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# Author: Kai Li
# Date: 2021-06-18 16:32:50
# LastEditors: Kai Li
# LastEditTime: 2021-06-19 01:02:04
import os
import warnings
import torch
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
def get_device(tensor_or_module, default=None):
if hasattr(tensor_or_module, "device"):
return tensor_or_module.device
elif hasattr(tensor_or_module, "parameters"):
return next(tensor_or_module.parameters()).device
elif default is None:
raise TypeError(
f"Don't know how to get device of {type(tensor_or_module)} object"
return torch.device(default)
class Separator:
def forward_wav(self, wav, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def sample_rate(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def separate(model, wav, **kwargs):
if isinstance(wav, np.ndarray):
return numpy_separate(model, wav, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(wav, torch.Tensor):
return torch_separate(model, wav, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(
f"Only support filenames, numpy arrays and torch tensors, received {type(wav)}"
def torch_separate(model: Separator, wav: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Core logic of `separate`."""
if model.in_channels is not None and wav.shape[-2] != model.in_channels:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Model supports {model.in_channels}-channel inputs but found audio with {wav.shape[-2]} channels."
f"Please match the number of channels."
# Handle device placement
input_device = get_device(wav, default="cpu")
model_device = get_device(model, default="cpu")
wav =
# Forward
separate_func = getattr(model, "forward_wav", model)
out_wavs = separate_func(wav, **kwargs)
# FIXME: for now this is the best we can do.
out_wavs *= wav.abs().sum() / (out_wavs.abs().sum())
# Back to input device (and numpy if necessary)
out_wavs =
return out_wavs
def numpy_separate(model: Separator, wav: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
"""Numpy interface to `separate`."""
wav = torch.from_numpy(wav)
out_wavs = torch_separate(model, wav, **kwargs)
out_wavs =
return out_wavs
def wav_chunk_inference(model, mixture_tensor, sr=16000, target_length=12.0, hop_length=4.0, batch_size=10, n_tracks=3):
mixture_tensor: Tensor, [nch, input_length]
all_target_tensor: Tensor, [nch, n_track, input_length]
batch_mixture = mixture_tensor
# split data into segments
batch_length = batch_mixture.shape[-1]
session = int(sr * target_length)
target = int(sr * target_length)
ignore = (session - target) // 2
hop = int(sr * hop_length)
tr_ratio = target_length / hop_length
if ignore > 0:
zero_pad = torch.zeros(batch_mixture.shape[0], batch_mixture.shape[1], ignore).type(batch_mixture.type()).to(batch_mixture.device)
batch_mixture_pad =[zero_pad, batch_mixture, zero_pad], -1)
batch_mixture_pad = batch_mixture
if target - hop > 0:
hop_pad = torch.zeros(batch_mixture.shape[0], batch_mixture.shape[1], target-hop).type(batch_mixture.type()).to(batch_mixture.device)
batch_mixture_pad =[hop_pad, batch_mixture_pad, hop_pad], -1)
skip_idx = ignore + target - hop
zero_pad = torch.zeros(batch_mixture.shape[0], batch_mixture.shape[1], session).type(batch_mixture.type()).to(batch_mixture.device)
num_session = (batch_mixture_pad.shape[-1] - session) // hop + 2
all_target = torch.zeros(batch_mixture_pad.shape[0], n_tracks, batch_mixture_pad.shape[1], batch_mixture_pad.shape[2]).to(batch_mixture_pad.device)
all_input = []
all_segment_length = []
for i in range(num_session):
this_input = batch_mixture_pad[:,:,i*hop:i*hop+session]
segment_length = this_input.shape[-1]
if segment_length < session:
this_input =[this_input, zero_pad[:,:,:session-segment_length]], -1)
all_input =, 0)
num_batch = num_session // batch_size
if num_session % batch_size > 0:
num_batch += 1
for i in range(num_batch):
this_input = all_input[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
actual_batch_size = this_input.shape[0]
with torch.no_grad():
est_target = model(this_input)
# print(est_target.shape)
for j in range(actual_batch_size):
this_est_target = est_target[j,:,:,:all_segment_length[i*batch_size+j]][:,:,ignore:ignore+target].unsqueeze(0)
all_target[:,:,:,ignore+(i*batch_size+j)*hop:ignore+(i*batch_size+j)*hop+target] += this_est_target
all_target = all_target[:,:,:,skip_idx:skip_idx+batch_length].contiguous() / tr_ratio
return all_target.squeeze(0) |