# Natural Language Toolkit: Language Models | |
# | |
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project | |
# Authors: Ilia Kurenkov <[email protected]> | |
# URL: < | |
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT | |
""" | |
NLTK Language Modeling Module. | |
------------------------------ | |
Currently this module covers only ngram language models, but it should be easy | |
to extend to neural models. | |
Preparing Data | |
============== | |
Before we train our ngram models it is necessary to make sure the data we put in | |
them is in the right format. | |
Let's say we have a text that is a list of sentences, where each sentence is | |
a list of strings. For simplicity we just consider a text consisting of | |
characters instead of words. | |
>>> text = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'e', 'f']] | |
If we want to train a bigram model, we need to turn this text into bigrams. | |
Here's what the first sentence of our text would look like if we use a function | |
from NLTK for this. | |
>>> from nltk.util import bigrams | |
>>> list(bigrams(text[0])) | |
[('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')] | |
Notice how "b" occurs both as the first and second member of different bigrams | |
but "a" and "c" don't? Wouldn't it be nice to somehow indicate how often sentences | |
start with "a" and end with "c"? | |
A standard way to deal with this is to add special "padding" symbols to the | |
sentence before splitting it into ngrams. | |
Fortunately, NLTK also has a function for that, let's see what it does to the | |
first sentence. | |
>>> from nltk.util import pad_sequence | |
>>> list(pad_sequence(text[0], | |
... pad_left=True, | |
... left_pad_symbol="<s>", | |
... pad_right=True, | |
... right_pad_symbol="</s>", | |
... n=2)) | |
['<s>', 'a', 'b', 'c', '</s>'] | |
Note the `n` argument, that tells the function we need padding for bigrams. | |
Now, passing all these parameters every time is tedious and in most cases they | |
can be safely assumed as defaults anyway. | |
Thus our module provides a convenience function that has all these arguments | |
already set while the other arguments remain the same as for `pad_sequence`. | |
>>> from nltk.lm.preprocessing import pad_both_ends | |
>>> list(pad_both_ends(text[0], n=2)) | |
['<s>', 'a', 'b', 'c', '</s>'] | |
Combining the two parts discussed so far we get the following preparation steps | |
for one sentence. | |
>>> list(bigrams(pad_both_ends(text[0], n=2))) | |
[('<s>', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', '</s>')] | |
To make our model more robust we could also train it on unigrams (single words) | |
as well as bigrams, its main source of information. | |
NLTK once again helpfully provides a function called `everygrams`. | |
While not the most efficient, it is conceptually simple. | |
>>> from nltk.util import everygrams | |
>>> padded_bigrams = list(pad_both_ends(text[0], n=2)) | |
>>> list(everygrams(padded_bigrams, max_len=2)) | |
[('<s>',), ('<s>', 'a'), ('a',), ('a', 'b'), ('b',), ('b', 'c'), ('c',), ('c', '</s>'), ('</s>',)] | |
We are almost ready to start counting ngrams, just one more step left. | |
During training and evaluation our model will rely on a vocabulary that | |
defines which words are "known" to the model. | |
To create this vocabulary we need to pad our sentences (just like for counting | |
ngrams) and then combine the sentences into one flat stream of words. | |
>>> from nltk.lm.preprocessing import flatten | |
>>> list(flatten(pad_both_ends(sent, n=2) for sent in text)) | |
['<s>', 'a', 'b', 'c', '</s>', '<s>', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'e', 'f', '</s>'] | |
In most cases we want to use the same text as the source for both vocabulary | |
and ngram counts. | |
Now that we understand what this means for our preprocessing, we can simply import | |
a function that does everything for us. | |
>>> from nltk.lm.preprocessing import padded_everygram_pipeline | |
>>> train, vocab = padded_everygram_pipeline(2, text) | |
So as to avoid re-creating the text in memory, both `train` and `vocab` are lazy | |
iterators. They are evaluated on demand at training time. | |
