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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import argparse
import os
import os.path as osp
import mmcv
import mmengine
import numpy as np
from mmocr.utils import crop_img, dump_ocr_data
def collect_files(img_dir, gt_dir):
"""Collect all images and their corresponding groundtruth files.
img_dir (str): The image directory
gt_dir (str): The groundtruth directory
files (list): The list of tuples (img_file, groundtruth_file)
assert isinstance(img_dir, str)
assert img_dir
assert isinstance(gt_dir, str)
assert gt_dir
ann_list, imgs_list = [], []
for gt_file in os.listdir(gt_dir):
# Filtering repeated and missing images
if '(' in gt_file or gt_file == 'X51006619570.txt':
ann_list.append(osp.join(gt_dir, gt_file))
imgs_list.append(osp.join(img_dir, gt_file.replace('.txt', '.jpg')))
files = list(zip(sorted(imgs_list), sorted(ann_list)))
assert len(files), f'No images found in {img_dir}'
print(f'Loaded {len(files)} images from {img_dir}')
return files
def collect_annotations(files, nproc=1):
"""Collect the annotation information.
files (list): The list of tuples (image_file, groundtruth_file)
nproc (int): The number of process to collect annotations
images (list): The list of image information dicts
assert isinstance(files, list)
assert isinstance(nproc, int)
if nproc > 1:
images = mmengine.track_parallel_progress(
load_img_info, files, nproc=nproc)
images = mmengine.track_progress(load_img_info, files)
return images
def load_img_info(files):
"""Load the information of one image.
files (tuple): The tuple of (img_file, groundtruth_file)
img_info (dict): The dict of the img and annotation information
assert isinstance(files, tuple)
img_file, gt_file = files
assert osp.basename(gt_file).split('.')[0] == osp.basename(img_file).split(
# read imgs while ignoring orientations
img = mmcv.imread(img_file, 'unchanged')
img_info = dict(
if osp.splitext(gt_file)[1] == '.txt':
img_info = load_txt_info(gt_file, img_info)
raise NotImplementedError
return img_info
def load_txt_info(gt_file, img_info):
"""Collect the annotation information.
Annotation Format
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, transcript
gt_file (list): The list of tuples (image_file, groundtruth_file)
img_info (int): The dict of the img and annotation information
img_info (list): The dict of the img and annotation information
with open(gt_file, encoding='unicode_escape') as f:
anno_info = []
for ann in f.readlines():
# skip invalid annotation line
bbox = np.array(ann.split(',')[0:8]).astype(int).tolist()
except ValueError:
word = ann.split(',')[-1].replace('\n', '').strip()
anno = dict(bbox=bbox, word=word)
return img_info
def generate_ann(root_path, split, image_infos):
"""Generate cropped annotations and label txt file.
root_path (str): The root path of the dataset
split (str): The split of dataset. Namely: training or test
image_infos (list[dict]): A list of dicts of the img and
annotation information
dst_image_root = osp.join(root_path, 'crops', split)
if split == 'training':
dst_label_file = osp.join(root_path, 'train_label.json')
elif split == 'test':
dst_label_file = osp.join(root_path, 'test_label.json')
os.makedirs(dst_image_root, exist_ok=True)
img_info = []
for image_info in image_infos:
index = 1
src_img_path = osp.join(root_path, 'imgs', split,
image = mmcv.imread(src_img_path)
src_img_root = image_info['file_name'].split('.')[0]
for anno in image_info['anno_info']:
word = anno['word']
dst_img = crop_img(image, anno['bbox'], 0, 0)
# Skip invalid annotations
if min(dst_img.shape) == 0 or len(word) == 0:
dst_img_name = f'{src_img_root}_{index}.png'
index += 1
dst_img_path = osp.join(dst_image_root, dst_img_name)
mmcv.imwrite(dst_img, dst_img_path)
'file_name': dst_img_name,
'anno_info': [{
'text': word
dump_ocr_data(img_info, dst_label_file, 'textrecog')
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate training and test set of SROIE')
parser.add_argument('root_path', help='Root dir path of SROIE')
'--nproc', default=1, type=int, help='Number of process')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
args = parse_args()
root_path = args.root_path
for split in ['training', 'test']:
print(f'Processing {split} set...')
with mmengine.Timer(
print_tmpl='It takes {}s to convert SROIE annotation'):
files = collect_files(
osp.join(root_path, 'imgs', split),
osp.join(root_path, 'annotations', split))
image_infos = collect_annotations(files, nproc=args.nproc)
generate_ann(root_path, split, image_infos)
if __name__ == '__main__':