from flask import Flask, request, render_template_string, render_template, jsonify, Response | |
import sqlite3 | |
import os | |
import random | |
import requests | |
import time | |
import re | |
import json | |
import base64 | |
import logging | |
import csv | |
import io | |
from urllib.parse import quote | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import pytz | |
from unidecode import unidecode | |
api_key_sys = os.getenv('api_key_sys') | |
# Ваш API-ключ | |
gc_url_gru = os.getenv('gc_url_gru') | |
gc_url_export = os.getenv('gc_url_export') # URL для экспорта данных | |
start_up = os.getenv('start_up') | |
gc_url = os.getenv('gc_url') | |
gc_url_form = os.getenv('gc_url_form') | |
gc_api = os.getenv('gc_api') | |
wa_url = os.getenv('wa_url') | |
wa_api_key = os.getenv('wa_api_key') | |
wa_ak = os.getenv('ws_ak') | |
ws_url_mes = "/sendMessage/" | |
ws_url_ver = "/checkWhatsapp/" | |
up_db = os.getenv('up_db') | |
id_gru = os.getenv('id_gru') | |
date_from = "2022-01-01" | |
export_id = "" | |
code_executed = False | |
status = "active" | |
current_curator_index = 0 | |
verifikation_start = "1" # Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
curator_on_off = "0" # Глобальная переменная для управления назначением куратора | |
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="./") | |
app.config['DEBUG'] = True | |
UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'static' | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) | |
if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): | |
os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER) | |
DATABASES = ['data_gc.db', 'data1.db', 'data2.db', 'data3.db', 'data4.db', 'data5.db'] | |
def init_db(db_name): | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute(''' | |
name TEXT NOT NULL, | |
phone TEXT NOT NULL, | |
email TEXT NOT NULL, | |
vk_id TEXT, | |
chat_id TEXT, | |
ws_st TEXT, | |
ws_stop TEXT, | |
web_st INTEGER, | |
fin_prog INTEGER, | |
b_city TEXT, | |
b_fin TEXT NOT NULL, | |
b_ban TEXT, | |
b_ign TEXT, | |
b_baners TEXT, | |
b_butt TEXT, | |
b_mess TEXT, | |
shop_st TEXT, | |
curator TEXT, | |
pr1 TEXT, | |
pr2 TEXT, | |
pr3 TEXT, | |
pr4 TEXT, | |
pr5 TEXT, | |
gc_url TEXT, | |
key_pr TEXT, | |
n_con TEXT, | |
canal TEXT, | |
data_on TEXT, | |
data_t TEXT, | |
utm_source TEXT, | |
utm_medium TEXT, | |
utm_campaign TEXT, | |
utm_term TEXT, | |
utm_content TEXT, | |
gcpc TEXT | |
) | |
''') | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
for db in DATABASES: | |
init_db(db) | |
template = { | |
"username": "name", | |
"phone": "phone", | |
"email": "email", | |
"city": "b_city", | |
"finished": "b_fin", | |
"ban": "b_ban", | |
"ignore": "b_ign", | |
"banners": "b_baners", | |
"buttons": "b_butt", | |
"messages": "b_mess" | |
} | |
mapping_template = { | |
"username": "name", | |
"phone": "phone", | |
"email": "email", | |
"city": "b_city", | |
"finished": "b_fin", | |
"ban": "b_ban", | |
"ignore": "b_ign", | |
"banners": "b_baners", | |
"buttons": "b_butt", | |
"messages": "b_mess" | |
} | |
mapping_template_cur = { | |
'name': 'Name', | |
'phone': 'Phone', | |
'email': 'Email' | |
} | |
# Функция для выполнения HTTP запросов | |
def fetch(url): | |
try: | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
print(f"GET запрос к {url} выполнен успешно.") | |
return response.json() | |
except requests.RequestException as e: | |
print(f"Ошибка при выполнении GET запроса к {url}: {e}") | |
return None | |
# Функция для отправки оповещения на другой сервер | |
def send_notification(url, data): | |
try: | |
response =, json=data) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
print(f"POST запрос к {url} выполнен успешно.") | |
return response.json() | |
except requests.RequestException as e: | |
print(f"Ошибка при выполнении POST запроса к {url}: {e}") | |
return None | |
# Основная функция для отправки запросов | |
def initialize_requests(): | |
global code_executed, export_id | |
print(f"Функция initialize_requests вызвана. start_up: {start_up}, code_executed: {code_executed}") | |
if start_up == '1' and not code_executed: | |
try: | |
# Первый запрос | |
url_template = f"{gc_url_gru}/{id_gru}/users?key={gc_api}&created_at[from]={date_from}&status={status}" | |
data = fetch(url_template) | |
if data and data.get("success"): | |
export_id = data.get("info", {}).get("export_id", "") | |
print("Export ID:", export_id) # Отладочное сообщение | |
# Отправка оповещения на другой сервер | |
notification_url = "" | |
notification_data = { | |
"message": "Первый запрос был выполнен", | |
"export_id": export_id | |
} | |
notification_response = send_notification(notification_url, notification_data) | |
print("Ответ от сервера оповещения:", notification_response) | |
code_executed = True # Устанавливаем флаг выполнения кода | |
else: | |
raise Exception(f"Ошибка в ответе от сервера: {data.get('error_message') if data else 'Нет данных'}") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Ошибка: {e}") | |
else: | |
print("Системная переменная start_up не равна '1' или код уже выполнялся.") | |
# Маршрут для экспорта пользователя | |
def export_user(): | |
try: | |
export_id = request.args.get('export_id') | |
if not export_id: | |
raise Exception("export_id не найден в параметрах запроса") | |
print(f"Получен export_id: {export_id}") # Отладочное сообщение | |
# Отправка третьего запроса для выгрузки базы данных | |
third_url_template = f"{gc_url_export}/{export_id}?key={gc_api}" | |
response = fetch(third_url_template) | |
if response and response.get("success"): | |
print("Ответ сервера:") | |
print(response) # Вывод ответа сервера в консоль сервера | |
return jsonify(response), 200 | |
else: | |
