toto10's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub (#1)
// Utility functions to select text areas the script should work on,
// including third party options.
// Supported third party options so far:
// - Dataset Tag Editor
// Core text area selectors
const core = [
"#txt2img_prompt > label > textarea",
"#img2img_prompt > label > textarea",
"#txt2img_neg_prompt > label > textarea",
"#img2img_neg_prompt > label > textarea"
// Third party text area selectors
const thirdParty = {
"dataset-tag-editor": {
"base": "#tab_dataset_tag_editor_interface",
"hasIds": false,
"selectors": [
"Caption of Selected Image",
"Interrogate Result",
"Edit Caption",
"Edit Tags"
"image browser": {
"base": "#tab_image_browser",
"hasIds": false,
"selectors": [
"Filename keyword search",
"EXIF keyword search"
"tab_tagger": {
"base": "#tab_tagger",
"hasIds": false,
"selectors": [
"Additional tags (split by comma)",
"Exclude tags (split by comma)"
"tiled-diffusion-t2i": {
"base": "#txt2img_script_container",
"hasIds": true,
"onDemand": true,
"selectors": [
"[id^=MD-t2i][id$=prompt] textarea",
"[id^=MD-t2i][id$=prompt] input[type='text']"
"tiled-diffusion-i2i": {
"base": "#img2img_script_container",
"hasIds": true,
"onDemand": true,
"selectors": [
"[id^=MD-i2i][id$=prompt] textarea",
"[id^=MD-i2i][id$=prompt] input[type='text']"
function getTextAreas() {
// First get all core text areas
let textAreas = [...gradioApp().querySelectorAll(core.join(", "))];
for (const [key, entry] of Object.entries(thirdParty)) {
if (entry.hasIds) { // If the entry has proper ids, we can just select them
textAreas = textAreas.concat([...gradioApp().querySelectorAll(entry.selectors.join(", "))]);
} else { // Otherwise, we have to find the text areas by their adjacent labels
let base = gradioApp().querySelector(entry.base);
// Safety check
if (!base) continue;
let allTextAreas = [...base.querySelectorAll("textarea, input[type='text']")];
// Filter the text areas where the adjacent label matches one of the selectors
let matchingTextAreas = allTextAreas.filter(ta => [...ta.parentElement.childNodes].some(x => entry.selectors.includes(x.innerText)));
textAreas = textAreas.concat(matchingTextAreas);
return textAreas;
function addOnDemandObservers(setupFunction) {
for (const [key, entry] of Object.entries(thirdParty)) {
if (!entry.onDemand) continue;
let base = gradioApp().querySelector(entry.base);
if (!base) continue;
let accordions = [...base?.querySelectorAll(".gradio-accordion")];
if (!accordions) continue;
accordions.forEach(acc => {
let accObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
let newChildren = mutation.addedNodes;
if (!newChildren) {
newChildren.forEach(child => {
if (child.classList.contains("gradio-accordion") || child.querySelector(".gradio-accordion")) {
let newAccordions = [...child.querySelectorAll(".gradio-accordion")];
newAccordions.forEach(nAcc => accObserver.observe(nAcc, { childList: true }));
if (entry.hasIds) { // If the entry has proper ids, we can just select them
[...gradioApp().querySelectorAll(entry.selectors.join(", "))].forEach(x => setupFunction(x));
} else { // Otherwise, we have to find the text areas by their adjacent labels
let base = gradioApp().querySelector(entry.base);
// Safety check
if (!base) continue;
let allTextAreas = [...base.querySelectorAll("textarea, input[type='text']")];
// Filter the text areas where the adjacent label matches one of the selectors
let matchingTextAreas = allTextAreas.filter(ta => [...ta.parentElement.childNodes].some(x => entry.selectors.includes(x.innerText)));
matchingTextAreas.forEach(x => setupFunction(x));
accObserver.observe(acc, { childList: true });
const thirdPartyIdSet = new Set();
// Get the identifier for the text area to differentiate between positive and negative
function getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea) {
let txt2img_p = gradioApp().querySelector('#txt2img_prompt > label > textarea');
let txt2img_n = gradioApp().querySelector('#txt2img_neg_prompt > label > textarea');
let img2img_p = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_prompt > label > textarea');
let img2img_n = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_neg_prompt > label > textarea');
let modifier = "";
switch (textArea) {
case txt2img_p:
modifier = ".txt2img.p";
case txt2img_n:
modifier = ".txt2img.n";
case img2img_p:
modifier = ".img2img.p";
case img2img_n:
modifier = ".img2img.n";
// If the text area is not a core text area, it must be a third party text area
// Add it to the set of third party text areas and get its index as a unique identifier
if (!thirdPartyIdSet.has(textArea))
modifier = `.thirdParty.ta${[...thirdPartyIdSet].indexOf(textArea)}`;
return modifier;