molgenevalmetric /
Improved compute
history blame
25.2 kB
import evaluate
import datasets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine as cos_distance
from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance
import torch
import warnings
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
from fcd_torch import FCD
from collections import Counter
from tdc import Oracle
from rdkit.Chem.Crippen import MolLogP
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import MACCSkeys
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem.AllChem import GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect as Morgan
from rdkit.Chem.QED import qed
from rdkit.Contrib.SA_Score import sascorer
from rdkit.Chem.Scaffolds import MurckoScaffold
from syba.syba import SybaClassifier
from myscscore.SCScore import SCScorer
def get_mol(smiles_or_mol):
Converts a SMILES string or RDKit molecule object to an RDKit molecule object.
If the input is already an RDKit molecule object, it returns it directly.
For a SMILES string, it attempts to create an RDKit molecule object.
- smiles_or_mol (str or Mol): The SMILES string of the molecule or an RDKit molecule object.
- Mol or None: The RDKit molecule object or None if conversion fails.
if isinstance(smiles_or_mol, str):
if len(smiles_or_mol) == 0:
return None
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles_or_mol)
if mol is None:
return None
except ValueError:
return None
return mol
return smiles_or_mol
def mapper(n_jobs):
Returns a mapping function suitable for parallel or sequential execution
based on the value of n_jobs.
- n_jobs (int or Pool): Number of jobs for parallel execution or a multiprocessing Pool object.
- Function: A mapping function that can be used for applying a function over a sequence.
if n_jobs == 1:
def _mapper(*args, **kwargs):
return list(map(*args, **kwargs))
return _mapper
if isinstance(n_jobs, int):
pool = Pool(n_jobs)
def _mapper(*args, **kwargs):
result =*args, **kwargs)
return result
return _mapper
def fraction_valid(gen, n_jobs=1):
Calculates the fraction of valid molecules in a list of SMILES strings.
- gen (list of str): List of SMILES strings.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to use for computation.
- float: Fraction of valid molecules.
gen = mapper(n_jobs)(get_mol, gen)
return 1 - gen.count(None) / len(gen)
def canonic_smiles(smiles_or_mol):
Converts a molecule into its canonical SMILES representation.
- smiles_or_mol (str or Mol): SMILES string or RDKit molecule object.
- str or None: Canonical SMILES string, or None if conversion fails.
mol = get_mol(smiles_or_mol)
if mol is None:
return None
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
def fraction_unique(gen, k=None, n_jobs=1, check_validity=False):
Calculates the fraction of unique molecules in a list of SMILES strings.
- gen (list of str): List of SMILES strings.
- k (int, optional): Number of top molecules to consider for uniqueness. If None, considers all.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to use for computation.
- check_validity (bool): If True, checks for the validity of molecules.
- float: Fraction of unique molecules.
if k is not None:
if len(gen) < k:
"Can't compute unique@{}.".format(k) +
"gen contains only {} molecules".format(len(gen))
gen = gen[:k]
canonic = set(mapper(n_jobs)(canonic_smiles, gen))
if None in canonic and check_validity:
raise ValueError("Invalid molecule passed to unique@k")
return len(canonic) / len(gen)
def novelty(gen, train, n_jobs=1):
Computes the novelty of generated molecules compared to a training set.
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- train (List[str]): List of SMILES strings from the training set.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to use for computation.
- float: Novelty score.
gen_smiles = mapper(n_jobs)(canonic_smiles, gen)
gen_smiles_set = set(gen_smiles) - {None}
train_set = set(train)
return len(gen_smiles_set - train_set) / len(gen_smiles_set)
def synthetic_complexity_score(gen):
Calculate the average Synthetic Complexity Score (SCScore) for a list of molecules represented by their SMILES strings.
The SCScore model rates the synthetic complexity of molecules on a scale from 1 to 5.
Based on the premise that on average, the products of published chemical reactions should be more synthetically complex than their corresponding reactants
- gen (list of str): A list containing the SMILES representations of the molecules.