raise Exception(f"Ошибка в ответе от сервера: {response.get('error_message') if response else 'Нет данных'}") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Ошибка: {e}") # Вывод ошибки в консоль сервера | |
return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500 | |
def send_second_request(export_id): | |
if export_id is None: | |
raise Exception("export_id is None") | |
# Формирование URL для второго запроса | |
export_url_template = f"{export_id}?key=jqgxSMUnHWoKUcxF3MHSb77VUMk7HpFbO9SHnfVYwHtwqe1S81lqeKxrLPoSPWCephtYQuJwMFsCXEFmyByXdruDpDFgf6L7ij66K9ji0Kf2qAIwbTqEyJGB5MOHwyHl" | |
try: | |
response = requests.get(export_url_template) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
return response.json() # Возвращаем JSON-ответ сервера | |
except requests.RequestException as e: | |
raise Exception(f"Ошибка при выполнении запроса: {e}") | |
def load_data_from_json(json_data): | |
if 'info' not in json_data or 'items' not in json_data['info'] or 'fields' not in json_data['info']: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid JSON structure") | |
items = json_data['info']['items'] | |
fields = json_data['info']['fields'] | |
db = 'data_gc.db' # Указываем конкретную базу данных | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
for item in items: | |
user_data = dict(zip(fields, item)) | |
# Проверяем наличие значений для полей и устанавливаем значения по умолчанию, если они отсутствуют | |
user_data.setdefault('vk_id', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('chat_id', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('ws_st', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('ws_stop', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('web_st', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('fin_prog', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_city', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_fin', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_ban', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_ign', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_baners', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_butt', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('b_mess', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('shop_st', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('curator', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('pr1', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('pr2', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('pr3', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('pr4', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('pr5', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('gc_url', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('key_pr', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('n_con', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('canal', '') | |
user_data.setdefault('data_t', '') | |
# Убираем плюс в начале телефона, если он присутствует | |
if 'Телефон' in user_data and user_data['Телефон'].startswith('+'): | |
user_data['Телефон'] = user_data['Телефон'][1:] | |
query = ''' | |
INSERT INTO contacts ( | |
name, phone, email, vk_id, chat_id, ws_st, ws_stop, web_st, fin_prog, b_city, b_fin, b_ban, b_ign, b_baners, b_butt, b_mess, shop_st, pr1, pr2, pr3, pr4, pr5, gc_url, curator, key_pr, n_con, canal, data_t | |
) VALUES ( | |
:Имя, :Телефон, :Email, :vk_id, :chat_id, :ws_st, :ws_stop, :web_st, :fin_prog, :b_city, :b_fin, :b_ban, :b_ign, :b_baners, :b_butt, :b_mess, :shop_st, :pr1, :pr2, :pr3, :pr4, :pr5, :gc_url, :curator, :key_pr, :n_con, :canal, :data_t | |
) | |
''' | |
cursor.execute(query, user_data) | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
def start(): | |
export_id = request.args.get('export_id') | |
api_key_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if export_id is None: | |
return json.dumps({"error": "export_id is required"}), 400 | |
if api_key_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return json.dumps({"error": "Unauthorized access"}), 403 | |
try: | |
json_data = send_second_request(export_id) | |
load_data_from_json(json_data) | |
return "Data loaded successfully", 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500 | |
def randomize_message(template): | |
def replace_placeholder(match): | |
options ='|') | |
return random.choice(options) | |
return re.sub(r'\{([^}]+)\}', replace_placeholder, template) | |
def clean_phone_number(phone): | |
if phone.startswith('+'): | |
return phone[1:] | |
return phone | |
def send_message(chat_id, message): | |
#base_url = os.getenv('wa_url') | |
#api_key = os.getenv('wa_api_key') | |
full_url = f"{wa_url}{wa_ak}{ws_url_mes}{wa_api_key}" | |
payload = { | |
"chatId": chat_id, | |
"message": message | |
} | |
headers = { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json' | |
} | |
response = requests.request("POST", full_url, headers=headers, json=payload) | |
try: | |
response_json = response.json() | |
except ValueError: | |
response_json = {"error": "Invalid JSON response"} | |
return response_json | |
def check_and_send_mailings(mesage_db1, clean_db): | |
try: | |
results = [] | |
for database in DATABASES: | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(database) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT name, phone FROM contacts') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
conn.close() | |
for contact in contacts: | |
name = contact[0] | |
chat_id = f"{clean_phone_number(contact[1])}" | |
message = randomize_message(mesage_db1) | |
message = message.replace('[[nemes]]', name) # Подстановка имени | |
send_result = send_message(chat_id, message) | |
results.append({ | |
"chat_id": chat_id, | |
"message": message, | |
"result": send_result | |
}) | |
