wordle-solver / streamlit_app.py
santit96's picture
Change streamlit app filename
import random
import streamlit as st
from a3c.play import get_play_model_path, suggest
from wordle_env.wordle import get_env
from wordle_env.words import complete_vocabulary, target_vocabulary
def initial_config() -> None:
Function to configure the app
st.title("Wordle Game 🔠")
if "secret_word" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["secret_word"] = random.choice(target_vocabulary)
if "guesses" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["guesses"] = []
if "won" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["won"] = False
def reset_state() -> None:
Deletes all the game state to start again
for key in st.session_state.keys():
del st.session_state[key]
def game_not_finished() -> bool:
Condition that tells if the game is finished or not
It could because there are not more attempts or because the user won
return not st.session_state.get("won") and len(st.session_state.guesses) < 6
def get_ai_guess() -> str:
Call the AI to make a guess based on the game state
env = get_env()
model_path = get_play_model_path()
words = list(map(lambda guess: guess[0], st.session_state.get("guesses")))
states = list(map(lambda guess: guess[2], st.session_state.get("guesses")))
ai_guess = suggest(env, words, states, model_path)
return ai_guess
def render() -> None:
Function to render the app
"<style>.big-font {font-size:30px; display: inline-block; margin: 2px; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: center;}</style>",
if game_not_finished():
guess_input = st.text_input("Enter your guess:", key="guess_input")
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.2, 1])
with col1:
st.button("Submit", on_click=lambda: process_guess(guess_input))
with col2:
st.button("Ask AI ✨", on_click=lambda: process_guess(get_ai_guess()))
elif st.session_state.get("won"):
st.success("Congratulations! You guessed the word!")
st.error("Game Over! The word was: " + st.session_state.secret_word)
# Display guesses and feedback centered
def process_guess(guess: str) -> None:
Process the user guess and sets if the user won or not
guess = guess.upper()
if not len(guess) == 5 or not guess.isalpha():
st.warning("Please enter a valid 5-letter word.")
elif guess not in complete_vocabulary:
st.warning("That is not a valid word.")
if guess == st.session_state.secret_word:
st.session_state["won"] = True
feedback, state = check_guess(guess)
st.session_state.guesses.append((guess, feedback, state))
def display_guesses() -> None:
Display the user guesses with the feedback in a pretty format
for guess, feedback, _ in st.session_state.guesses:
guess_display = '<div style="text-align: center;">'
for i, letter in enumerate(guess):
color = feedback[i]
guess_display += f'<span class="big-font" style="background-color: {color};">{letter}</span>'
guess_display += "</div>"
st.markdown(guess_display, unsafe_allow_html=True)
if game_not_finished():
st.write("You have {} guesses left.".format(6 - len(st.session_state.guesses)))
if st.button("Reset game"):
def check_guess(guess: str) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
Takes a guess and returns the guess feedback
depending if the letters are in the right place or not
feedback = ["grey"] * 5
word_list = list(st.session_state.secret_word)
processed_letters = []
state = ["0"] * 5
# Check for correct position (green)
for i, letter in enumerate(guess):
if letter == word_list[i]:
feedback[i] = "green"
state[i] = "2"
# Check for correct letter but wrong position (yellow)
for i, letter in enumerate(guess):
if (
feedback[i] == "grey"
and letter in word_list
and word_list.count(letter) > processed_letters.count(letter)
feedback[i] = "yellow"
state[i] = "1"
return feedback, state
# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":