Configuration error
Configuration error
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import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
from lib.config import cfg
def raw2outputs(raw, z_vals, rays_d, raw_noise_std=0, white_bkgd=False):
"""Transforms model's predictions to semantically meaningful values.
raw: [num_rays, num_samples along ray, 4]. Prediction from model.
z_vals: [num_rays, num_samples along ray]. Integration time.
rays_d: [num_rays, 3]. Direction of each ray.
rgb_map: [num_rays, 3]. Estimated RGB color of a ray.
disp_map: [num_rays]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth map.
acc_map: [num_rays]. Sum of weights along each ray.
weights: [num_rays, num_samples]. Weights assigned to each sampled color.
depth_map: [num_rays]. Estimated distance to object.
raw2alpha = lambda raw, dists, act_fn=F.relu: 1. - torch.exp(-act_fn(raw) *
dists = z_vals[..., 1:] - z_vals[..., :-1]
dists =
torch.Tensor([1e10]).expand(dists[..., :1].shape).to(dists)],
-1) # [N_rays, N_samples]
dists = dists * torch.norm(rays_d[..., None, :], dim=-1)
rgb = torch.sigmoid(raw[..., :3]) # [N_rays, N_samples, 3]
noise = 0.
if raw_noise_std > 0.:
noise = torch.randn(raw[..., 3].shape) * raw_noise_std
alpha = raw2alpha(raw[..., 3] + noise, dists) # [N_rays, N_samples]
# weights = alpha * tf.math.cumprod(1.-alpha + 1e-10, -1, exclusive=True)
weights = alpha * torch.cumprod(
[torch.ones((alpha.shape[0], 1)).to(alpha), 1. - alpha + 1e-10],
-1), -1)[:, :-1]
rgb_map = torch.sum(weights[..., None] * rgb, -2) # [N_rays, 3]
depth_map = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, -1)
disp_map = 1. / torch.max(1e-10 * torch.ones_like(depth_map).to(depth_map),
depth_map / torch.sum(weights, -1))
acc_map = torch.sum(weights, -1)
if white_bkgd:
rgb_map = rgb_map + (1. - acc_map[..., None])
return rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map
# Hierarchical sampling (section 5.2)
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_samples, det=False):
from torchsearchsorted import searchsorted
# Get pdf
weights = weights + 1e-5 # prevent nans
pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True)
cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
cdf =[torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf],
-1) # (batch, len(bins))
# Take uniform samples
if det:
u = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples).to(cdf)
u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])
u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples]).to(cdf)
# Invert CDF
u = u.contiguous()
inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1)
above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds)
inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1) # (batch, N_samples, 2)
# cdf_g = tf.gather(cdf, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
# bins_g = tf.gather(bins, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]]
cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0])
denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom)
t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])
return samples