Runtime error
Runtime error
// import { BertAPI } from './api/bertApi' | |
// import { DemoAPI } from './api/demoApi' | |
import {API} from './api/mainApi' | |
import * as d3 from 'd3' | |
import * as R from 'ramda' | |
import * as _ from 'lodash' | |
import * as nj from 'numjs' | |
import * as x_ from './etc/_Tools' | |
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs' | |
import {TokenDisplay, TokenWrapper, sideToLetter} from './data/TokenWrapper' | |
import {AttentionWrapper} from "./data/AttentionCapsule" | |
import {FaissSearchResultWrapper} from "./data/FaissSearchWrapper" | |
const api = new API() | |
/** | |
* To learn about the behavior of the functions that I write, without writing a professional test suite | |
* (cuz time constraints / I don't know how to do a testing suite well in Typescript) | |
*/ | |
export class Tester { | |
// static testTf() { | |
// const a = tf.randomUniform([3,3,4]); | |
// const b = a.gather([0, 1], 0); | |
// const a_out = a.arraySync(); | |
// console.log(a_out); | |
// } | |
// static testAttWrapperConstructor() { | |
// api.getAttentions("Simple test one", "another test two").then(r => { | |
// const att = new AttentionWrapper(r); | |
// console.log(att.all); | |
// }) | |
// } | |
// static testNjAray() { | |
// const a = nj.ones([1,7,12], 'int32') | |
// const b = a | |
// b.slice(null, 0, 11).assign(0, false) | |
// console.log(b.tolist()); | |
// } | |
// static testFindIdx() { | |
// const bad_toks = ['[CLS]', '[SEP]'] | |
// const left_text = ['[CLS]', 'this', 'is', 'sentence', '[SEP]', '[CLS]'] | |
// // const bad_inds = _.findAllIndexes(left_text, (a) => _.includes(bad_toks, a)) | |
// const bad_inds = x_.findAllIndexes(left_text, (a) => _.includes(bad_toks, a)) | |
// console.log(bad_inds); | |
// } | |
// static testUpdateMaskedAttention(){ | |
// const as = 'this is a long string that has some meaning' | |
// const bs = 'String part 2' | |
// const a = ['[CLS]', 'this', 'is', 'a', 'long', 'string', 'that', 'has', 'some', 'meaning', '[SEP]'] | |
// const b = ['string', 'part', '2', '[SEP]'] | |
// const maskA = [1, 7, 9] | |
// const maskB = [] // CAN'T BE EMPTY | |
// const api = new BertAPI() | |
// const val1 = new TokenDisplay(a, maskA) | |
// const val2 = new TokenDisplay(b, maskB) | |
// api.updateMaskedAttentions(val1, val2).then( | |
// (r) => { | |
// console.log(r.ab.left_text); | |
// console.log(r.ab.right_text); | |
// } | |
// ) | |
// } | |
// static testOrderedInsert() { | |
// const a = [1, 3, 6, 8, 9] | |
// const a2 = [1, 6, 8, 22, 9] | |
// const a3 = [] | |
// const val = 4 | |
// x_.orderedInsert_(a, val) | |
// console.log(a); | |
// x_.orderedInsert_(a2, val, true) | |
// console.log(a2); | |
// x_.orderedInsert_(a3, val) | |
// console.log(a3); | |
// } | |
// static testTokenDisplay() { | |
// const toksa = ['yes', 'my', 'good', 'sir'] | |
// const toksb = ['hi', 'there'] | |
// const masksa = [] | |
// const masksb = [] | |
// const td = new TokenDisplay(toksa, masksa) | |
// const td2 = new TokenDisplay(toksb, masksb) | |
// const twrap = new TokenWrapper(toksa, toksb, masksa, masksb) | |
// // console.log(twrap.a); | |
// // console.log(twrap.b); | |
// // console.log(twrap.all); | |
// // twrap.mask("a", 3) | |
// // console.log(twrap.a); | |
// // console.log(twrap.all); | |
// twrap.mask("all", 1) | |
// console.log(twrap.b); | |
// console.log(twrap.all); | |
// } | |
// static testFaissWrapper() { | |
// const q = x_.makeRandom(768); | |
// api.getNearestWozEmbeddings(q, 0, 10).then( | |
// r => { | |
// const fsw = new FaissSearchResultWrapper(r) | |
// console.log(fsw.toStringArr()); | |
// } | |
// ) | |
// } | |
// static testSideToLetter() { | |
// const side = "left" | |
// console.log( sideToLetter(side, "all")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter(side, "ab")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter(side, "ba")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter(side, "bb")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter(side, "aa")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter("right", "aa")); | |
// console.log( sideToLetter("abc", "aa")); // no error thrown... But linting catches an issue | |
// } | |
// static testRandomArrayCreation() { | |
// console.log(x_.makeRandom(10)); | |
// } | |
// static testFaissSearchResultsHist () { | |
// api.getNearestWozEmbeddings(x_.makeRandom(768), 0).then(val => { | |
// const fsw = new FaissSearchResultWrapper(val); | |
// console.log(fsw.getHistogram()); | |
// }) | |
// } | |
static testReadingJSON () { | |
// console.log("RUNNING THE THING"); | |
let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { | |
resolve(DemoAPI) | |
}) | |
promise.then(x => console.log(x)) | |
// console.log(DemoAPI) | |
// d3.json("demoAPI.json").then(d => console.log(Object.keys(d))) | |
} | |
} | |