from lib.renderer.gl.normal_render import NormalRender |
from lib.dataset.mesh_util import projection |
from lib.common.render import Render |
from PIL import Image |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
import trimesh |
import os.path as osp |
from PIL import Image |
class Evaluator: |
_normal_render = None |
@staticmethod |
def init_gl(): |
Evaluator._normal_render = NormalRender(width=512, height=512) |
def __init__(self, device): |
self.device = device |
self.render = Render(size=512, device=self.device) |
self.error_term = nn.MSELoss() |
self.offset = 0.0 |
self.scale_factor = None |
def set_mesh(self, result_dict, scale_factor=1.0, offset=0.0): |
for key in result_dict.keys(): |
if torch.is_tensor(result_dict[key]): |
result_dict[key] = result_dict[key].detach().cpu().numpy() |
for k, v in result_dict.items(): |
setattr(self, k, v) |
self.scale_factor = scale_factor |
self.offset = offset |
def _render_normal(self, mesh, deg, norms=None): |
view_mat = np.identity(4) |
rz = deg / 180.0 * np.pi |
model_mat = np.identity(4) |
model_mat[:3, :3] = self._normal_render.euler_to_rot_mat(0, rz, 0) |
model_mat[1, 3] = self.offset |
view_mat[2, 2] *= -1 |
self._normal_render.set_matrices(view_mat, model_mat) |
if norms is None: |
norms = mesh.vertex_normals |
self._normal_render.set_normal_mesh(self.scale_factor * mesh.vertices, |
mesh.faces, norms, mesh.faces) |
self._normal_render.draw() |
normal_img = self._normal_render.get_color() |
return normal_img |
def render_mesh_list(self, mesh_lst): |
self.offset = 0.0 |
self.scale_factor = 1.0 |
full_list = [] |
for mesh in mesh_lst: |
row_lst = [] |
for deg in np.arange(0, 360, 90): |
normal = self._render_normal(mesh, deg) |
row_lst.append(normal) |
full_list.append(np.concatenate(row_lst, axis=1)) |
res_array = np.concatenate(full_list, axis=0) |
return res_array |
def _get_reproj_normal_error(self, deg): |
tgt_normal = self._render_normal(self.tgt_mesh, deg) |
src_normal = self._render_normal(self.src_mesh, deg) |
error = (((src_normal[:, :, :3] - |
tgt_normal[:, :, :3])**2).sum(axis=2).mean(axis=(0, 1))) |
return error, [src_normal, tgt_normal] |
def render_normal(self, verts, faces): |
verts = verts[0].detach().cpu().numpy() |
faces = faces[0].detach().cpu().numpy() |
mesh_F = trimesh.Trimesh(verts * np.array([1.0, -1.0, 1.0]), faces) |
mesh_B = trimesh.Trimesh(verts * np.array([1.0, -1.0, -1.0]), faces) |
self.scale_factor = 1.0 |
normal_F = self._render_normal(mesh_F, 0) |
normal_B = self._render_normal(mesh_B, |
0, |
norms=mesh_B.vertex_normals * |
np.array([-1.0, -1.0, 1.0])) |
mask = normal_F[:, :, 3:4] |
normal_F = (torch.as_tensor(2.0 * (normal_F - 0.5) * mask).permute( |
2, 0, 1)[:3, :, :].float().unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)) |
normal_B = (torch.as_tensor(2.0 * (normal_B - 0.5) * mask).permute( |
2, 0, 1)[:3, :, :].float().unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)) |
return {"T_normal_F": normal_F, "T_normal_B": normal_B} |
def calculate_normal_consist( |
self, |
frontal=True, |
back=True, |
left=True, |
right=True, |
save_demo_img=None, |
return_demo=False, |
): |
if self._normal_render is None: |
print( |
"In order to use normal render, " |
"you have to call init_gl() before initialing any evaluator objects." |
) |
return -1 |
side_cnt = 0 |
total_error = 0 |
demo_list = [] |
if frontal: |
