""" |
Learn to classify the manually annotated CDA attributes (frames, 'riferimento', orientation) |
""" |
GLOVE_MODEL = "/net/aistaff/gminnema/thesis_data/data/glove-it/glove_WIKI" |
from sklearn.svm import SVC |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer |
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support |
import gensim |
import pandas as pd |
import spacy |
import json |
def train(attrib): |
assert attrib in ["cda_frame", "riferimento", "orientation"] |
print("Loading data...") |
x_train, y_train, x_dev, y_dev = load_data(attrib) |
print(f"\t\ttrain size: {len(x_train)}") |
print(f"\t\tdev size: {len(x_dev)}") |
print("Running training setups...") |
scores = [] |
setups = [ |
({"lemmatize": True, "remove_stop": True}, {"embed": "glove"}, SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.8)), |
] |
nlp = spacy.load("it_core_news_md") |
for s_idx, (text_options, vect_options, model) in enumerate(setups): |
print(f"\tSetup #{s_idx}") |
print("\t\tExtracting features...") |
x_train_fts, vectorizer = extract_features(x_train, nlp, text_options, **vect_options) |
x_dev_fts, _ = extract_features(x_dev, nlp, text_options, **vect_options, vectorizer=vectorizer) |
print(f"\t\t\tnum features: {len(vectorizer.vocabulary_)}") |
print("\t\tTraining the model...") |
model.fit(x_train_fts, y_train) |
print("\t\tValidating the model...") |
y_dev_pred = model.predict(x_dev_fts) |
p_micro, r_micro, f_micro, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( |
y_dev, y_dev_pred, average="micro") |
p_classes, r_classes, f_classes, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( |
y_dev, y_dev_pred, average=None, labels=model.classes_, zero_division=0) |
print( |
f"\t\t\tOverall scores (micro-averaged):\tP={p_micro}\tR={r_micro}\tF={f_micro}" |
) |
scores.append({ |
"micro": { |
"p": p_micro, |
"r": r_micro, |
"f": f_micro |
}, |
"classes": { |
"p": list(zip(model.classes_, p_classes)), |
"r": list(zip(model.classes_, r_classes)), |
"f": list(zip(model.classes_, f_classes)), |
} |
}) |
prediction_df = pd.DataFrame(zip(x_dev, y_dev, y_dev_pred), columns=["headline", "gold", "prediction"]) |
prediction_df.to_csv(f"output/migration/cda_classify/predictions_{s_idx:02}.csv") |
with open("output/migration/cda_classify/scores.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_scores: |
json.dump(scores, f_scores, indent=4) |
def load_data(attrib): |
train_data = pd.read_csv( |
"output/migration/preprocess/annotations_train.csv") |
dev_data = pd.read_csv("output/migration/preprocess/annotations_dev.csv") |
x_train = train_data["Titolo"] |
x_dev = dev_data["Titolo"] |
if attrib == "cda_frame": |
y_train = train_data["frame"] |
y_dev = dev_data["frame"] |
elif attrib == "riferimento": |
y_train = train_data["riferimento"] |
y_dev = dev_data["riferimento"] |
else: |
x_train = train_data["orientation"] |
y_dev = dev_data["orientation"] |
return x_train, y_train, x_dev, y_dev |
def extract_features(headlines, nlp, text_options, min_freq=1, max_freq=1.0, embed=None, vectorizer=None): |
tokenized = [" ".join(sent) for sent in tokenize(headlines, nlp, **text_options)] |
if vectorizer is None: |
if embed is None: |
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(lowercase=False, analyzer="word", min_df=min_freq, max_df=max_freq) |
vectorized = vectorizer.fit_transform(tokenized) |
else: |
vectorizer = gensim.models. |
else: |
vectorized = vectorizer.transform(tokenized) |
return vectorized, vectorizer |
def tokenize(headlines, nlp, remove_punct=True, lowercase=True, lemmatize=False, remove_stop=False): |
for sent in headlines: |
doc = nlp(sent) |
tokens = ( |
t.lemma_ if lemmatize else t.text |
for t in doc |
if (not remove_stop or not t.is_stop) and (not remove_punct or t.pos_ not in ["PUNCT", "SYM", "X"]) |
) |
if lowercase: |
tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens] |
else: |
tokens = [t for t in tokens] |
yield tokens |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
train(attrib="cda_frame") |