""" |
Reference: https://github.com/YadiraF/PRNet/blob/master/utils/estimate_pose.py |
Calculating pose from the output 3DMM parameters, you can also try to use solvePnP to perform estimation |
""" |
__author__ = 'cleardusk' |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from math import cos, sin, atan2, asin, sqrt |
from .functions import calc_hypotenuse, plot_image |
def P2sRt(P): |
""" decompositing camera matrix P. |
Args: |
P: (3, 4). Affine Camera Matrix. |
Returns: |
s: scale factor. |
R: (3, 3). rotation matrix. |
t2d: (2,). 2d translation. |
""" |
t3d = P[:, 3] |
R1 = P[0:1, :3] |
R2 = P[1:2, :3] |
s = (np.linalg.norm(R1) + np.linalg.norm(R2)) / 2.0 |
r1 = R1 / np.linalg.norm(R1) |
r2 = R2 / np.linalg.norm(R2) |
r3 = np.cross(r1, r2) |
R = np.concatenate((r1, r2, r3), 0) |
return s, R, t3d |
def matrix2angle(R): |
""" compute three Euler angles from a Rotation Matrix. Ref: http://www.gregslabaugh.net/publications/euler.pdf |
refined by: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43364900/rotation-matrix-to-euler-angles-with-opencv |
todo: check and debug |
Args: |
R: (3,3). rotation matrix |
Returns: |
x: yaw |
y: pitch |
z: roll |
""" |
if R[2, 0] > 0.998: |
z = 0 |
x = np.pi / 2 |
y = z + atan2(-R[0, 1], -R[0, 2]) |
elif R[2, 0] < -0.998: |
z = 0 |
x = -np.pi / 2 |
y = -z + atan2(R[0, 1], R[0, 2]) |
else: |
x = asin(R[2, 0]) |
y = atan2(R[2, 1] / cos(x), R[2, 2] / cos(x)) |
z = atan2(R[1, 0] / cos(x), R[0, 0] / cos(x)) |
return x, y, z |
def calc_pose(param): |
P = param[:12].reshape(3, -1) |
s, R, t3d = P2sRt(P) |
P = np.concatenate((R, t3d.reshape(3, -1)), axis=1) |
pose = matrix2angle(R) |
pose = [p * 180 / np.pi for p in pose] |
return P, pose |
def build_camera_box(rear_size=90): |
point_3d = [] |
rear_depth = 0 |
point_3d.append((-rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) |
point_3d.append((-rear_size, rear_size, rear_depth)) |
point_3d.append((rear_size, rear_size, rear_depth)) |
point_3d.append((rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) |
point_3d.append((-rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) |
front_size = int(4 / 3 * rear_size) |
front_depth = int(4 / 3 * rear_size) |
point_3d.append((-front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) |
point_3d.append((-front_size, front_size, front_depth)) |
point_3d.append((front_size, front_size, front_depth)) |
point_3d.append((front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) |
point_3d.append((-front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) |
point_3d = np.array(point_3d, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 3) |
return point_3d |
def plot_pose_box(img, P, ver, color=(40, 255, 0), line_width=2): |
""" Draw a 3D box as annotation of pose. |
Ref:https://github.com/yinguobing/head-pose-estimation/blob/master/pose_estimator.py |
Args: |
img: the input image |
P: (3, 4). Affine Camera Matrix. |
kpt: (2, 68) or (3, 68) |
""" |
llength = calc_hypotenuse(ver) |
point_3d = build_camera_box(llength) |
point_3d_homo = np.hstack((point_3d, np.ones([point_3d.shape[0], 1]))) |
point_2d = point_3d_homo.dot(P.T)[:, :2] |
point_2d[:, 1] = - point_2d[:, 1] |
point_2d[:, :2] = point_2d[:, :2] - np.mean(point_2d[:4, :2], 0) + np.mean(ver[:2, :27], 1) |
point_2d = np.int32(point_2d.reshape(-1, 2)) |
cv2.polylines(img, [point_2d], True, color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.line(img, tuple(point_2d[1]), tuple( |
point_2d[6]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.line(img, tuple(point_2d[2]), tuple( |
point_2d[7]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.line(img, tuple(point_2d[3]), tuple( |
point_2d[8]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) |
return img |
def viz_pose(img, param_lst, ver_lst, show_flag=False, wfp=None): |
for param, ver in zip(param_lst, ver_lst): |
P, pose = calc_pose(param) |
img = plot_pose_box(img, P, ver) |
print(f'yaw: {pose[0]:.1f}, pitch: {pose[1]:.1f}, roll: {pose[2]:.1f}') |
if wfp is not None: |
cv2.imwrite(wfp, img) |
print(f'Save visualization result to {wfp}') |
if show_flag: |
plot_image(img) |
return img |