if clean_db == '1': | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(database) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM contacts') | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
return jsonify({"status": "success", "results": results}), 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error sending mailings: {e}") | |
return jsonify({"status": "error", "message": str(e)}), 500 | |
#С проверкой sys | |
def start_mailings(): | |
mesage_db1 = request.args.get('mesage') | |
clean_db = request.args.get('clean_db') | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if not mesage_db1: | |
return "Parameter 'mesage' is required.", 400 | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return check_and_send_mailings(mesage_db1, clean_db) | |
def show_data_gc(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data_gc.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT name, phone, email FROM contacts') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts') | |
total_users = cursor.fetchone()[0] | |
conn.close() | |
return render_template('data_gc.html', contacts=contacts, total_users=total_users) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error showing contacts: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
def show_data_ras(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data1.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT name, phone, email FROM contacts') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts') | |
total_users = cursor.fetchone()[0] | |
conn.close() | |
return render_template('data_ras.html', contacts=contacts, total_users=total_users) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error showing contacts: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
def data_gc_tab(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('data_gc_tab.html') | |
def data_gc_tab_out(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data_gc.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute(''' | |
SELECT id, name, phone, email, vk_id, chat_id, ws_st, ws_stop, web_st, fin_prog, | |
b_city, b_fin, b_ban, b_ign, b_baners, b_butt, b_mess, shop_st, curator, | |
pr1, pr2, pr3, pr4, pr5, gc_url, key_pr, n_con, canal, data_on, data_t, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content, gcpc | |
FROM contacts | |
''') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
conn.close() | |
contacts_json = [{ | |
'id': contact[0], 'name': contact[1], 'phone': contact[2], 'email': contact[3], | |
'vk_id': contact[4], 'chat_id': contact[5], 'ws_st': contact[6], 'ws_stop': contact[7], | |
'web_st': contact[8], 'fin_prog': contact[9], 'b_city': contact[10], 'b_fin': contact[11], | |
'b_ban': contact[12], 'b_ign': contact[13], 'b_baners': contact[14], 'b_butt': contact[15], | |
'b_mess': contact[16], 'shop_st': contact[17], 'curator': contact[18], 'pr1': contact[19], | |
'pr2': contact[20], 'pr3': contact[21], 'pr4': contact[22], 'pr5': contact[23], | |
'gc_url': contact[24], 'key_pr': contact[25], 'n_con': contact[26], 'canal': contact[27],'data_on': contact[28], | |
'data_t': contact[29],'utm_source': contact[30], 'utm_medium': contact[31], 'utm_campaign': contact[32], | |
'utm_term': contact[33], 'utm_content': contact[34], 'gcpc': contact[34] | |
} for contact in contacts] | |
return jsonify(contacts_json), 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
error_message = f"Error getting data from data_gc: {e}" | |
print(error_message) | |
return error_message, 500 | |
DATABASE_NAME = 'data_gc.db' | |
def update_or_insert_user(db_name, user_data, mapping_template): | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
# Получение email пользователя из данных | |
email = user_data.get('email') | |
if not email: | |
logging.error(f"User data missing email: {user_data}") | |
return | |
logging.debug(f"Processing user with email: {email}") | |
# Проверка существования пользователя в базе данных по email | |
cursor.execute("SELECT web_st FROM contacts WHERE email = ?", (email,)) | |
user = cursor.fetchone() | |
logging.debug(f"User found: {user}") | |
# Вынесение увеличения значения web_st в отдельный блок | |
web_st_value = 1 # Инициализация значения web_st | |
if user: | |
# Проверка текущего значения web_st и его инкрементация | |
current_web_st = user[0] if user[0] is not None and user[0] != "" else 0 | |
web_st_value = int(current_web_st) + 1 | |
logging.debug(f"Calculated web_st_value: {web_st_value}") | |
# Обновление значения web_st | |
cursor.execute("UPDATE contacts SET web_st = ? WHERE email = ?", (web_st_value, email)) | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
logging.debug(f"User {email} web_st updated to {web_st_value}") | |
else: | |
conn.close() | |
logging.debug(f"User {email} not found, proceeding with insert") | |
# Открываем соединение снова для остальных операций | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
# Преобразование данных пользователя на основе шаблона сопоставления | |
transformed_data = {} | |
for json_key, db_column in mapping_template.items(): | |
value = user_data.get(json_key, "") | |
if isinstance(value, list): | |
# Проверяем тип элементов списка | |
if all(isinstance(item, str) for item in value): | |
transformed_data[db_column] = "; ".join(value) # Сохраняем сообщения в строку | |
else: | |
logging.error(f"Expected list of strings for key {json_key}, but got: {value}") | |
transformed_data[db_column] = "" | |
else: | |
transformed_data[db_column] = str(value) | |
logging.debug(f"Transformed data: {transformed_data}") | |
# Заполнение обязательных полей значениями по умолчанию | |
required_fields = [ | |
"vk_id", "chat_id", "ws_st", "ws_stop", "web_st", "fin_prog", | |
"b_city", "b_fin", "b_ban", "b_ign", "b_baners", "b_butt", "b_mess", | |
