import sys |
import logging |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
_orig_except_hook = None |
def _global_except_hook(exctype, value, traceback): |
"""Catches an unhandled exception and call MPI_Abort().""" |
try: |
if _orig_except_hook: |
_orig_except_hook(exctype, value, traceback) |
else: |
sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, traceback) |
finally: |
import mpi4py.MPI |
rank = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() |
logger.warning("******************************************") |
logger.warning("DefaultTrainer:") |
logger.warning(f" Uncaught exception on rank {rank}.") |
logger.warning(" Calling MPI_Abort() to shut down MPI...") |
logger.warning("******************************************") |
logging.shutdown() |
try: |
import mpi4py.MPI |
mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1) |
except Exception as e: |
sys.stderr.write("Sorry, failed to stop MPI and the process may hang.\n") |
sys.stderr.flush() |
raise e |
def add_hook(): |
""" |
Add a global hook function that captures all unhandled exceptions. |
The function calls MPI_Abort() to force all processes abort. |
An MPI runtime is expected to kill all of its child processes |
if one of them exits abnormally or without calling `MPI_Finalize()`. |
However, when a Python program run on `mpi4py`, the MPI runtime |
often fails to detect a process failure, and the rest of the processes |
hang infinitely. |
See https://github.com/chainer/chainermn/issues/236 and |
https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mpi4py.run.html for more |
information. |
""" |
global _orig_except_hook |
if _orig_except_hook is not None: |
logger.warning("GlobalExceptHook.add_hook() seems to be called multiple times. Ignoring.") |
return |
logger.info("Adding global except hook for the distributed job to shutdown MPI if unhandled exception is raised on some of the ranks.") |
_orig_except_hook = sys.excepthook |
sys.excepthook = _global_except_hook |