steve-fish-speech /
steve13's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
ca70244 verified
import os
import queue
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Annotated, Literal, Optional
import torch
from pydantic import AfterValidator, BaseModel, Field, confloat, conint, conlist
from pydantic.functional_validators import SkipValidation
from fish_speech.conversation import Message, TextPart, VQPart
class ServeVQPart(BaseModel):
type: Literal["vq"] = "vq"
codes: SkipValidation[list[list[int]]]
class ServeTextPart(BaseModel):
type: Literal["text"] = "text"
text: str
class ServeAudioPart(BaseModel):
type: Literal["audio"] = "audio"
audio: bytes
class ASRPackRequest:
audio: torch.Tensor
result_queue: queue.Queue
language: str
class ServeASRRequest(BaseModel):
# The audio should be an uncompressed PCM float16 audio
audios: list[bytes]
sample_rate: int = 44100
language: Literal["zh", "en", "ja", "auto"] = "auto"
class ServeASRTranscription(BaseModel):
text: str
duration: float
huge_gap: bool
class ServeASRSegment(BaseModel):
text: str
start: float
end: float
class ServeTimedASRResponse(BaseModel):
text: str
segments: list[ServeASRSegment]
duration: float
class ServeASRResponse(BaseModel):
transcriptions: list[ServeASRTranscription]
class ServeMessage(BaseModel):
role: Literal["system", "assistant", "user"]
parts: list[ServeVQPart | ServeTextPart]
def to_conversation_message(self):
new_message = Message(role=self.role, parts=[])
for part in
if isinstance(part, ServeTextPart):
elif isinstance(part, ServeVQPart):
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported part type: {part}")
return new_message
class ServeRequest(BaseModel):
messages: Annotated[list[ServeMessage], conlist(ServeMessage, min_length=1)]
max_new_tokens: int = 1024
top_p: float = 0.7
repetition_penalty: float = 1.2
temperature: float = 0.7
streaming: bool = False
num_samples: int = 1
early_stop_threshold: float = 1.0
class ServeVQGANEncodeRequest(BaseModel):
# The audio here should be in wav, mp3, etc
audios: list[bytes]
class ServeVQGANEncodeResponse(BaseModel):
tokens: SkipValidation[list[list[list[int]]]]
class ServeVQGANDecodeRequest(BaseModel):
tokens: SkipValidation[list[list[list[int]]]]
class ServeVQGANDecodeResponse(BaseModel):
# The audio here should be in PCM float16 format
audios: list[bytes]
class ServeReferenceAudio(BaseModel):
audio: bytes
text: str
class ServeForwardMessage(BaseModel):
role: str
content: str
class ServeResponse(BaseModel):
messages: list[ServeMessage]
finish_reason: Literal["stop", "error"] | None = None
stats: dict[str, int | float | str] = {}
class ServeStreamDelta(BaseModel):
role: Literal["system", "assistant", "user"] | None = None
part: ServeVQPart | ServeTextPart | None = None
class ServeStreamResponse(BaseModel):
sample_id: int = 0
delta: ServeStreamDelta | None = None
finish_reason: Literal["stop", "error"] | None = None
stats: dict[str, int | float | str] | None = None
class ServeReferenceAudio(BaseModel):
audio: bytes
text: str
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ServeReferenceAudio(text={self.text!r}, audio_size={len(})"
class ServeChatRequestV1(BaseModel):
model: str = "llama3-8b"
messages: list[ServeForwardMessage] = []
audio: bytes | None = None
temperature: float = 1.0
top_p: float = 1.0
max_tokens: int = 256
voice: str = "jessica"
tts_audio_format: Literal["mp3", "pcm", "opus"] = "mp3"
tts_audio_bitrate: Literal[16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192] = 128
class ServeTTSRequest(BaseModel):
text: str
chunk_length: Annotated[int, conint(ge=100, le=300, strict=True)] = 200
# Audio format
format: Literal["wav", "pcm", "mp3"] = "wav"
mp3_bitrate: Literal[64, 128, 192] = 128
# References audios for in-context learning
references: list[ServeReferenceAudio] = []
# Reference id
# For example, if you want use
# Just pass 7f92f8afb8ec43bf81429cc1c9199cb1
reference_id: str | None = None
seed: int | None = None
use_memory_cache: Literal["on-demand", "never"] = "never"
# Normalize text for en & zh, this increase stability for numbers
normalize: bool = True
mp3_bitrate: Optional[int] = 64
opus_bitrate: Optional[int] = -1000
# Balance mode will reduce latency to 300ms, but may decrease stability
latency: Literal["normal", "balanced"] = "normal"
# not usually used below
streaming: bool = False
max_new_tokens: int = 1024
top_p: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0.1, le=1.0, strict=True)] = 0.7
repetition_penalty: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0.9, le=2.0, strict=True)] = 1.2
temperature: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0.1, le=1.0, strict=True)] = 0.7