(defvar festival_version "unknown" |
"festival_version |
A string containing the current version number of the system.") |
(defvar festival_version_number '(x x x) |
"festival_version_number |
A list of major, minor and subminor version numbers of the current |
system. e.g. (1 0 12).") |
(define (apply_method method utt) |
"(apply_method METHOD UTT) |
Apply the appropriate function to utt defined in parameter." |
(let ((method_val (Parameter.get method))) |
(cond |
((null method_val) |
nil) |
((and (symbol? method_val) (symbol-bound? method_val)) |
(apply (symbol-value method_val) (list utt))) |
((member (typeof method_val) '(subr closure)) |
(apply method_val (list utt))) |
(t |
nil)))) |
(define (require_module l) |
"(require_module l) |
Check that certain compile-time modules are included in this installation. |
l may be a single atom or list of atoms. Each item in l must appear in |
*modules* otherwise an error is throw." |
(if (consp l) |
(mapcar require_module l) |
(if (not (member_string l *modules*)) |
(error (format nil "module %s required, but not compiled in this installation\n" l)))) |
t) |
(define (utt.features utt relname func_list) |
Get vectors of feature values for each item in RELATIONNAME in UTT. |
[see Features]" |
(mapcar |
(lambda (s) |
(mapcar (lambda (f) (item.feat s f)) func_list)) |
(utt.relation.items utt relname))) |
(define (utt.type utt) |
"(utt.type UTT) |
Returns the type of UTT." |
(intern (utt.feat utt 'type))) |
(define (utt.save.segs utt filename) |
"(utt.save.segs UTT FILE) |
Save segments of UTT in a FILE in xlabel format." |
(let ((fd (fopen filename "w"))) |
(format fd "#\n") |
(mapcar |
(lambda (info) |
(format fd "%2.4f 100 %s\n" (car info) (car (cdr info)))) |
(utt.features utt 'Segment '(segment_end name))) |
(fclose fd) |
utt)) |
(define (utt.save.words utt filename) |
"(utt.save.words UTT FILE) |
Save words of UTT in a FILE in xlabel format." |
(let ((fd (fopen filename "w"))) |
(format fd "#\n") |
(mapcar |
(lambda (info) |
(format fd "%2.4f 100 %s\n" (car info) (car (cdr info)))) |
(utt.features utt 'Word '(word_end name))) |
(fclose fd) |
utt)) |
(define (utt.resynth labfile f0file) |
"(utt.resynth LABFILE F0FILE) |
Resynthesize an utterance from a label file and F0 file (in any format |
supported by the Speech Tool Library). This loads, synthesizes and |
plays the utterance." |
(let (u f0 f0_item) |
(set! u (Utterance SegF0)) |
(utt.relation.load u 'Segment labfile) |
(utt.relation.create u 'f0) |
(set! f0 (track.load f0file)) |
(set! f0_item (utt.relation.append u 'f0)) |
(item.set_feat f0_item "name" "f0") |
(item.set_feat f0_item "f0" f0) |
(mapcar |
(lambda (s) |
(cond |
((string-matches (item.name s) "[hH]#") |
(item.set_feat s "name" "pau")) |
((string-matches (item.name s) "#.*") |
(item.set_feat s "name" (string-after (item.name s) "#"))))) |
(utt.relation.items u 'Segment)) |
(Wave_Synth u) |
(utt.play u) |
u)) |
(define (utt.relation.present utt relation) |
"(utt.relation.present UTT RELATIONNAME) |
Returns t if UTT caontains a relation called RELATIONNAME, nil otherwise." |
(if (member_string relation (utt.relationnames utt)) |
t |
nil)) |
(define (utt.relation.leafs utt relation) |
"(utt.relation.leafs UTT RELATIONNAME) |
Returns a list of all the leafs in this relation." |
(let ((leafs nil)) |
(mapcar |
(lambda (i) |
(if (not (item.down (item.relation i relation))) |
(set! leafs (cons i leafs)))) |
(utt.relation.items utt relation)) |
(reverse leafs))) |
(define (utt.relation.first utt relation) |
"(utt.relation.first UTT RELATIONNAME) |
Returns a the first item in this relation." |
(utt.relation utt relation)) |
(define (utt.relation.last utt relation) |
"(utt.relation.last UTT RELATIONNAME) |
Returns a the last item in this relation." |
(let ((i (utt.relation.first utt relation))) |
(while (item.next i) |
(set! i (item.next i))) |
i)) |
(define (item.feat.present item feat) |
