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# Code: Change

## Source: SPRING 2015/Socratic Dialogue reflection paper - Marion Sathicq.docx
-How did this class help me better understand what I want for myself as a FUTURE manager? How did it shape my thinking into a stronger and more self-assured idea of the person I WANT TO become and the path I WANT TO choose, however hard it might be? This paper will focus on three main subjects that are the most important to me, because they are the ones for which I do not have answers at all, and also because I feel that they are the ones that will be part of my FUTURE happiness
-If I fail at building a vision of who I WANT TO become and hence never take my responsibilities, if I fail at fighting my fear to choose this risky and difficult path and using them as a tool to design my own way, if I fail at forging solid relationships with others in order to share my inner wealth and mostly in order to grow it, I am convinced that I will not be able to understand the meaning of my life
-This is why I DECIDED to focus on these three complicated concepts
-I think that many aspects of my being can become challenges to overcome in order to have a good relationship with others as a manager: being a woman, being a “listener” rather than someone who appreciates talking and being in front of the stage, being someone that needs other people’s opinions and feedback to make good decisions, being honest and transparent and, FINALLY, being soft and kind
-Interacting with others in a “horizontal” way allows you to craft a solution that can appeal to everyone and answer everyone’s needs, hence a DECISION that will be accepted
-Discussing a difficult situation with many people before making a DECISION seems mandatory to me
-It was very frustrating and I wondered since then if I lacked leadership or if I CHOSE the wrong type of leadership method
-However, do I really WANT TO become this person? This is another difficult part: when does savviness ends and hypocrisy starts? Of course when you WANT TO achieve a goal, you might have to give some smiles to people that you do not appreciate, in order to get to the top and FINALLY have an impact on these kinds of fake relationships
-The first word that comes to my mind when I think about “who am I as a manager and who do I WANT TO be?” is responsibility
-This is why responsibility is essential to me: first because I WANT TO fight this trend (“you can take it all”) but also because I feel this is the only way for me to become the manager I WANT TO become, with the relationship to others that I wish to have and the impact that I will strive to have
-Business have nowadays more impact on the environment and the groups of people they interact with (the DIFFERENT stakeholders)
-I WANT TO become exemplary, but I am afraid that it is hard to find a good balance of managing your responsibilities as a manager towards many entities that often have DIFFERENT interests
-How can you arbitrate between those DIFFERENT responsibilities? Is there a responsibility that is more important than another one? Hans Jonas and Xenophon can help us respond these two questions: - What responsibilities do businesses have? - What responsibilities do I have as a manager? Hans Jonas defined the imperative of responsibility as the necessity for human beings to take care of the environment in the face of rising powers and technologies in order for human beings to survive
-I particularly agree with the view that recent CHANGE in the world has led to new responsibilities in the corporate world, as companies have been empowered by the hyper-globalization trend described by Rodrik in The Globalization Paradox, leading to less impact and control from regulatory authorities
-Weil specifies the requirements that must be met so that people can once again feel rooted, in a cultural and spiritual sense, to their environment and to both the past and to expectations for the FUTURE
-Secondly, businesses have the responsibility to target a sustainable development, that means a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of FUTURE generations to meet their own needs
-It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of need, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor people, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitation imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and FUTURE needs
-Asking this question forces you to step back and rationalize the stakes of your actions: you might take a “wrong” DECISION knowing it is wrong, but trying to forget that it is your responsibility to make the right one, even if it seems impossible or too tiring
-Remembering that there is always another way is hard because it also means there is no rest for you: you always have to judge yourself, examine yourself, weigh the pros and cons of every DECISION and genuinely wonder if, given your responsibility to do good, this was the best choice
-Ignoring it can negatively impact your management whereas controlling it would help me in my daily DECISION process and in my relationships to my own managers
-How does fear condition my decisions? How can I face fear as a manager? Fear leads to doubt, emotional paralysis, inaction or wrong DECISION-making
-an irrational feeling that can lead me astray, to make my decisions for me? No, it would lead me to not take any DECISION or to take bad decisions
-This may also occur when I cannot think about any option that is suitable, therefore I do not WANT TO do anything
-As a manager, it means that I would take a DECISION that would be the wrong one, or at least not the best one, because my mental capacities are hindered by fear
-It may help you function well in silo, when you have to face an urgent situation (if you are lucky enough that fear boosts you, rather than the opposite) but even the more fear-adverse person will eventually take a wrong DECISION when he cannot discuss it with other people or think it through on his own
-The most important step is to define what is the root of the fear (I am even tempted to say that there are “good” fears and “wrong fears” and that you have to dismiss the wrong ones – like “I WANT TO be perfect all the time” or “I do not WANT TO ask for help to anyone” – and work with a rational approach with the good ones): understanding the roots will help me erase a big part of the fear and therefore better function as a manager
-This is why I CHOSE to only talk about the three key subjects of the relationship to others, responsibility and fear
-So I DECIDED to focus on the three concepts that might lead to unhappiness, choosing the wrong path and creating injustice

## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay + Journal Carlos Manubens.pdf
-That is also correlated according to my understanding to my FUTURE life hopefully as a manager, since managers are nothing else than people and good managers are usually good people
-It is only when asking the big questions in life that one can really take the initiative to become self aware and understand the path that will guide him/her towards becoming a 1 I DECIDED to blend the essay and journal together
-I personally find professional life very attractive for my FUTURE and try to spend a lot of time working, reading about work and thinking about possible businesses that can be done for selling it when around 40/50 years old and then being able to focus on my relationships and in the self
-After all, genetics is important when raising someone, but most importantly is the environment in which one lives that is pivotal in setting up what might your FUTURE look like
-In the end it is very difficult to CHANGE the world, but definitely as a manager and owner of a company you not only have the responsibility but also you have the choice to leave a do a better world at least in the small or medium (or big, who knows) ecosystem where your company operates

