Fury-Discord-Bot / main.py
robinroy03's picture
trying to move json content type to None, to disable that check entirely (might be the bug cause)
history blame
3.15 kB
import discord
import aiohttp
import ast
import os
import threading
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
bot = discord.Bot(intents = intents)
token = os.environ.get('TOKEN_DISCORD')
class Like_Dislike(discord.ui.View):
@discord.ui.button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, emoji="πŸ‘")
async def like_button(self, button, interaction):
await interaction.response.send_message("You liked the response")
@discord.ui.button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, emoji="πŸ‘Ž")
async def dislike_button(self, button, interaction):
await interaction.response.send_message("You disliked the response")
async def on_ready():
print(f"{bot.user} is ready and online!")
@bot.slash_command(name="help", description="list of commands and other info.")
async def help(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext):
await ctx.respond("Hello! FURY Bot responds to all your messages\
\n1)Inside Forum channel and\
\n2)Those that tag the bot.")
async def llm_output(question: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
URL_LLM = 'https://robinroy03-fury-engine.hf.space'
obj = {
"query": question,
"llm": "llama3-70b-8192",
"knn": 3,
"stream": False
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(URL_LLM + "/api/generate", json=obj) as response:
if response.status == 500:
return "Error 500"
response_json = await response.json(content_type=None)
return response_json['response'], response_json['references']
async def on_message(message):
Returns llm answer with the relevant context.
if (message.author == bot.user) or not(bot.user.mentioned_in(message)):
await message.reply(content="Your message was received, it'll take around 30 seconds for FURY to process an answer.")
question = message.content.replace("<@1243428204124045385>", "")
engine_response = await llm_output(question)
llm_answer, references = engine_response
start = 0
while llm_answer[start: start+1990] != "":
if (start == 0):
await message.reply(content=llm_answer[start: start+1990])
await message.reply(content=llm_answer[start: start+1990])
start += 1990
await message.reply(content=f"**References**\n{references}", view=Like_Dislike())
except Exception as e: # TODO: make exception handling better
await message.reply("An error occurred. Retry again. Try different prompts.")
def run_bot():
# ===========================================================================================================================================================
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
return "The bot is online."