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# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only).
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization functions for global alignment
# --------------------------------------------------------
from functools import cache
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
import cv2
import roma
from tqdm import tqdm
from dust3r.utils.geometry import geotrf, inv, get_med_dist_between_poses
from dust3r.post_process import estimate_focal_knowing_depth
from dust3r.viz import to_numpy
from dust3r.cloud_opt.commons import edge_str, i_j_ij, compute_edge_scores
def init_from_known_poses(self, niter_PnP=10, min_conf_thr=3):
device = self.device
# indices of known poses
nkp, known_poses_msk, known_poses = get_known_poses(self)
assert nkp == self.n_imgs, 'not all poses are known'
# get all focals
nkf, _, im_focals = get_known_focals(self)
assert nkf == self.n_imgs
im_pp = self.get_principal_points()
best_depthmaps = {}
# init all pairwise poses
for e, (i, j) in enumerate(tqdm(self.edges)):
i_j = edge_str(i, j)
# find relative pose for this pair
P1 = torch.eye(4, device=device)
msk = self.conf_i[i_j] > min(min_conf_thr, self.conf_i[i_j].min() - 0.1)
_, P2 = fast_pnp(self.pred_j[i_j], float(im_focals[i].mean()),
pp=im_pp[i], msk=msk, device=device, niter_PnP=niter_PnP)
# align the two predicted camera with the two gt cameras
s, R, T = align_multiple_poses(torch.stack((P1, P2)), known_poses[[i, j]])
# normally we have known_poses[i] ~= sRT_to_4x4(s,R,T,device) @ P1
# and geotrf(sRT_to_4x4(1,R,T,device), s*P2[:3,3])
self._set_pose(self.pw_poses, e, R, T, scale=s)
# remember if this is a good depthmap
score = float(self.conf_i[i_j].mean())
if score > best_depthmaps.get(i, (0,))[0]:
best_depthmaps[i] = score, i_j, s
# init all image poses
for n in range(self.n_imgs):
assert known_poses_msk[n]
_, i_j, scale = best_depthmaps[n]
depth = self.pred_i[i_j][:, :, 2]
self._set_depthmap(n, depth * scale)
def init_minimum_spanning_tree(self, **kw):
""" Init all camera poses (image-wise and pairwise poses) given
an initial set of pairwise estimations.
device = self.device
pts3d, _, im_focals, im_poses = minimum_spanning_tree(self.imshapes, self.edges,
self.pred_i, self.pred_j, self.conf_i, self.conf_j, self.im_conf, self.min_conf_thr,
device, has_im_poses=self.has_im_poses, **kw)
return init_from_pts3d(self, pts3d, im_focals, im_poses) # 初始化
def init_from_pts3d(self, pts3d, im_focals, im_poses):
# init poses
nkp, known_poses_msk, known_poses = get_known_poses(self)
if nkp == 1: # 0
raise NotImplementedError("Would be simpler to just align everything afterwards on the single known pose")
elif nkp > 1:
# global rigid SE3 alignment
s, R, T = align_multiple_poses(im_poses[known_poses_msk], known_poses[known_poses_msk])
trf = sRT_to_4x4(s, R, T, device=known_poses.device)
# rotate everything
im_poses = trf @ im_poses
im_poses[:, :3, :3] /= s # undo scaling on the rotation part
for img_pts3d in pts3d:
img_pts3d[:] = geotrf(trf, img_pts3d)
# pw_poses:遍历所有的edge,计算每个edge对应的(即输入dust3r的第一张图片的)相机坐标系转成“世界坐标系”的转换矩阵即P_e
for e, (i, j) in enumerate(self.edges):
i_j = edge_str(i, j)
# compute transform that goes from cam to world
# pred_i:dust3r输出的第一张图片对应的3D点云
s, R, T = rigid_points_registration(self.pred_i[i_j], pts3d[i], conf=self.conf_i[i_j]) # 估计每个edge对应的相机坐标系转成世界坐标系的外参矩阵