## Source: SPRING 2015/Reflection Paper Juliette ten Brink.docx
-In that sense I agree with Epictetus and the soldier mindset: CHANGE what you can CHANGE and find a way to be happy with what you cannot
-For me, understanding how you are positioned to help the world is a virtue and acting upon it because you know that it should CHANGE that would be virtuous behavior that would ultimately lead to happiness
-Say the opposite of slavery is freedom, and being free from your desires according to Kant is ‘wanting what we WANT TO want’
-Facing my fear in this case also means that when I make decisions in the FUTURE, I don't let this fear of missing out, being alone or being forgotten guide my DECISION-making
-Take for instance Malala, Yousafzai, a young aged, highly morally developed girl that DECIDED to fight for what she thought was right
-Basically, women have a DIFFERENT moral compass related to improving their relationship with others and taking care of others
-To understand what men & women should behave like, we need to find out what the essence is of what makes a man and a woman and which of their values we WANT TO see portrayed in a company
-This may be very female of me to say, but I honestly think that compassion would be a very good starting point, I don’t see many disadvantages to it and if we take the responsibility to show compassion I think a lot of our decisions could become more inclusive and lead to a more promising FUTURE
-In a business context, I think we often overlook that business is TRADE, and TRADE is the exchange between people
-On the meaning of life ‘Life has meaning when you share what you have with others’ What does life mean? Being able to act, think, feel and dream, what is the purpose of that? I find this question so interesting, because no matter how long you think about it, people can come up with widely DIFFERENT answers
-Amidst deep suffering, I presume it would be easy to lose faith in life, its meaning and the reason to WANT TO continue on with it
-I have gone through periods of suffering and in that moment realized that I needed to CHANGE myself
-Reading Michael Sandel’s book on Justice helped me further understand DIFFERENT ways of looking at justice and I’ve realized that utilitarianism for me does not work
-We have grown so accustomed to TRADE, capitalism and money as a metric for everything, that we, as he explains, think we can apply this mechanism to things such as justice, education and overall well-being
-That’s when I become scared, because when you choose ‘the right path’, returns might not come as fast and the FUTURE is so much more uncertain
-The biggest fear I have is that I might one day realize that I don’t care enough to fight for morals that I have DECIDED so strongly to WANT TO fight for, that I come to the conclusion that I am more selfish then I would ever WANT TO admit

## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_ViktorPenzinger.pdf
-To this extent, keeping a learning journal was very useful in establishing this essay and I can only recommend it to FUTURE participants of this course
-Initial expectations, individual preparation and the first Socratic Dialogue session As soon as I got notice of my admission to ESADE, I immediately checked the online course catalogue and found this course, which seemed so DIFFERENT from all the “usual suspects” of courses taught at what one would call traditional business school
-One the other hand though, I (maybe already affected from the striving for efficiency and hard skills at business schools) could not see a clear benefit of this class for my FUTURE career as manager – especially when I compared it to the other classes offered with a strong focus on strategic or management topics
-Herein, I see two DIFFERENT areas of personal learning outcomes
-What have I learned throughout the course? First of all: I have learned a massive amount of names of philosophers from DIFFERENT epochs of time, whose contributions (especially with regards to the Hellenists) were not always easy to differentiate at the beginning
-Hence, it was necessary for me to develop a personal mental framework to categorize DIFFERENT philosophers not only with regards to their 3 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 viewpoint on a given topic (e
-Is my identity as a manager DIFFERENT from what my identity is as a whole? Do I play a role, which means some kind of narrative I tell myself to be (Paul Ricœur) or am I even faking 4 Socratic Dialogue, Final Essay Viktor Penzinger ESADE, Spring 2016 it to know myself better (see: Fernando Pessoa)? And, last but not least, who should be the one to judge about my identity as a manager? Who really knows my identity better – me as the “owner” holding the strings of my identity, or my social environment, i
-my family, friends, superiors and co-workers I manage, even if they might be biased by prejudices? In any event, the most valuable takeaway for me being a FUTURE manager was delivered by Socrates, whose maxim “Know Thyself” is something so broadly useable in many aspects of a manager’s life
-Still, on the road to gain this enlightenment or knowledge, a manager will face situations where decisions can be based on DIFFERENT “sets of knowledge”, which are all valid if we consider them from an isolated perspective
-Despite the usual need for quick decisions, it is still paramount for managers to allow for more shades of grey between black and white by hearing the opinion of DIFFERENT people involved and by being open to CHANGE one’s initial judgement if necessary
-During our discussion around the flute dilemma, I saw myself entering it with a fixed opinion, which however was more than challenged as the discussion evolved until I realised that I had ignored the arguments in favour of the other children to undermine my initial DECISION
-It is simple highly unlikely that we as FUTURE managers can always find out the perfect career move, the adequate action for the company in every situation, or the right words to say to employees and stakeholders
-However, I think that a final learning outcome for my FUTURE career as a manager can be Carol Gilligan’s approach of the “DIFFERENT voice”, i
-to not only listen to my established way of thinking as a men, but also to remind myself of this DIFFERENT voice constantly and to take its considerations into account
-On the flipside, this strong drive and curiosity inside me has led to the development of a certain amount of impatience, which I unfortunately express regularly when I think of my personal FUTURE but also in debates with others
-In this essence, after watching the documentary, it was also hard for us as a class to discuss whether the inmates deserved the pool shown where to find the balance between punishment and FUTURE reintegration and how to raise the willingness in society for the latter
-Nevertheless, I believe that every action that brings together people that rarely can get in touch (such as inmates and students) and that tries to eliminate the initial anxiety can be considered an action that works towards the acceptance in society as a whole and therefore also towards FUTURE reintegration

