File size: 5,876 Bytes
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import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.ops import unary_union
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
import sys
# Input shapefile
input_shapefile = sys.argv[1]
# Input XML file
input_xml = sys.argv[2]
# Output shapefile
output_shapefile = sys.argv[3]
# Create shapefile writer for the output
w = shapefile.Writer(output_shapefile)
w.autoBalance = 1
# Step 1: Load the shapefile and get the merged polygon with exterior boundary
gdf = gpd.read_file(input_shapefile)
# Step 1.1: Identify and fix invalid geometries
gdf['valid'] = gdf.is_valid
# Print invalid geometries
invalid_geometries = gdf[~gdf['valid']]
if not invalid_geometries.empty:
print(f"Invalid geometries found: {len(invalid_geometries)}. Attempting to fix them.")
# Fix invalid geometries using buffer(0)
gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].buffer(0)
# Combine all polygons into one using unary_union
merged_polygon = unary_union(gdf.geometry)
# Step 1.2: Check if merged_polygon is a MultiPolygon or a single Polygon
if isinstance(merged_polygon, Polygon):
exterior_boundaries = [merged_polygon.exterior]
elif isinstance(merged_polygon, MultiPolygon):
exterior_boundaries = [poly.exterior for poly in merged_polygon.geoms]
raise TypeError("Resulting geometry is neither a Polygon nor a MultiPolygon.")
# Define fields for shapefile
w.field('art', 'C') # Type of tag (Gemeinde, Bundesland, etc.)
w.field('name', 'C') # Name value
w.field('schluessel', 'C') # Schlüssel value
w.field('uebaname', 'C') # Uebaname value
w.field('ueobjekt', 'C') # Ueobjekt value
# Parse the XML file
tree = ET.parse(input_xml)
root = tree.getroot()
# Namespace map
ns = {'gml': '',
'adv': ''}
# Store the tag names
tag_names = {
'AX_Gemeinde': 'Gemeinde',
'AX_Bundesland': 'Bundesland',
'AX_Regierungsbezirk': 'Regierungsbezirk',
'AX_KreisRegion': 'Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt'
# Track if "Gemeinde" and "Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt" have already been added
first_gemeinde_added = False
first_kreis_added = False
# Helper function to extract polygon coordinates
def extract_polygon(coords_text):
coords = list(map(float, coords_text.split()))
return [(coords[i], coords[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(coords), 2)]
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing coordinates: {e}")
return None
# Step 3: Add the extracted XML data to the shapefile along with the exterior boundary from the polygon
tags = ['AX_Gemeinde', 'AX_Bundesland', 'AX_Regierungsbezirk', 'AX_KreisRegion']
data = {}
for tag in tags:
for element in root.findall(f'.//adv:{tag}', ns):
tag_name = tag_names.get(tag, '<null>')
name_elem = element.find('.//adv:bezeichnung', ns)
name = name_elem.text if name_elem is not None else '<null>'
schluessel_elem = element.find('.//adv:schluesselGesamt', ns)
schluessel = schluessel_elem.text if schluessel_elem is not None else '<null>'
# Define uebaname based on tag
if tag == 'AX_Gemeinde':
uebaname = data.get('AX_KreisRegion', {}).get('name', '<null>')
elif tag == 'AX_Bundesland':
uebaname = '<null>'
elif tag == 'AX_Regierungsbezirk':
uebaname = data.get('AX_Bundesland', {}).get('name', '<null>')
elif tag == 'AX_KreisRegion':
uebaname = data.get('AX_Regierungsbezirk', {}).get('name', '<null>')
# Define ueobjekt based on schluessel
if tag == 'AX_Gemeinde':
ueobjekt = f"DE{schluessel[:5]}"
elif tag == 'AX_Bundesland':
ueobjekt = '<null>'
elif tag == 'AX_Regierungsbezirk':
ueobjekt = '<null>'
elif tag == 'AX_KreisRegion':
ueobjekt = f"DE{schluessel[:3]}"
data[tag] = {'name': name, 'schluessel': schluessel}
# Skip if first Gemeinde or Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt has already been added
if (tag == 'AX_Gemeinde' and first_gemeinde_added) or (tag == 'AX_KreisRegion' and first_kreis_added):
# Set flags after first Gemeinde or Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt is added
if tag == 'AX_Gemeinde':
first_gemeinde_added = True
elif tag == 'AX_KreisRegion':
first_kreis_added = True
# Add record to shapefile (with the tag data)
w.record(tag_name, name, schluessel, uebaname, ueobjekt)
# Step 4: Add the exterior boundaries to the shapefile
for boundary in exterior_boundaries:
# Define spatial reference (projection file)
with open(output_shapefile.replace('.shp', '.prj'), 'w') as prj_file:
prj_file.write('PROJCS["ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N",'
'SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]],'
# Save the shapefile
w.close() |