- float: The average Synthetic Accessibility Score for the valid molecules in the list. Returns None if no valid molecules are found.
model = SCScorer()
average_score = model.get_avg_score(gen)
return average_score
def calculate_sa_score(smiles):
Calculates the SA score for a single SMILES string.
Evaluates the ease of synthesizing drug-like molecules in virtual screening.
Ranges from 1 (easy to synthesize) to 10 (hard to synthesize)
This score reflects the presence of common fragments in a molecule and structural complexities.
- smiles (str): SMILES string of the molecule.
- float: SA score of the molecule, or None if the molecule couldn't be created.
mol = get_mol(smiles)
if mol:
return sascorer.calculateScore(mol)
return None
def average_sascore(gen, n_jobs=1):
Computes the average synthetic accessibility score for a list of molecules.
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to use for computation.
- float: Average SA score, or None if no scores could be computed.
scores = mapper(n_jobs)(calculate_sa_score, gen)
# Filter out None values which indicate failed molecule creation
valid_scores = [score for score in scores if score is not None]
if valid_scores:
return sum(valid_scores) / len(valid_scores)
return None
def average_agg_tanimoto(stock_vecs, gen_vecs,
batch_size=5000, agg='max',
device=None, p=1):
Calculates the average aggregate Tanimoto similarity between two sets of molecule fingerprints.
- stock_vecs (numpy array): Fingerprint vectors for the reference molecule set.
- gen_vecs (numpy array): Fingerprint vectors for the generated molecule set.
- batch_size (int): The size of batches to process similarities (reduces memory usage).
- agg (str): Aggregation method, either 'max' or 'mean'.
- device (str or None): The computation device ('cpu' or 'cuda:0', etc.). If None, automatically detect.
- p (float): The power for averaging, used in generalized mean calculation.
- float: Average aggregate Tanimoto similarity score.
assert agg in ['max', 'mean'], "Can aggregate only max or mean"
# Automatically detect device if not provided
if device is None:
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
agg_tanimoto = np.zeros(len(gen_vecs))
total = np.zeros(len(gen_vecs))
for j in range(0, stock_vecs.shape[0], batch_size):
x_stock = torch.tensor(stock_vecs[j:j + batch_size]).to(device).float()
for i in range(0, gen_vecs.shape[0], batch_size):
y_gen = torch.tensor(gen_vecs[i:i + batch_size]).to(device).float()
y_gen = y_gen.transpose(0, 1)
tp =, y_gen)
jac = (tp / (x_stock.sum(1, keepdim=True) +
y_gen.sum(0, keepdim=True) - tp)).cpu().numpy()
jac[np.isnan(jac)] = 1
if p != 1:
jac = jac**p
if agg == 'max':
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] = np.maximum(
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]], jac.max(0))
elif agg == 'mean':
agg_tanimoto[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] += jac.sum(0)
total[i:i + y_gen.shape[1]] += jac.shape[0]
if agg == 'mean':
agg_tanimoto /= total
if p != 1:
agg_tanimoto = (agg_tanimoto)**(1/p)
return np.mean(agg_tanimoto)
def fingerprint(smiles_or_mol, fp_type='maccs', dtype=None, morgan__r=2,
morgan__n=1024, *args, **kwargs):
Generates fingerprint for SMILES
If smiles is invalid, returns None
Returns numpy array of fingerprint bits
smiles: SMILES string
type: type of fingerprint: [MACCS|morgan]
dtype: if not None, specifies the dtype of returned array
fp_type = fp_type.lower()
molecule = get_mol(smiles_or_mol, *args, **kwargs)
if molecule is None:
return None
if fp_type == 'maccs':
keys = MACCSkeys.GenMACCSKeys(molecule)
keys = np.array(keys.GetOnBits())
fingerprint = np.zeros(166, dtype='uint8')
if len(keys) != 0:
fingerprint[keys - 1] = 1 # We drop 0-th key that is always zero
elif fp_type == 'morgan':
fingerprint = np.asarray(Morgan(molecule, morgan__r, nBits=morgan__n),
raise ValueError("Unknown fingerprint type {}".format(fp_type))
if dtype is not None:
fingerprint = fingerprint.astype(dtype)
return fingerprint
def fingerprints(smiles_mols_array, n_jobs=1, already_unique=False, *args,
Computes fingerprints of smiles np.array/list/pd.Series with n_jobs workers
e.g.fingerprints(smiles_mols_array, type='morgan', n_jobs=10)
Inserts np.NaN to rows corresponding to incorrect smiles.