-However, we also examined some other philosophers that supported DIFFERENT reasoning’s, such as Clement Rosset that states that identity is social and therefore depends on the people surrounding us
-Finally, Paul Ricoeur stated that we are stories that CHANGE over time depending on the stories that we accumulate and have
-Happiness “If one has character, one has also one’s typical experience that recurs again and again” (Nietzsche) Is character influenced by the experiences that we have or is it the other way round and the experiences will affect us differently depending on our character? There seems to be no clear answer to this question as we were discussing it for long, but the only conclusion we reached was that people had DIFFERENT character
-There is a rational way to be happy, and to realize that if you can not CHANGE a situation that you don’t like, then you can be happy
-Furthermore, if you have not been virtuous so far, there is hope, as you can CHANGE your habits and become a virtuous person, and therefore a happy person
-There can be a case when you have a why, but this why is not strong enough to cope with the DIFFERENT circumstances you encounter throughout the life
-There are three DIFFERENT ways to achieve a meaning, and one of them is suffering
-However, the question is, is it necessary that we have a meaning in life? Victor Frankl thought is very stoic in the sense of believing that there are things that we are not able to CHANGE, however we all have the freedom to cope with these situations in DIFFERENT ways
-After the discussion held in class, we worked in groups in order to elaborate a theory regarding the DIFFERENT stages of moral evolution, that in the next class we were able to compare with DIFFERENT moral theories that were discussed in class
-CEMS Spring 2016 Elisenda Sumarroca Talking about the right path Kohlberg’s theory differentiates three DIFFERENT stages in terms of ethical evolution: pre- conventional, conventional and FINALLY post-conventional
-We discussed two DIFFERENT schools of thought, on one hand there is the deontological line of thought (e
-Justice In this session we saw the documentary “Philosophy behind bars” which brought DIFFERENT topics for discussion in the class
-It has been proved thorough the course how powerful it is in order to build the best opinions from DIFFERENT opinions, and how it helps to develop better solutions comparing it to a debate
-As the course was moving on, I felt more comfortable with these reflections and I gave more and more importance to the concept of Socrates of know thyself, as it is the way to understand better the environment, others and also to better face the DIFFERENT situations I encounter thorough life
-I understood the DIFFERENT views there are about happiness, responsibility or justice, even though if the final conclusion was that there is no absolute answer to all this questions
-Moreover, it was very interesting to see how my opinions would CHANGE as the Socratic dialogue with my colleges developed in class
-I could have a first opinion that could radically CHANGE through the session, or in most cases that would derive significantly incorporating ideas and thoughts shared by my classmates
-In the beginning of the course, at the time of being Socrates it was more an exercise of throwing DIFFERENT questions, but not paying so much attention about the answers, but actually as the course went on I realized how important it was to listen with attention to the other’s thoughts, in order to be able to ask the best questions at the moment
-Finally, it was a very rich experience to get to know the opinion of a person with a completely DIFFERENT culture than mine, and it was shocking how my point of view during the discussions was also much influenced by Dasha
-The second is to understand more the DIFFERENT opinions and DIFFERENT approaches people can have to the same topic, as this was something constant in our class
-Gathering people from DIFFERENT countries and cultures helped to enrich significantly the discussion and also to learn to understand and listen completely DIFFERENT points of views and opinions
-I believe that this is the way to get to know myself more deeply and therefore be able to cope with the DIFFERENT circumstances I find along the way

## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay.docx
-Despite the fact that most of the people I met were very smart and brilliant, almost none of them seemed to be interested in reasoning and conversations about topics not directly related to business, and when I tried to put on the table questions about some “philosophical issues” most of the people refuse to answer or immediately CHANGE the topic saying that discussing abstract things was just a waste of time
-What I don’t like at all of the European university approach is the fact that you can hardly take courses or exams outside of your major, while I think that being interested in DIFFERENT topics and open your mind studying a subject through the lenses of DIFFERENT disciplines it is fundamental for becoming a better manager, doctor, architect… I was extremely sad to not have this possibility in my home university, that only offers courses strictly related to business and management
-This is why when I had a look at the DIFFERENT courses offered by the Cems universities in order to decide my ranking between them, I was so excited in seeing that Esade was offering classes related to philosophy or religious values etc that I immediately DECIDED to put this university first in my ranking, despite the fact that originally I wanted to go outside Europe
-We can say that I DECIDED to come to Esade only to take this class, and I have not at all regretted my DECISION
-This was the only chance I had in these years to analyze the world of business taking a DIFFERENT perspective and to increase my knowledge in DIFFERENT fields in order to open my mind
-I could not bear another semester studying marketing 4Ps or the DIFFERENT strategies for international expansion, I had the need of studying something more, something DIFFERENT, something that I was missing since years, and the absence of this “something” was making me a person that I liked every day less
-Reflections on the course topics that affected me the most All the topic of the course and the discussions we had in class were really interested and I made lot of reflections about each topic inside and outside the class, but for some of them I maturated some ideas that I am sure are going to influence the way I will understand the world in the FUTURE and the person I will be
-I am still working on understanding why some people tends to believe and accept behavioral rules from outside and others cannot avoid questioning external rules and need to find their own, and if this two DIFFERENT levels of “behavioral rules”, extrinsic or intrinsic, can influence the final outcome, that is the “level” or the “intensity” of happiness you can reach
-I guess there is a difference in the happiness that you can reach with this two DIFFERENT methods, at least in terms of awareness given the DIFFERENT level of efforts the two DIFFERENT groups of people need to put to be happy, but I still have to work on this, I am not satisfied with the answer I gave to myself up to now
-Moreover, I reflected many times about “criminals” and I usually keep me updated with the psychological researches in this field, mainly because I am in love and genuinely curious about human nature and human mind and all the DIFFERENT faces of it
-It’s actually the first time I am talking with someone about this idea, because I know I can be easily misunderstood, but this is an idea I would like to work on in the FUTURE
-First, depending on education received, someone may have conscience rules that leads them to harm someone else, such as in the case of terrorists or people that WANT TO kill pedophiles
-I DECIDED to study economics and business because I WANT TO CHANGE the world, nothing less
-Since I came to the university I repeat every day to myself: I know where I WANT TO go, I have to build my own path without being influenced by the path that my university and my classmates are pushing me to follow
-It seems an easy thing, but given the social pressures that I feel, from family, classmates and Bocconi University itself, it is a hard thing to remember who you are and where you WANT TO go
-I did a good job up to last year, when I DECIDED to spend the summer in India while all my classmates, proud of their internships in London in consulting or investment banking, were looking at me as if I was crazy
-Corporate relationship with Cems and my university, suggestions from classmates and alumni, many networking events etc, pushed me into applying for jobs without taking into consideration who I am and who I WANT TO be
-Instead of committing myself to find something I really WANT TO do, I just followed the built path without even thinking about it
-If it was not for this course or this specific class, I would have never be able to recognize that what has been my biggest fear in the last 5 years, losing my values and forget where I WANT TO go, was actually happening
-I have heard for years sentences like “oh, you are too smart to work for NGOs” or “your family made effort to pay 60000 euros for your university, now you have to make money or you could have DECIDED to go in a public university”, or “you have the best grades in your class, you can do whatever internship all of your classmates desire and you are going to India?”
-Second, having the possibility to talk and meet classmates that, as me, were interested in understanding the complexity of the world, in discussing abstract topics, in talking about philosophy, in respecting DIFFERENT point of views… was an extremely valuable gift for me, since I have rarely met such persons in Business Schools
-Third, I have already discussed in other essays the importance of the Socratic Dialogue itself, how glad I am to have into my tools and how eager I am to use it a lot in the FUTURE
-I know that at some point you might need to be also lucky, but at 24 I guess I have at least to try if I WANT TO keep my self-esteem
-What is next for me? Now that, thanks to this course, I have clear what I don’t WANT TO do and what I don’t WANT TO be, I have to start consider DIFFERENT options of what I WANT TO be and do
-I was lucky that all this confusion about my FUTURE came exactly in the right moment, when I am about to finish my second master and the world is open to me
-However, also considering what you have done, I think it’s just a matter of time and I will find something that not only I really WANT TO do but also that I can do
-I really WANT TO do something for the others, I really WANT TO “CHANGE the world”, help the people, do something to make this place a better place
-I can promise you that I will make the best out of it also in my FUTURE, whatever it will be
-[2] I haven’t put emphasis on how this course will help me to become a better manager simply because I am not sure that I WANT TO become a manager