"shop_st", "curator", "pr1", "pr2", "pr3", "pr4", "pr5", "gc_url", | |
"key_pr", "n_con", "canal", "data_on", "data_t", 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'gcpc' | |
] | |
for field in required_fields: | |
if field not in transformed_data: | |
transformed_data[field] = "" | |
logging.debug(f"Transformed data after adding required fields: {transformed_data}") | |
# Обработка номера телефона, если он есть | |
if 'phone' in user_data: | |
phone = user_data['phone'] | |
if phone.startswith('+'): | |
phone = phone[1:] | |
transformed_data['phone'] = phone | |
logging.debug(f"Transformed data after phone processing: {transformed_data}") | |
# Добавление значения web_st в данные для вставки | |
transformed_data['web_st'] = web_st_value | |
# Обновление данных пользователя в базе данных | |
if user: | |
update_query = "UPDATE contacts SET " | |
update_values = [] | |
for column, value in transformed_data.items(): | |
update_query += f"{column} = ?, " | |
update_values.append(value) | |
update_query = update_query.rstrip(", ") + " WHERE email = ?" | |
update_values.append(email) | |
logging.debug(f"Update query: {update_query} with values: {update_values}") | |
cursor.execute(update_query, update_values) | |
else: | |
columns = ', '.join(transformed_data.keys()) | |
placeholders = ', '.join('?' for _ in transformed_data) | |
insert_query = f"INSERT INTO contacts ({columns}) VALUES ({placeholders})" | |
insert_values = list(transformed_data.values()) | |
logging.debug(f"Insert query: {insert_query} with values: {insert_values}") | |
cursor.execute(insert_query, insert_values) | |
# Подтверждение изменений и закрытие соединения | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
logging.debug(f"User with email {email} processed successfully") | |
def send_request(): | |
token = request.form.get('token') | |
min_date = request.form.get('minDate') | |
type = request.form.get('type') | |
url = f'{min_date}&type={type}' | |
response = requests.get(url, headers={'X-Token': token}) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
webinar_ids = [item['webinarId'] for item in data['list']] | |
return jsonify(webinar_ids) | |
else: | |
return jsonify({'error': 'Failed to fetch data from the API'}), response.status_code | |
def send_get_request(): | |
token = request.args.get('token') | |
webinarId = request.args.get('webinarId') | |
url = f'{webinarId}' | |
try: | |
response = requests.get(url, headers={'X-Token': token}) | |
response.raise_for_status() # Проверка на ошибки HTTP | |
data = response.json() | |
# Убедитесь, что report существует в данных | |
if data is None or 'report' not in data: | |
return jsonify({'error': 'No report data found'}), 500 | |
report = data.get('report', {}) | |
messages = data.get('messages', {}) | |
# Проверка на None перед использованием | |
if report is None: | |
return jsonify({'error': 'No report data found in the response'}), 500 | |
report_json_str = report.get('report', '{}') | |
try: | |
report_json = json.loads(report_json_str) | |
except json.JSONDecodeError: | |
report_json = {} | |
messages_json_str = report.get('messages', '{}') | |
try: | |
messages_json = json.loads(messages_json_str) | |
except json.JSONDecodeError: | |
messages_json = {} | |
users_meta = report_json.get('usersMeta', {}) | |
processed_emails = set() | |
for user_id, user_data in users_meta.items(): | |
user_messages = messages_json.get(user_id, []) | |
user_data['messages'] = user_messages | |
email = user_data.get('email') | |
if email and email not in processed_emails: | |
update_or_insert_user(DATABASE_NAME, user_data, mapping_template) | |
processed_emails.add(email) | |
return jsonify({'status': 'User data saved successfully'}) | |
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: | |
return jsonify({'error': f'API request failed: {str(e)}'}), 500 | |
api_bz = "SkrIONpr3ByeSIuEaBhr1bB8u4aBhSJfH8uEpB2rk7rI_ETrn" | |
def webhookbz(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
data = request.json | |
webinar_id = data.get('webinarId') | |
if not webinar_id: | |
return jsonify({'error': 'webinarId is required'}), 400 | |
url = f'{webinar_id}' | |
response = requests.get(url, headers={'X-Token': api_key_sys}) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
report = data.get('report', {}) | |
messages = data.get('messages', {}) | |
report_json_str = report.get('report', '{}') | |
try: | |
report_json = json.loads(report_json_str) | |
except json.JSONDecodeError: | |
report_json = {} | |
messages_json_str = report.get('messages', '{}') | |
try: | |
messages_json = json.loads(messages_json_str) | |
except json.JSONDecodeError: | |
messages_json = {} | |
users_meta = report_json.get('usersMeta', {}) | |
processed_emails = set() | |
for user_id, user_data in users_meta.items(): | |
user_messages = messages_json.get(user_id, []) | |
user_data['messages'] = user_messages | |
email = user_data.get('email') | |
if email and email not in processed_emails: | |
update_or_insert_user(DATABASE_NAME, user_data, mapping_template) | |
processed_emails.add(email) | |
return jsonify({'status': 'User data saved successfully'}) | |
else: | |
return jsonify({'error': 'Failed to fetch data from the API'}), response.status_code | |
def biz_v(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('biz_v.html') | |
def veref(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('ver.html') | |
def se_mes(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes.html') | |
def se_mes_im(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_im.html') | |
def se_mes_ran(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_ran.html') | |
def se_mes_im_ran(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_im_ran.html') | |
