#!/bin/bash |
set -e |
if ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "Error: Docker is not installed on this machine." |
echo "https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if ! command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y |
fi |
COMMAND="$1" |
RAW_GITHUB_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arvida42/jackettio/master" |
DIR=$(dirname "$0") |
ENV_FILE="$DIR/.env.production" |
JACKETT_URL="http://jackett:9117" |
PORT=4000 |
cd $DIR |
importConfig() { |
if [ ! -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then |
echo "Configuration file not found: $ENV_FILE" |
echo "Are you in the corect folder to run this command ?" |
exit 1 |
fi |
source $ENV_FILE |
} |
runDockerCompose() { |
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f $COMPOSE_FILE --env-file $ENV_FILE "$@" |
} |
downloadComposeFiles() { |
echo "Downloading compose files ..." |
curl -fsSL "${RAW_GITHUB_URL}/docker-compose.yml" -o docker-compose.yml |
} |
sedReplace(){ |
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then |
sed -i '' "$@" |
else |
sed -i "$@" |
fi |
} |
createJackettPassword(){ |
FILE=$1 |
JACKETT_API_KEY=$(sed -n 's/.*"APIKey": "\(.*\)",/\1/p' $FILE) |
if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then |
echo " - Generate password using openssl" |
JACKETT_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 12) |
else |
echo " - Generate password using /dev/urandom " |
JACKETT_PASSWORD=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 12) |
fi |
echo " - Create password hash ..." |
NODE_COMMAND="node -e \"const crypto = require('crypto'); |
const input = '${JACKETT_PASSWORD}${JACKETT_API_KEY}'; |
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha512'); |
hash.update(Buffer.from(input, 'utf16le')); |
console.log(hash.digest().toString('hex'));\"" |
JACKETT_PASSWORD_HASH=$(docker run --rm node:20-slim sh -c "$NODE_COMMAND") |
sedReplace 's/"AdminPassword": .*,/"AdminPassword": "'"$JACKETT_PASSWORD_HASH"'",/' $FILE |
} |
showHelp(){ |
cat <<-END |
Usage: sh ./cli.sh [command] |
Available commands: |
start Start all containers |
stop Stop all containers |
down Stop and remove all containers |
update Update all containers |
install Install and configure all containers |
jackett-password Reset jackett password |
} |
saveConfig() { |
cat <<EOF > $ENV_FILE |
} |
case "$COMMAND" in |
"--help"|"help") |
showHelp |
exit 0 |
;; |
"start") |
importConfig |
runDockerCompose up -d |
exit 0 |
;; |
"stop" | "down") |
importConfig |
runDockerCompose $COMMAND |
exit 0 |
;; |
"update") |
importConfig |
runDockerCompose down |
downloadComposeFiles |
runDockerCompose pull |
runDockerCompose up -d |
exit 0 |
;; |
"jackett-password") |
importConfig |
docker cp jackett:/config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json /tmp/ServerConfig.json > /dev/null |
createJackettPassword /tmp/ServerConfig.json |
docker cp /tmp/ServerConfig.json jackett:/config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json > /dev/null |
rm -f /tmp/ServerConfig.json |
echo "Restart jackett ..." |
docker restart jackett |
echo "Your new password is: $JACKETT_PASSWORD" |
echo "Please change it for security in jackett dashboard" |
exit 0 |
;; |
"install") |
echo "Install ..." |
;; |
*) |
echo -e "\033[0;31mInvalid command: ${COMMAND}\033[0m" |
showHelp |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
if [ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then |
echo -e "\033[0;31mAn installation appears to already exist and will be overwritten ! ($ENV_FILE)\033[0m" |
read -p " Continue and overwrite ? (y/n): " continue |
if [[ $continue != "yes" && $continue != "y" ]]; then |
echo "Exiting..." |
exit |
fi |
fi |
cat <<-END |
This script will install compose and environments file in the following folder |
----------------------- |
${PWD} |
----------------------- |