## Source: SPRING 2015/Final.pdf
-And it is revealing to go back once again at this point to one of the key learnings of that very session for me: no matter how much information we would have about the three children, it would not have made it easier to make a DECISION
-Although I do agree to this distinction and granting of DIFFERENT levels of morality to DIFFERENT levels of “moral engagement” with society, I still cannot fully agree with Kohlberg’s theory that universal principles are the highest form I believe moral of moral development
-development should also imply being able to recognise complexity and the DIFFERENT nuances of what would be right in DIFFERENT contexts
-Second, I believe Aristotle’s view of happiness is based on a very static perception of the human being, ignoring that as people’s lives progress, they evolve and their priorities in life CHANGE, which would complicate the “final balance” of deciding whether one has been happy at life
-In this sense, if somebody follows very strictly the Hellenistic approach of self-restraint, sacrificing present enjoyment or pleasures for FUTURE happiness, but their lifes end prematurely, it wouldn’t be clear to me that this person would have lived a happy life, rather the contrary
-I believe that people can and should reflect about happiness at several points in time and that this is the only way we can ensure a balance of feeling plenitude both in the present and in the FUTURE
-I truly believe that if we do not feel plenitude when we reflect about our lives, even if we might think that this will lead us to happiness in the FUTURE, we should not keep following the path of dissatisfaction infinitely
-We also were confronted to how the DIFFERENT situations of the inmates and the students shaped DIFFERENT realities for them that in turn somehow framed the path each took
-However, in line with the premise that with knowledge comes power and to remain truthful to FINAL REFLECTIO N MARÍA IZQUIERDO PARDO Socrates’ advocacy, we must understand Socratic dialogue as a form of empowerment and this empowerment as our duty as FUTURE managers
-I believe this is important for us as FUTURE particularly business is particularly relevant when making decisions, which I now believe even more strongly, should not be taken unilaterally
-In order to remind myself of this I developed the following rule of thumb: I should seek for second, third, and beyond, opinions whenever I have to make an important DECISION and: i
-I do recognise the complexity of the situation but feel very confident or strongly about which DECISION to make, because chances are that the issue is much more complex than that and I am in a state of myopia

## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay - Dasha.pdf
-I used to think that I had enough understanding of myself, and there was no point for me to constantly question myself in order to get to the bottom of the reasoning behind my every DECISION, because it was simply not the most efficient thinking process
-As FUTURE managers, it is essential that we acknowledge we do not know everything, not even ourselves that well, but work on gaining the knowledge
-All of the aforementioned beliefs can be CONCLUDED in one notion— happiness is a choice
-He mentioned that when a situation is out of his control, he tries not to be influenced by it, since there is no reason to be upset about things you cannot CHANGE
-To me, personally, I have not yet DECIDED which theory best describe what I believe
-On the other hand, having faith that happiness is achievable by generally living a good life also paints a positive and promising picture for the FUTURE, at the same time, installs a sense of rules and morals in the society
-Desires come in DIFFERENT shapes and forms
-Compared to the time when most of Ying Tung (Dasha) Lin CEMS Spring 2016 the philosophical theories were developed, people nowadays have very DIFFERENT priorities and naturally have developed very DIFFERENT desires as well
-Consequently, DIFFERENT questions aroused: Are we supposed to suppress our desires? Can desires be good or bad for us? To answer these questions, we defined desire as a more instinctive feeling, as opposed to wanting, a rationalized motive
-Therefore, instead of approaching things pessimistically by having low or none expectations, I DECIDED to hold high expectations as long as I am conscious about my choices of wants Ying Tung (Dasha) Lin CEMS Spring 2016 We briefly discussed the topic of fear by having Demo and Viktor conduct a Socratic Dialogue
-Fear posts DIFFERENT meanings in DIFFERENT individuals, but it is also easy to be passed on
-As FUTURE managers, we need to be careful of the use of fear
-The mature adults stage arrives when an individual can successful combine what he/she learned in both the kids stage and teenagers stage and make an educated DECISION on his/her own
-For instance, a tribe living in a secluded area in Africa would have very DIFFERENT ideas of morality than a group of university-educated students in Spain
-We continued the discussion on morality by the introduction of DIFFERENT moral development theories
-We were often taught to have Ying Tung (Dasha) Lin CEMS Spring 2016 priorities and way of handling matters that are DIFFERENT from that of men
-Even as a manager in the FUTURE, I wish to be vigilant and aware of what I ask for from my employees, and what they might have sacrificed in the process, both men and women
-We were asked to write a tale according to one out of three pictures we CHOSE
-Even though we might not be the most representative group of sample, it was interesting to see how the statistics CHANGE through time
-The latter group CHOSE not to let family interfere with their personal development and career
-Coming from a DIFFERENT cultural background, I do find myself resisting the desires to follow the stereotypes when they work in my favor
-After this course, I would not say that I know much about the DIFFERENT schools of philosophy now, since that takes years to master

