address_matcher / tools /
seanpedrickcase's picture
Added AWS auth, logging, allowed for API call saves
history blame
13.6 kB
import pandas as pd
from typing import Type, Dict, List, Tuple
from datetime import datetime
#import polars as pl
import re
PandasDataFrame = Type[pd.DataFrame]
PandasSeries = Type[pd.Series]
MatchedResults = Dict[str,Tuple[str,int]]
array = List[str]
today ="%d%m%Y")
today_rev ="%Y%m%d")
def prepare_search_address_string(
search_str: str
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, str, List[str], List[str]]:
"""Extracts address and postcode from search_str into new DataFrame"""
# Validate input
if not isinstance(search_str, str):
raise TypeError("search_str must be a string")
search_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"full_address":[search_str]})
# Extract postcode
postcode_series = extract_postcode(search_df, "full_address").dropna(axis=1)[0]
# Remove postcode from address
address_series = remove_postcode(search_df, "full_address")
# Construct output DataFrame
search_df_out = pd.DataFrame()
search_df_out["full_address"] = address_series
search_df_out["postcode"] = postcode_series
# Set key field for joining
key_field = "index"
# Reset index to use as key field
search_df_out = search_df_out.reset_index()
# Define column names to return
address_cols = ["full_address"]
postcode_col = ["postcode"]
return search_df_out, key_field, address_cols, postcode_col
def prepare_search_address(
search_df: pd.DataFrame,
address_cols: list,
postcode_col: list,
key_col: str
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, str]:
# Validate inputs
if not isinstance(search_df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("search_df must be a Pandas DataFrame")
if not isinstance(address_cols, list):
raise TypeError("address_cols must be a list")
if not isinstance(postcode_col, list):
raise TypeError("postcode_col must be a list")
if not isinstance(key_col, str):
raise TypeError("key_col must be a string")
# Clean address columns
#search_df_polars = pl.from_dataframe(search_df)
clean_addresses = _clean_columns(search_df, address_cols)
# Join address columns into one
full_addresses = _join_address(clean_addresses, address_cols)
# Add postcode column
full_df = _add_postcode_column(full_addresses, postcode_col)
# Remove postcode from main address if there was only one column in the input
if postcode_col == "full_address_postcode":
# Remove postcode from address
address_series = remove_postcode(search_df, "full_address")
search_df["full_address"] == address_series
# Ensure index column
final_df = _ensure_index(full_df, key_col)
return final_df
# Helper functions
def _clean_columns(df, cols):
# Cleaning logic
def clean_col(col):
return col.astype(str).fillna("").infer_objects(copy=False).str.replace("nan","").str.replace("\s{2,}", " ", regex=True).str.replace(","," ").str.strip()
df[cols] = df[cols].apply(clean_col)
return df
def _join_address(df, cols):
# Joining logic
full_address = df[cols].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)
df["full_address"] = full_address.str.replace("\s{2,}", " ", regex=True).str.strip()
return df
def _add_postcode_column(df, postcodes):
# Add postcode column
if isinstance(postcodes, list):
postcodes = postcodes[0]
if postcodes != "full_address_postcode":
df = df.rename(columns={postcodes:"postcode"})
df["full_address_postcode"] = extract_postcode(df,"full_address_postcode")[0] #
df = df.rename(columns={postcodes:"postcode"})
return df
def _ensure_index(df, index_col):
# Ensure index column exists
if ((index_col == "index") & ~("index" in df.columns)):
print("Resetting index in _ensure_index function")
df = df.reset_index()
df[index_col] = df[index_col].astype(str)
return df
def create_full_address(df):
df = df.fillna("").infer_objects(copy=False)
if "Organisation" not in df.columns:
df["Organisation"] = ""
