '.JPG']:
save_png_name = img_name.replace(img_name[-4:],'.png')
elif '.' not in img_name[-4:]:
save_png_name = img_name+'.png'
dir_path = '/'.join(img_name.split('/')[:-1])
dir_path = os.path.join(save_dir, dir_path)
def combine_pseudo_labels(self, save_dir=None):
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
inputs: the inputs to a model.
It is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an image and
contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name".
outputs: the outputs of a model. It is either list of semantic segmentation predictions
(Tensor [H, W]) or list of dicts with key "sem_seg" that contains semantic
segmentation prediction in the same format.
for _idx, output in enumerate(outputs):
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
gt = np.array(inputs["gt"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device)).astype(np.int64)
gt = inputs["gt"][_idx].data.astype(np.int64)
# import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
par_pred_size = par_pred.size()
gt_h, gt_w = gt.shape[-2], gt.shape[-1]
if par_pred_size[-2]!=gt_h or par_pred_size[-1]!=gt_w:
par_pred = F.upsample(par_pred.unsqueeze(0), (gt_h, gt_w),mode='bilinear')
output = par_pred[0].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
output = par_pred.argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
pred = np.array(output, dtype=np.int64)
if len(pred.shape)!=2:
import pdb;
self._conf_matrix += self.get_confusion_matrix(gt, pred, self._num_classes, self._ignore_label).astype(np.int64)
def get_confusion_matrix(self, seg_gt, seg_pred, num_class, ignore=-1):
import time
start = time.time()
ignore_index = seg_gt != ignore
seg_gt = seg_gt[ignore_index]
seg_pred = seg_pred[ignore_index]
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
index = (seg_gt * num_class + seg_pred).astype('int32')
label_count = np.bincount(index)
confusion_matrix = np.zeros((num_class, num_class))
for i_label in range(num_class):
for i_pred in range(num_class):
cur_index = i_label * num_class + i_pred
if cur_index < len(label_count):
i_pred] = label_count[cur_index]
return confusion_matrix
def all_gather(data, group=0):
assert dist.get_world_size() == 1, f"distributed eval unsupported yet, uncertain if we can use torch.dist with link jointly"
if dist.get_world_size() == 1:
return [data]
# output = [None for _ in range(dist.get_world_size())]
# dist.all_gather_object(output, data, group=group)
# return output
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
tensors_gather = [torch.ones_like(data) for _ in range(world_size)]
dist.all_gather(tensors_gather, data, group=group)
return tensors_gather
def evaluate(self):
:return: mean_IoU, IoU_array, pixel_acc, mean_acc
if self._distributed:
conf_matrix_list = self.all_gather(self._conf_matrix)
# self._predictions = self.all_gather(self._predictions)
# self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions))
if dist.get_rank() != 0:
self._conf_matrix = np.zeros_like(self._conf_matrix)
for conf_matrix in conf_matrix_list:
self._conf_matrix += conf_matrix
# if self._output_dir:
# os.makedirs(self._output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "humam_parsing_predictions.json")
# with open(file_path, "w") as f:
# f.write(json.dumps(self._predictions))
acc = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
iou = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
tp = self._conf_matrix.diagonal().astype(np.float64)
pos_gt = np.sum(self._conf_matrix, axis=0).astype(np.float64)
# class_weights = pos_gt / np.sum(pos_gt)
pos_pred = np.sum(self._conf_matrix, axis=1).astype(np.float64)
acc_valid = pos_gt > 0
acc[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / pos_gt[acc_valid]
iou_valid = (pos_gt + pos_pred) > 0
union = pos_gt + pos_pred - tp
iou[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / union[acc_valid]
macc = np.sum(acc[acc_valid]) / np.sum(acc_valid)
miou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid]) / np.sum(iou_valid)
# fiou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid] * class_weights[acc_valid])
pacc = np.sum(tp) / np.sum(pos_gt)
res = {}
res["mIoU"] = 100 * miou
# res["fwIoU"] = 100 * fiou
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res["IoU-{}".format(name)] = 100 * iou[i]
res["mACC"] = 100 * macc
res["pACC"] = 100 * pacc
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res["ACC-{}".format(name)] = 100 * acc[i]
if self._output_dir:
file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "human_parsing_evaluation.pth")
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:, f)
results = OrderedDict({"human_parsing": res})
return results
def encode_json_sem_seg(self, sem_seg, input_file_name):
Convert semantic segmentation to COCO stuff format with segments encoded as RLEs.
json_list = []
for label in np.unique(sem_seg):
if self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id is not None:
assert (
label in self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id
), "Label {} is not in the metadata info for {}".format(label, self._dataset_name)
dataset_id = self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id[label]
dataset_id = int(label)
mask = (sem_seg == label).astype(np.uint8)
mask_rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask[:, :, None], order="F"))[0]
mask_rle["counts"] = mask_rle["counts"].decode("utf-8")
{"file_name": input_file_name, "category_id": dataset_id, "segmentation": mask_rle}
return json_list
class HumParEvaluator_bce_cls(DatasetEvaluator):
def __init__(
dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
distributed (bool): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
output_dir (str): an output directory to dump results.