## Source: SPRING 2015/Isabelle Spicker_Socratic Final.pdf
-Finding another meaning in life and accepting that a life’s meaning might CHANGE is soothing in this sense
-Moreover, it is a beautiful concept because everyone is DIFFERENT and contributes to this world in a DIFFERENT way according to his or her meaning in life
-For example, this might lead to the fact that I would work more than I would WANT TO work, just to make a point
-However, I need to watch out for this impetus to be a pull in a direction I WANT TO go and not an immense pressure I expose myself to
-Moreover, having found the treasure of meaning is a source of guidance and strength in my life I do not WANT TO miss ever again
-First of all, you read and hear what you WANT TO read and hear

## Source: SPRING 2015/KGanko_paper.pdf
-It is crucial to CHANGE one's thoughts as well as one's behaviours by going out and practicing the application of philosophic principles in real life situations
-During last semester I have experienced an awakening and I have DECIDED to start psychotherapy which I hope will help me with my problems
-Instead of benefiting from gaining understanding through active listening and openness to DIFFERENT ideas they WANT TO win the debate and do not question their opinions nor are willing to CHANGE them
-I WANT TO constantly learn and develop myself
-Furthermore, during the session students analysed DIFFERENT philosophical approaches concerning happiness
-Reaching happiness depends on leading virtuous life, and that reflection should help us to CHANGE the bad habits in order to improve our well-being and in that way seek virtue
-Next approach was Spinoza’s contemplation that we should simply be happy, however it is a very naïve statement, since people have DIFFERENT emotions, and it is very hard to just simple be happy all the time
-Here the class provided the example of cheating on your beloved, not because you WANT TO cheat but because you are desiring another person and the feelings attached to the realization of that desire
-The discussion was brought further by one student and we CONCLUDED that we often desire something because of the value that others attach to it (e
-The discussion continued as the question was raised whether desire makes us happy? And if we keep on desiring or if there will be a point where our desire is satisfied? We all agreed upon the notion that working towards a desire and being so close to FINALLY achieving it can make us happy
-However, what should do the people who struggle with finding the meaning and deciding what they WANT TO pursue in life
-I WANT TO believed that sufferings and extreme circumstances would help in finding a meaning of life, which would bring me strengths of overcoming more difficult situations
-We can choose how we react to the circumstances of our life, however there are some things in life we cannot CHANGE and we should accept them
-People can interpret the situation in many DIFFERENT ways
-That lead me to questioning, how do the other students WANT TO make the world a better place, if so many terrible things had happened? I have realized the fault in my thinking, I am a negative person contemplating all the bad things in the world, because of my upbringing in a toxic environment, and lack of emotional support
-After discussing the theories, we moved to the analysis of our stories, and comparison of the results between DIFFERENT genders as well as between CEMS cohorts and other groups of students
-Especially when we WANT TO be responsible and caring parents
-However, the theories of the development gave me hope, that if I solve the conflicts from that past, and heal the wounds I will be able to look at the FUTURE with a brighter perspective
-I learnt so much about the Socratic dialogue and WANT TO implement it in my everyday life despite my shyness and insecurities
-However, what worries me the most is the fact that, even though asking questions and dialoguing has so many advantages, what should be our strategies for implementing that method with people who do not WANT TO dialogue? Who do not WANT TO listen, because they think they are always right? Would we be courageous enough to pursue despite receiving rejections? How can we teach others how dialogue if they only know how to debate? How would we know if we have some effect on others? Socrates was poisoned because of his efforts to educate himself and others, to question people and make them think – are people seeking the truth under the same threat? If yes is it worth to sacrifice oneself? (After studying philosophy we are left with more questions than answers)

## Source: SPRING 2015/SD_FinalEssay_AlessaVogler.pdf
-Before starting ESADE in this term, I did not know what would expect me and I just CHOSE it because people who took the course during the last semesters highly recommended them
-After some months, I DECIDED to study ‘General Management’ at a renowned German private university
-Since my parents as well as many of my friends studied business, I felt like it just could not be a ‘wrong’ DECISION to make
-I tried to find an area that I like and that interests me and DECIDED to pursue a career in sports marketing
-I was so thankful because although my job there was not as meaningful as being a doctor, I felt like my presence made a DIFFERENT
-Still, ever since I started my business studies I have regretted my DECISION to drop out of the medicine studies right away
-I was thankful for the opportunity this course would provide us with but I felt like it was David against Goliath – us, 20 CEMS students sitting in that small room discussing how we could CHANGE not only ourselves and our own mind-set but also our personal and professional environment at least to a certain extent against traditional and deeply routed ways of behaviour
-We were 20 students from around ten DIFFERENT countries and three continents and despite all the differences that we embody, the endeavour to think for ourselves, to be responsible for our own actions, and to be willing to ‘educate’ others in that matter were characteristics that united us throughout the course
-Dialogue can help fostering team spirit, enhancing interpersonal communication, and increasing creativity at the work place, which are some of the reasons for me to encourage dialogue in my surroundings in the FUTURE
-Desires have always been eyeballed with scepticism by philosophers and so we talked about the DIFFERENT perceptions of desires
-There is, however, a DIFFERENT notion about desire
-In the FUTURE, I will try to follow this advice and make my emotions less dependent on others and on things that are out of my control
-Our Relationship With Others first into six DIFFERENT stages
-The During one of our classes we touched upon the topic of moral evolution and its DIFFERENT stages
-Because of that, she DECIDED to research the evolution of morality herself and included women
-She came up with three DIFFERENT stages of the “Ethic of Care”
-She CONCLUDED that men and women listen more actively to the one or the other voice when in fact it is best to disregard neither of them
-I did not like Gilligan’s generalization and I think that the results of the ‘test’ with the pictures and the tales show that a CHANGE is going on, which makes me rather happy
-Nowadays, we got used to consume too much of everything and we often tend to use the excuse that if we cannot be 100% environmentally conscious, if we always leave our ecological footprint behind, we should not CHANGE anything about our consumer behaviour
-So during the course I thought that we have to start with something when trying to CHANGE our behaviour
-The same holds true for every DECISION that we make and recognizing that there are grey zones can be helpful when negotiating later in our professional career
-were interesting to talk about as well, but I liked the responsibility class most because it implied a direct call to action to each and every one of us and somehow gave us a ‘task’ for out FUTURE as a take-away from the course
-I downloaded the book a while ago and when you, Sira, mentioned it in class I DECIDED to start reading it straight away
-Some of us will have a lot of power in the FUTURE and so we have to be aware that it will also be in our power to CHANGE things and to question some aspects of the status quo
-Our Socratic Dialogue – Final Essay Alessa Kristina Vogler generation will have to solve problems that have not been solved before, such as climate CHANGE
-As Victor Frankl states, “every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a DECISION” and it is and will be up to us what kind of DECISION this will be
-Personalities such as you as well as this young law student who DECIDED to go to El Salvador are extremely inspiring and although your stories sometimes make me feel like a hypocrite (because I keep thinking about meaningful aspects of life and see the many areas in which this world really requires a CHANGE but despite that decide to stay in the ‘hamster wheel’) I am very thankful that you encouraged us to think for ourselves and also that you emphasized the consequences of “good people doing nothing”
-As you wrote on Moodle, action is a result from thinking and in my opinion you have made us think a lot in the past weeks and I am sure this thought process will have an impact on our FUTURE actions!