df["full_address"] = df['Organisation'] + " " + df['SaoText'].str.replace(" - ", " REPL ").str.replace("- ", " REPLEFT ").str.replace(" -", " REPLRIGHT ") + " " + df["SaoStartNumber"].astype(str) + df["SaoStartSuffix"] + "-" + df["SaoEndNumber"].astype(str) + df["SaoEndSuffix"] + " " + df["PaoText"].str.replace(" - ", " REPL ").str.replace("- ", " REPLEFT ").str.replace(" -", " REPLRIGHT ") + " " + df["PaoStartNumber"].astype(str) + df["PaoStartSuffix"] + "-" + df["PaoEndNumber"].astype(str) + df["PaoEndSuffix"] + " " + df["Street"] + " " + df["PostTown"] + " " + df["Postcode"]
#.str.replace(r'(?<=[a-zA-Z])-(?![a-zA-Z])|(?<![a-zA-Z])-(?=[a-zA-Z])', ' ', regex=True)\
#.str.replace(".0","", regex=False)\
df["full_address"] = df["full_address"]\
.str.replace(" -"," ")\
.str.replace("- "," ")\
.str.replace(" REPL "," - ")\
.str.replace(" REPLEFT ","- ")\
.str.replace(" REPLRIGHT "," -")\
.str.replace("\s+"," ", regex=True)\
#.str.replace(" "," ")\
return df["full_address"]
def prepare_ref_address(ref_df, ref_address_cols, new_join_col = ['UPRN'], standard_cols = True):
if ('SaoText' in ref_df.columns) | ("Secondary_Name_LPI" in ref_df.columns): standard_cols = True
else: standard_cols = False
ref_address_cols_uprn = ref_address_cols.copy()
ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref = ref_address_cols_uprn.copy()
ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref.extend(["Reference file"])
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df.copy()
# In on-prem LPI db street has been excluded, so put this back in
if ('Street' not in ref_df_cleaned.columns) & ('Address_LPI' in ref_df_cleaned.columns):
ref_df_cleaned['Street'] = ref_df_cleaned['Address_LPI'].str.replace("\\n", " ", regex = True).apply(extract_street_name)#
if ('Organisation' not in ref_df_cleaned.columns) & ('SaoText' in ref_df_cleaned.columns):
ref_df_cleaned['Organisation'] = ""
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df_cleaned[ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref]
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df_cleaned.fillna("").infer_objects(copy=False)
all_columns = list(ref_df_cleaned) # Creates list of all column headers
ref_df_cleaned[all_columns] = ref_df_cleaned[all_columns].astype(str).fillna('').infer_objects(copy=False).replace('nan','')
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df_cleaned.replace("\.0","",regex=True)
# Create full address
all_columns = list(ref_df_cleaned) # Creates list of all column headers
ref_df_cleaned[all_columns] = ref_df_cleaned[all_columns].astype(str)
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df_cleaned.replace("nan","")
ref_df_cleaned = ref_df_cleaned.replace("\.0","",regex=True)
if standard_cols == True:
ref_df_cleaned= ref_df_cleaned[ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref].fillna('').infer_objects(copy=False)
ref_df_cleaned["fulladdress"] = create_full_address(ref_df_cleaned[ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref])
ref_df_cleaned= ref_df_cleaned[ref_address_cols_uprn_w_ref].fillna('').infer_objects(copy=False)
full_address = ref_df_cleaned[ref_address_cols].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)
ref_df_cleaned["fulladdress"] = full_address
ref_df_cleaned["fulladdress"] = ref_df_cleaned["fulladdress"]\
.str.replace(" -"," ")\
.str.replace("- "," ")\
.str.replace(".0","", regex=False)\
.str.replace("\s{2,}", " ", regex=True)\
# Create a street column if it doesn't exist by extracting street from the full address
if 'Street' not in ref_df_cleaned.columns:
ref_df_cleaned['Street'] = ref_df_cleaned["fulladdress"].apply(extract_street_name)
# Add index column
ref_df_cleaned['ref_index'] = ref_df_cleaned.index
return ref_df_cleaned
def extract_postcode(df, col:str) -> PandasSeries:
Extract a postcode from a string column in a dataframe
postcode_series = df[col].str.upper().str.extract(pat = \
"(\\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9][A-Z]{2})|((GIR ?0A{2})\\b$)|(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9]{1}?)$)|(\\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]?)\\b$)")
return postcode_series
# Remove addresses with no numbers in at all - too high a risk of badly assigning an address
def check_no_number_addresses(df, in_address_series) -> PandasSeries:
Highlight addresses from a pandas df where there are no numbers in the address.
