Configuration error
Configuration error
File size: 6,655 Bytes
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import torch
from lib.config import cfg
from .nerf_net_utils import *
from .. import embedder
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, net): = net
def get_sampling_points(self, ray_o, ray_d, near, far):
# calculate the steps for each ray
t_vals = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=cfg.N_samples).to(near)
z_vals = near[..., None] * (1. - t_vals) + far[..., None] * t_vals
if cfg.perturb > 0. and
# get intervals between samples
mids = .5 * (z_vals[..., 1:] + z_vals[..., :-1])
upper =[mids, z_vals[..., -1:]], -1)
lower =[z_vals[..., :1], mids], -1)
# stratified samples in those intervals
t_rand = torch.rand(z_vals.shape).to(upper)
z_vals = lower + (upper - lower) * t_rand
pts = ray_o[:, :, None] + ray_d[:, :, None] * z_vals[..., None]
return pts, z_vals
def pts_to_can_pts(self, pts, batch):
"""transform pts from the world coordinate to the smpl coordinate"""
Th = batch['Th'][:, None]
pts = pts - Th
R = batch['R']
sh = pts.shape
pts = torch.matmul(pts.view(sh[0], -1, sh[3]), R)
pts = pts.view(*sh)
return pts
def transform_sampling_points(self, pts, batch):
if not
return pts
center = batch['center'][:, None, None]
pts = pts - center
rot = batch['rot']
pts_ = pts[..., [0, 2]].clone()
sh = pts_.shape
pts_ = torch.matmul(pts_.view(sh[0], -1, sh[3]), rot.permute(0, 2, 1))
pts[..., [0, 2]] = pts_.view(*sh)
pts = pts + center
trans = batch['trans'][:, None, None]
pts = pts + trans
return pts
def prepare_sp_input(self, batch):
# feature, coordinate, shape, batch size
sp_input = {}
# coordinate: [N, 4], batch_idx, x, y, z
sh = batch['tcoord'].shape
idx = [torch.full([sh[1]], i) for i in range(sh[0])]
idx =['tcoord'])
coord = batch['tcoord'].view(-1, sh[-1])
sp_input['coord'] =[idx[:, None], coord], dim=1)
out_sh, _ = torch.max(batch['tout_sh'], dim=0)
sp_input['out_sh'] = out_sh.tolist()
sp_input['batch_size'] = sh[0]
sp_input['i'] = batch['i']
return sp_input
def get_ptot_grid_coords(self, pts, out_sh, bounds):
# pts: [batch_size, x, y, z, 3], x, y, z
min_xyz = bounds[:, 0]
pts = pts - min_xyz[:, None, None, None]
pts = pts / torch.tensor(cfg.voxel_size).to(pts)
# convert the voxel coordinate to [-1, 1]
out_sh = torch.tensor(out_sh).to(pts)
pts = pts / out_sh * 2 - 1
# convert xyz to zyx, since the occupancy is indexed by xyz
grid_coords = pts[..., [2, 1, 0]]
return grid_coords
def get_grid_coords(self, pts, ptot_pts, bounds):
out_sh = torch.tensor(ptot_pts.shape[1:-1]).to(pts)
# pts: [batch_size, N, 3], x, y, z
min_xyz = bounds[:, 0]
pts = pts - min_xyz[:, None]
pts = pts / torch.tensor(cfg.ptot_vsize).to(pts)
# convert the voxel coordinate to [-1, 1]
pts = pts / out_sh * 2 - 1
# convert xyz to zyx, since the occupancy is indexed by xyz
grid_coords = pts[..., [2, 1, 0]]
return grid_coords
# def batchify_rays(self, rays_flat, chunk=1024 * 32, net_c=None):
def batchify_rays(self,
chunk=1024 * 32,
"""Render rays in smaller minibatches to avoid OOM.
all_ret = []
for i in range(0, tgrid_coords.shape[1], chunk):
# ret = self.render_rays(rays_flat[i:i + chunk], net_c)
ret =, tgrid_coords[:, i:i + chunk],
pgrid_coords[:, i:i + chunk],
viewdir[:, i:i + chunk], light_pts[:, i:i + chunk])
# for k in ret:
# if k not in all_ret:
# all_ret[k] = []
# all_ret[k].append(ret[k])
# all_ret = {k:[k], 0) for k in all_ret}
all_ret =, 1)
return all_ret
def render(self, batch):
ray_o = batch['ray_o']
ray_d = batch['ray_d']
near = batch['near']
far = batch['far']
sh = ray_o.shape
pts, z_vals = self.get_sampling_points(ray_o, ray_d, near, far)
# light intensity varies with 3D location
light_pts = embedder.xyz_embedder(pts)
ppts = self.pts_to_can_pts(pts, batch)
ray_d0 = batch['ray_d']
viewdir = ray_d0 / torch.norm(ray_d0, dim=2, keepdim=True)
viewdir = embedder.view_embedder(viewdir)
viewdir = viewdir[:, :, None].repeat(1, 1, pts.size(2), 1).contiguous()
sp_input = self.prepare_sp_input(batch)
# reshape to [batch_size, n, 3]
light_pts = light_pts.view(sh[0], -1, embedder.xyz_dim)
viewdir = viewdir.view(sh[0], -1, embedder.view_dim)
ppts = ppts.view(sh[0], -1, 3)
# create grid coords for sampling feature volume at t pose
ptot_pts = batch['ptot_pts']
tgrid_coords = self.get_ptot_grid_coords(ptot_pts, sp_input['out_sh'],
# create grid coords for sampling feature volume at i-th frame
pgrid_coords = self.get_grid_coords(ppts, ptot_pts, batch['pbounds'])
if ray_o.size(1) <= 2048:
raw =, tgrid_coords, pgrid_coords, viewdir,
raw = self.batchify_rays(sp_input, tgrid_coords, pgrid_coords,
viewdir, light_pts, 1024 * 32, None)
# reshape to [num_rays, num_samples along ray, 4]
raw = raw.reshape(-1, z_vals.size(2), 4)
z_vals = z_vals.view(-1, z_vals.size(2))
ray_d = ray_d.view(-1, 3)
rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map = raw2outputs(
raw, z_vals, ray_d, cfg.raw_noise_std, cfg.white_bkgd)
rgb_map = rgb_map.view(*sh[:-1], -1)
acc_map = acc_map.view(*sh[:-1])
depth_map = depth_map.view(*sh[:-1])
ret = {'rgb_map': rgb_map, 'acc_map': acc_map, 'depth_map': depth_map}
return ret