"(item.feat.present item feat) |
nil if feat doesn't existing in this item, non-nil otherwise." |
(and item (assoc_string feat (item.features item)))) |
(define (item.relation.append_daughter parent relname daughter) |
"(item.relation.append_daughter parent relname daughter) |
Make add daughter to parent as a new daughter in relname." |
(item.append_daughter (item.relation parent relname) daughter)) |
(define (item.relation.insert si relname newsi direction) |
"(item.relation.insert si relname newsi direction) |
Insert newsi in relation relname with respect to direction. If |
direction is ommited after is assumed, valid directions are after |
before, above and below. Note you should use |
item.relation.append_daughter for tree adjoining. newsi maybe |
a item itself of a LISP description of one." |
(item.insert |
(item.relation si relname) |
newsi |
direction)) |
(define (item.relation.daughters parent relname) |
"(item.relation.daughters parent relname) |
Return a list of all daughters of parent by relname." |
(let ((d1 (item.daughter1 (item.relation parent relname))) |
(daughters)) |
(while d1 |
(set! daughters (cons d1 daughters)) |
(set! d1 (item.next d1))) |
(reverse daughters))) |
(define (item.daughters p) |
"(item.daughters parent) |
Return a list of all daughters of parent." |
(item.relation.daughters p (item.relation.name p))) |
(define (item.relation.parent si relname) |
"(item.relation.parent item relname) |
Return the parent of this item in this relation." |
(item.parent (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.daughter1 si relname) |
"(item.relation.daughter1 item relname) |
Return the first daughter of this item in this relation." |
(item.daughter1 (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.daughter2 si relname) |
"(item.relation.daughter2 item relname) |
Return the second daughter of this item in this relation." |
(item.daughter2 (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.daughtern si relname) |
"(item.relation.daughtern item relname) |
Return the final daughter of this item in this relation." |
(item.daughtern (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.next si relname) |
"(item.relation.next item relname) |
Return the next item in this relation." |
(item.next (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.prev si relname) |
"(item.relation.prev item relname) |
Return the previous item in this relation." |
(item.prev (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.relation.first si relname) |
"(item.relation.first item relname) |
Return the most previous item from this item in this relation." |
(let ((n (item.relation si relname))) |
(while (item.prev n) |
(set! n (item.prev n))) |
n)) |
(define (item.leafs si) |
"(item.relation.leafs item relname) |
Return a list of the leafs of this item in this relation." |
(let ((ls nil) |
(pl (item.first_leaf si)) |
(ll (item.next_leaf (item.last_leaf si)))) |
(while (and pl (not (equal? pl ll))) |
(set! ls (cons pl ls)) |
(set! pl (item.next_leaf pl))) |
(reverse ls))) |
(define (item.relation.leafs si relname) |
"(item.relation.leafs item relname) |
Return a list of the leafs of this item in this relation." |
(item.leafs (item.relation si relname))) |
(define (item.root s) |
"(item.root s) |
Follow parent link until s has no parent." |
(cond |
((item.parent s) |
(item.root (item.parent s))) |
(t s))) |
(define (item.parent_to s relname) |
"(item.parent_to s relname) |
Find the first ancestor of s in its current relation that is also in |
relname. s is treated as an ancestor of itself so if s is in relname |
it is returned. The returned value is in will be in relation relname |
or nil if there isn't one." |
(cond |
((null s) s) |
((member_string relname (item.relations s)) |
(item.relation s relname)) |
(t (item.parent_to (item.parent s) relname)))) |
(define (item.daughter1_to s relname) |
"(item.daughter1_to s relname) |
