import { Matrix4, Quaternion, Vector3, Object3D } from 'three' |
export interface IKS { |
effector: Object3D |
iteration: number |
links: Array<{ |
enabled: boolean |
index: Object3D |
limitation?: Vector3 |
rotationMin?: Vector3 |
rotationMax?: Vector3 |
}> |
minAngle: number |
maxAngle: number |
target: Object3D |
} |
const _q = new Quaternion() |
const _targetPos = new Vector3() |
const _targetVec = new Vector3() |
const _effectorPos = new Vector3() |
const _effectorVec = new Vector3() |
const _linkPos = new Vector3() |
const _invLinkQ = new Quaternion() |
const _linkScale = new Vector3() |
const _axis = new Vector3() |
const _vector = new Vector3() |
const _matrix = new Matrix4() |
export class CCDIKSolver { |
iks: IKS[] |
constructor(iks: IKS[] = []) { |
this.iks = iks |
this._valid() |
} |
update() { |
const iks = this.iks |
for (let i = 0, il = iks.length; i < il; i++) { |
this.updateOne(iks[i]) |
} |
return this |
} |
updateOne(ik: IKS) { |
const bones = ik.links.map((i) => i.index) |
const math = Math |
const effector = ik.effector |
const target = ik.target |
_targetPos.setFromMatrixPosition(target.matrixWorld) |
const links = ik.links |
const iteration = ik.iteration !== undefined ? ik.iteration : 1 |
for (let i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { |
let rotated = false |
for (let j = 0, jl = links.length; j < jl; j++) { |
const link = bones[j] |
if (links[j].enabled === false) break |
const limitation = links[j].limitation |
const rotationMin = links[j].rotationMin |
const rotationMax = links[j].rotationMax |
link.matrixWorld.decompose(_linkPos, _invLinkQ, _linkScale) |
_invLinkQ.invert() |
_effectorPos.setFromMatrixPosition(effector.matrixWorld) |
_effectorVec.subVectors(_effectorPos, _linkPos) |
_effectorVec.applyQuaternion(_invLinkQ) |
_effectorVec.normalize() |
_targetVec.subVectors(_targetPos, _linkPos) |
_targetVec.applyQuaternion(_invLinkQ) |
_targetVec.normalize() |
let angle = _targetVec.dot(_effectorVec) |
if (angle > 1.0) { |
angle = 1.0 |
} else if (angle < -1.0) { |
angle = -1.0 |
} |
angle = math.acos(angle) |
if (angle < 1e-5) continue |
if (ik.minAngle !== undefined && angle < ik.minAngle) { |
angle = ik.minAngle |
} |
if (ik.maxAngle !== undefined && angle > ik.maxAngle) { |
angle = ik.maxAngle |
} |
_axis.crossVectors(_effectorVec, _targetVec) |
_axis.normalize() |
_q.setFromAxisAngle(_axis, angle) |
link.quaternion.multiply(_q) |
if (limitation !== undefined) { |
let c = link.quaternion.w |
if (c > 1.0) c = 1.0 |
const c2 = math.sqrt(1 - c * c) |
link.quaternion.set( |
limitation.x * c2, |
limitation.y * c2, |
limitation.z * c2, |
c |
) |
} |
if (rotationMin !== undefined) { |
link.rotation.setFromVector3( |
_vector.setFromEuler(link.rotation).max(rotationMin) |
) |
} |
if (rotationMax !== undefined) { |
link.rotation.setFromVector3( |
_vector.setFromEuler(link.rotation).min(rotationMax) |
) |
} |
link.updateMatrixWorld(true) |
rotated = true |
} |
if (!rotated) break |
} |
return this |
} |
_valid() { |
const iks = this.iks |
for (let i = 0, il = iks.length; i < il; i++) { |
const ik = iks[i] |
const effector = ik.effector |
const links = ik.links |
let link0, link1 |
link0 = effector |
for (let j = 0, jl = links.length; j < jl; j++) { |
link1 = links[j].index |
if (link0.parent !== link1) { |
console.warn( |
'THREE.CCDIKSolver: bone ' + |
link0.name + |
' is not the child of bone ' + |
link1.name |
) |
} |
link0 = link1 |
} |
} |
} |
} |