def se_mes_im2(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_im2.html') | |
def se_mes_f(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_f.html') | |
def up_gr(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('up_gr.html') | |
def up_user_gp(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('up_user_gp.html') | |
def del_user_gp(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('del_user_gp.html') | |
def up_ad(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('up_ad.html') | |
def del_ad(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('del_ad.html') | |
def se_opr(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_opr.html') | |
def online(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('online.html') | |
def se_mes_f_gc(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('se_mes_f_gc.html') | |
def bas_vk_otob(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('bas_vk_tab.html') | |
def bas_pages_gen(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('pages_gen.html') | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
def total_users(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
total_users_gc = 0 | |
total_users_ras = 0 | |
conn_gc = sqlite3.connect('data_gc.db') | |
cursor_gc = conn_gc.cursor() | |
cursor_gc.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts') | |
total_users_gc = cursor_gc.fetchone()[0] | |
conn_gc.close() | |
conn_ras = sqlite3.connect('data1.db') | |
cursor_ras = conn_ras.cursor() | |
cursor_ras.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts') | |
total_users_ras = cursor_ras.fetchone()[0] | |
conn_ras.close() | |
return jsonify({ | |
"total_users_gc": total_users_gc, | |
"total_users_ras": total_users_ras | |
}), 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error getting total users: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
def all_users_gc(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data_gc.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT name, phone, email FROM contacts') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
conn.close() | |
return jsonify(contacts), 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error getting all users from data_gc: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
def all_users_ras(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data1.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT name, phone, email FROM contacts') | |
contacts = cursor.fetchall() | |
conn.close() | |
return jsonify(contacts), 200 | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error getting all users from data_ras: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
def gc_db_no_email(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
# Чтение параметров из GET-запроса | |
name_d = request.args.get('name', '') | |
phone_d = request.args.get('phone', '') | |
pr1_d = request.args.get('pr1', '') | |
pr2_d = request.args.get('pr2', '') | |
pr3_d = request.args.get('pr3', '') | |
# Проверка базы данных на наличие email по номеру телефона | |
conn = sqlite3.connect('data_gc.db') | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute('SELECT email FROM contacts WHERE phone = ?', (phone_d,)) | |
result = cursor.fetchone() | |
email_d = result[0] if result else '' | |
conn.close() | |
# Формирование JSON | |
json_data = { | |
"user": { | |
"email": email_d, | |
"phone": phone_d, | |
"first_name": name_d, | |
"addfields": { | |
"pr1": pr1_d, | |
"pr2": pr2_d, | |
"pr3": pr3_d | |
} | |
}, | |
"system": { | |
"refresh_if_exists": 1 | |
}, | |
"session": { | |
"utm_source": "", | |
"utm_medium": "", | |
"utm_content": "", | |
"utm_campaign": "", | |
"utm_group": "", | |
"gcpc": "", | |
"gcao": "", | |
"referer": "" | |
} | |
} | |
# Конвертация JSON в Base64 | |
json_str = json.dumps(json_data) | |
params_d = base64.b64encode(json_str.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') | |
# Данные для отправки в теле запроса | |
data = { | |
'key': gc_api, | |
'action': 'add', | |
'params': params_d | |
} | |
# Отправка POST-запроса с данными в формате "form-data" | |
response =, data=data) | |
# Возвращаем ответ от тестового адреса | |
return { | |
'status_code': response.status_code, | |
'response_body': response.text | |
} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error in gc_db_no_email: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
def gc_db_email(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
# Чтение параметров из GET-запроса | |
name_d = request.args.get('name', '') | |
email_d = request.args.get('email', '') | |
phone_d = request.args.get('phone', '') | |
pr1_d = request.args.get('pr1', '') | |
pr2_d = request.args.get('pr2', '') | |
pr3_d = request.args.get('pr3', '') | |
# Формирование JSON | |
json_data = { | |
"user": { | |
"email": email_d, | |
"phone": phone_d, | |
"first_name": name_d, | |
"addfields": { | |
"pr1": pr1_d, | |
"pr2": pr2_d, | |
"pr3": pr3_d | |
} | |
}, | |
"system": { | |
"refresh_if_exists": 1 | |
}, | |
"session": { | |
"utm_source": "", | |
"utm_medium": "", | |
"utm_content": "", | |
"utm_campaign": "", | |
"utm_group": "", | |
"gcpc": "", | |
"gcao": "", | |
"referer": "" | |
} | |
} | |
# Конвертация JSON в Base64 | |
json_str = json.dumps(json_data) | |
params_d = base64.b64encode(json_str.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') | |
# Данные для отправки в теле запроса | |
data = { | |
'key': gc_api, | |
'action': action_d, | |
'params': params_d | |
} | |
# Отправка POST-запроса с данными в формате "form-data" | |
response =, data=data) | |
# Возвращаем ответ от тестового адреса | |
return { | |
'status_code': response.status_code, | |
'response_body': response.text | |
} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error in gc_db_email: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