num_classes, ignore_label: deprecated argument
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._dataset_name = dataset_name
self._distributed = distributed
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
self._class_names = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.label_list #[1:] # 0 as background
self._num_classes = len(self._class_names)
assert self._num_classes == config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes, f"{self._num_classes} != {config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes}"
self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(
self._class_names)} # Dict that maps contiguous training ids to COCO category ids
self._ignore_label = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.ignore_value
def reset(self):
self._conf_matrix = [np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.int64) for _ in range(self._num_classes)]
self._predictions = []
self._labels = []
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
inputs: the inputs to a model.
It is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an image and
contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name".
outputs: the outputs of a model. It is either list of semantic segmentation predictions
(Tensor [H, W]) or list of dicts with key "sem_seg" that contains semantic
segmentation prediction in the same format.
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
for _idx in range(len(outputs)):
# par_pred = output["sem_cls"]
gt = np.array(inputs["gt"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device)).astype(np.int64)
gt = inputs["gt"][_idx].data.astype(np.int64)
classes = np.unique(gt)
label = np.zeros(self._num_classes)
label[classes] = 1
# labels = np.vstack(labels)
pred = ((outputs>0.5)*1).cpu().numpy()
def evaluate(self):
if self._distributed:
# add a false prediction to force a 2x2 confusion matrix
preds = np.vstack(self._predictions)
labels = np.vstack(self._labels)
acc = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(self._num_classes):
pred = preds[:,i]
label = labels[:,i]
confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(label, pred)
# sub 1 to get the right 2x2 confusion matrix
confusion_matrix[0,1] -= 1
self._conf_matrix[i] = confusion_matrix
tp_i = self._conf_matrix[i].diagonal().astype(np.float64).sum()
acc[i] = tp_i / self._conf_matrix[i].sum()
res = {}
macc = acc.mean()
res['mACC'] = macc
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res["ACC-{}".format(name)] = 100 * acc[i]
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res['conf-{}'.format(name)] = self._conf_matrix[i]
results = OrderedDict({"human_parsing": res})
return results
class HumParMAEEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
Evaluate human parsing metrics, specifically, for Human3.6M
def __init__(
dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
distributed (bool): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
output_dir (str): an output directory to dump results.
num_classes, ignore_label: deprecated argument
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._dataset_name = dataset_name
self._distributed = distributed
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
self._class_names = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.label_list # [1:] # 0 as background
self._num_classes = len(self._class_names)
assert self._num_classes == config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes, f"{self._num_classes} != {config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.num_classes}"
self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(
self._class_names)} # Dict that maps contiguous training ids to COCO category ids
self._ignore_label = config.dataset.kwargs.cfg.ignore_value
def reset(self):
self._conf_matrix = np.zeros((self._num_classes, self._num_classes), dtype=np.int64)
self._predictions = []
### TODO: modify the pseudo label function for visualizing masked patches
def generate_pseudo_labels(self, inputs, outputs, dataset=None, save_dir='./'):
assert dataset is not None
assert dataset.pseudo_labels_palette is not None, "palette follows the default property of the Human3.6M dataset."
# import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
palette = np.array(dataset.pseudo_labels_palette)
assert palette.shape[1] == 3
assert len(palette.shape) == 2
palette = palette.flatten().tolist()
palette = palette + [255] * (256 * 3 - len(palette))
for _idx, output in enumerate(outputs['pred']):
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
img_pred = outputs['pred_patch']['rgb_pred'][_idx]
img_gt = inputs.image[_idx]
img_mask = inputs.backbone_masking_info.task_masks.rgb
img_nh = inputs.adapter_output_rgb.N_H
img_nw = inputs.adapter_output_rgb.N_W
# TODO: reconstruct img and patch.
gt = np.array(
[inputs["height"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device), inputs["width"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device)]).astype(
raise OSError("Height and width are not recorded during dataloading!")
# import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
par_pred_size = par_pred.size()
gt_h, gt_w = gt[-2], gt[-1]
if par_pred_size[-2] != gt_h or par_pred_size[-1] != gt_w:
par_pred = F.upsample(par_pred.unsqueeze(0), (gt_h, gt_w), mode='bilinear')
output = par_pred[0].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
output = par_pred.argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
pred = np.array(output, dtype=np.int64)
png_img = Image.fromarray(np.array(pred).astype(np.uint8))
img_name = inputs['filename'][_idx]
# TODO auto postfix exchanging
if img_name[-4:] in ['.jpg', '.png', '.JPG']:
save_png_name = img_name.replace(img_name[-4:], '.png')
elif '.' not in img_name[-4:]:
save_png_name = img_name + '.png'
dir_path = '/'.join(img_name.split('/')[:-1])
dir_path = os.path.join(save_dir, dir_path)
os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True), save_png_name))
def combine_pseudo_labels(self, save_dir=None):
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
inputs: the inputs to a model.
