RevB-Backend /
CaesarAI Change Card Improve 1
import jwt
from fastapi import FastAPI, Header
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional
import asyncio
import uvicorn
from RevisionBankModels import *
JWT_SECRET = "secret" # IRL we should NEVER hardcode the secret: it should be an evironment variable!!!
app = FastAPI()
class Auth(BaseModel):
name: str
password: str
class Person(BaseModel):
name: str
gender: Optional[str] = None
age: float
checked: Optional[bool] = None"/signup")
async def root(person: Auth):
person = dict(person)
access_token = secure_encode({"name":person})
# here we can add code to check the user (by email)
# e.g. select the user from the DB and see its permissions
return {"access_token":access_token}
except Exception as ex:
return "Unauthorized Access!"
# in this example we'll simply return the person entity from the request body
# after adding a "checked""/signin")
async def root(person: Person, authorization: str = Header(None)):
decoded = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))
# here we can add code to check the user (by email)
# e.g. select the user from the DB and see its permissions
return {"message":"signed in"}
return "Unauthorized Access!"
# in this example we'll simply return the person entity from the request body
# after adding a "checked"'/forgotpassword') # POST
def forgotpassword(data : GenericSingleObject):
data = dict(data)
return {"message":"hi"}
def secure_encode(token):
# if we want to sign/encrypt the JSON object: {"hello": "world"}, we can do it as follows
# encoded = jwt.encode({"hello": "world"}, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM)
encoded_token = jwt.encode(token, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM)
# this is often used on the client side to encode the user's email address or other properties
return encoded_token
def secure_decode(token):
# if we want to sign/encrypt the JSON object: {"hello": "world"}, we can do it as follows
# encoded = jwt.encode({"hello": "world"}, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM)
decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, JWT_SECRET, algorithms=JWT_ALGORITHM)
# this is often used on the client side to encode the user's email address or other properties
return decoded_token
async def main():
config = uvicorn.Config("main:app", port=7860, log_level="info",host="",reload=True)
server = uvicorn.Server(config)
await server.serve()
if __name__ == "__main__":