IMPORTANT: if there is at least one np.NaN, the dtype would be float
smiles_mols_array: list/array/pd.Series of smiles or already computed
RDKit molecules
n_jobs: number of parralel workers to execute
already_unique: flag for performance reasons, if smiles array is big
and already unique. Its value is set to True if smiles_mols_array
contain RDKit molecules already.
if isinstance(smiles_mols_array, pd.Series):
smiles_mols_array = smiles_mols_array.values
smiles_mols_array = np.asarray(smiles_mols_array)
if not isinstance(smiles_mols_array[0], str):
already_unique = True
if not already_unique:
smiles_mols_array, inv_index = np.unique(smiles_mols_array,
fps = mapper(n_jobs)(
partial(fingerprint, *args, **kwargs), smiles_mols_array
length = 1
for fp in fps:
if fp is not None:
length = fp.shape[-1]
first_fp = fp
fps = [fp if fp is not None else np.array([np.NaN]).repeat(length)[None, :]
for fp in fps]
if scipy.sparse.issparse(first_fp):
fps = scipy.sparse.vstack(fps).tocsr()
fps = np.vstack(fps)
if not already_unique:
return fps[inv_index]
return fps
def internal_diversity(gen, n_jobs=1, device='cpu', fp_type='morgan',
gen_fps=None, p=1):
Computes internal diversity as:
1/|A|^2 sum_{x, y in AxA} (1-tanimoto(x, y))
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs for fingerprint computation.
- device (str): Computation device ('cpu' or 'cuda:0', etc.).
- fp_type (str): Type of fingerprint to use ('morgan', etc.).
- gen_fps (Optional[np.ndarray]): Precomputed fingerprints of generated molecules. If None, will be computed.
- float: Internal diversity score.
if gen_fps is None:
gen_fps = fingerprints(gen, fp_type=fp_type, n_jobs=n_jobs)
return 1 - (average_agg_tanimoto(gen_fps, gen_fps,
agg='mean', device=device, p=p)).mean()
def fcd_metric(gen, train, n_jobs = 1, device = None):
Computes the Fréchet ChemNet Distance (FCD) between two sets of molecules.
FCD is calculated using the Fréchet Distance between feature vectors of generated and real molecules obtained from ChemNet.
A lower FCD score indicates higher chemical realism and diversity in the molecules generated by a model.
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- train (List[str]): List of training set SMILES strings.
- n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs for computation.
- device (str): Computation device for the FCD calculation.
- float: FCD score.
# Determine the device dynamically based on CUDA availability
if device is None:
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
device = torch.device(device if torch.cuda.is_available() and 'cuda' in device else 'cpu')
fcd = FCD(device=device, n_jobs= n_jobs)
return fcd(gen, train)
def SYBAscore(gen):
Compute the average SYBA (SYnthetic Bayesian Accessibility) score for a list of SMILES strings.
It is a fragment-based method for the rapid classification of organic compounds as easy- (ES) or hard-to-synthesize (HS).
Based on a Bernoulli naïve Bayes classifier that is used to assign SYBA score contributions to individual fragments based on their frequencies in the database of ES and HS molecules.
Trained on ES molecules available in the ZINC15 database and on HS molecules generated by the Nonpher methodology
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- float: The average SYBA score for the list of molecules.
syba = SybaClassifier()
scores = []
for smiles in gen:
score = syba.predict(smi=smiles)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing SMILES '{smiles}': {e}")
if scores:
return sum(scores) / len(scores)
return None # Or handle empty list or all failed predictions as needed
def qed_metric(gen):
Computes RDKit's QED score.
A [0,1] value estimating how likely a molecule is a viable candidate for a drug.
