Runtime error
Runtime error
- maybe curate the videos more... | |
- remove blank frames? remove similar frames? | |
- do a write up, | |
- medium post | |
- can we coauthor a medium post? | |
- or we both put content and link to it | |
- linkedin post, with link to write up and UI | |
- a video/gif showing how it works (e.g. in readme) | |
- find good examples that get good results | |
- make title match repo name | |
- in future... add more videos? | |
- see if people use / like (are there metrics on hf?) | |
- [x] run overnight to get the full set of videos from playlists | |
- [x] Add both our names to the app on hf | |
- [x] Make obvious in GUI that can click video (is a link to a video) | |
- e.g. simple message |