Follow daughter1 links of s in its current relation until an item |
is found that is also in relname, is s is in relname it is returned. |
The return item is returned in relation relname, or nil if there is |
nothing in relname." |
(cond |
((null s) s) |
((member_string relname (item.relations s)) (item.relation s relname)) |
(t (item.daughter1_to (item.daughter1 s) relname)))) |
(define (item.daughtern_to s relname) |
"(item.daughter1_to s relname) |
Follow daughtern links of s in its current relation until an item |
is found that is also in relname, is s is in relname it is returned. |
The return item is returned in relation relname, or nil if there is |
nothing in relname." |
(cond |
((null s) s) |
((member_string relname (item.relations s)) (item.relation s relname)) |
(t (item.daughtern_to (item.daughtern s) relname)))) |
(define (item.name s) |
"(item.name ITEM) |
Returns the name of ITEM. [see Accessing an utterance]" |
(item.feat s "name")) |
(define (utt.wave utt) |
"(utt.wave UTT) |
Get waveform from wave (R:Wave.first.wave)." |
(item.feat (utt.relation.first utt "Wave") "wave")) |
(define (utt.wave.rescale . args) |
"(utt.wave.rescale UTT FACTOR NORMALIZE) |
Modify the gain of the waveform in UTT by GAIN. If NORMALIZE is |
specified and non-nil the waveform is maximized first." |
(wave.rescale (utt.wave (nth 0 args)) (nth 1 args) (nth 2 args)) |
(nth 0 args)) |
(define (utt.wave.resample utt rate) |
"(utt.wave.resample UTT RATE)\ |
Resample waveform in UTT to RATE (if it is already at that rate it remains |
unchanged)." |
(wave.resample (utt.wave utt) rate) |
utt) |
(define (utt.import.wave . args) |
"(utt.import.wave UTT FILENAME APPEND) |
Load waveform in FILENAME into UTT in R:Wave.first.wave. If APPEND |
is specified and non-nil append this to the current waveform." |
(let ((utt (nth 0 args)) |
(filename (nth 1 args)) |
(append (nth 2 args))) |
(if (and append (member 'Wave (utt.relationnames utt))) |
(wave.append (utt.wave utt) (wave.load filename)) |
(begin |
(utt.relation.create utt 'Wave) |
(item.set_feat |
(utt.relation.append utt 'Wave) |
"wave" |
(wave.load filename)))) |
utt)) |
(define (utt.save.wave . args) |
"(utt.save.wave UTT FILENAME FILETYPE) |
Save waveform in UTT in FILENAME with FILETYPE (if specified) or |
using global parameter Wavefiletype." |
(wave.save |
(utt.wave (nth 0 args)) |
(nth 1 args) |
(nth 2 args)) |
(nth 0 args)) |
(define (utt.play utt) |
"(utt.play UTT) |
Play waveform in utt by current audio method." |
(wave.play (utt.wave utt)) |
utt) |
(define (utt.save.track utt filename relation feature) |
"(utt.save.track utt filename relation feature) |
DEPRICATED use trace.save instead." |
(format stderr "utt.save.track: DEPRICATED use track.save instead\n") |
(track.save |
(item.feat |
(utt.relation.first utt relation) |
feature) |
filename) |
utt) |
(define (utt.import.track utt filename relation fname) |
Load track in FILENAME into UTT in R:RELATION.first.FEATURE_NAME. |
Deletes RELATION if it already exists. (you maybe want to use track.load |
directly rather than this legacy function." |
(utt.relation.create utt relation) |
(item.set_feat |
(utt.relation.append utt relation) |
fname |
(track.load filename)) |
utt) |
(define (wagon_predict item tree) |
"(wagon_predict ITEM TREE) |
Predict with given ITEM and CART tree and return the prediction |
(the last item) rather than whole probability distribution." |
(car (last (wagon item tree)))) |
(define (phone_is_silence phone) |
(member_string |
phone |
(car (cdr (car (PhoneSet.description '(silences))))))) |
(define (phone_feature phone feat) |
"(phone_feature phone feat) |
Return the feature for given phone in current phone set, or 0 |
if it doesn't exist." |
(let ((ph (intern phone))) |
(let ((fnames (cadr (assoc 'features (PhoneSet.description)))) |
(fvals (cdr (assoc ph (cadr (assoc 'phones (PhoneSet.description))))))) |
(while (and fnames (not (string-equal feat (car (car fnames))))) |
