,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text | |
0,0.00015,0.0845,spk_0,"Hello, these a re sexist microphones. They uh they a re made for womens shirts." | |
1,0.132333333,0.155483333,spk_1,"No, mines the opposite." | |
2,0.164166667,1.29565,spk_0,"Um Okay. So um lets start. Um Thanks for coming again to this meeting. I hope it wont be too long and especially that will make some progress on uh this uh this small task that is putting people in our new rooms. Uh I hope you had fun in uh well, designing something or uh asking the people about their preferences and uh things like this. So yeah, thats what I was talking about. Its for womens shirts. Um So um well, I think you remember all the constraints and the new settings. I think youll be more and more used to it as, as soon as we move. So we have these one person, two person and three person rooms. Um And so that makes I think 18 places and we had about 15 people and some uh spare uh spare, well working places to to put um may I first uh provide the answers to the, the questions from the last time? And I also | |
checked with uh Maggie and" | |
3,1.307166667,1.320333333,spk_1,"Oh, great." | |
4,1.3215,2.6745,spk_0,"Yeah, so that will be part of the, your uh your solution or suggestions, the solution. But regarding the constraints, um there is no immediate plan to, to make separations between the rooms. So that means basically what we have to do with this setting. And uh its, its quite difficult to make new doors and new walls. So I think we shouldnt count on them in the next uh four years maybe. And they dont want us to sh, I mean, they dont want to provide an extra working space for Gisela with the other a, the admins which we could understand because its sort of full over there. But uh a t least thats what they said. So it seems we, uh, yeah, they, well, we cannot change the habits of the whole school just for us though. It wouldnt be a bad thing maybe. But, um, well see so regarding the possibility to put four people in one of the 23 person rooms. Um, well, its not very easy. Well have to play uh quite uh quite wisely with the furnishing it. It looks like its not impossible. A t least on the one that is a bit uh longer on, on the right. So, uh the one here, it should be possible to put four persons. If we could avoid it, it would much simplify things. But uh my" | |
5,2.682333333,2.7625,spk_2,"question is, is it, is it against the regulation, security regulation? | |
No," | |
6,2.770983333,2.78115,spk_0," no, | |
no." | |
7,2.789816667,2.861316667,spk_1,"And I, and I went over and I looked a t that room too. Theres plenty of space for four people." | |
8,2.870833333,3.15665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think, yeah, its more a matter of how to arrange the furniture. But uh, since we a re experts, a t this task, uh okay. So maybe we could count on, on four places, but the final decision is not really ours. So, um, well see actually that would be | |
fine if this one of the person is 50%." | |
9,3.159816667,3.169333333,spk_3,So for exa | |
10,3.171166667,3.48815,spk_0,"m exactly or one of the intern positions, the people who might come something like that. Um Okay, so these were the um the answers. So actually I, I did my uh my proposal as a slide. Would you like me to start or would you like me to end it?" | |
11,3.516666667,3.91865,spk_1,"Complete? Uh I talked both with Maggie and Pierre and both of them were happy to share offices. They have no problem with some. Uh theyre, theyre easy but uh could be uh as Pierre has right now that she could, shes happy to continue to share with Marian and Maggie for example, to share with uh it could be with Bruno because they work on the Swiss together and they like to gossip together. So, | |
yeah." | |
12,3.949,5.819333333,spk_0,"Okay. Then let me um explain very briefly, the, the rationale for, for this. So its the sa me uh schema that, you know, in red you have the uh uh oh excuse me. Thats quite uh annoying. Excuse me. Um Hello. Oh, yeah. Um Can, can I call you a bit later in about half an hour? Im just in the middle of a meeting and Im talking. Oh, okay. Thank you. Bye bye. Um Sorry for this. Fortunately we were just uh the four of us. Um Okay, so let me get back to, to the proposal after a brief interruption. Um So the NA Mes A rein red now. Um well, one of the reasons a t least for me for doing this was to more or less group people uh with within projects because I, I think that sometimes they, they just discuss