read -p "Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n): " continue |
if [[ $continue != "yes" && $continue != "y" ]]; then |
echo "Exiting..." |
exit |
fi |
cat <<-END |
Please select an installation type: |
1) Using traefik |
You must have a domain configured for this machine, ports 80 and 443 must be opened. |
Your Addon will be available on the address: https://your_domain |
2) Using localtunnel |
This installation use "localtunnel" to expose the app on Internet. |
There's no need to configure a domain; you can run it directly on your local machine. |
However, you may encounter limitations imposed by LocalTunnel. |
All requests from the addons will go through LocalTunnel. |
Your Addon will be available on the address: https://random-id.localtunnel.me |
3) Local |
Install locally without domain. Stremio App must run in same machine to works. |
Your Addon will be available on the address: http://localhost |
read -p "Please chose 1,2 or 3): " INSTALL_TYPE |
case "$INSTALL_TYPE" in |
"1") |
echo "traefik selected" |
read -p "Please enter your domain name (example.com): " ACME_DOMAIN |
read -p "Please enter your email ([email protected]): " ACME_EMAIL |
COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-traefik.yml |
echo "Your domain: ${ACME_DOMAIN}" |
echo "Your email: ${ACME_EMAIL}" |
;; |
"2") |
echo "localtunnel selected" |
COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-tunnel.yml |
;; |
"3") |
echo "local selected" |
COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-local.yml |
;; |
*) |
echo "Invalid installation type: ${INSTALL_TYPE}" |
echo "Must be 1,2 or 3" |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
saveConfig |
echo "------------------" |
cat $ENV_FILE |
echo "" |
echo "Please confirm the above information before proceeding." |
read -p "Continue ? (y/n): " continue |
if [[ $continue != "yes" && $continue != "y" ]]; then |
echo "Exiting..." |
exit |
fi |
downloadComposeFiles |
echo "Configure jackett ..." |
runDockerCompose up -d jackett |
echo "Wait for jackett ..." |
sleep 6 |
docker cp jackett:/config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json /tmp/ServerConfig.json > /dev/null |
JACKETT_API_KEY=$(sed -n 's/.*"APIKey": "\(.*\)",/\1/p' /tmp/ServerConfig.json) |
JACKETT_PASSWORD_HASH=$(sed -n 's/.*"AdminPassword": "\(.*\)",/\1/p' /tmp/ServerConfig.json) |
if [ -z "$JACKETT_PASSWORD_HASH" ]; then |
echo " - Configure jackett admin password ..." |
createJackettPassword /tmp/ServerConfig.json |
fi |
echo " - Configure jackett flaresolverr url ..." |
sedReplace 's/"FlareSolverrUrl": .*,/"FlareSolverrUrl": "http:\/\/flaresolverr:8191",/' /tmp/ServerConfig.json |
docker cp /tmp/ServerConfig.json jackett:/config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json > /dev/null |
rm -f /tmp/ServerConfig.json |
runDockerCompose down |
saveConfig |
echo "Start all containers ..." |
runDockerCompose up -d |
echo "-----------------------" |
echo -e "\n\033[0;32mInstallation complete! \033[0m\n" |
case "$INSTALL_TYPE" in |
"1") |
echo " - Your addon is available on the following address: https://${ACME_DOMAIN}/configure" |
;; |
"2") |
echo "Wait for Jackettio ..." |
sleep 4 |
runDockerCompose logs -n 30 jackettio |
;; |
"3") |
echo " - Your addon is available on the following address: http://localhost:4000/configure" |
;; |
esac |
echo " - Your Jackett instance to configure your trackers is available on the following address: http://localhost:9117 or http://${ACME_DOMAIN:-your_public_ip}:9117" |
echo " Be aware that having a lot of trackers may slow down search queries within the addon. We recommend utilizing trackers that do not have Cloudflare protection." |
if [ ! -z "$JACKETT_PASSWORD" ]; then |
echo -e "\n - \033[0;31mIMPORTANT:\033[0m The default password for Jackett is \"${JACKETT_PASSWORD}\", Please change it for security in jackett dashboard." |
fi |
echo "-----------------------" |