Training | |
======== | |
Having prepared our data we are ready to start training a model. | |
As a simple example, let us train a Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE). | |
We only need to specify the highest ngram order to instantiate it. | |
>>> from nltk.lm import MLE | |
>>> lm = MLE(2) | |
This automatically creates an empty vocabulary... | |
>>> len(lm.vocab) | |
0 | |
which gets filled as we fit the model. | |
>>>, vocab) | |
>>> print(lm.vocab) | |
<Vocabulary with cutoff=1 unk_label='<UNK>' and 9 items> | |
>>> len(lm.vocab) | |
9 | |
The vocabulary helps us handle words that have not occurred during training. | |
>>> lm.vocab.lookup(text[0]) | |
('a', 'b', 'c') | |
>>> lm.vocab.lookup(["aliens", "from", "Mars"]) | |
('<UNK>', '<UNK>', '<UNK>') | |
Moreover, in some cases we want to ignore words that we did see during training | |
but that didn't occur frequently enough, to provide us useful information. | |
You can tell the vocabulary to ignore such words. | |
To find out how that works, check out the docs for the `Vocabulary` class. | |
Using a Trained Model | |
===================== | |
When it comes to ngram models the training boils down to counting up the ngrams | |
from the training corpus. | |
>>> print(lm.counts) | |
<NgramCounter with 2 ngram orders and 24 ngrams> | |
This provides a convenient interface to access counts for unigrams... | |
>>> lm.counts['a'] | |
2 | |
...and bigrams (in this case "a b") | |
>>> lm.counts[['a']]['b'] | |
1 | |
And so on. However, the real purpose of training a language model is to have it | |
score how probable words are in certain contexts. | |
This being MLE, the model returns the item's relative frequency as its score. | |
>>> lm.score("a") | |
0.15384615384615385 | |
Items that are not seen during training are mapped to the vocabulary's | |
"unknown label" token. This is "<UNK>" by default. | |
>>> lm.score("<UNK>") == lm.score("aliens") | |
True | |
Here's how you get the score for a word given some preceding context. | |
For example we want to know what is the chance that "b" is preceded by "a". | |
>>> lm.score("b", ["a"]) | |
0.5 | |
To avoid underflow when working with many small score values it makes sense to | |
take their logarithm. | |
For convenience this can be done with the `logscore` method. | |
>>> lm.logscore("a") | |
-2.700439718141092 | |
Building on this method, we can also evaluate our model's cross-entropy and | |
perplexity with respect to sequences of ngrams. | |
>>> test = [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')] | |
>>> lm.entropy(test) | |
1.292481250360578 | |
>>> lm.perplexity(test) | |
2.449489742783178 | |
It is advisable to preprocess your test text exactly the same way as you did | |
the training text. | |
One cool feature of ngram models is that they can be used to generate text. | |
>>> lm.generate(1, random_seed=3) | |
'<s>' | |
>>> lm.generate(5, random_seed=3) | |
['<s>', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] | |
Provide `random_seed` if you want to consistently reproduce the same text all | |
other things being equal. Here we are using it to test the examples. | |
You can also condition your generation on some preceding text with the `context` | |
argument. | |
>>> lm.generate(5, text_seed=['c'], random_seed=3) | |
['</s>', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'd'] | |
Note that an ngram model is restricted in how much preceding context it can | |
take into account. For example, a trigram model can only condition its output | |
on 2 preceding words. If you pass in a 4-word context, the first two words | |
will be ignored. | |
""" | |
from nltk.lm.counter import NgramCounter | |
from nltk.lm.models import ( | |
MLE, | |
AbsoluteDiscountingInterpolated, | |
KneserNeyInterpolated, | |
Laplace, | |
Lidstone, | |
StupidBackoff, | |
WittenBellInterpolated, | |
) | |
from nltk.lm.vocabulary import Vocabulary | |
__all__ = [ | |
"Vocabulary", | |
"NgramCounter", | |
"MLE", | |
"Lidstone", | |
"Laplace", | |
"WittenBellInterpolated", | |
"KneserNeyInterpolated", | |
"AbsoluteDiscountingInterpolated", | |
"StupidBackoff", | |
] | |