together and uh its easier if theyre in the SA ME office and um which is quite happy. Actually, I, I also thought that some professors might enjoy or a t least uh dont, dont say anything about being with their assistant. So I was happy to hear Susan um saying that Maggie and Bruno could go on well together and Pierrette and uh Marian Inin the Sa Me office. Um So what I can say is uh that I also understood that Susan would be rather in favour of uh well having her own office. So uh its, its, its working like this. I put the lounge in the middle. Its also one of the rooms with the fewer uh the fewest uh windows. So I think thats not a problem because youre not going to just stay there and stare outside. Uh But its, its nicer to have a nicer view from your office. I guess" | |
13,5.823816667,5.866666667,spk_2,putting the printer in the lounge is just killing the lounge. | |
14,5.880333333,5.95865,spk_0,"I dont know. Yeah. Maybe I thought in an angle but thats obviously not very," | |
15,5.96865,6.018833333,spk_2,"you a re printing all the time. Yeah. Why | |
not put the printer out in the" | |
16,6.020833333,6.098166667,spk_1," hallway? Okay. | |
And so next to the photocopy, maybe it wouldnt be a bad place here." | |
17,6.102483333,7.346316667,spk_0," Is there | |
any space there for photocopy and printer? Yeah, well have to check the, yeah, but the printer is quite small. If we find, find just a small table for it. M maybe, maybe one day well have a photocopy that is also a printer. So okay. But I, I wouldnt s well insist on this, I think. Okay. So the printer will, will remove it if we work from this uh this solution. So um im two is more or less in the upper left side. Um I said more or less um uh upper uh lower left side uh you have Swiss and Parmenides. So the two projects from the list and then me SLT on the on the right side, maybe not a ve a very good solution for G if you can suggest something uh better because shes with two people who uh well, two phd students and its true that she has, yeah, a lot of phone calls to make. But um its some way to, to solve some constraints. I think this is a very open thing. Uh If you want, we can use this document or we could just say first listen to your suggestions and see if we erase everything or just do some modifications using" | |
18,7.358816667,7.437166667,spk_1,question. Whats the justification for giving Nancy her own office? | |
19,7.453483333,7.800483333,spk_0,"Um Yeah, maybe not a very strong one. And I, maybe you a re you have better suggestions. Um It was, I think, sort of one of the uh places they re that remain. And I, I think, yeah, there is no strong constraint and uh well, shes a smoker but the policy is that we dont smoke. So its even better if shes uh with a second person, I" | |
20,7.80465,7.865483333,spk_2,have a suggestion to put Gisela to switch Nancy and Gisela. | |
21,7.879833333,7.944,spk_0,"Uh huh. Ok. A the facts on the printing machine," | |
22,7.957333333,7.99315,spk_2,"the printer in the one person room," | |
23,8.018833333,8.131333333,spk_1,Gisela will not be very happy about that. Uh We tried that and Gisela really didnt like to have the printer and people in and out. | |
24,8.19665,8.243483333,spk_0,"Yeah, that was the case. And uh she was a bit, uh" | |
25,8.289483333,8.365833333,spk_2,an admin room clearly identified as an admin room and only an admin room. | |
26,8.373666667,8.42,spk_0,We could store files there where you can close | |
27,8.422316667,8.499316667,spk_2,"it. You have the personal files of the, of the people of the, of the, of the unit, et cetera, | |
et cetera." | |
28,8.504483333,8.599333333,spk_0,"Okay. So if you want, I can already do this change | |
here against the fact that my personal files," | |
29,8.599483333,8.6585,spk_2,a reinafinain a room that is not specifically dedicated for that. | |
30,8.7015,8.702166667,spk_0,The | |
31,8.712833333,8.940483333,spk_3,"professors, uh, you have, theres no printer or theres only one printer. Um, because if not the person, the printer can go in a room of three people. Thats typical case where theres the lab and theres, the printer is there." | |
32,8.95615,9.04565,spk_2,"Yeah. But the printer can be in the, in the, yeah, | |
the, yeah, when the printer is, yeah, its, its the main one." | |
