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A reader for corpora whose documents are in MTE format.
import os
import re
from functools import reduce
from nltk.corpus.reader import TaggedCorpusReader, concat
from nltk.corpus.reader.xmldocs import XMLCorpusView
def xpath(root, path, ns):
return root.findall(path, ns)
class MTECorpusView(XMLCorpusView):
Class for lazy viewing the MTE Corpus.
def __init__(self, fileid, tagspec, elt_handler=None):
XMLCorpusView.__init__(self, fileid, tagspec, elt_handler)
def read_block(self, stream, tagspec=None, elt_handler=None):
return list(
lambda x: x is not None,
XMLCorpusView.read_block(self, stream, tagspec, elt_handler),
class MTEFileReader:
Class for loading the content of the multext-east corpus. It
parses the xml files and does some tag-filtering depending on the
given method parameters.
ns = {
"tei": "",
"xml": "",
tag_ns = "{}"
xml_ns = "{}"
word_path = "TEI/text/body/div/div/p/s/(w|c)"
sent_path = "TEI/text/body/div/div/p/s"
para_path = "TEI/text/body/div/div/p"
def __init__(self, file_path):
self.__file_path = file_path
def _word_elt(cls, elt, context):
return elt.text
def _sent_elt(cls, elt, context):
return [cls._word_elt(w, None) for w in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)]
def _para_elt(cls, elt, context):
return [cls._sent_elt(s, None) for s in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)]
def _tagged_word_elt(cls, elt, context):
if "ana" not in elt.attrib:
return (elt.text, "")
if cls.__tags == "" and cls.__tagset == "msd":
return (elt.text, elt.attrib["ana"])
elif cls.__tags == "" and cls.__tagset == "universal":
return (elt.text, MTETagConverter.msd_to_universal(elt.attrib["ana"]))
tags = re.compile("^" + re.sub("-", ".", cls.__tags) + ".*$")
if tags.match(elt.attrib["ana"]):
if cls.__tagset == "msd":
return (elt.text, elt.attrib["ana"])
return (
return None
def _tagged_sent_elt(cls, elt, context):
return list(
lambda x: x is not None,
[cls._tagged_word_elt(w, None) for w in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)],
def _tagged_para_elt(cls, elt, context):
return list(
lambda x: x is not None,
[cls._tagged_sent_elt(s, None) for s in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)],
def _lemma_word_elt(cls, elt, context):
if "lemma" not in elt.attrib:
return (elt.text, "")
return (elt.text, elt.attrib["lemma"])
def _lemma_sent_elt(cls, elt, context):
return [cls._lemma_word_elt(w, None) for w in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)]
def _lemma_para_elt(cls, elt, context):
return [cls._lemma_sent_elt(s, None) for s in xpath(elt, "*", cls.ns)]
def words(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.word_path, MTEFileReader._word_elt
def sents(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.sent_path, MTEFileReader._sent_elt
def paras(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.para_path, MTEFileReader._para_elt
def lemma_words(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.word_path, MTEFileReader._lemma_word_elt
def tagged_words(self, tagset, tags):
MTEFileReader.__tagset = tagset
MTEFileReader.__tags = tags
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.word_path, MTEFileReader._tagged_word_elt
def lemma_sents(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.sent_path, MTEFileReader._lemma_sent_elt
def tagged_sents(self, tagset, tags):
MTEFileReader.__tagset = tagset
MTEFileReader.__tags = tags
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.sent_path, MTEFileReader._tagged_sent_elt
def lemma_paras(self):
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.para_path, MTEFileReader._lemma_para_elt
def tagged_paras(self, tagset, tags):
MTEFileReader.__tagset = tagset
MTEFileReader.__tags = tags
return MTECorpusView(
self.__file_path, MTEFileReader.para_path, MTEFileReader._tagged_para_elt
class MTETagConverter:
Class for converting msd tags to universal tags, more conversion
options are currently not implemented.
mapping_msd_universal = {
"A": "ADJ",
"S": "ADP",
"R": "ADV",
"C": "CONJ",
"D": "DET",
"N": "NOUN",
"M": "NUM",
"Q": "PRT",
"P": "PRON",
"V": "VERB",
".": ".",
"-": "X",
def msd_to_universal(tag):
This function converts the annotation from the Multex-East to the universal tagset
as described in Chapter 5 of the NLTK-Book
Unknown Tags will be mapped to X. Punctuation marks are not supported in MSD tags, so
indicator = tag[0] if not tag[0] == "#" else tag[1]
if not indicator in MTETagConverter.mapping_msd_universal:
indicator = "-"
return MTETagConverter.mapping_msd_universal[indicator]
class MTECorpusReader(TaggedCorpusReader):
Reader for corpora following the TEI-p5 xml scheme, such as MULTEXT-East.
