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# Natural Language Toolkit: Semantic Interpretation
# Author: Ewan Klein <[email protected]>
# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Utility functions for batch-processing sentences: parsing and
extraction of the semantic representation of the root node of the the
syntax tree, followed by evaluation of the semantic representation in
a first-order model.
import codecs
from nltk.sem import evaluate
## Utility functions for connecting parse output to semantics
def parse_sents(inputs, grammar, trace=0):
Convert input sentences into syntactic trees.
:param inputs: sentences to be parsed
:type inputs: list(str)
:param grammar: ``FeatureGrammar`` or name of feature-based grammar
:type grammar: nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar
:rtype: list(nltk.tree.Tree) or dict(list(str)): list(Tree)
:return: a mapping from input sentences to a list of ``Tree`` instances.
# put imports here to avoid circult dependencies
from nltk.grammar import FeatureGrammar
from nltk.parse import FeatureChartParser, load_parser
if isinstance(grammar, FeatureGrammar):
cp = FeatureChartParser(grammar)
cp = load_parser(grammar, trace=trace)
parses = []
for sent in inputs:
tokens = sent.split() # use a tokenizer?
syntrees = list(cp.parse(tokens))
return parses
def root_semrep(syntree, semkey="SEM"):
Find the semantic representation at the root of a tree.
:param syntree: a parse ``Tree``
:param semkey: the feature label to use for the root semantics in the tree
:return: the semantic representation at the root of a ``Tree``
:rtype: sem.Expression
from nltk.grammar import FeatStructNonterminal
node = syntree.label()
assert isinstance(node, FeatStructNonterminal)
return node[semkey]
except KeyError:
print(node, end=" ")
print("has no specification for the feature %s" % semkey)
def interpret_sents(inputs, grammar, semkey="SEM", trace=0):
Add the semantic representation to each syntactic parse tree
of each input sentence.
:param inputs: a list of sentences
:type inputs: list(str)
:param grammar: ``FeatureGrammar`` or name of feature-based grammar
:type grammar: nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar
:return: a mapping from sentences to lists of pairs (parse-tree, semantic-representations)
:rtype: list(list(tuple(nltk.tree.Tree, nltk.sem.logic.ConstantExpression)))
return [
[(syn, root_semrep(syn, semkey)) for syn in syntrees]
for syntrees in parse_sents(inputs, grammar, trace=trace)
def evaluate_sents(inputs, grammar, model, assignment, trace=0):
Add the truth-in-a-model value to each semantic representation
for each syntactic parse of each input sentences.
:param inputs: a list of sentences
:type inputs: list(str)
:param grammar: ``FeatureGrammar`` or name of feature-based grammar
:type grammar: nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar
:return: a mapping from sentences to lists of triples (parse-tree, semantic-representations, evaluation-in-model)
:rtype: list(list(tuple(nltk.tree.Tree, nltk.sem.logic.ConstantExpression, bool or dict(str): bool)))
return [
(syn, sem, model.evaluate("%s" % sem, assignment, trace=trace))
for (syn, sem) in interpretations
for interpretations in interpret_sents(inputs, grammar)
def demo_model0():
global m0, g0
# Initialize a valuation of non-logical constants."""
v = [
("john", "b1"),
("mary", "g1"),
("suzie", "g2"),
("fido", "d1"),
("tess", "d2"),
("noosa", "n"),
("girl", {"g1", "g2"}),
("boy", {"b1", "b2"}),
("dog", {"d1", "d2"}),
("bark", {"d1", "d2"}),
("walk", {"b1", "g2", "d1"}),
("chase", {("b1", "g1"), ("b2", "g1"), ("g1", "d1"), ("g2", "d2")}),
{("b1", "g1"), ("b2", "d2"), ("g1", "b1"), ("d2", "b1"), ("g2", "n")},
("in", {("b1", "n"), ("b2", "n"), ("d2", "n")}),
("with", {("b1", "g1"), ("g1", "b1"), ("d1", "b1"), ("b1", "d1")}),
# Read in the data from ``v``
val = evaluate.Valuation(v)
# Bind ``dom`` to the ``domain`` property of ``val``
dom = val.domain
# Initialize a model with parameters ``dom`` and ``val``.
m0 = evaluate.Model(dom, val)
# Initialize a variable assignment with parameter ``dom``
g0 = evaluate.Assignment(dom)
def read_sents(filename, encoding="utf8"):
with, "r", encoding) as fp:
sents = [l.rstrip() for l in fp]
# get rid of blank lines
sents = [l for l in sents if len(l) > 0]
sents = [l for l in sents if not l[0] == "#"]
return sents
def demo_legacy_grammar():
Check that interpret_sents() is compatible with legacy grammars that use
a lowercase 'sem' feature.
Define 'test.fcfg' to be the following
from nltk.grammar import FeatureGrammar
g = FeatureGrammar.fromstring(
% start S
S[sem=<hello>] -> 'hello'
print("Reading grammar: %s" % g)
print("*" * 20)
for reading in interpret_sents(["hello"], g, semkey="sem"):
syn, sem = reading[0]
print("output: ", sem)
def demo():
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
description = """
Parse and evaluate some sentences.
opts = OptionParser(description=description)
help="choose demo D; omit this for the default demo, or specify 'chat80'",
"-g", "--gram", dest="grammar", help="read in grammar G", metavar="G"
help="import model M (omit '.py' suffix)",
help="read in a file of test sentences S",
help="just do a syntactic analysis",
help="don't carry out beta-reduction",
help="set syntactic tracing on; requires '-e' option",
help="set semantic tracing on",
(options, args) = opts.parse_args()
SPACER = "-" * 30
sents = [
"Fido sees a boy with Mary",
"John sees Mary",
"every girl chases a dog",
"every boy chases a girl",
"John walks with a girl in Noosa",
"who walks",
gramfile = "grammars/sample_grammars/sem2.fcfg"
if options.sentences:
sentsfile = options.sentences
if options.grammar:
gramfile = options.grammar
if options.model:
exec("import %s as model" % options.model)
if sents is None:
sents = read_sents(sentsfile)
# Set model and assignment
model = m0
g = g0
if options.evaluate:
evaluations = evaluate_sents(sents, gramfile, model, g, trace=options.semtrace)
semreps = interpret_sents(sents, gramfile, trace=options.syntrace)
for i, sent in enumerate(sents):
n = 1
print("\nSentence: %s" % sent)
if options.evaluate:
for (syntree, semrep, value) in evaluations[i]:
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = set(value.keys())
print("%d: %s" % (n, semrep))
n += 1
for (syntree, semrep) in semreps[i]:
print("%d: %s" % (n, semrep))
n += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":