(set! fvals (cdr fvals)) |
(set! fnames (cdr fnames))) |
(if fnames |
(car fvals) |
0)))) |
(defvar server_max_clients 10 |
"server_max_clients |
In server mode, the maximum number of clients supported at any one |
time. When more that this number of clients attach simulaneous |
the last ones are denied access. Default value is 10. |
[see Server/client API]") |
(defvar server_port 1314 |
"server_port |
In server mode the inet port number the server will wait for connects |
on. The default value is 1314. [see Server/client API]") |
(defvar server_log_file t |
"server_log_file |
If set to t server log information is printed to standard output |
of the server process. If set to nil no output is given. If set |
to anything else the value is used as the name of file to which |
server log information is appended. Note this value is checked at |
server start time, there is no way a client may change this. |
[see Server/client API]") |
(defvar server_passwd nil |
"server_passwd |
If non-nil clients must send this passwd to the server followed by |
a newline before they can get a connection. It would be normal |
to set this for the particular server task. |
[see Server/client API]") |
(defvar server_access_list '(localhost) |
"server_access_list |
If non-nil this is the exhaustive list of machines and domains |
from which clients may access the server. This is a list of REGEXs |
that client host must match. Remember to add the backslashes before |
the dots. [see Server/client API]") |
(defvar server_deny_list nil |
"server_deny_list |
If non-nil this is a list of machines which are to be denied access |
to the server absolutely, irrespective of any other control features. |
The list is a list of REGEXs that are used to matched the client hostname. |
This list is checked first, then server_access_list, then passwd. |
[see Server/client API]") |
(define (def_feature_docstring fname fdoc) |
"(def_feature_docstring FEATURENAME FEATUREDOC) |
As some feature are used directly of stream items with no |
accompanying feature function, the features are just values on the feature |
list. This function also those features to have an accompanying |
documentation string." |
(let ((fff (assoc fname ff_docstrings))) |
(cond |
(fff |
(set-cdr! fff fdoc)) |
(t |
(set! ff_docstrings (cons (cons fname fdoc) ff_docstrings)))) |
t)) |
(define (linear_regression item model) |
"(linear_regression ITEM MODEL) |
Use linear regression MODEL on ITEM. MODEL consists of a list |
of features, weights and optional map list. E.g. ((Intercept 100) |
(tobi_accent 10 (H* !H*)))." |
(let ((intercept (if (equal? 'Intercept (car (car model))) |
(car (cdr (car model))) 0)) |
(mm (if (equal? 'Intercept (car (car model))) |
(cdr model) model))) |
(apply + |
(cons intercept |
(mapcar |
(lambda (f) |
(let ((ff (item.feat item (car f)))) |
(if (car (cdr (cdr f))) |
(if (member_string ff (car (cdr (cdr f)))) |
(car (cdr f)) |
0) |
(* (parse-number ff) (car (cdr f)))))) |
mm))))) |
(defvar help |
"The Festival Speech Synthesizer System: Help |
Getting Help |
(doc '<SYMBOL>) displays help on <SYMBOL> |
(manual nil) displays manual in local netscape |
C-c return to top level |
C-d or (quit) Exit Festival |
(If compiled with editline) |
M-h displays help on current symbol |
M-s speaks help on current symbol |
M-m displays relevant manula page in local netscape |
TAB Command, symbol and filename completion |
C-p or up-arrow Previous command |
C-b or left-arrow Move back one character |
C-f or right-arrow |
Move forward one character |
Normal Emacs commands work for editing command line |
Doing stuff |
(SayText TEXT) Synthesize text, text should be surrounded by |
double quotes |
(tts FILENAME nil) Say contexts of file, FILENAME should be |
surrounded by double quotes |
(voice_rab_diphone) Select voice (Britsh Male) |
(voice_kal_diphone) Select voice (American Male) |
") |
(define (festival_warranty) |