33,9.045833333,9.52165,spk_0,"We have a secondary one which we could try to accommodate in another room. But its basically, yeah, the pe the, the printer where everybody prints. Um, so I changed this. So maybe I would suggest let me le c can I hear also? Let, let us hear from you and then if we can work out the solu common solution from this one, then we go back to, to this slide and if not, um, well just, Ill start from scratch" | |
34,9.537666667,9.592833333,spk_2,"right to share the room with you is a view on the old town, lets say." | |
35,9.618166667,9.621483333,spk_0,Mmhmm. | |
36,9.63615,9.776983333,spk_2,Okay. You have to be aware of what I was saying last time that you will have to suffer some calls suffer from p from phone calls. | |
37,9.781816667,9.94865,spk_0,"Yeah, Ill try, Ill bring my walk. And uh, David, you had also. Uh" | |
38,9.958833333,10.42865,spk_3,"Yeah. Okay for me as, uh, I dont know, uh, the people a lot. Uh I, I just suggested that uh theres a la a lack of men, so I would certainly put, uh, not two men in the sa me office. I would try to share them with the woman. So uh for exa Mples, I would uh in your slide, I would uh switch either you or Martin with uh uh the other room. This one" | |
39,10.44283333,10.58631667,spk_0,"uh huh oh Let me put the plan. Sorry, I will display um Yeah, this is the empty one. I dont want to influence you. So, so you would put," | |
40,10.59031667,10.64231667,spk_1,you have to show us which one you were talking about? David? We didnt know. | |
41,10.65615,10.69565,spk_3," Yeah. Yeah, I was wanting to change this. | |
Uh" | |
42,10.72065,10.75998333,spk_1," You c you can even stand and just show us | |
there." | |
43,10.772,10.84331667,spk_3," Yeah, but I need your uh your slide because I was talking about your | |
slide." | |
44,10.84531667,11.02116667,spk_0,"Okay. So you would prefer the na Mes, okay? I I dont want to influence you too much but uh Im perfectly happy to start with this as a basis and then change things." | |
45,11.06931667,11.268,spk_3,"Yeah. So here you can see that the men is, I mean they a re always sharing the room with a, with a woman. I mean, theres Bruno Me uh be and Nico is" | |
46,11.274,11.366,spk_2,"also. Yeah, but for Pierrette and, and Maggie its uh its will, its a wish or its" | |
47,11.36916667,11.47616667,spk_0,uh oh actually is a woman too. Sorry. Its the feminine of Pierre. Mmhmm. | |
48,11.48766667,11.58848333,spk_3,So I mean this is perfectly fine and we just changed Martin and Andre for Maria or Yalena or Nancy. Maybe | |
49,11.61115,11.65715,spk_2,you didnt get your solution. What was it again? | |
50,11.66098333,11.8825,spk_3,"Yeah. Here there a re two men. So, so, I mean, its a mix sexes. Yeah, its nice. I dont think so. I mean, theres a lack of men here ininin this Inin, this lab. So I would change one, each one." | |
51,11.90298333,12.35198333,spk_2,"But its not so much a question of men or women. Its more the question of, as I said that uh um here you have only p, you have phd students that a re regroup there, you have s senior researchers that a re regrouped, which is to me more unless it corresponds to some specific demand. Like it is in the case, in Maggie, in Maggies case, in Pierres case, I think thats a very efficient way of doing things." | |
52,12.37116667,12.82216667,spk_0,"Yeah. And for me, its also, I, I would prefer maybe not to be in a three person office just to be. So Im very happy with you propose this, but I could also be happy with most of the other people. So even in a three person room, its, its fine. Okay. So lets keep in mind maybe this uh constraint of balancing the, the genders. Uh Well see if we can uh do something for it." | |
53,12.84183333,12.88766667,spk_1,"Andre, did you ask these people if this was okay with them?" | |
54,12.89316667,13.76848333,spk_0,"Uh Ive asked some of them and Ive also used a little bit uh what Ive, well, I mean, the, the present arrangement just not to, to shock people too much. And its also people that I know um, get on well, quite, quite well together and also work on the SA me project, like, for instance, Marian, uh, uh, the Finnish Marianne and, uh, Nikos who interact quite a lot on, uh, on me. SLT. Um, yeah, Maria and Yalena seem to go on one quite, quite well. Uh, Nancy had no strong preference, especially since shes no longer allowed to smoke in, in her office. Um, yeah. So I, I think, well, a t least as far as I, I asked, there was no major objection but | |
isnt there just a, uh, a question of proximities you put David" | |
55,13.77116667,14.00181667,spk_2,"with and yes. Um, but isnt ANAs working, um, in a, in a more substantial way in, uh, with people, like, uh, either Maria or Yalina?" | |