cv_job /
saifeddinemk's picture
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from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
from transformers import pipeline
import gradio as gr
import nltk
# Load the SentenceTransformer model for sentence similarity
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading SentenceTransformer model: {e}")
# Load a summarization pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading summarization pipeline: {e}")
# Download NLTK punkt tokenizer if not already installed (run this once)'punkt')
def summarize_text(text, max_length=100, min_length=25):
# Summarize the input text
summary = summarizer(text, max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, do_sample=False)
return summary[0]["summary_text"]
except Exception as e:
return f"Error summarizing text: {e}"
def match_cv_to_jobs(cv_text, job_descriptions):
debug_info = "Debug Info:\n"
results = []
# Summarize the CV text
summarized_cv = summarize_text(cv_text, max_length=150)
debug_info += f"Summarized CV Text: {summarized_cv}\n"
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error summarizing CV text: {e}\n"
return [], debug_info
# Summarize the job description
summarized_job_desc = summarize_text(job_descriptions, max_length=150)
debug_info += f"Summarized Job Description Text: {summarized_job_desc}\n"
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error summarizing job descriptions: {e}\n"
return [], debug_info
# Encode the summarized CV text
cv_embedding = model.encode(summarized_cv, convert_to_tensor=True)
debug_info += f"CV Embedding: {cv_embedding}\n"
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error encoding CV text: {e}\n"
return [], debug_info
# Split summarized job description into sentences
description_sentences = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(summarized_job_desc)
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error tokenizing job description: {e}\n"
return [], debug_info
for sentence in description_sentences:
# Encode each sentence from the summarized job description
sentence_embedding = model.encode(sentence, convert_to_tensor=True)
debug_info += f"\nJob Description Sentence Embedding: {sentence_embedding}\n"
# Compute similarity score
similarity_score = util.pytorch_cos_sim(cv_embedding, sentence_embedding).item()
debug_info += f"Similarity Score for sentence: {similarity_score}\n"
"Job Description Sentence": sentence,
"Similarity Score": similarity_score
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error processing sentence '{sentence}': {e}\n"
# Sort results by similarity score in descending order
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["Similarity Score"], reverse=True)
except Exception as e:
debug_info += f"Error sorting results: {e}\n"
return results, debug_info
# Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("# CV and Job Description Matcher with Summarization and Sentence Similarity")
# Input fields for CV and job descriptions
cv_text = gr.Textbox(label="CV Text", placeholder="Enter the CV text here", lines=10)
job_descriptions = gr.Textbox(label="Job Descriptions", placeholder="Enter the entire job description text here", lines=10)
# Button and output area
match_button = gr.Button("Match CV to Job Descriptions")
output = gr.JSON(label="Match Results")
debug_output = gr.Textbox(label="Debug Info", lines=10) # Add a debug box to display debug info
# Set button click to run the function, inputs=[cv_text, job_descriptions], outputs=[output, debug_output])