Name: 'Synthetic Word Dataset (MJSynth/Syn90k)' | |
Paper: | |
Title: Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks | |
URL: | |
Venue: International Journal of Computer Vision | |
Year: '2016' | |
BibTeX: '@InProceedings{Jaderberg14c, | |
author = "Max Jaderberg and Karen Simonyan and Andrea Vedaldi and Andrew Zisserman", | |
title = "Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition", | |
booktitle = "Workshop on Deep Learning, NIPS", | |
year = "2014", | |
} | |
@Article{Jaderberg16, | |
author = "Max Jaderberg and Karen Simonyan and Andrea Vedaldi and Andrew Zisserman", | |
title = "Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks", | |
journal = "International Journal of Computer Vision", | |
number = "1", | |
volume = "116", | |
pages = "1--20", | |
month = "jan", | |
year = "2016", | |
}' | |
Data: | |
Website: | |
Language: | |
- English | |
Scene: | |
- Synthesis | |
Granularity: | |
- Word | |
Tasks: | |
- textrecog | |
License: | |
Type: N/A | |
Link: N/A | |
Format: .txt | |