SeniorProject1_Demo /
rimasalshehri's picture
371ce39 verified
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5.06 kB
import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from joblib import load
from skimage.transform import resize
import torch
import os
import sys
# Ensure to run these commands in your terminal first:
# pip install git+
# pip install timm
# git clone
# Set the path for the 'facer' module
import facer
# Load face parsing model
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
face_detector = facer.face_detector('retinaface/mobilenet', device=device)
face_parser = facer.face_parser('farl/lapa/448', device=device)
# Define the monk scale colors
monk_scale = {
'Class2': (243, 231, 219), # f3e7db
'Class3': (247, 234, 208), # f7ead0
'Class4': (234, 218, 186), # eadaba
'Class5': (215, 189, 150), # d7bd96
'Class6': (160, 126, 86), # a07e56
'Class7': (130, 92, 67), # 825c43
'Class8': (96, 65, 52), # 604134
'Class9': (58, 49, 42), # 3a312a
'Class10': (41, 36, 32), # 292420
# Function to convert RGB tuple to hex color code
def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(*rgb)
# Mapping of Monk classes to colors using monk_scale
monk_colors = {
'1': [rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class2']), rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class3']), rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class4'])],
'2': [rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class5']), rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class6'])],
'3': [rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class7']), rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class8'])],
'4': [rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class9']), rgb_to_hex(monk_scale['Class10'])],
'default': '#808080' # Default color for unexpected classes
# Mapping of model's output classes to monk classes
class_mapping = {
0: '1', # Map model class 0 to monk class 1
1: '2', # Map model class 1 to monk class 2
2: '3', # Map model class 2 to monk class 3
3: '4', # Map model class 3 to monk class 4
# Add more mappings if needed
# Function to load the model
def load_model():
model_path = r"C:\Users\ramam\svm_model3.joblib" # Adjust the path to your model
model = load(model_path)
return model
# Function to parse face and extract skin region
def parse_face(image):
# Ensure the image has 3 channels (RGB)
if image.mode != 'RGB':
image = image.convert('RGB')
image_data = np.array(image)
# Check if the image has 3 channels
if image_data.shape[2] != 3:
raise ValueError("Image does not have 3 channels (RGB).")
image_tensor = torch.from_numpy(image_data.astype('float32')).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
faces = face_detector(image_tensor)
if faces:
parsed_faces = face_parser(image_tensor, faces)
if 'seg' in parsed_faces:
seg_logits = parsed_faces['seg']['logits']
seg_probs = torch.sigmoid(seg_logits)
binary_mask = seg_probs[0, 1, :, :] > 0.5
binary_mask = binary_mask.cpu().numpy()
binary_mask_3d = np.repeat(binary_mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
skin_region = image_data * binary_mask_3d
return skin_region.astype(np.uint8)
return None
# Function to make predictions
def classify_image(image, model):
parsed_image = parse_face(image)
if parsed_image is not None:
image_resized = resize(parsed_image, (128, 128), anti_aliasing=True) # Resize to 128x128
image_reshaped = image_resized.reshape(1, -1) # Reshape to match the model input
if image_reshaped.shape[1] == 49152: # Check if resizing is correct
image_padded = np.pad(image_reshaped, ((0, 0), (0, 65536 - 49152)), 'constant')
raise ValueError("Unexpected number of features after reshaping.")
prediction = model.predict(image_padded)
return prediction[0], parsed_image
raise ValueError("Face parsing failed.")
# Load the model
model = load_model()
# Function to display the Monk class color
def display_monk_class_color(prediction):
st.write(f"Prediction: {prediction}") # Debugging
monk_class = class_mapping.get(prediction, 'default')
colors = monk_colors.get(monk_class, monk_colors['default']) # Default to gray if class not found
st.write(f"Monk Class: {monk_class}")
for color in colors:
st.markdown(f"<div style='width:100px; height:50px; background-color:{color};'></div>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Streamlit app
st.title('Skin Tone Classification')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
image =
st.image(image, caption='Uploaded Image.', use_column_width=True)
if st.button('Classify'):
prediction, parsed_image = classify_image(image, model)
st.image(parsed_image, caption='Parsed Image.', use_column_width=True)
except ValueError as e:
st.error(f"Error: {e}")