## Source: SPRING 2015/socratic final essay.docx
-It turns out that, how DIFFERENT or strange we might seem to each other we actually all share a passion to express ourselves and make ourselves understood and we all strangely somehow feel ashamed by doing it that we need an encouraging kick to open up
-I have found that I long for a sense of belonging, being understood and understanding myself and working towards what satisfies me, which is hard honestly considering how often my goals and the things that would satisfy me CHANGE
-I saw how much I thought about how I look doing things rather than focusing on doing what I WANT TO be doing
-This discussion allowed me again to see the similarities between me and my classmates whom I for once assumed to be very DIFFERENT for me
-Each discussion led to me believing we are not all that DIFFERENT and eliminating the ambiguity that we see in difference, I was able to feel more comfortable in class with those people
-We live in a world where morality is a hard thing to define and to live by, in this course I was able to see how so many DIFFERENT variables affect the morality and ideology of a person that it each person requires specific attention to be understood, because morality or values are too complex to be defined by just a culture or a gender
-One group were FUTURE representatives of the law while the other group was those who were being punished for defying the law
-Yes, they may have a weak or aggressive personality or they may have had received less love and interest but in the end, just like all people they just WANT TO talk and be understood
-We saw that the inmates in the film slowly developed trust towards the ESADE law students and they were really sharing things and even though there had been a couple of rough patches along the way, the inmates allowed the students to CHANGE their minds and also the students allowed the inmates to CHANGE their minds too
-I could easily say that the film restored my faith in humanity and made it possible for me to look more hopefully into the FUTURE
-How about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings? Is the pilot who dropped the bomb responsible, or is it those who have given the orders? Does the person who innocently discovered nuclear reaction in the first place has anything to do with it? Like Spider Man’s Uncle Ben said “With great power comes great responsibility” so should tech innovators be aware of the possible FUTURE misuse of their new technologies and not innovate if it may be used for evil purposes? Responsibility is a bit like justice for me with too many questions but my takeaways from this are that we as humans tend to take things for granted, tend to not think about the consequences of our actions most of the time and we underestimate the extent of our individual responsibilities
-Looking into the FUTURE after all of this I think I can say I am in a better place
-Being more peaceful and aware of myself will definitely affect how I will be a manager in the FUTURE because I don’t think a person who is not at peace with themselves can lead or manage properly it will always be destructive, I am lucky to be in a better position with that now
-All of our discussions taught me how everyone wants to properly express themselves and be understood and I will never forget that in the FUTURE whenever I am working with a team or managing someone

## Source: SPRING 2015/Marek Medvesek_Final essay_ Socratic Dialogue.pdf
-We somehow take it for granted, assuming we all more or less have the same perspectives on our FUTURE
-Even though it seemed we were a rather homogenous group, the opinions on DIFFERENT matters varied vastly
-We CONCLUDED the session with the flute dilemma
-There was no agreement within the group and each of us had DIFFERENT reasons supporting their choice
-The main takeaway from this exercise for me was that somehow all of us managed to fit into various DIFFERENT established schools of philosophy: utalitarian, Marxist, liberal and Rawslean
-Takeaways from this session had substantial implications on my FUTURE life, both professional and personal
-Such activities can create a clearer vision of what I actually want to achieve in the FUTURE
-In the FUTURE I will try to listen more and ask good questions rather than overwhelm people with content
-It took me quite some time to figure out what I WANT TO do in my life and very often before had I been subjected to the social pressure
-I had to ask myself the question of what do I WANT TO do in my life and this is what lead me to apply for a Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ESADE
-I never wanted to study management, I didn’t see much value in it, but I DECIDED to participate because it was a prestigious programme and everyone said it what I should do
-Having stuck to my own values may have put me in a totally DIFFERENT, better place now
-From this difficult statement we managed somehow to arrive at a yet DIFFERENT conclusion, that was directly related to the main subject of the class - DIFFERENT characters experience happiness in a DIFFERENT way
-Again we have here the social pressure context - I will work hard all my life, have a beautiful wife and be crazy rich! Suddenly after 40 years it turns out you’ve wasted your life because what you actually wanted was something totally DIFFERENT
-My pursuit for happiness will consist of constantly trying DIFFERENT things, because how otherwise can you actually understand yourself and what you want
-It has great implications on our FUTURE, professional lives both for me as an entrepreneur or others as managers
-7 Session 6 Morality We started off session 5 with a brief discussion about the 3 DIFFERENT morality development concepts: Kohlberg’s theory, Erikson’s Stage Theory and Gilligan’s Stages of The Ethic of Care
-Women are becoming more career oriented, whereas men are FINALLY opening their hearts up and become more romantic
-The discussion about the experiment opened furthermore a gate to a great variety of other related topics - from househusbands, through evil nannies and overprotective moms to a question whether it is ethical at all to have children considering the apocalypse that is about to stumble upon us in the nearest FUTURE
-On the final note Victor CONCLUDED the whole discussion with a rather depressing question “Why should we have kids if the world is deteriorating so badly” and they will be forced to live in misery
-It turned out that our brain often tells us DIFFERENT things than our heart and comparing the two leads to interesting findings
-We had very DIFFERENT opinions on that matter as well
-Phillip CONCLUDED by saying that the pressure we receive nowadays is very individual and I would greatly agree with such an approach
-It is a great lesson that will have a huge influence on my FUTURE
-Although this session had little implications on my FUTURE life as a manager or an entrepreneur it meant a great deal for me and will lessons learned from it will prove to be of great value in my personal life and my development as a human being
-We don’t have the means or right to decide what is good and what’s not because we can’t predict the FUTURE
-This places a great danger on the FUTURE of innovation and the FUTURE of our civilisation