It is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an image and
contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name".
outputs: the outputs of a model. It is either list of semantic segmentation predictions
(Tensor [H, W]) or list of dicts with key "sem_seg" that contains semantic
segmentation prediction in the same format.
for _idx, output in enumerate(outputs['pred']):
# par_pred = outputs["sem_seg"][_idx]
gt = np.array(inputs["gt"][_idx].to(self._cpu_device)).astype(np.int64)
gt = inputs["gt"][_idx].data.astype(np.int64)
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
par_pred = output["sem_seg"]
par_pred = par_pred[:self._num_classes] # remove the ignore idx
par_pred_size = par_pred.size()
gt_h, gt_w = gt.shape[-2], gt.shape[-1]
if par_pred_size[-2] != gt_h or par_pred_size[-1] != gt_w:
par_pred = F.upsample(par_pred.unsqueeze(0), (gt_h, gt_w), mode='bilinear')
output = par_pred[0].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
output = par_pred.argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
pred = np.array(output, dtype=np.int64)
if len(pred.shape) != 2:
import pdb;
# pdb.set_trace()
self._conf_matrix += self.get_confusion_matrix(gt, pred, self._num_classes, self._ignore_label).astype(
def get_confusion_matrix(self, seg_gt, seg_pred, num_class, ignore=-1):
import time
start = time.time()
ignore_index = seg_gt != ignore
seg_gt = seg_gt[ignore_index]
seg_pred = seg_pred[ignore_index]
import pdb;
index = (seg_gt * num_class + seg_pred).astype('int32')
label_count = np.bincount(index)
confusion_matrix = np.zeros((num_class, num_class))
for i_label in range(num_class):
for i_pred in range(num_class):
cur_index = i_label * num_class + i_pred
if cur_index < len(label_count):
i_pred] = label_count[cur_index]
return confusion_matrix
def all_gather(data, group=0):
assert dist.get_world_size() == 1, f"distributed eval unsupported yet, uncertain if we can use torch.dist with link jointly"
if dist.get_world_size() == 1:
return [data]
# output = [None for _ in range(dist.get_world_size())]
# dist.all_gather_object(output, data, group=group)
# return output
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
tensors_gather = [torch.ones_like(data) for _ in range(world_size)]
dist.all_gather(tensors_gather, data, group=group)
return tensors_gather
def evaluate(self):
:return: mean_IoU, IoU_array, pixel_acc, mean_acc
if self._distributed:
conf_matrix_list = self.all_gather(self._conf_matrix)
# self._predictions = self.all_gather(self._predictions)
# self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions))
if dist.get_rank() != 0:
self._conf_matrix = np.zeros_like(self._conf_matrix)
for conf_matrix in conf_matrix_list:
self._conf_matrix += conf_matrix
# if self._output_dir:
# os.makedirs(self._output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "humam_parsing_predictions.json")
# with open(file_path, "w") as f:
# f.write(json.dumps(self._predictions))
acc = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
iou = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
tp = self._conf_matrix.diagonal().astype(np.float64)
pos_gt = np.sum(self._conf_matrix, axis=0).astype(np.float64)
# class_weights = pos_gt / np.sum(pos_gt)
pos_pred = np.sum(self._conf_matrix, axis=1).astype(np.float64)
acc_valid = pos_gt > 0
acc[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / pos_gt[acc_valid]
iou_valid = (pos_gt + pos_pred) > 0
union = pos_gt + pos_pred - tp
iou[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / union[acc_valid]
macc = np.sum(acc[acc_valid]) / np.sum(acc_valid)
miou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid]) / np.sum(iou_valid)
# fiou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid] * class_weights[acc_valid])
pacc = np.sum(tp) / np.sum(pos_gt)
res = {}
res["mIoU"] = 100 * miou
# res["fwIoU"] = 100 * fiou
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res["IoU-{}".format(name)] = 100 * iou[i]
res["mACC"] = 100 * macc
res["pACC"] = 100 * pacc
for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
res["ACC-{}".format(name)] = 100 * acc[i]
if self._output_dir:
file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "human_parsing_evaluation.pth")
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:, f)
results = OrderedDict({"human_parsing": res})
return results
def encode_json_sem_seg(self, sem_seg, input_file_name):
Convert semantic segmentation to COCO stuff format with segments encoded as RLEs.
json_list = []
for label in np.unique(sem_seg):
if self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id is not None:
assert (
label in self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id
), "Label {} is not in the metadata info for {}".format(label, self._dataset_name)
dataset_id = self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id[label]
dataset_id = int(label)
mask = (sem_seg == label).astype(np.uint8)
mask_rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask[:, :, None], order="F"))[0]
mask_rle["counts"] = mask_rle["counts"].decode("utf-8")
{"file_name": input_file_name, "category_id": dataset_id, "segmentation": mask_rle}
return json_list