Runtime error
Runtime error
import {VComponent} from './VisComponent' | |
import {spacyColors} from '../etc/SpacyInfo' | |
import {SVG} from '../etc/SVGplus' | |
import * as d3 from 'd3' | |
import * as R from 'ramda' | |
import { D3Sel } from '../etc/Util'; | |
import { SimpleEventHandler } from '../etc/SimpleEventHandler'; | |
interface MarginInfo { | |
top: number, | |
bottom: number, | |
right: number, | |
left: number | |
} | |
// Dependent on the options in the response | |
type MatchedMetaSelections = "pos" | "dep" | "ent" | |
interface MatchedMetaCount { | |
pos: number | |
dep: number | |
is_ent: number | |
} | |
interface MaxAttMetaCount { | |
offset: number | |
} | |
type MatchedDataInterface = MatchedMetaCount | |
type MaxAttDataInterface = MaxAttMetaCount | |
type DataInterface = MatchedDataInterface | MaxAttDataInterface | |
interface CountedHist { | |
label: string, | |
count: number | |
} | |
type RenderDataInterface = CountedHist[] | |
/** | |
* Data formatting functions | |
*/ | |
const toRenderData = (obj: {[s: string]: number}): RenderDataInterface => Object.keys(obj).map((k, i) => { | |
return {label: k, count: obj[k]} | |
}) | |
const toStringOrNum = (a:string) => { | |
const na = +a | |
if (isNaN(na)) { | |
return a | |
} | |
return na | |
} | |
const sortByLabel = R.sortBy(R.compose(toStringOrNum, R.prop('label'))) | |
const sortByCount = R.sortBy(R.prop('count')) | |
const toOrderedRender = R.compose( | |
R.reverse, | |
// @ts-ignore -- TODO: fix | |
sortByCount, | |
toRenderData | |
) | |
export class CorpusHistogram<T> extends VComponent<T> { | |
css_name = '' | |
static events = {} | |
_current = { | |
chart: { | |
height: null, | |
width: null | |
} | |
} | |
svg: D3Sel | |
options: { | |
margin: MarginInfo | |
barWidth: number | |
width: number | |
height: number | |
val: string | |
xLabelRot: number | |
xLabelOffset: number | |
yLabelOffset: number | |
} | |
axes = { | |
x: d3.scaleBand(), | |
y: d3.scaleLinear(), | |
} | |
constructor(d3parent: D3Sel, eventHandler?: SimpleEventHandler, options={}) { | |
super(d3parent, eventHandler) | |
this.options = { | |
margin: { | |
top: 10, | |
right: 30, | |
bottom: 50, | |
left: 40 | |
}, | |
barWidth: 25, | |
width: 185, | |
height: 230, | |
val: "pos", // Change Default, pass through constructor | |
xLabelRot: 45, | |
xLabelOffset: 15, | |
yLabelOffset: 5, | |
} | |
this.superInitSVG() | |
} | |
meta():MatchedMetaSelections | |
meta(val:MatchedMetaSelections): this | |
meta(val?) { | |
if (val == null) { | |
return this.options.val; | |
} | |
this.options.val = val; | |
this.update(this._data) | |
return this; | |
} | |
_init() {} | |
private createXAxis() { | |
const self = this; | |
const op = this.options; | |
const width = op.width - op.margin.left - op.margin.right | |
this.axes.x | |
.domain('label'), self.renderData)) | |
.rangeRound([0, width]) | |
.padding(0.1) | |
this._current.chart.width = width; | |
} | |
private createYAxis() { | |
const self = this; | |
const op = this.options; | |
const height = op.height - - op.margin.bottom | |
this.axes.y | |
.domain([0, +d3.max('count'), self.renderData))]) | |
.rangeRound([height, 0]) | |
this._current.chart.height = height; | |
} | |
private createAxes() { | |
this.createXAxis() | |
this.createYAxis() | |
} | |
_wrangle(data: DataInterface) { | |
const out = data[this.options.val] | |
return toOrderedRender(out) | |
} | |
width():number | |
width(val:number):this | |
width(val?) { | |
if (val == null) { | |
return this.options.width; | |
} | |
this.options.width = val; | |
this.updateWidth(); | |
this.createXAxis(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
height():number | |
height(val:number):this | |
height(val?) { | |
if (val == null) { | |
return this.options.height; | |
} | |
this.options.height = val; | |
this.updateHeight(); | |
this.createYAxis(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
private updateWidth() { | |
this.svg.attr('width', this.options.width) | |
} | |
private updateHeight() { | |
this.svg.attr('height', this.options.height) | |
} | |
private figWidth(data: RenderDataInterface) { | |
const op = this.options; | |
return (data.length * op.barWidth) + op.margin.left + op.margin.right | |
} | |
_render(data:RenderDataInterface) { | |
const self = this; | |
const op = this.options; | |
const curr = this._current; | |
this.parent.html('') | |
this.svg = this.parent | |
this.createAxes(); | |
this.width(this.figWidth(data)); | |
this.updateHeight(); | |
// Initialize axes | |
const g = self.svg.append("g") | |
.attr("transform", SVG.translate({x: op.margin.left,})) | |
// Hack to allow clearing this histograms to work | |
self.base = g | |
// Fix below for positional changing | |
const axisBottom = g.append("g") | |
.attr("transform", SVG.translate({x: 0, y:curr.chart.height})) | |
.call(d3.axisBottom(self.axes.x)) | |
if (op.val != "offset") { | |
axisBottom | |
.selectAll("text") | |
.attr("y", op.yLabelOffset) // Move below the axis | |
.attr("x", op.xLabelOffset) // Offset to the right a bit | |
.attr("transform", SVG.rotate(op.xLabelRot)) | |
} | |
g.append("g") | |
.call(d3.axisLeft(self.axes.y)) | |
g.selectAll(".bar") | |
.data(data) | |
.join('rect') | |
.attr("class", "bar") | |
.attr("x", function(d) { return self.axes.x(d.label); }) | |
.attr("y", function(d) { return self.axes.y(d.count); }) | |
.attr("width", self.axes.x.bandwidth()) | |
.attr("height", function(d) { return curr.chart.height - self.axes.y(d.count); }) | |
.style('fill', k => spacyColors.colorScale[op.val](k.label)) | |
} | |
} | |