MULTEXT-East contains part-of-speech-tagged words with a quite precise tagging
scheme. These tags can be converted to the Universal tagset
def __init__(self, root=None, fileids=None, encoding="utf8"):
Construct a new MTECorpusreader for a set of documents
located at the given root directory. Example usage:
>>> root = '/...path to corpus.../'
>>> reader = MTECorpusReader(root, 'oana-*.xml', 'utf8') # doctest: +SKIP
:param root: The root directory for this corpus. (default points to location in multext config file)
:param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus. (default is oana-en.xml)
:param encoding: The encoding of the given files (default is utf8)
TaggedCorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)
self._readme = "00README.txt"
def __fileids(self, fileids):
if fileids is None:
fileids = self._fileids
elif isinstance(fileids, str):
fileids = [fileids]
# filter wrong userinput
fileids = filter(lambda x: x in self._fileids, fileids)
# filter multext-east sourcefiles that are not compatible to the teip5 specification
fileids = filter(lambda x: x not in ["oana-bg.xml", "oana-mk.xml"], fileids)
if not fileids:
print("No valid multext-east file specified")
return fileids
def words(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of words and punctuation symbols.
:rtype: list(str)
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).words()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def sents(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of sentences or utterances,
each encoded as a list of word strings
:rtype: list(list(str))
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).sents()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def paras(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of paragraphs, each encoded as a list
of sentences, which are in turn encoded as lists of word string
:rtype: list(list(list(str)))
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).paras()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def lemma_words(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of words, the corresponding lemmas
and punctuation symbols, encoded as tuples (word, lemma)
:rtype: list(tuple(str,str))
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).lemma_words()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def tagged_words(self, fileids=None, tagset="msd", tags=""):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:param tagset: The tagset that should be used in the returned object,
either "universal" or "msd", "msd" is the default
:param tags: An MSD Tag that is used to filter all parts of the used corpus
that are not more precise or at least equal to the given tag
:return: the given file(s) as a list of tagged words and punctuation symbols
encoded as tuples (word, tag)
:rtype: list(tuple(str, str))
if tagset == "universal" or tagset == "msd":
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).tagged_words(
tagset, tags
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
print("Unknown tagset specified.")
def lemma_sents(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of sentences or utterances, each
encoded as a list of tuples of the word and the corresponding
lemma (word, lemma)
:rtype: list(list(tuple(str, str)))
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).lemma_sents()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def tagged_sents(self, fileids=None, tagset="msd", tags=""):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:param tagset: The tagset that should be used in the returned object,
either "universal" or "msd", "msd" is the default
:param tags: An MSD Tag that is used to filter all parts of the used corpus
that are not more precise or at least equal to the given tag
:return: the given file(s) as a list of sentences or utterances, each
each encoded as a list of (word,tag) tuples
:rtype: list(list(tuple(str, str)))
if tagset == "universal" or tagset == "msd":
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).tagged_sents(
tagset, tags
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
print("Unknown tagset specified.")
def lemma_paras(self, fileids=None):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:return: the given file(s) as a list of paragraphs, each encoded as a
list of sentences, which are in turn encoded as a list of
tuples of the word and the corresponding lemma (word, lemma)
:rtype: list(List(List(tuple(str, str))))
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).lemma_paras()
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
def tagged_paras(self, fileids=None, tagset="msd", tags=""):
:param fileids: A list specifying the fileids that should be used.
:param tagset: The tagset that should be used in the returned object,
either "universal" or "msd", "msd" is the default
:param tags: An MSD Tag that is used to filter all parts of the used corpus
that are not more precise or at least equal to the given tag
:return: the given file(s) as a list of paragraphs, each encoded as a
list of sentences, which are in turn encoded as a list
of (word,tag) tuples
:rtype: list(list(list(tuple(str, str))))
if tagset == "universal" or tagset == "msd":
return concat(
MTEFileReader(os.path.join(self._root, f)).tagged_paras(
tagset, tags
for f in self.__fileids(fileids)
print("Unknown tagset specified.")