Build error
Build error
import time | |
import os | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import random | |
import numpy as np | |
from torch import nn | |
from utils import torch_nanmean | |
from datasets import * | |
from model_builder import load_model | |
from scripts.tabular_baselines import get_scoring_string | |
from scripts import tabular_metrics | |
from scripts.transformer_prediction_interface import * | |
from scripts.baseline_prediction_interface import * | |
""" | |
=============================== | |
=============================== | |
""" | |
def eval_model(i, e, valid_datasets, test_datasets, eval_positions, bptt, add_name, base_path, device='cpu', eval_addition='', **kwargs): | |
metrics_test, config_sample, model_path = eval_model_on_ds(i, e, test_datasets, eval_positions, bptt, add_name, base_path, device=device, eval_addition=eval_addition, **kwargs) | |
metrics_valid, _, _ = eval_model_on_ds(i, e, valid_datasets, eval_positions, bptt, add_name, base_path, device=device, eval_addition=eval_addition, **kwargs) | |
return {'mean_auc_test': metrics_test['mean_roc_at_1000'], 'mean_auc_valid': metrics_valid['mean_roc_at_1000'], 'mean_ce_test': metrics_test['mean_ce_at_1000'], 'mean_ce_valid': metrics_valid['mean_ce_at_1000'], 'config_sample': config_sample, 'model_path': model_path} | |
def eval_model_on_ds(i, e, valid_datasets, eval_positions, bptt, add_name, base_path, device='cpu', eval_addition='', **kwargs): | |
# How to use: evaluate_without_fitting(i,0,valid_datasets, [1024], 100000, add_name=model_string, base_path=base_path,) | |
def check_file(e): | |
model_file = f'models_diff/prior_diff_real_checkpoint{add_name}_n_{i}_epoch_{e}.cpkt' | |
model_path = os.path.join(base_path, model_file) | |
# print('Evaluate ', model_path) | |
results_file = os.path.join(base_path, | |
f'models_diff/prior_diff_real_results{add_name}_n_{i}_epoch_{e}_{eval_addition}.pkl') | |
if not Path(model_path).is_file(): # or Path(results_file).is_file(): | |
# print('checkpoint exists: ', Path(model_file).is_file(), ', results are written:', Path(results_file).is_file()) | |
return None, None, None | |
return model_file, model_path, results_file | |
if e == -1: # use last checkpoint, if e == -1 | |
for e_ in range(100, -1, -1): | |
model_file_, model_path_, results_file_ = check_file(e_) | |
if model_file_ is not None: | |
e = e_ | |
model_file, model_path, results_file = model_file_, model_path_, results_file_ | |
break | |
else: | |
model_file, model_path, results_file = check_file(e) | |
model, config_sample = load_model(base_path, model_file, device, None, verbose=False) | |
params = {'max_features': config_sample['num_features'] | |
, 'rescale_features': config_sample["normalize_by_used_features"] | |
, 'normalize_to_ranking': config_sample["normalize_to_ranking"] | |
, 'normalize_with_sqrt': config_sample.get("normalize_with_sqrt", False) | |
} | |
metrics_valid = evaluate(datasets=valid_datasets, model=model[2], method='transformer', device=device, overwrite=True, | |
extend_features=True | |
# just removed the style keyword but transformer is trained with style, just empty | |
, save=False | |
, metric_used=tabular_metrics.cross_entropy | |
, return_tensor=True | |
, verbose=False | |
, eval_positions=eval_positions | |
, bptt=bptt | |
, base_path=None | |
, inference_mode=True | |
, **params | |
, **kwargs) | |
tabular_metrics.calculate_score_per_method(tabular_metrics.auc_metric, 'roc', metrics_valid, valid_datasets, eval_positions) | |
tabular_metrics.calculate_score_per_method(tabular_metrics.cross_entropy, 'ce', metrics_valid, valid_datasets, eval_positions) | |
return metrics_valid, config_sample, model_path | |
