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.. Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
.. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Loading Resources From the Data Package
>>> import
The `` module contains functions that can be used to load
NLTK resource files, such as corpora, grammars, and saved processing
Loading Data Files
Resources are loaded using the function ``, which
takes as its first argument a URL specifying what file should be
loaded. The ``nltk:`` protocol loads files from the NLTK data
>>> tokenizer ='nltk:tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
>>> tokenizer.tokenize('Hello. This is a test. It works!')
['Hello.', 'This is a test.', 'It works!']
It is important to note that there should be no space following the
colon (':') in the URL; 'nltk: tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle' will
not work!
The ``nltk:`` protocol is used by default if no protocol is specified:
<nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktSentenceTokenizer object at ...>
But it is also possible to load resources from ``http:``, ``ftp:``,
and ``file:`` URLs:
>>> # Load a grammar from the NLTK webpage.
>>> cfg ='')
>>> print(cfg) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Grammar with 14 productions (start state = S)
S -> NP VP
PP -> P NP
P -> 'on'
P -> 'in'
>>> # Load a grammar using an absolute path.
>>> url = 'file:%s' %'grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg')
>>> url.replace('\\', '/')
>>> print(
Grammar with 14 productions (start state = S)
S -> NP VP
PP -> P NP
P -> 'on'
P -> 'in'
The second argument to the `` function specifies the
file format, which determines how the file's contents are processed
before they are returned by ``load()``. The formats that are
currently supported by the data module are described by the dictionary
>>> for format, descr in sorted(
... print('{0:<7} {1:}'.format(format, descr))
cfg A context free grammar.
fcfg A feature CFG.
fol A list of first order logic expressions, parsed with
json A serialized python object, stored using the json module.
logic A list of first order logic expressions, parsed with
nltk.sem.logic.LogicParser. Requires an additional logic_parser
pcfg A probabilistic CFG.
pickle A serialized python object, stored using the pickle
raw The raw (byte string) contents of a file.
text The raw (unicode string) contents of a file.
val A semantic valuation, parsed by
yaml A serialized python object, stored using the yaml module.
`` will raise a ValueError if a bad format name is
>>>'grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', 'bar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
. . .
ValueError: Unknown format type!
By default, the ``"auto"`` format is used, which chooses a format
based on the filename's extension. The mapping from file extensions
to format names is specified by ``:
>>> for ext, format in sorted(
... print('.%-7s -> %s' % (ext, format))
.cfg -> cfg
.fcfg -> fcfg
.fol -> fol
.json -> json
.logic -> logic
.pcfg -> pcfg
.pickle -> pickle
.text -> text
.txt -> text
.val -> val
.yaml -> yaml
If `` is unable to determine the format based on the
filename's extension, it will raise a ValueError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
. . .
ValueError: Could not determine format for based on its file
extension; use the "format" argument to specify the format explicitly.
Note that by explicitly specifying the ``format`` argument, you can
override the load method's default processing behavior. For example,
to get the raw contents of any file, simply use ``format="raw"``:
>>> s ='grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', 'text')
>>> print(s)
S -> NP VP
PP -> P NP
NP -> Det N | NP PP
VP -> V NP | VP PP
Making Local Copies
.. This will not be visible in the html output: create a tempdir to
play in.
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> old_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
>>> os.chdir(tempdir)
The function `` copies a given resource to a local
file. This can be useful, for example, if you want to edit one of the
sample grammars.
Retrieving 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', saving to 'toy.cfg'
>>> # Simulate editing the grammar.
>>> with open('toy.cfg') as inp:
... s ='NP', 'DP')
>>> with open('toy.cfg', 'w') as out:
... _bytes_written = out.write(s)
>>> # Load the edited grammar, & display it.
>>> cfg ='file:///' + os.path.abspath('toy.cfg'))
>>> print(cfg)
Grammar with 14 productions (start state = S)
S -> DP VP
PP -> P DP
P -> 'on'
P -> 'in'
The second argument to `` specifies the filename
for the new copy of the file. By default, the source file's filename
is used.
>>>'grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', 'mytoy.cfg')
Retrieving 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', saving to 'mytoy.cfg'
>>> os.path.isfile('./mytoy.cfg')
Retrieving 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/np.fcfg', saving to 'np.fcfg'
>>> os.path.isfile('./np.fcfg')
If a file with the specified (or default) filename already exists in
the current directory, then `` will raise a
ValueError exception. It will *not* overwrite the file:
>>> os.path.isfile('./toy.cfg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
. . .
ValueError: File '...toy.cfg' already exists!
.. This will not be visible in the html output: clean up the tempdir.
>>> os.chdir(old_dir)
>>> for f in os.listdir(tempdir):
... os.remove(os.path.join(tempdir, f))
>>> os.rmdir(tempdir)
Finding Files in the NLTK Data Package
The `` function searches the NLTK data package for a
given file, and returns a pointer to that file. This pointer can
either be a `FileSystemPathPointer` (whose `path` attribute gives the
absolute path of the file); or a `ZipFilePathPointer`, specifying a
zipfile and the name of an entry within that zipfile. Both pointer
types define the `open()` method, which can be used to read the string
contents of the file.
