Commit History

Fixed issues with gradio version 5.16. Fixed fuzzy search error with pages with no data.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Corrected image coordinate translation when the pdf mediabox is not the same size as pdf page rectangle

seanpedrickcase commited on

Zoom and rotate features from forked gradio_annotation package. Fixed csv/xlsx redaction. Updated guide on creating exe.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Fuzzy match implementation for deny list. Added option to merge multiple review files. Review files from redaction step should now include text.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Added capabilities to export to and import from Adobe .xfdf files

seanpedrickcase commited on

Added tab to be able to compare pages across multiple documents and redact duplicates

seanpedrickcase commited on

Ensured the text ocr outputs have no line breaks at end. Multi-line custom text searches now possible. Files for review sent from redact button. Fixed image redaction (not review yet). Can get user pool details from headers. Gradio update.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Corrected large image reduction code

seanpedrickcase commited on

Dropdown choices for redactions are now listed correctly

seanpedrickcase commited on

Moved review components to give more space for page. Extended zoom limits. Existing redaction labels should now appear in new redaction box dropdown.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Corrected image resizing method for instances where the image is very large.

seanpedrickcase commited on

App should now resize images that are too large before sending to Textract. Textract now more robust to failure. Improved reliability of json conversion to review dataframe

seanpedrickcase commited on

You can now have output redaction boxes in grey according to an environment variable. Review files are now saved every time page is changed.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Greatly improved regex for direct matching with custom entities

seanpedrickcase commited on

Uploaded pdfs with review files will now include all pages that don't have redactions. Slightly improved deny list matching.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Fixed bug where pages suggested for whole redaction are one lower than requested

seanpedrickcase commited on

Fix bug to identify all handwriting labels. Now only concatenates entity_type boxes if they have different labels.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Allowed for Cognito login in situations where client secret is not provided

seanpedrickcase commited on

Removed some placeholder values

Sean Pedrick-Case commited on

Adapted text join options to review file to be more resilient to changes in image size. Added possibility of using client secret with AWS login

seanpedrickcase commited on

Side review bar is mostly there. A couple of bugs fixed. Can now return identified text in initial review files. Still working on retaining found text throughout review process

seanpedrickcase commited on

Hopefully finally fixed the duplicate image_annotation_object issue

seanpedrickcase commited on

Now should correctly remove duplicate items from all_image_annotator

seanpedrickcase commited on

Refactor redaction functionality and enhance UI components: Added support for custom recognizers and whole page redaction options. Updated file handling to include new dropdowns for entity selection and improved dataframes for entity management. Enhanced the annotator with better state management and UI responsiveness. Cleaned up redundant code and improved overall performance in the redaction process.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Enhance file handling and UI features: improved Gradio app layout with fill width option, and integrated new settings for deny, and fully redacted lists (placeholders so far). Updated file conversion functions to handle CSV inputs and added CSV review file generation for redactions. Now retains all original and merged redaction boxes.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Can now toggle colour change for boxes. Large boxes now remove text correctly

seanpedrickcase commited on

Fixed issue where redactions were sometimes not removing text underneath boxes. You can now redact in different colours from review page

seanpedrickcase commited on

Updated packages. Reinstituted multithreading with page load, now with order protected. Smaller spacy model used for speed. Textract calls should now be faster

seanpedrickcase commited on

Started adding in support for custom deny list. Fixed textract call issue. Removed multithreading for now as it mixes up pages

seanpedrickcase commited on

Multithreaded file preparation. Can call Textract without signature detection

seanpedrickcase commited on

Can now specify the root path that the app will run on with an environment variable

seanpedrickcase commited on

Can now define queue size, max file size, and server port in environment variables

seanpedrickcase commited on

Removed default custom header values so as not to cause errors

seanpedrickcase commited on

Modified Dockerfile hopefully to not need Lambda overrides. Looking into custom headers from Cloudfront to try to get them to work

seanpedrickcase commited on

Allowed for overwriting of default output folder in choose_and_run_redactor function.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Added a little more debugging code to lambda_entrypoint

seanpedrickcase commited on

Created custom csvlogger to try to overcome AWS Lambda's incompatibility with multithread locks

seanpedrickcase commited on

Added option for running redact function through CLI (i.e. not going through Gradio UI or API). Test functions for running this through AWS Lambda.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Only shows AWS options when AWS functions enabled. Can now upload previous review files to continue review later. Some review debugging.

seanpedrickcase commited on

Submitting modified redactions will no longer overwrite default labels

seanpedrickcase commited on

Should now retain modified redactions on first use of zoom

seanpedrickcase commited on

Comprehend now uses custom spacy recognisers on top of defaults. Added zoom functionality to annotator. Fixed some pdf mediabox issues and redacted image output issues.

seanpedrickcase commited on

AWS Comprehend query numbers in logs should now add up correctly

seanpedrickcase commited on

Returned file redaction timeout (before resending request) to 105 seconds default

seanpedrickcase commited on

logs should only be updated once per file run now

seanpedrickcase commited on

Improved time taken reporting and readme

seanpedrickcase commited on

Consolidated AWS Comprehend redaction calls to reduce total number

seanpedrickcase commited on

When on AWS, now loads in a default allow_list to exclude common words from redaction. Improved checks on AWS Comprehend calls.

seanpedrickcase commited on