QED is meant to capture certain desirable traits that successful drug molecules tend to possess
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- float: The average QED score for the list of molecules.
if not gen:
return 0.0 # Return 0 or suitable value for empty list
# Convert SMILES strings to RDKit molecule objects and calculate QED scores
qed_scores = []
for smiles in gen:
mol = get_mol(smiles)
if mol: # Ensure molecule is valid
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing molecule {smiles}: {str(e)}")
# Calculate the average QED score
if qed_scores:
return sum(qed_scores) / len(qed_scores)
return 0.0 # Return 0 or suitable value if no valid molecules are processed
def logP_metric(gen):
Computes the average RDKit's logP value for a list of SMILES strings.
LogP is the log of the partition coefficient of a solute between octanol and water, at near infinite dilution.
It is stated that LogP should be between 0 and 5 for a small molecule drug to be a candidate for oral administration.
Computed with RDKit's Crippen (Wildman and Crippen, 1999) estimation.
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- float: Average logP value for the list of molecules.
# Check if the input list is empty
if not gen:
return 0.0 # Return 0 or suitable value for empty list
# Convert SMILES strings to RDKit molecule objects and calculate logP values
logP_values = []
for smiles in gen:
mol = get_mol(smiles)
if mol: # Ensure molecule is valid
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing molecule {smiles}: {str(e)}")
# Calculate the average logP value
if logP_values:
return sum(logP_values) / len(logP_values)
return 0.0 # Return 0 or suitable value if no valid molecules are processed
def penalized_logp(gen):
Computes the average PyTDC's penalized logP value for a list of SMILES strings.
Captures LogP, SA and penalty for number of rings.
- gen (List[str]): List of generated SMILES strings.
- float: Average penalized logP value for the list of molecules.
oracle = Oracle('LogP')
score = oracle(gen)
if isinstance(score, list):
score = sum(score) / len(score)
return score
Comprehensive suite of metrics designed to assess the performance of molecular generation models, for understanding how well a model can produce novel, chemically valid molecules that are relevant to specific research objectives.
generated_smiles (`list` of `string`): A collection of SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) strings generated by the model, ideally encompassing more than 30,000 samples.
train_smiles (`list` of `string`): The dataset of SMILES strings used to train the model, serving as a reference to evaluate the novelty and diversity of the generated molecules.
Dectionary item containing various metrics to evaluate model performance
@evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION)
class molgenevalmetric(evaluate.Metric):
def _info(self):
return evaluate.MetricInfo(
"gensmi": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
"trainsmi": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
if self.config_name == "multilabel"
else {
"gensmi": datasets.Value("string"),
"trainsmi": datasets.Value("string"),
reference_urls=["", "", "", ""],
def _compute(self, gensmi, trainsmi):
metrics = {}
metric_functions = {
'Novelty': lambda: novelty(gen=gensmi, train=trainsmi),
'Valid': lambda: fraction_valid(gen=gensmi),
'Unique': lambda: fraction_unique(gen=gensmi),
'IntDiv': lambda: internal_diversity(gen=gensmi),
'FCD': lambda: fcd_metric(gen=gensmi, train=trainsmi),
'QED': lambda: qed_metric(gen=gensmi),
'LogP': lambda: logP_metric(gen=gensmi),
'Penalized LogP': lambda: penalized_logp(gen=gensmi),
'SA': lambda: average_sascore(gen=gensmi),
'SCScore': lambda: synthetic_complexity_score(gen=gensmi),
'SYBA': lambda: SYBAscore(gen=gensmi),
# 'Oracles': lambda: oracles(gen=gensmi, train=trainsmi)
for metric_name, compute_func in metric_functions.items():
print(f"Computing {metric_name}...")