def evaluate(datasets, bptt, eval_positions, metric_used, model | |
, verbose=False | |
, return_tensor=False | |
, **kwargs): | |
""" | |
Evaluates a list of datasets for a model function. | |
:param datasets: List of datasets | |
:param bptt: maximum sequence length | |
:param eval_positions: List of positions where to evaluate models | |
:param verbose: If True, is verbose. | |
:param metric_used: Which metric is optimized for. | |
:param return_tensor: Wheater to return results as a pytorch.tensor or numpy, this is only relevant for transformer. | |
:param kwargs: | |
:return: | |
""" | |
overall_result = {'metric_used': get_scoring_string(metric_used) | |
, 'bptt': bptt | |
, 'eval_positions': eval_positions} | |
aggregated_metric_datasets, num_datasets = torch.tensor(0.0), 0 | |
# For each dataset | |
for [ds_name, X, y, categorical_feats, _, _] in tqdm.tqdm(datasets, desc='Iterate over datasets') if verbose else datasets: | |
dataset_bptt = min(len(X), bptt) | |
# if verbose and dataset_bptt < bptt: | |
# print(f'Dataset too small for given sequence length, reducing to {len(X)} ({bptt})') | |
aggregated_metric, num = torch.tensor(0.0), 0 | |
ds_result = {} | |
for eval_position in (eval_positions if verbose else eval_positions): | |
eval_position_real = int(dataset_bptt * 0.5) if 2 * eval_position > dataset_bptt else eval_position | |
eval_position_bptt = int(eval_position_real * 2.0) | |
r = evaluate_position(X, y, model=model | |
, num_classes=len(torch.unique(y)) | |
, categorical_feats = categorical_feats | |
, bptt = eval_position_bptt | |
, ds_name=ds_name | |
, eval_position = eval_position_real | |
, metric_used = metric_used | |
,**kwargs) | |
if r is None: | |
continue | |
_, outputs, ys, best_configs, time_used = r | |
if torch.is_tensor(outputs): | |
outputs = | |
ys = | |
ys = ys.T | |
ds_result[f'{ds_name}_best_configs_at_{eval_position}'] = best_configs | |
ds_result[f'{ds_name}_outputs_at_{eval_position}'] = outputs | |
ds_result[f'{ds_name}_ys_at_{eval_position}'] = ys | |
ds_result[f'{ds_name}_time_at_{eval_position}'] = time_used | |
new_metric = torch_nanmean(torch.stack([metric_used(ys[i], outputs[i]) for i in range(ys.shape[0])])) | |
if not return_tensor: | |
make_scalar = lambda x: float(x.detach().cpu().numpy()) if (torch.is_tensor(x) and (len(x.shape) == 0)) else x | |
new_metric = make_scalar(new_metric) | |
ds_result = {k: make_scalar(ds_result[k]) for k in ds_result.keys()} | |
lib = torch if return_tensor else np | |
if not lib.isnan(new_metric).any(): | |
aggregated_metric, num = aggregated_metric + new_metric, num + 1 | |
overall_result.update(ds_result) | |
if num > 0: | |
aggregated_metric_datasets, num_datasets = (aggregated_metric_datasets + (aggregated_metric / num)), num_datasets + 1 | |
overall_result['mean_metric'] = aggregated_metric_datasets / num_datasets | |
return overall_result | |
""" | |
=============================== | |
=============================== | |
""" | |
def check_file_exists(path): | |
"""Checks if a pickle file exists. Returns None if not, else returns the unpickled file.""" | |
if (os.path.isfile(path)): | |
print(f'loading results from {path}') | |
with open(path, 'rb') as f: | |
return np.load(f, allow_pickle=True).tolist() | |
return None | |
def generate_valid_split(X, y, bptt, eval_position, split_number=1): | |
"""Generates a deteministic train-(test/valid) split. Both splits must contain the same classes and all classes in | |
the entire datasets. If no such split can be sampled in 7 passes, returns None. | |
:param X: torch tensor, feature values | |
:param y: torch tensor, class values | |
:param bptt: Number of samples in train + test | |