self._set_pose(self.pw_poses, e, R, T, scale=s) # pw_poses *****************
# TODO gys:s_factor是什么? take into account the scale normalization
s_factor = self.get_pw_norm_scale_factor()
im_poses[:, :3, 3] *= s_factor # apply downscaling factorS
for img_pts3d in pts3d:
img_pts3d *= s_factor
# init all image poses
if self.has_im_poses:
for i in range(self.n_imgs):
cam2world = im_poses[i]
depth = geotrf(inv(cam2world), pts3d[i])[..., 2] # 将世界坐标系的点pts3d[i]转成相机坐标系
self._set_depthmap(i, depth)
self._set_pose(self.im_poses, i, cam2world) # im_poses ********************
if im_focals[i] is not None:
self._set_focal(i, im_focals[i])
print(' init loss =', float(self()))
def minimum_spanning_tree(imshapes, edges, pred_i, pred_j, conf_i, conf_j, im_conf, min_conf_thr,
device, has_im_poses=True, niter_PnP=10):
n_imgs = len(imshapes)
sparse_graph = -dict_to_sparse_graph(compute_edge_scores(map(i_j_ij, edges), conf_i, conf_j)) # 计算置信度,返回一个矩阵,表示两两图片表示的edge的置信度
msp = sp.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(sparse_graph).tocoo() # 将上面的矩阵转换成最小生成树,因为sparse_graph加了负号,所以这里筛选出来的其实是最大的置信度
# 上面找最小生成树的目的是:为每个图片尽量选一个置信度最大的edge,因为每两两图片之间都存在一个edge
# temp variable to store 3d points
pts3d = [None] * len(imshapes) # 长度为5的空list(输入图片的数量是5)
todo = sorted(zip(, msp.row, msp.col)) # 根据最小生成树选出:平均置信度最大的4个edge(输入图片的数量是5),这4个edge一定包含5张输入图像 ,因为是生成树 # sorted edges
im_poses = [None] * n_imgs
im_focals = [None] * n_imgs
# init with strongest edge
score, i, j = todo.pop() # 这里的socre是compute_edge_scores函数计算出的置信度
print(f' init edge ({i}*,{j}*) {score=}')
i_j = edge_str(i, j)
pts3d[i] = pred_i[i_j].clone() # 置信度最大的edge对应的两张图片的三维点云(对与所有图片,每两张图片经dust3r都会输出两个三维点云)
pts3d[j] = pred_j[i_j].clone()
done = {i, j}
if has_im_poses: #============选择置信度最高edge中的第一张图片的相机坐标系为世界坐标系==============
im_poses[i] = torch.eye(4, device=device) # 4*4的单位矩阵,因为该图片的相机坐标系就是世界坐标系,所以外参矩阵为单位矩阵
im_focals[i] = estimate_focal(pred_i[i_j]) # 3.3 估计内参矩阵
# set initial pointcloud based on pairwise graph
msp_edges = [(i, j)]
while todo:
# each time, predict the next one
score, i, j = todo.pop() # pop把list最后一个元素弹出
if im_focals[i] is None: # 图片i对应的相机内参已经计算过了
im_focals[i] = estimate_focal(pred_i[i_j])
if i in done:
print(f' init edge ({i},{j}*) {score=}')
assert j not in done
# align pred[i] with pts3d[i], and then set j accordingly
i_j = edge_str(i, j)
s, R, T = rigid_points_registration(pred_i[i_j], pts3d[i], conf=conf_i[i_j]) # 3.3 外参估计,s是sigma;直接调用roma工具包实现的
trf = sRT_to_4x4(s, R, T, device) # 存放到4*4的矩阵中,第四行是[0,0,0,1],对应齐次坐标的转换
pts3d[j] = geotrf(trf, pred_j[i_j]) # pred_j[i_j]表示dust3r的输出:图片j在i的相机坐标系下的三维点云
msp_edges.append((i, j))
if has_im_poses and im_poses[i] is None:
im_poses[i] = sRT_to_4x4(1, R, T, device)
elif j in done:
print(f' init edge ({i}*,{j}) {score=}')
assert i not in done
i_j = edge_str(i, j)
s, R, T = rigid_points_registration(pred_j[i_j], pts3d[j], conf=conf_j[i_j]) # 从pred_j[i_j]转换到 pts3d[j]的外参矩阵
trf = sRT_to_4x4(s, R, T, device)
pts3d[i] = geotrf(trf, pred_i[i_j]) # 应用估计出的外参矩阵将相机坐标系的点转成世界坐标系
msp_edges.append((i, j))
if has_im_poses and im_poses[i] is None:
im_poses[i] = sRT_to_4x4(1, R, T, device)
# let's try again later
todo.insert(0, (score, i, j))
if has_im_poses:
# complete all missing informations
pair_scores = list(sparse_graph.values()) # already negative scores: less is best
edges_from_best_to_worse = np.array(list(sparse_graph.keys()))[np.argsort(pair_scores)]
for i, j in edges_from_best_to_worse.tolist():