def gc_forms(): | |
try: | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
# Чтение параметров из GET-запроса | |
name_d = request.args.get('name', '') | |
email_d = request.args.get('email', '') | |
phone_d = request.args.get('phone', '') | |
cod_pred = request.args.get('cod_pred', '') | |
price = request.args.get('price', '') | |
utm_source = request.args.get('utm_source', '') | |
utm_medium = request.args.get('utm_medium', '') | |
utm_content = request.args.get('utm_content', '') | |
utm_campaign = request.args.get('utm_campaign', '') | |
utm_group = request.args.get('utm_group', '') | |
gcpc = request.args.get('gcpc', '') | |
# Формирование JSON | |
json_data = { | |
"user": { | |
"email": email_d, | |
"phone": phone_d, | |
"first_name": name_d, | |
"addfields": { | |
"pr1": "", | |
"pr2": "", | |
"pr3": "" | |
} | |
}, | |
"system": { | |
"refresh_if_exists": 1 | |
}, | |
"session": { | |
"utm_source": utm_source, | |
"utm_medium": utm_medium, | |
"utm_content": utm_content, | |
"utm_campaign": utm_campaign, | |
"utm_group": utm_group, | |
"gcpc": gcpc, | |
"gcao": "", | |
"referer": "" | |
}, | |
"deal":{ | |
"offer_code": cod_pred, | |
"deal_cost": price | |
} | |
} | |
# Конвертация JSON в Base64 | |
json_str = json.dumps(json_data) | |
params_d = base64.b64encode(json_str.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') | |
# Данные для отправки в теле запроса | |
data = { | |
'key': gc_api, | |
'action': action_d, | |
'params': params_d | |
} | |
# Отправка POST-запроса с данными в формате "form-data" | |
response =, data=data) | |
# Возвращаем ответ от тестового адреса | |
return { | |
'status_code': response.status_code, | |
'response_body': response.text | |
} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error in gc_db_email: {e}") | |
return "Internal Server Error", 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
curators = ["Anna", "Ekaterina", "Ivan", "Maria", "Sergey", "Olga", "Alex", "Natalia", "Dmitry", "Elena"] | |
mt_avp = { | |
'name': 'Name', | |
'phone': 'Phone', | |
'email': 'Email' | |
} | |
mt_bhelp = { | |
'name': 'name', | |
'phone': 'phone', | |
'email': 'email', | |
'ad': 'ws_stop' | |
} | |
mt_gc = { | |
'name': 'name', | |
'phone': 'phone', | |
'email': 'email', | |
'ad': 'web_st' | |
} | |
mt_tl = { | |
'name': 'name', | |
'phone': 'phone', | |
'email': 'email', | |
'ad': 'ad_url' | |
} | |
mapp_templates = { | |
'avp': mt_avp, | |
'bhelp': mt_bhelp, | |
'gc': mt_gc, | |
'ad': mt_tl | |
} | |
DATABASE_NAME3 = 'data_gc.db' | |
def add_or_update_contact(contact_data): | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_NAME3) | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
email = contact_data.get('email') | |
if not email: | |
logging.error(f"Missing email in contact data: {contact_data}") | |
return | |
utc_now = datetime.utcnow() | |
msk_tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Moscow') | |
msk_now = utc_now.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(msk_tz) | |
contact_data['data_t'] = msk_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') | |
# Список всех возможных полей | |
fields = [ | |
'name', 'phone', 'email', 'vk_id', 'chat_id', 'ws_st', 'ws_stop', 'web_st', 'fin_prog', | |
'b_city', 'b_fin', 'b_ban', 'b_ign', 'b_baners', 'b_butt', 'b_mess', 'shop_st', 'curator', | |
'pr1', 'pr2', 'pr3', 'pr4', 'pr5', 'gc_url', 'key_pr', 'n_con', 'canal', 'data_on', 'data_t', 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content' 'gcpc' | |
] | |
# Устанавливаем значения по умолчанию для отсутствующих полей | |
for field in fields: | |
if field not in contact_data: | |
contact_data[field] = '' | |
placeholders = ", ".join([f"{field} = ?" for field in fields]) | |
cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM contacts WHERE email = ?", (email,)) | |
contact = cursor.fetchone() | |
if contact: | |
update_query = f"UPDATE contacts SET {placeholders} WHERE id = ?" | |
cursor.execute(update_query, (*[contact_data[field] for field in fields], contact[0])) | |
else: | |
insert_query = f"INSERT INTO contacts ({', '.join(fields)}) VALUES ({', '.join(['?' for _ in fields])})" | |
cursor.execute(insert_query, tuple(contact_data[field] for field in fields)) | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
def add_data_ver_cur(): | |
global current_curator_index | |
veref_on_off = request.args.get('ver', '0') # Включает "1" и выключает "0" верификацию номера вместо verifikation_start | |
curator_on_off = request.args.get('cur', '0') # Включает "1" и выключает "0" назначение куратора | |
template_key = request.args.get('template_key', 'avp') | |
mapping_template_cur = mapp_templates.get(template_key, mt_avp) | |
user_data = {mapping_template_cur[key]: request.args.get(key, "") for key in mapping_template_cur} | |
logging.debug(f"Received data: {user_data}") | |
if curator_on_off == "1": | |
user_data['curator'] = curators[current_curator_index] | |
if veref_on_off == "true": | |
phone_number = user_data.get('phone', '') | |
if not phone_number: | |
logging.error("Phone number is empty") | |
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': 'Phone number is empty'}), 400 | |
phone_verification_response = verify_phone_number(phone_number) | |
if phone_verification_response is not None: | |
user_data['ws_st'] = phone_verification_response | |
try: | |
add_or_update_contact(user_data) | |
if curator_on_off == "1": | |
current_curator_index = (current_curator_index + 1) % len(curators) | |
# Отправка данных в Google Forms | |
send_to_google_forms(user_data, gog_url) | |
return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'message': f'User added with curator {user_data.get("curator", "not assigned")}'}) | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(f"Error adding user: {e}") | |