df["in_address_series_temp"] = df[in_address_series].str.lower()
no_numbers_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("^(?!.*\d+).*$", regex=True)
df.loc[no_numbers_series == True, 'Excluded from search'] = "Excluded - no numbers in address"
df = df.drop("in_address_series_temp", axis = 1)
#print(df[["full_address", "Excluded from search"]])
return df
def remove_postcode(df, col:str) -> PandasSeries:
Remove a postcode from a string column in a dataframe
address_series_no_pcode = df[col].str.upper().str.replace(\
"\\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}|GIR ?0A{2})\\b$|(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9]{1}?)$|\\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]?)\\b$","", regex=True).str.lower()
return address_series_no_pcode
def extract_street_name(address:str) -> str:
Extracts the street name from the given address.
address (str): The input address string.
str: The extracted street name, or an empty string if no match is found.
>>> address1 = "1 Ash Park Road SE54 3HB"
>>> extract_street_name(address1)
'Ash Park Road'
>>> address2 = "Flat 14 1 Ash Park Road SE54 3HB"
>>> extract_street_name(address2)
'Ash Park Road'
>>> address3 = "123 Main Blvd"
>>> extract_street_name(address3)
'Main Blvd'
>>> address4 = "456 Maple AvEnUe"
>>> extract_street_name(address4)
'Maple AvEnUe'
>>> address5 = "789 Oak Street"
>>> extract_street_name(address5)
'Oak Street'
street_types = [
'Street', 'St', 'Boulevard', 'Blvd', 'Highway', 'Hwy', 'Broadway', 'Freeway',
'Causeway', 'Cswy', 'Expressway', 'Way', 'Walk', 'Lane', 'Ln', 'Road', 'Rd',
'Avenue', 'Ave', 'Circle', 'Cir', 'Cove', 'Cv', 'Drive', 'Dr', 'Parkway', 'Pkwy',
'Park', 'Court', 'Ct', 'Square', 'Sq', 'Loop', 'Place', 'Pl', 'Parade', 'Estate',
'Alley', 'Arcade','Avenue', 'Ave','Bay','Bend','Brae','Byway','Close','Corner','Cove',
'Crescent', 'Cres','Cul-de-sac','Dell','Drive', 'Dr','Esplanade','Glen','Green','Grove','Heights', 'Hts',
'Mews','Parade','Path','Piazza','Promenade','Quay','Ridge','Row','Terrace', 'Ter','Track','Trail','View','Villas',
'Marsh', 'Embankment', 'Cut', 'Hill', 'Passage', 'Rise', 'Vale', 'Side'
# Dynamically construct the regex pattern with all possible street types
street_types_pattern = '|'.join(rf"{re.escape(street_type)}" for street_type in street_types)
# The overall regex pattern to capture the street name
pattern = rf'(?:\d+\s+|\w+\s+\d+\s+|.*\d+[a-z]+\s+|.*\d+\s+)*(?P<street_name>[\w\s]+(?:{street_types_pattern}))'
def replace_postcode(address):
pattern = r'\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}|GIR ?0A{2})\b$|(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9]{1}?)$|\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]?)\b$'
return re.sub(pattern, "", address)
modified_address = replace_postcode(address.upper())
# Perform a case-insensitive search
match =, modified_address, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
street_name ='street_name')
return street_name.strip()
return ""
# Exclude non-postal addresses
def remove_non_postal(df, in_address_series):
Highlight non-postal addresses from a polars df where a string series that contain specific substrings
indicating non-postal addresses like 'garage', 'parking', 'shed', etc.
df["in_address_series_temp"] = df[in_address_series].str.lower()
garage_address_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("(?i)(?:\\bgarage\\b|\\bgarages\\b)", regex=True)
parking_address_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("(?i)(?:\\bparking\\b)", regex=True)
shed_address_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("(?i)(?:\\bshed\\b|\\bsheds\\b)", regex=True)
bike_address_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("(?i)(?:\\bbike\\b|\\bbikes\\b)", regex=True)
bicycle_store_address_series = df["in_address_series_temp"].str.contains("(?i)(?:\\bbicycle store\\b|\\bbicycle store\\b)", regex=True)
non_postal_series = (garage_address_series | parking_address_series | shed_address_series | bike_address_series | bicycle_store_address_series)
df.loc[non_postal_series == True, 'Excluded from search'] = "Excluded - non-postal address"
df = df.drop("in_address_series_temp", axis = 1)
return df