side_cnt += 1 |
error, normal_lst = self._get_reproj_normal_error(0) |
total_error += error |
demo_list.append(np.concatenate(normal_lst, axis=0)) |
if back: |
side_cnt += 1 |
error, normal_lst = self._get_reproj_normal_error(180) |
total_error += error |
demo_list.append(np.concatenate(normal_lst, axis=0)) |
if left: |
side_cnt += 1 |
error, normal_lst = self._get_reproj_normal_error(90) |
total_error += error |
demo_list.append(np.concatenate(normal_lst, axis=0)) |
if right: |
side_cnt += 1 |
error, normal_lst = self._get_reproj_normal_error(270) |
total_error += error |
demo_list.append(np.concatenate(normal_lst, axis=0)) |
if save_demo_img is not None: |
res_array = np.concatenate(demo_list, axis=1) |
res_img = Image.fromarray((res_array * 255).astype(np.uint8)) |
res_img.save(save_demo_img) |
if return_demo: |
res_array = np.concatenate(demo_list, axis=1) |
return res_array |
else: |
return total_error |
def space_transfer(self): |
self.verts_pr -= self.recon_size / 2.0 |
self.verts_pr /= self.recon_size / 2.0 |
self.verts_gt = projection(self.verts_gt, self.calib) |
self.verts_gt[:, 1] *= -1 |
self.tgt_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(self.verts_gt, self.faces_gt) |
self.src_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(self.verts_pr, self.faces_pr) |
def export_mesh(self, dir, name): |
self.tgt_mesh.visual.vertex_colors = np.array([255, 0, 0]) |
self.src_mesh.visual.vertex_colors = np.array([0, 255, 0]) |
(self.tgt_mesh + self.src_mesh).export( |
osp.join(dir, f"{name}_gt_pr.obj")) |
def calculate_chamfer_p2s(self, sampled_points=1000): |
"""calculate the geometry metrics [chamfer, p2s, chamfer_H, p2s_H] |
Args: |
verts_gt (torch.cuda.tensor): [N, 3] |
faces_gt (torch.cuda.tensor): [M, 3] |
verts_pr (torch.cuda.tensor): [N', 3] |
faces_pr (torch.cuda.tensor): [M', 3] |
sampled_points (int, optional): use smaller number for faster testing. Defaults to 1000. |
Returns: |
tuple: chamfer, p2s, chamfer_H, p2s_H |
""" |
gt_surface_pts, _ = trimesh.sample.sample_surface_even( |
self.tgt_mesh, sampled_points) |
pred_surface_pts, _ = trimesh.sample.sample_surface_even( |
self.src_mesh, sampled_points) |
_, dist_pred_gt, _ = trimesh.proximity.closest_point( |
self.src_mesh, gt_surface_pts) |
_, dist_gt_pred, _ = trimesh.proximity.closest_point( |
self.tgt_mesh, pred_surface_pts) |
dist_pred_gt[np.isnan(dist_pred_gt)] = 0 |
dist_gt_pred[np.isnan(dist_gt_pred)] = 0 |
chamfer_dist = 0.5 * (dist_pred_gt.mean() + |
dist_gt_pred.mean()).item() * 100 |
p2s_dist = dist_pred_gt.mean().item() * 100 |
return chamfer_dist, p2s_dist |
def calc_acc(self, output, target, thres=0.5, use_sdf=False): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
output = output.masked_fill(output < thres, 0.0) |
output = output.masked_fill(output > thres, 1.0) |
if use_sdf: |
target = target.masked_fill(target < thres, 0.0) |
target = target.masked_fill(target > thres, 1.0) |
acc = output.eq(target).float().mean() |
output = output > thres |
target = target > thres |
union = output | target |
inter = output & target |
_max = torch.tensor(1.0).to(output.device) |
union = max(union.sum().float(), _max) |
true_pos = max(inter.sum().float(), _max) |
vol_pred = max(output.sum().float(), _max) |
vol_gt = max(target.sum().float(), _max) |
return acc, true_pos / union, true_pos / vol_pred, true_pos / vol_gt |