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)}), 500 | |
# Глобальная переменная для управления верификацией | |
DATABASE2 = 'data_gc.db' | |
def verify_phone_number(phone_number): | |
full_url_ver = f"{wa_url}{wa_ak}{ws_url_ver}{wa_api_key}" | |
payload = {"phoneNumber": phone_number} | |
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} | |
response =, headers=headers, json=payload) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
response_body = response.json() | |
return response_body.get('existsWhatsapp', 'false') | |
else: | |
return "false" | |
def parse_csv_data(data): | |
parsed_data = [] | |
for item in data: | |
for key, value in item.items(): | |
headers = key.split(';') | |
row = value.split(';') | |
parsed_data.append(dict(zip(headers, row))) | |
return parsed_data | |
def insert_data(data, verify_phone, add_curator): | |
global current_curator_index | |
with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE2) as conn: | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
for row in data: | |
name = row.get('Name', '') | |
phone = row.get('Phone', '').lstrip('+') | |
email = row.get('Email', '') | |
data_t = row.get('Date', '').strip('"') | |
cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM contacts WHERE email = ? OR phone = ?", (email, phone)) | |
user_exists = cursor.fetchone() | |
if user_exists: | |
print(f"User with email {email} or phone {phone} already exists. Skipping insert.") | |
continue | |
if add_curator == "1": | |
curator = curators[current_curator_index] | |
current_curator_index = (current_curator_index + 1) % len(curators) | |
else: | |
curator = row.get('curator', '') | |
if verify_phone == "1": | |
ws_st = verify_phone_number(phone) | |
else: | |
ws_st = row.get('ws_st', '') | |
columns = ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'vk_id', 'chat_id', 'ws_st', 'ws_stop', 'web_st', 'fin_prog', 'b_city', 'b_fin', 'b_ban', 'b_ign', 'b_baners', 'b_butt', 'b_mess', 'shop_st', 'curator', 'pr1', 'pr2', 'pr3', 'pr4', 'pr5', 'gc_url', 'key_pr', 'n_con', 'canal', 'data_on', 'data_t', 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'gcpc'] | |
values = [name, phone, email, row.get('vk_id', ''), row.get('chat_id', ''), ws_st, row.get('ws_stop', ''), row.get('web_st', 0), row.get('fin_prog', 0), row.get('b_city', ''), row.get('b_fin', ''), row.get('b_ban', ''), row.get('b_ign', ''), row.get('b_baners', ''), row.get('b_butt', ''), row.get('b_mess', ''), row.get('shop_st', ''), curator, row.get('pr1', ''), row.get('pr2', ''), row.get('pr3', ''), row.get('pr4', ''), row.get('pr5', ''), row.get('gc_url', ''), row.get('key_pr', ''), row.get('n_con', ''), row.get('canal', ''), row.get('data_on', ''), row.get('data_t', ''), row.get('utm_source', ''), row.get('utm_medium', ''), row.get('utm_campaign', ''), row.get('utm_term', ''), row.get('utm_content', ''), row.get('gcpc', '')] | |
placeholders = ', '.join(['?' for _ in columns]) | |
columns_str = ', '.join(columns) | |
query = f''' | |
INSERT INTO contacts ({columns_str}) | |
VALUES ({placeholders}) | |
''' | |
try: | |
cursor.execute(query, values) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error inserting row: {row}") | |
print(f"Error message: {str(e)}") | |
conn.rollback() | |
raise | |
conn.commit() | |
def upload_csv(): | |
if 'file' not in request.files: | |
return jsonify({"error": "No file part"}), 400 | |
file = request.files['file'] | |
if file.filename == '': | |
return jsonify({"error": "No selected file"}), 400 | |
if file and file.filename.endswith('.csv'): | |
stream = io.StringIO("UTF8"), newline=None) | |
csv_input = csv.DictReader(stream) | |
data = [row for row in csv_input] | |
parsed_data = parse_csv_data(data) | |
verify_phone = request.form.get('verify_phone', '0') | |
add_curator = request.form.get('add_curator', '0') | |
print(f"Verify Phone: {verify_phone}") | |
print(f"Add Curator: {add_curator}") | |
insert_data(parsed_data, verify_phone, add_curator) | |
return jsonify({"message": "Data uploaded and inserted successfully"}) | |
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid file format"}), 400 | |
def se_upl_csv(): | |
api_sys_control = request.args.get('api_sys') | |
if api_sys_control != api_key_sys: | |
return "EUR 22", 200 | |
return render_template('upl_csv.html') | |
DATABASE = 'data_gc.db' | |
# Функция для очистки номера телефона | |
def clean_phone_number_j(phone_number): | |
return re.sub(r'\D', '', phone_number) | |
# Функция для вставки данных в базу данных | |
def insert_data_j(data): | |
conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE) # Подключаемся к базе данных | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
for row in data: | |
name = row.get('name', '') | |
phone = row.get('phone', '').lstrip('+') | |
email = row.get('email', '') | |
data_t = row.get('data_t', '').strip('"') | |
# Очистка номера телефона | |
phone = clean_phone_number_j(phone) | |
cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM contacts WHERE email = ? OR phone = ?", (email, phone)) | |
user_exists = cursor.fetchone() | |
if user_exists: | |
print(f"User with email {email} or phone {phone} already exists. Skipping insert.") | |
continue | |
columns = ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'vk_id', 'chat_id', 'ws_st', 'ws_stop', 'web_st', 'fin_prog', 'b_city', 'b_fin', 'b_ban', 'b_ign', 'b_baners', 'b_butt', 'b_mess', 'shop_st', 'curator', 'pr1', 'pr2', 'pr3', 'pr4', 'pr5', 'gc_url', 'key_pr', 'n_con', 'canal', 'data_on', 'data_t', 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'gcpc'] | |
