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import os
import uvicorn
import time
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException
import tiktoken
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import multiprocessing
# 初始化 FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
# 获取编码器
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
# 随机生成 ID
def general_id(zimu=4, num=6):
import random
import string
letters = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=zimu))
numbers = ''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=num))
return f"chatcmpl-{letters}{numbers}"
# 异常处理函数
def handle_exception(e):
if isinstance(e, JSONDecodeError):
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="无效的JSON格式")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="服务器内部错误")
# chatgpt format
def is_chatgpt_format(data):
# 检查数据是否符合 ChatGPT 的格式
if isinstance(data, dict) and "choices" in data and "message" in data["choices"][0]:
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def get_workers_count() -> int:
Calculate optimal number of workers
Default: 4, Maximum: 8
Formula: min(max(4, (2 * CPU cores) + 1), 8)
cpu_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
recommended_workers = (2 * cpu_cores) + 1
return min(max(4, recommended_workers), 8)
except Exception as e:
if debug:
print(f"Worker count calculation failed: {e}, using default 4")
return 4
# 模拟 ChatGPT 响应
def generate_response(headers, data):
## 尝试解析头及请求,主服务未来不是授权key不能使用
## 返回结果
result = "This is a test result."
## 计算tokean
# 判断请求体中的数据是否已经符合 ChatGPT 的格式
if is_chatgpt_format(result):
response_data = result
# 计算时间戳
current_timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
# 计算 token 数量
prompt_tokens = len(encoding.encode(str(data))) # 对请求体的编码进行 token 计算
completion_tokens = len(encoding.encode(result)) # 对返回结果的编码进行 token 计算
total_tokens = prompt_tokens + completion_tokens
# 构造符合 ChatGPT 格式的响应
response_data = {
"id": general_id(),
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": current_timestamp,
"model": data.get("model", "gpt-4o"),
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": prompt_tokens,
"completion_tokens": completion_tokens,
"total_tokens": total_tokens,
"completion_tokens_details": {
"reasoning_tokens": 0,
"accepted_prediction_tokens": 0,
"rejected_prediction_tokens": 0
"choices": [
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": result
"logprobs": None,
"finish_reason": "stop",
"index": 0
# 打印最终返回的数据
print(f"Response Data: {response_data}" )
return response_data
except Exception as e:
handle_exception(e) # 异常处理函数
# 解析动态路由
def get_dynamic_routes():
- REPLACE_CHAT: 替换默认访问地址,直接替换默认路径,支持多个,逗号分割
- PREFIX_CHAT: 在默认访问地址前加上前缀,支持多个,逗号分割
- APPEND_CHAT: 添加额外的访问地址,支持多个,逗号分割
:return: 返回一个包含动态生成的路由路径的列表
# 默认路径
default_path = "/v1/chat/completions"
# 获取环境变量,默认为空字符串
replace_chat = os.getenv("REPLACE_CHAT", "")
prefix_chat = os.getenv("PREFIX_CHAT", "")
append_chat = os.getenv("APPEND_CHAT", "")
# 优先级: 如果设置了 REPLACE_CHAT,直接返回替换路径
if replace_chat:
# 如果设置了 REPLACE_CHAT,按逗号分割,返回多个替换路径
return [path.strip() for path in replace_chat.split(",") if path.strip()]
routes = [] # 用于保存最终生成的路由列表
# 处理 PREFIX_CHAT: 在默认路径前加前缀
if prefix_chat:
# 将 PREFIX_CHAT 按逗号分隔,支持多个前缀
prefixes = prefix_chat.split(",")
for prefix in prefixes:
# 确保路径拼接时,前缀和默认路径之间有一个斜杠
routes.append(prefix + default_path)
# 如果设置了 PREFIX_CHAT,返回所有生成的前缀路径
return routes
# 如果没有设置 PREFIX_CHAT,检查是否设置了 APPEND_CHAT
if append_chat:
# 将 APPEND_CHAT 按逗号分隔,去除可能的空值和空白字符
append_paths = [path.strip() for path in append_chat.split(",") if path.strip()]
# 将默认路径和 APPEND_CHAT 中的路径合并
routes = [default_path] + append_paths
if not routes:
# 返回生成的所有路由路径
return routes
# 注册单个动态路由
def register_route(path: str):
print(f"register route path: {path}")
async def dynamic_chat_endpoint(request: Request):
headers = request.headers
data = request.json()
print(f"Received Request Header: {headers}\nData: {data}")
result = generate_response(headers, data)
return result
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
# 动态设置路由
def setup_dynamic_routes():
routes = get_dynamic_routes()
print("Registering routes: {routes}")
for path in routes:
def read_root():
return "working..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 注册动态路由
# 获取端口环境变量(默认为 7860)
port = int(os.getenv("PORT", "7860")), host="", port=port)