>>> path ='corpora/abc/rural.txt')
>>> str(path)
>>> print(
PM denies knowledge of AWB kickbacks
The Prime Minister has
Alternatively, the `` function can be used with the
keyword argument ``format="raw"``:
>>> s ='corpora/abc/rural.txt', format='raw')[:60]
>>> print(s.decode())
PM denies knowledge of AWB kickbacks
The Prime Minister has
Alternatively, you can use the keyword argument ``format="text"``:
>>> s ='corpora/abc/rural.txt', format='text')[:60]
>>> print(s)
PM denies knowledge of AWB kickbacks
The Prime Minister has
Resource Caching
NLTK uses a weakref dictionary to maintain a cache of resources that
have been loaded. If you load a resource that is already stored in
the cache, then the cached copy will be returned. This behavior can
be seen by the trace output generated when verbose=True:
>>> feat0 ='grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg', verbose=True)
<<Loading nltk:grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg>>
>>> feat0 ='grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg', verbose=True)
<<Using cached copy of nltk:grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg>>
If you wish to load a resource from its source, bypassing the cache,
use the ``cache=False`` argument to ``. This can be
useful, for example, if the resource is loaded from a local file, and
you are actively editing that file:
>>> feat0 ='grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg',cache=False,verbose=True)
<<Loading nltk:grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg>>
The cache *no longer* uses weak references. A resource will not be
automatically expunged from the cache when no more objects are using
it. In the following example, when we clear the variable ``feat0``,
the reference count for the feature grammar object drops to zero.
However, the object remains cached:
>>> del feat0
>>> feat0 ='grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg',
... verbose=True)
<<Using cached copy of nltk:grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg>>
You can clear the entire contents of the cache, using
Retrieving other Data Sources
>>> formulas ='grammars/book_grammars/background.fol')
>>> for f in formulas: print(str(f))
all x.(boxerdog(x) -> dog(x))
all x.(boxer(x) -> person(x))
all x.-(dog(x) & person(x))
all x.(married(x) <-> exists y.marry(x,y))
all x.(bark(x) -> dog(x))
all x y.(marry(x,y) -> (person(x) & person(y)))
-(Vincent = Mia)
-(Vincent = Fido)
-(Mia = Fido)
Regression Tests
Create a temp dir for tests that write files:
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> old_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
>>> os.chdir(tempdir)
The `retrieve()` function accepts all url types:
>>> urls = ['',
... 'file:%s' %'grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg'),
... 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg',
... 'grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg']
>>> for i, url in enumerate(urls):
..., 'toy-%d.cfg' % i)
Retrieving '', saving to 'toy-0.cfg'
Retrieving 'file:...toy.cfg', saving to 'toy-1.cfg'
Retrieving 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', saving to 'toy-2.cfg'
Retrieving 'nltk:grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg', saving to 'toy-3.cfg'
Clean up the temp dir:
>>> os.chdir(old_dir)
>>> for f in os.listdir(tempdir):
... os.remove(os.path.join(tempdir, f))
>>> os.rmdir(tempdir)
Lazy Loader
A lazy loader is a wrapper object that defers loading a resource until
it is accessed or used in any way. This is mainly intended for
internal use by NLTK's corpus readers.
>>> # Create a lazy loader for toy.cfg.
>>> ll ='grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg')
>>> # Show that it's not loaded yet:
>>> object.__repr__(ll)
'< object at ...>'
>>> # printing it is enough to cause it to be loaded:
>>> print(ll)
<Grammar with 14 productions>
>>> # Show that it's now been loaded:
>>> object.__repr__(ll)
'<nltk.grammar.CFG object at ...>'
>>> # Test that accessing an attribute also loads it:
>>> ll ='grammars/sample_grammars/toy.cfg')
>>> ll.start()
>>> object.__repr__(ll)
'<nltk.grammar.CFG object at ...>'
Buffered Gzip Reading and Writing
Write performance to gzip-compressed is extremely poor when the files become large.
File creation can become a bottleneck in those cases.
Read performance from large gzipped pickle files was improved in by
buffering the reads. A similar fix can be applied to writes by buffering
the writes to a StringIO object first.
This is mainly intended for internal use. The test simply tests that reading
and writing work as intended and does not test how much improvement buffering
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> test ='testbuf.gz', 'wb', size=2**10)
>>> ans = []
>>> for i in range(10000):
... ans.append(str(i).encode('ascii'))
... test.write(str(i).encode('ascii'))
>>> test.close()
>>> test ='testbuf.gz', 'rb')
>>> == b''.join(ans)
>>> test.close()
>>> import os
>>> os.unlink('testbuf.gz')
JSON Encoding and Decoding
JSON serialization is used instead of pickle for some classes.
>>> from nltk import jsontags
>>> from nltk.jsontags import JSONTaggedEncoder, JSONTaggedDecoder, register_tag
>>> @jsontags.register_tag
... class JSONSerializable:
... json_tag = 'JSONSerializable'
... def __init__(self, n):
... self.n = n
... def encode_json_obj(self):
... return self.n
... @classmethod
... def decode_json_obj(cls, obj):
... n = obj
... return cls(n)
>>> JSONTaggedEncoder().encode(JSONSerializable(1))
'{"!JSONSerializable": 1}'
>>> JSONTaggedDecoder().decode('{"!JSONSerializable": 1}').n