metrics[metric_name] = compute_func()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error computing {metric_name}: {e}")
metrics[metric_name] = 0
return metrics
# def get_n_rings(mol):
# """
# Computes the number of rings in a molecule
# """
# return mol.GetRingInfo().NumRings()
# def fragmenter(mol):
# """
# fragment mol using BRICS and return smiles list
# """
# fgs = AllChem.FragmentOnBRICSBonds(get_mol(mol))
# fgs_smi = Chem.MolToSmiles(fgs).split(".")
# return fgs_smi
# def compute_fragments(mol_list, n_jobs=1):
# """
# fragment list of mols using BRICS and return smiles list
# """
# fragments = Counter()
# for mol_frag in mapper(n_jobs)(fragmenter, mol_list):
# fragments.update(mol_frag)
# return fragments
# def compute_scaffolds(mol_list, n_jobs=1, min_rings=2):
# """
# Extracts a scafold from a molecule in a form of a canonic SMILES
# """
# scaffolds = Counter()
# map_ = mapper(n_jobs)
# scaffolds = Counter(
# map_(partial(compute_scaffold, min_rings=min_rings), mol_list))
# if None in scaffolds:
# scaffolds.pop(None)
# return scaffolds
# def compute_scaffold(mol, min_rings=2):
# mol = get_mol(mol)
# try:
# scaffold = MurckoScaffold.GetScaffoldForMol(mol)
# except (ValueError, RuntimeError):
# return None
# n_rings = get_n_rings(scaffold)
# scaffold_smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(scaffold)
# if scaffold_smiles == '' or n_rings < min_rings:
# return None
# return scaffold_smiles
# class Metric:
# def __init__(self, n_jobs=1, device='cpu', batch_size=512, **kwargs):
# self.n_jobs = n_jobs
# self.device = device
# self.batch_size = batch_size
# for k, v in kwargs.values():
# setattr(self, k, v)
# def __call__(self, ref=None, gen=None, pref=None, pgen=None):
# assert (ref is None) != (pref is None), "specify ref xor pref"
# assert (gen is None) != (pgen is None), "specify gen xor pgen"
# if pref is None:
# pref = self.precalc(ref)
# if pgen is None:
# pgen = self.precalc(gen)
# return self.metric(pref, pgen)
# def precalc(self, moleclues):
# raise NotImplementedError
# def metric(self, pref, pgen):
# raise NotImplementedError
# class SNNMetric(Metric):
# """
# Computes average max similarities of gen SMILES to ref SMILES
# """
# def __init__(self, fp_type='morgan', **kwargs):
# self.fp_type = fp_type
# super().__init__(**kwargs)
# def precalc(self, mols):
# return {'fps': fingerprints(mols, n_jobs=self.n_jobs,
# fp_type=self.fp_type)}
# def metric(self, pref, pgen):
# return average_agg_tanimoto(pref['fps'], pgen['fps'],
# device=self.device)
# def cos_similarity(ref_counts, gen_counts):
# """
# Computes cosine similarity between
# dictionaries of form {name: count}. Non-present
# elements are considered zero:
# sim = <r, g> / ||r|| / ||g||
# """
# if len(ref_counts) == 0 or len(gen_counts) == 0:
# return np.nan
# keys = np.unique(list(ref_counts.keys()) + list(gen_counts.keys()))
# ref_vec = np.array([ref_counts.get(k, 0) for k in keys])
# gen_vec = np.array([gen_counts.get(k, 0) for k in keys])
# return 1 - cos_distance(ref_vec, gen_vec)
# class FragMetric(Metric):
# def precalc(self, mols):
# return {'frag': compute_fragments(mols, n_jobs=self.n_jobs)}
# def metric(self, pref, pgen):
# return cos_similarity(pref['frag'], pgen['frag'])
# class ScafMetric(Metric):
# def precalc(self, mols):
# return {'scaf': compute_scaffolds(mols, n_jobs=self.n_jobs)}
# def metric(self, pref, pgen):
# return cos_similarity(pref['scaf'], pgen['scaf'])
# class WassersteinMetric(Metric):
# def __init__(self, func=None, **kwargs):
# self.func = func
# super().__init__(**kwargs)
# def precalc(self, mols):
# if self.func is not None:
# values = mapper(self.n_jobs)(self.func, mols)
# else:
# values = mols
# return {'values': values}
# def metric(self, pref, pgen):
# return wasserstein_distance(
# pref['values'], pgen['values']
# )
# def get_frag(gen):
# mols = mapper(pool)(get_mol, gen)
# kwargs = {'n_jobs': pool, 'device': device, 'batch_size': batch_size}