## Source: SPRING 2015/AKBAR, Sumer - SD Final Essay.docx
-First, it allowed me to make sense of what of my own views and the other is the opportunity to broaden my learning of philosophy and understand the role it will play in the FUTURE
-Topic 1: Know Thyself In our first session, we opened with the premise that we as individuals have the ability to CHANGE our mindset, but in order to do so, we must actively WANT TO CHANGE it
-Through this exercise, I realized how similar and DIFFERENT I was in comparison to my peer group made up of 10 countries
-Perhaps, it is our generation or the fact that we are all completing a similar Master’s program, or that relatively speaking, we have come from fortunate backgrounds with fewer and DIFFERENT difficulties than someone raised elsewhere
-This does not discredit my experience; it just makes my perception very DIFFERENT than other
-How legitimate are they? Are they rational? Are they sound? It was Socrates who believed that values and beliefs do not CHANGE over time and that life is only worth living when we reflect on it, however I find myself in a dilemma questioning what I know and why I think that way
-It was Ricoeur who said we narratives that CHANGE over time
-Happiness is not temporary but rather fluctuates between DIFFERENT valleys and peaks throughout our lifetime
-As a class, we came to the consensus that individuals experience happiness in DIFFERENT ways as represented by the schools of thought presented by Aristotle and Spinoza
-Happiness is relative to the individual and is a temporal process and a part of discovering the meaning of life which can CHANGE over time
-Fear can manifest in many DIFFERENT forms
-I've seen a number of DIFFERENT cases where people are so stuck in their fear that they are not willing to CHANGE their ways and their fear becomes a hindrance for FUTURE success
-For example, the media tends to sensationalize many DIFFERENT events that happen
-Oftentimes, my fear is exhibited in the form of not being able to initiate the goal I WANT TO accomplish
-For example, suppose I WANT TO apply for a job and want it so badly that I cannot fathom not attaining it
-That way, I would rationalize as me making the DECISION, not an employer or recruiter
-This is something I acknowledge and would like to CHANGE, and become more risk-taking without fearing the consequences
-Topic Four: Responsibility I believe that the class that impacted me the most was the one on responsibility which focused on learning the context behind criminals in the in the judicial system as well as the FUTURE lawyers that will represent them
-We debated the need to CHANGE how we look at people or the technology
-I would still question, if we are putting barriers on innovation, are we truly innovating? As FUTURE business leaders, we need to cognizant of our moral responsibility

## Source: SPRING 2015/Laker, Maximilian - Final Essay.pdf
-Moreover, the remarkably DIFFERENT set-up of the course as a Socratic Dialogue made me interested in participating, on the one hand to learn from other students, and on the other hand to experience a completely new methodology
-In the following I will go through my learnings, starting from a higher level of a CHANGE in mindset and the acquisition of skills, to the discussion of certain themes and philosophical theories that had a particularly strong influence on me, incorporating throughout how these impact my personal and professional life
-Moreover, listening to others phrasing their perception was also very valuable for understanding one’s own ideas better by corresponding or contrasting the DIFFERENT elements of their and my ideas
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker atmosphere of this setting, encouraged everybody’s participation: We were genuinely listening to each other, referring to others’ remarks by building on what they had said and considering the DIFFERENT elements of their perspectives in a very differentiated manner, at times partially agreeing, at times partially disagreeing, but always respectful and in a constructive way
-While doing so, we did not spend a single moment for an honest assessment of whether or not the other position had any merit, resulting in no CHANGE of thought at all
-In contrast, the debate created a hostile environment of competition, interruption, no CHANGE of thoughts and the desire to be victorious over somebody else
-Sira Abenoza | ESADE | CEMS | Maximilian Laker CHOSE are rather marked by the extremes, such as the absence of free time for personal relationships and reflection, or the excess of pointless pressure at work
-Applying Stoicism to my own personal life provides me with a heuristic for reality and an ability to CHOSE how I react to whatever life may present me with
-Frankl’s (temporary) meaning of publishing his unfinished manuscript, thus refers to a DIFFERENT degree of meaning of life
-Thus, it is crucial that we use our influence to CHANGE society for the better
-This entails, that the people with higher education, larger influence and more power bear larger shares of responsibility to prevent disasters from happening in the FUTURE

## Source: SPRING 2015/Final Essay_Phillip Schmalzried.pdf
-When talking about this with family and close friends, they all have a DIFFERENT set of advice
-We have DIFFERENT perceptions as to what identity really is
-We were discussing whether it was just to deprive people of their freedom for committing a crime, thereby discussing the DIFFERENT degrees of crime and evaluating how much damage these crimes cause to society
-So while the majority of humans have a strong natural desire for justice, there are DIFFERENT approaches on how to ensure a just society
-I have experienced this myself many times and for many DIFFERENT reasons, when experiencing the fear of making a mistake, of failure, or of disappointment for instance
-I believe it is very important that we think of courage not only in the concept of fighting bravely, but also as the ability to overcome all the DIFFERENT fears we are experiencing, regardless of their nature
-When coming to a DECISION on where to source material crucial to a new product from, as a manager, of course, we have a responsibility to choose a supplier based on careful evaluation with regards to price and quality
-I believe, that it is our responsibility, as highly educated FUTURE managers, to not turn our backs on an issue like this, even when it is certainly more convenient than dealing with this issue
-I CHOSE a business example, as we are business students and hence very likely to face decisions of this nature at some point in our 6 Phillip Schmalzried – Final Essay – 19
-16 FUTURE career
-I guess, I FINALLY understood why Socrates demanded from us to know thyself

