LingEval / demonstration_3_42_pos.txt
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C: Mr. Guber , by contrast , has been married to one woman for more than 20 years .
T: Mr._NOUN Guber_NOUN ,_PUNC by_ADP contrast_NOUN ,_PUNC has_VERB been_VERB married_VERB to_PRT one_NUM woman_NOUN for_ADP more_ADJ than_ADP 20_NUM years_NOUN ._PUNC
C: But major packaged-goods players of the world -- such as Procter & Gamble , Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever -- have steadfastly eluded the agency .
T: But_CONJ major_ADJ packaged-goods_NOUN players_NOUN of_ADP the_DET world_NOUN --_PUNC such_ADJ as_ADP Procter_NOUN &_CONJ Gamble_NOUN ,_PUNC Colgate-Palmolive_NOUN and_CONJ Unilever_NOUN --_PUNC have_VERB steadfastly_ADV eluded_VERB the_DET agency_NOUN ._PUNC
C: Given enough of these , this will drive everyone out except the most hardy , '' he adds .
T: Given_VERB enough_ADJ of_ADP these_DET ,_PUNC this_DET will_VERB drive_VERB everyone_NOUN out_PRT except_ADP the_DET most_ADV hardy_ADJ ,_PUNC ''_PUNC he_PRON adds_VERB ._PUNC