:param eval_position: Number of samples in train, i.e. from which index values are in test | |
:param split_number: The split id | |
:return: | |
""" | |
done, seed = False, 13 | |
torch.manual_seed(split_number) | |
perm = torch.randperm(X.shape[0]) if split_number > 1 else torch.arange(0, X.shape[0]) | |
X, y = X[perm], y[perm] | |
while not done: | |
if seed > 20: | |
return None, None # No split could be generated in 7 passes, return None | |
random.seed(seed) | |
i = random.randint(0, len(X) - bptt) if len(X) - bptt > 0 else 0 | |
y_ = y[i:i + bptt] | |
# Checks if all classes from dataset are contained and classes in train and test are equal (contain same | |
# classes) and | |
done = len(torch.unique(y_)) == len(torch.unique(y)) | |
done = done and torch.all(torch.unique(y_) == torch.unique(y)) | |
done = done and len(torch.unique(y_[:eval_position])) == len(torch.unique(y_[eval_position:])) | |
done = done and torch.all(torch.unique(y_[:eval_position]) == torch.unique(y_[eval_position:])) | |
seed = seed + 1 | |
eval_xs = torch.stack([X[i:i + bptt].clone()], 1) | |
eval_ys = torch.stack([y[i:i + bptt].clone()], 1) | |
return eval_xs, eval_ys | |
def evaluate_position(X, y, categorical_feats, model, bptt | |
, eval_position, overwrite, save, base_path, path_interfix, method, ds_name, fetch_only=False | |
, max_time=300, split_number=1 | |
, per_step_normalization=False, **kwargs): | |
""" | |
Evaluates a dataset with a 'bptt' number of training samples. | |
:param X: Dataset X | |
:param y: Dataset labels | |
:param categorical_feats: Indices of categorical features. | |
:param model: Model function | |
:param bptt: Sequence length. | |
:param eval_position: Number of training samples. | |
:param overwrite: Wheater to ove | |
:param overwrite: If True, results on disk are overwritten. | |
:param save: | |
:param path_interfix: Used for constructing path to write on disk. | |
:param method: Model name. | |
:param ds_name: Datset name. | |
:param fetch_only: Wheater to calculate or only fetch results. | |
:param per_step_normalization: | |
:param kwargs: | |
:return: | |
""" | |
if save: | |
path = os.path.join(base_path, f'results/tabular/{path_interfix}/results_{method}_{ds_name}_{eval_position}_{bptt}_{split_number}.npy') | |
#log_path = | |
## Load results if on disk | |
if not overwrite: | |
result = check_file_exists(path) | |
if result is not None: | |
if not fetch_only: | |
print(f'Loaded saved result for {path}') | |
return result | |
elif fetch_only: | |
print(f'Could not load saved result for {path}') | |
return None | |
## Generate data splits | |
eval_xs, eval_ys = generate_valid_split(X, y, bptt, eval_position, split_number=split_number) | |
if eval_xs is None: | |
return None | |
print(f"No dataset could be generated {ds_name} {bptt}") | |
eval_ys = (eval_ys > torch.unique(eval_ys).unsqueeze(0)).sum(axis=1).unsqueeze(-1) | |
start_time = time.time() | |
if isinstance(model, nn.Module): # Two separate predict interfaces for transformer and baselines | |
outputs, best_configs = transformer_predict(model, eval_xs, eval_ys, eval_position, categorical_feats=categorical_feats, **kwargs), None | |
else: | |
_, outputs, best_configs = baseline_predict(model, eval_xs, eval_ys, categorical_feats | |
, eval_pos=eval_position | |
, max_time=max_time, **kwargs) | |
eval_ys = eval_ys[eval_position:] | |
if outputs is None: | |
return None | |
if torch.is_tensor(outputs): # Transfers data to cpu for saving | |
outputs = outputs.cpu() | |
eval_ys = eval_ys.cpu() | |
ds_result = None, outputs, eval_ys, best_configs, time.time() - start_time | |
if save: | |
with open(path, 'wb') as f: | |, ds_result) | |
print(f'saved results to {path}') | |
return ds_result |