import crypto from 'crypto'; |
import path from 'path'; |
import { writeFile, readFile, mkdir, readdir, unlink, stat } from 'node:fs/promises'; |
import parseTorrent from 'parse-torrent'; |
import {toMagnetURI} from 'parse-torrent'; |
import cache from './cache.js'; |
import config from './config.js'; |
const TORRENT_FOLDER = `${config.dataFolder}/torrents`; |
const CACHE_FILE_DAYS = 7; |
export async function createTorrentFolder(){ |
return mkdir(TORRENT_FOLDER).catch(() => false); |
} |
export async function cleanTorrentFolder(){ |
const files = await readdir(TORRENT_FOLDER); |
const expireTime = new Date().getTime() - 86400*CACHE_FILE_DAYS*1000; |
for (const file of files) { |
if(!file.endsWith('.torrent'))continue; |
const filePath = path.join(TORRENT_FOLDER, file); |
const stats = await stat(filePath); |
if(stats.ctimeMs < expireTime){ |
await unlink(filePath); |
} |
} |
} |
export async function get({link, id, magnetUrl, infoHash, name, size, type}){ |
try { |
return await getById(id); |
}catch(err){} |
let parseInfos = null; |
let torrentLocation = ''; |
if(magnetUrl && infoHash && name && size > 0 && type){ |
parseInfos = { |
infoHash, |
name, |
length: size, |
private: (type == 'private') |
}; |
}else{ |
if(link.startsWith('http')){ |
try { |
torrentLocation = `${TORRENT_FOLDER}/${id}.torrent`; |
const buffer = await downloadTorrentFile({link, id, torrentLocation}); |
parseInfos = await parseTorrent(new Uint8Array(buffer)); |
if(!parseInfos.private){ |
magnetUrl = toMagnetURI(parseInfos); |
} |
}catch(err){ |
torrentLocation = ''; |
if(err.redirection && err.redirection.startsWith('magnet')){ |
link = err.redirection; |
}else{ |
const errorMessage = err.message + (err.indexerId ? ` (Indexer: ${err.indexerId})` : ''); |
throw new Error(errorMessage); |
} |
} |
} |
if(link.startsWith('magnet')){ |
parseInfos = await parseTorrent(link); |
magnetUrl = link; |
} |
} |
if(!parseInfos){ |
throw new Error(`Invalid link ${link}`); |
} |
const torrentInfos = { |
id, |
link, |
magnetUrl: magnetUrl || '', |
torrentLocation, |
infoHash: (parseInfos.infoHash || '').toLowerCase(), |
name: parseInfos.name || '', |
private: parseInfos.private || false, |
size: parseInfos.length || -1, |
files: (parseInfos.files || []).map(file => { |
return { |
name: file.name, |
size: file.length |
} |
}) |
}; |
await setById(id, torrentInfos); |
return torrentInfos; |
} |
export async function getById(id){ |
const cacheKey = `torrentInfos:${id}`; |
const infos = await cache.get(cacheKey); |
if(!infos){ |
throw new Error(`Torrent infos cache seem expired for id ${id}`); |
} |
return infos; |
} |
async function setById(id, infos){ |
const cacheKey = `torrentInfos:${id}`; |
await cache.set(cacheKey, infos, {ttl: 86400*CACHE_FILE_DAYS}); |
return infos; |
} |
export async function getTorrentFile(infos){ |
if(infos.torrentLocation){ |
try { |
return await readFile(infos.torrentLocation); |
}catch(err){} |
} |
return downloadTorrentFile(infos); |
} |
async function downloadTorrentFile({link, id, torrentLocation, indexerId}){ |
const res = await fetch(link, {redirect: 'manual'}); |
if(res.headers.has('location')){ |
throw Object.assign(new Error(`Redirection detected ...`), {redirection: res.headers.get('location')}); |
} |
const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type') || ''; |
if(contentType.includes('text/html')){ |
const htmlContent = await res.text(); |
let errorMessage = 'Site returned an error page'; |
if(htmlContent.includes('ratio is dangerously low')){ |
errorMessage = 'Download blocked due to low ratio'; |
}else if(htmlContent.includes('do not have permission')){ |
errorMessage = 'Permission denied'; |
} |
throw Object.assign(new Error(errorMessage), { indexerId }); |
} |
if(!contentType.includes('application/x-bittorrent')){ |
throw Object.assign( |
new Error(`Invalid content-type: ${contentType}`), |
{ indexerId } |
); |
} |
if(res.status != 200){ |
throw Object.assign( |
new Error(`Invalid status: ${res.status}`), |
{ indexerId } |
); |
} |
const buffer = await res.arrayBuffer(); |
writeFile(torrentLocation, new Uint8Array(buffer)); |
return buffer; |
} |