"(festival_warranty) |
Display Festival's copyright and warranty. [see Copying]" |
(format t |
(string-append |
" The Festival Speech Synthesis System: " |
festival_version |
" |
Centre for Speech Technology Research |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
Copyright (c) 1996-2014 |
All Rights Reserved. |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute |
this software and its documentation without restriction, including |
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to |
permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to |
the following conditions: |
1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of |
conditions and the following disclaimer. |
2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. |
3. Original authors' names are not deleted. |
4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products |
derived from this software without specific prior written |
permission. |
"))) |
(define (intro) |
"(intro) |
Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System." |
(tts (path-append libdir "../examples/intro.text") nil)) |
(define (intro-spanish) |
"(intro-spanish) |
Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System |
in spanish. Spanish voice must already be selected for this." |
(tts (path-append libdir "../examples/spintro.text") nil)) |
(define (na_play FILENAME) |
"(play_wave FILENAME) |
Play given wavefile" |
(utt.play (utt.synth (eval (list 'Utterance 'Wave FILENAME))))) |
(autoload manual-sym "festdoc" "Show appropriate manual section for symbol.") |
(autoload manual "festdoc" "Show manual section.") |
(autoload display "display" "Graphically display utterance.") |
(autoload festtest "festtest" "Run tests of Festival.") |
(defvar diphone_module_hooks nil |
"diphone_module_hooks |
A function or list of functions that will be applied to the utterance |
at the start of the diphone module. It can be used to map segment |
names to those that will be used by the diphone database itself. |
Typical use specifies _ and $ for consonant clusters and syllable |
boundaries, mapping to dark ll's etc. Reduction and tap type |
phenomena should probabaly be done by post lexical rules though the |
distinction is not a clear one.") |
(def_feature_docstring |
'Segment.diphone_phone_name |
"Segment.diphone_phone_name |
This is produced by the diphone module to contain the desired phone |
name for the desired diphone. This adds things like _ if part of |
a consonant or $ to denote syllable boundaries. These are generated |
on a per voice basis by function(s) specified by diphone_module_hooks. |
Identification of dark ll's etc. may also be included. Note this is not |
necessarily the name of the diphone selected as if it is not found |
some of these characters will be removed and fall back values will be |
used.") |
(def_feature_docstring |
'Syllable.stress |
"Syllable.stress |
The lexical stress of the syllable as specified from the lexicon entry |
corresponding to the word related to this syllable.") |
(define (compile_library) |
"(compile_library) |
Compile all the scheme files in the library directory." |
(mapcar |
(lambda (file) |
(format t "compile ... %s\n" file) |
(compile-file (string-before file ".scm"))) |
(list |
"synthesis.scm" "siod.scm" "init.scm" "lexicons.scm" |
"festival.scm" "gsw_diphone.scm" "intonation.scm" "duration.scm" |
"pos.scm" "phrase.scm" "don_diphone.scm" "rab_diphone.scm" |
"voices.scm" "tts.scm" "festdoc.scm" "languages.scm" "token.scm" |
"mbrola.scm" "display.scm" "postlex.scm" "tokenpos.scm" |
"festtest.scm" "cslush.scm" "ducs_cluster.scm" "sucs.scm" |
"web.scm" "cart_aux.scm" |
"lts_nrl.scm" "lts_nrl_us.scm" "email-mode.scm" |
"mrpa_phones.scm" "radio_phones.scm" "holmes_phones.scm" |
"mrpa_durs.scm" "klatt_durs.scm" "gswdurtreeZ.scm" |
"tobi.scm" "f2bf0lr.scm")) |
t) |
(defvar mlsa_alpha_param 0.42) |
(defvar mlsa_beta_param 0.0) |
(provide 'festival) |