## Source: SPRING 2015/YelizSunay_FinalReflectionandEssay.pdf
-I am very convinced that this is the most interesting course I have taken so far and I have started to look at things in a DIFFERENT way
-According to my peers, there might be DIFFERENT definitions to thinking, they could either be subconscious or conscious and sometimes thinking would involve DECISION making
-However, every person has a DIFFERENT mindset and therefore has a DIFFERENT thinking process, depending on a variety of factors
-We were able to come to the conclusion that with the help of others we are able to connect the dots and see the world in a DIFFERENT view and supported ‘Aristotle’s statement that humans are social beings
-I believe that this exercise was very beneficial in understanding the DIFFERENT perspectives and standpoints on the issue, and again there is no right and wrong here
-When looking back at certain moments in my life I experienced DIFFERENT moments of happiness, or as Arturo was referring to it as ‘peaks of happiness’
-But I am absolutely convinced that external conditions were present in order to CHANGE my opinion during the last years
-About four years ago I DECIDED to do my exchange in California, as it has always been my dream to live there
-So what made me CHANGE my mind about the definition of happiness? I believe that individuals have to live through certain things in life to understand what makes them happy
-I DECIDED to travel throughout the country in order not only to see beautiful places but have these memories in mind
-Money can buy you many things and yes money is the tool to buy ‘experiences’ but the key is to wisely CHOSE how to spend it
-Therefore, I took the DECISION to do a trainee program in Southern Germany
-A friend of mine did the same program and he DECIDED to take a full position afterwards instead of completing the program with a Masters degree
-I thought it was a smart DECISION back then; but after a couple of months I totally had to disagree
-It took me a while to understand that this is the way it is and I can’t CHANGE much about it
-This clearly relates back to what ‘Carol Giligan’ said about women and there are many times we are trying to accommodate to our beloved ones and that the good woman is selfless, because of all the DIFFERENT voices present in her life
-Definitely I am looking up to my parents and grandparents and beloved ones in order to make the right DECISION
-However, everyone has a ‘DIFFERENT voice’ and in the end I have to decide what makes me happy
-At given points in time circumstances CHANGE and so do opinions and priorities , but nevertheless its us that are taking the decisions
-My parents are totally against this DECISION as they think I will start a new life there, far away from everybody and start from scratch
-My mum especially would want me move back to Turkey – but really? Do I want to wake up everyday and wonder what’s next? Political instability vs corruption over being close to my parents? Or do I go to a place I actually want to live? I haven’t taken the DECISION yet… Do I really want to sacrifice my personal beloved environment for somewhere that far in order to start a ‘happy’ new life? The question here I guess is: what is more important to me
-The most memorable comment that one inmate made is that you might be surrounded by evil and bad examples but in the end you make the DECISION to do good or evil
-We have the external conditions that help us in our DECISION making, but we have to ‘rationalize’ what is the best thing to do
-During the time I was unhappy I did not put a lot of thought into my DECISION to accept the job-­‐ I just accepted it out of fear-­‐ fear to have a gap of a couple of months on my CV and fear to miss ‘the opportunity’
-But on the other hand the DECISION to do the CEMS master has been the result of continuous examination and evaluation
-I knew that this is what I want and I should stop listening to DIFFERENT voices
-As mentioned during our final symposium I grew up in two DIFFERENT societies and have shared and experienced completely DIFFERENT values
-These two societies are contradicting and laws are DIFFERENT-­‐ but ethics are universal
-People have experienced DIFFERENT moments in their lives and nobody can judge them accordingly – yet if we see something wrong we need to speak up
-I have seen a CHANGE in his behavior in the last couple of months and was always wondering what I can do about it if he behaves bad – but I always thought its his life you can’t do a lot
-Therefore, the question for myself remains? Will he ever be able to control his desire or will he remain a slave of his own desire? After the long talk we had the only thing I hope that he know what he really wants and once he has DECIDED takes a step accordingly
-I believe I have done a lot that he will able to find his ‘right path’ and what is right-­‐ but in the end as our inmates said – he is the one who takes the DECISION and nobody else
-Rather would I prefer to have less intimacy to people and maybe not being liked for being DIFFERENT instead of supporting evil actions and sacrificing myself

## Source: SPRING 2015/Dimitrios Mitropoulos - Final Essay.docx
-It is a tough setting, and if we WANT TO improve it we have to do it from within
-So before we dive into the muddy waters we need to discover what drives us, what are our values and where do we WANT TO end up in life, so that we can navigate through them
-Because if you WANT TO be a good manager and a good leader, making people follow you, you must first be able to find reason in following yourself, and if it so happens that you lost sight of who you are then, my brother, you are more than replaceable! So put your mind to thinking… Second Entry What is happiness and how to pursue it? First let me start by defining happiness as the sense of general euphoria one feels regardless of hardship of the situation s/he is experiencing at a given moment
-But others, often one too many, you clearly WANT TO do so but there is something inside you that screams “no”
-My father’s fear that my sister will have a grim FUTURE empowered him to ignore mental and physical barriers, to work tirelessly so he could provide for her
-And if you WANT TO be able to lead a team of others looking up to you to come up with the best solution you have to be free and unbiased, able to decide with a clear mind and a pure heart
-I must say I associate “meaning” in life with the ability to CHANGE other people’s lives
-As societies evolve and CHANGE this code of ethics and the people’s sense of morality changes with them, blurring the lines between right or wrong for many issues
-Even if you do not manage to take it further than that, if you properly and ethically stand by these principals then you have already brought about a CHANGE, both in your company and consequently our world
-For once the Donald Trumps of this world will sit on the same yard bench as the Mexican bank-robbers they WANT TO send to the chair and see what is that dictates their behavior and vice versa
-And in this sense, I am a supporter of a DIFFERENT rehabilitation system
-The majority of criminals are first offenders who have had a relatively crime-free life up to the point where we put them in a cell and gave them a masterclass on the TRADE secrets of others crimes, the notion of “once a con always a con” and the splendor of social ignorance and disgust towards them
-We as FUTURE leaders must keep this in mind if we WANT TO succeed in this field
-All I WANT TO mention is that they were all quite inspiring and fairly similar in their content
-All in all, I am truly pleased for having the opportunity to see that in us, and as I mentioned, it is comforting to see that so many people from so DIFFERENT backgrounds have the same anxieties and thoughts about our world