values = [name, phone, email, row.get('vk_id', ''), row.get('chat_id', ''), row.get('ws_st', ''), row.get('ws_stop', ''), row.get('web_st', 0), row.get('fin_prog', 0), row.get('b_city', ''), row.get('b_fin', ''), row.get('b_ban', ''), row.get('b_ign', ''), row.get('b_baners', ''), row.get('b_butt', ''), row.get('b_mess', ''), row.get('shop_st', ''), row.get('curator', ''), row.get('pr1', ''), row.get('pr2', ''), row.get('pr3', ''), row.get('pr4', ''), row.get('pr5', ''), row.get('gc_url', ''), row.get('key_pr', ''), row.get('n_con', ''), row.get('canal', ''), row.get('data_on', ''), row.get('data_t', ''), row.get('utm_source', ''), row.get('utm_medium', ''), row.get('utm_campaign', ''), row.get('utm_term', ''), row.get('utm_content', ''), row.get('gcpc', '')] | |
placeholders = ', '.join(['?' for _ in columns]) | |
columns_str = ', '.join(columns) | |
query = f''' | |
INSERT INTO contacts ({columns_str}) | |
VALUES ({placeholders}) | |
''' | |
try: | |
cursor.execute(query, values) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error inserting row: {row}") | |
print(f"Error message: {str(e)}") | |
conn.rollback() | |
continue | |
conn.commit() | |
conn.close() | |
# Маршрут для загрузки JSON-файла | |
def upload_json(): | |
if 'file' not in request.files: | |
return jsonify({"error": "No file part"}), 400 | |
file = request.files['file'] | |
if file.filename == '': | |
return jsonify({"error": "No selected file"}), 400 | |
if file and file.filename.endswith('.json'): | |
data = json.load(file) | |
insert_data_j(data) | |
return jsonify({"message": "Data uploaded and inserted successfully"}) | |
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid file format"}), 400 | |
# Маршрут для отображения формы загрузки JSON | |
def display_form(): | |
return render_template('upload_json.html') | |
def add_data_gc_in(): | |
global current_curator_index | |
veref_on_off = request.args.get('ver', '0') # Включает "1" и выключает "0" верификацию номера вместо verifikation_start | |
curator_on_off = request.args.get('cur', '0') # Включает "1" и выключает "0" назначение куратора | |
template_key = request.args.get('template_key', 'avp') | |
mapping_template_cur = mapp_templates.get(template_key, mt_avp) | |
user_data = {mapping_template_cur[key]: request.args.get(key, "") for key in mapping_template_cur} | |
if curator_on_off == "1": | |
user_data['curator'] = curators[current_curator_index] | |
if veref_on_off == "1": | |
phone_verification_response = verify_phone_number(user_data.get('phone', '')) | |
if phone_verification_response is not None: | |
user_data['ws_st'] = phone_verification_response | |
try: | |
add_or_update_contact(user_data) | |
if curator_on_off == "1": | |
current_curator_index = (current_curator_index + 1) % len(curators) | |
return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'message': f'User added with curator {user_data.get("curator", "not assigned")}'}) | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(f"Error adding user: {e}") | |
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)}), 500 | |
def serve_vk_bridge(): | |
script_content = """ | |
function mySuccessFunction(form) { | |
if (!form) return; | |
if (form instanceof jQuery) { | |
form = form.get(0); | |
} | |
var obj = {}; | |
var inputs = form.elements; | |, function(input) { | |
if (input.type === 'radio') { | |
if (input.checked) obj[] = input.value; | |
} else { | |
obj[] = input.value; | |
} | |
}); | |
var email = obj["Email"] || ""; | |
var phone = obj["Phone"] || ""; | |
var name = obj["Name"] || ""; | |
console.log("name:", name); | |
console.log("email:", email); | |
console.log("phone:", phone); | |
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; | |
var utm_source = urlParams.get('utm_source') || "0"; | |
var utm_medium = urlParams.get('utm_medium') || "0"; | |
var utm_campaign = urlParams.get('utm_campaign') || "0"; | |
var utm_content = urlParams.get('utm_content') || "0"; | |
var utm_term = urlParams.get('utm_term') || "0"; | |
var gcpc = urlParams.get('gcpc') || "0"; | |
var redirectUrl; | |
if ( === formId1) { | |
redirectUrl = new URL(redirectUrl1); | |
} else if ( === formId2) { | |
redirectUrl = new URL(redirectUrl2); | |
} else if ( === formId3) { | |
redirectUrl = new URL(redirectUrl3); | |
} else { | |
console.error('Неизвестный ID формы:',; | |
return; | |
} | |
var queryString = '?ups=' + encodeURIComponent(ups); | |
queryString += '&name=' + encodeURIComponent(name); | |
queryString += '&email=' + encodeURIComponent(email); | |
queryString += '&phone=' + encodeURIComponent(phone); | |
queryString += '&utm_source=' + encodeURIComponent(utm_source); | |
queryString += '&utm_medium=' + encodeURIComponent(utm_medium); | |
queryString += '&utm_campaign=' + encodeURIComponent(utm_campaign); | |
queryString += '&utm_content=' + encodeURIComponent(utm_content); | |
queryString += '&utm_term=' + encodeURIComponent(utm_term); | |
queryString += '&gcpc=' + encodeURIComponent(gcpc); | |
console.log('Сформированный URL:', redirectUrl.toString() + queryString); | | + queryString, '_blank'); | |
} | |
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { | |
us_sendFormAfterSuccess(); | |
} else { | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', us_sendFormAfterSuccess); | |
} | |
function us_sendFormAfterSuccess() { | |
var forms = document.querySelectorAll('.js-form-proccess'); | |, function(form) { | |
form.addEventListener('tildaform:aftersuccess', function(e) { | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
mySuccessFunction(form); | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
""" | |
return Response(script_content, mimetype='application/javascript') | |
initialize_requests() | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |'', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 7860))) |