#include <iostream> |
#include <iomanip> |
#include "inference.h" |
#include <filesystem> |
#include <fstream> |
void file_iterator(DCSP_CORE *&p) { |
std::filesystem::path current_path = std::filesystem::current_path(); |
std::filesystem::path imgs_path = current_path / "images"; |
for (auto &i: std::filesystem::directory_iterator(imgs_path)) { |
if (i.path().extension() == ".jpg" || i.path().extension() == ".png" || i.path().extension() == ".jpeg") { |
std::string img_path = i.path().string(); |
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(img_path); |
std::vector<DCSP_RESULT> res; |
p->RunSession(img, res); |
for (auto &re: res) { |
cv::RNG rng(cv::getTickCount()); |
cv::Scalar color(rng.uniform(0, 256), rng.uniform(0, 256), rng.uniform(0, 256)); |
cv::rectangle(img, re.box, color, 3); |
float confidence = floor(100 * re.confidence) / 100; |
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); |
std::string label = p->classes[re.classId] + " " + |
std::to_string(confidence).substr(0, std::to_string(confidence).size() - 4); |
cv::rectangle( |
img, |
cv::Point(re.box.x, re.box.y - 25), |
cv::Point(re.box.x + label.length() * 15, re.box.y), |
color, |
cv::FILLED |
); |
cv::putText( |
img, |
label, |
cv::Point(re.box.x, re.box.y - 5), |
0.75, |
cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), |
2 |
); |
} |
std::cout << "Press any key to exit" << std::endl; |
cv::imshow("Result of Detection", img); |
cv::waitKey(0); |
cv::destroyAllWindows(); |
} |
} |
} |
int read_coco_yaml(DCSP_CORE *&p) { |
std::ifstream file("coco.yaml"); |
if (!file.is_open()) { |
std::cerr << "Failed to open file" << std::endl; |
return 1; |
} |
std::string line; |
std::vector<std::string> lines; |
while (std::getline(file, line)) { |
lines.push_back(line); |
} |
std::size_t start = 0; |
std::size_t end = 0; |
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { |
if (lines[i].find("names:") != std::string::npos) { |
start = i + 1; |
} else if (start > 0 && lines[i].find(':') == std::string::npos) { |
end = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
std::vector<std::string> names; |
for (std::size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { |
std::stringstream ss(lines[i]); |
std::string name; |
std::getline(ss, name, ':'); |
std::getline(ss, name); |
names.push_back(name); |
} |
p->classes = names; |
return 0; |
} |
int main() { |
DCSP_CORE *yoloDetector = new DCSP_CORE; |
std::string model_path = "yolov8n.onnx"; |
read_coco_yaml(yoloDetector); |
#ifdef USE_CUDA |
DCSP_INIT_PARAM params{ model_path, YOLO_ORIGIN_V8, {640, 640}, 0.1, 0.5, true }; |
#else |
DCSP_INIT_PARAM params{model_path, YOLO_ORIGIN_V8, {640, 640}, 0.1, 0.5, false}; |
#endif |
yoloDetector->CreateSession(params); |
file_iterator(yoloDetector); |
} |