if im_focals[i] is None:
im_focals[i] = estimate_focal(pred_i[edge_str(i, j)])
for i in range(n_imgs):
if im_poses[i] is None:
msk = im_conf[i] > min_conf_thr # 使用PnP算法估计外参矩阵
res = fast_pnp(pts3d[i], im_focals[i], msk=msk, device=device, niter_PnP=niter_PnP)
if res:
im_focals[i], im_poses[i] = res
if im_poses[i] is None:
im_poses[i] = torch.eye(4, device=device)
im_poses = torch.stack(im_poses)
im_poses = im_focals = None
return pts3d, msp_edges, im_focals, im_poses # pts3d表示:每个输入的图片在自己的相机坐标系下的三维点经im_poses转换成世界坐标系的点
def dict_to_sparse_graph(dic):
n_imgs = max(max(e) for e in dic) + 1 # 取出照片数量
for e in dic:
a1 = max(e)
a2 = 2
res = sp.dok_array((n_imgs, n_imgs))
for edge, value in dic.items():
res[edge] = value
return res # 将edge中存放的置信度转移到一个n_imgs * n_imgs大小的列表中
def rigid_points_registration(pts1, pts2, conf):
R, T, s = roma.rigid_points_registration( # 调用roma的工具类函数
pts1.reshape(-1, 3), pts2.reshape(-1, 3), weights=conf.ravel(), compute_scaling=True)
return s, R, T # return un-scaled (R, T)
def sRT_to_4x4(scale, R, T, device):
trf = torch.eye(4, device=device) # 单位矩阵
trf[:3, :3] = R * scale
trf[:3, 3] = T.ravel() # doesn't need scaling
return trf # 外参矩阵 3*4
def estimate_focal(pts3d_i, pp=None):
if pp is None:
H, W, THREE = pts3d_i.shape
assert THREE == 3
pp = torch.tensor((W/2, H/2), device=pts3d_i.device)
focal = estimate_focal_knowing_depth(pts3d_i.unsqueeze(0), pp.unsqueeze(
0), focal_mode='weiszfeld', min_focal=0.5, max_focal=3.5).ravel()
return float(focal)
def pixel_grid(H, W):
return np.mgrid[:W, :H].T.astype(np.float32)
def fast_pnp(pts3d, focal, msk, device, pp=None, niter_PnP=10):
# extract camera poses and focals with RANSAC-PnP
if msk.sum() < 4:
return None # we need at least 4 points for PnP
pts3d, msk = map(to_numpy, (pts3d, msk))
H, W, THREE = pts3d.shape
assert THREE == 3
pixels = pixel_grid(H, W)
if focal is None:
S = max(W, H)
tentative_focals = np.geomspace(S/2, S*3, 21)
tentative_focals = [focal]
if pp is None:
pp = (W/2, H/2)
pp = to_numpy(pp)
best = 0,
for focal in tentative_focals:
K = np.float32([(focal, 0, pp[0]), (0, focal, pp[1]), (0, 0, 1)])
success, R, T, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(pts3d[msk], pixels[msk], K, None,
iterationsCount=niter_PnP, reprojectionError=5, flags=cv2.SOLVEPNP_SQPNP)
if not success:
score = len(inliers)
if success and score > best[0]:
best = score, R, T, focal
if not best[0]:
return None
_, R, T, best_focal = best
R = cv2.Rodrigues(R)[0] # world to cam
R, T = map(torch.from_numpy, (R, T))
return best_focal, inv(sRT_to_4x4(1, R, T, device)) # cam to world
def get_known_poses(self):
if self.has_im_poses:
known_poses_msk = torch.tensor([not (p.requires_grad) for p in self.im_poses])
known_poses = self.get_im_poses()
return known_poses_msk.sum(), known_poses_msk, known_poses
return 0, None, None
def get_known_focals(self):
if self.has_im_poses:
known_focal_msk = self.get_known_focal_mask()
known_focals = self.get_focals()
return known_focal_msk.sum(), known_focal_msk, known_focals
return 0, None, None
def align_multiple_poses(src_poses, target_poses):
N = len(src_poses)
assert src_poses.shape == target_poses.shape == (N, 4, 4)
def center_and_z(poses):
eps = get_med_dist_between_poses(poses) / 100
return[:, :3, 3], poses[:, :3, 3] + eps*poses[:, :3, 2]))
R, T, s = roma.rigid_points_registration(center_and_z(src_poses), center_and_z(target_poses), compute_scaling=True)
return s, R, T