Imported changes from the github repo into the huggingface repo f568402 Simon Strandgaard commited on Feb 14
BrowserState's secret is no longer hardcoded, but use the HUGGINGFACE_SPACES_BROWSERSTATE_SECRET env. 56f6df1 Simon Strandgaard commited on Feb 14
The user settings are now stored in BrowserState, so the data survives restarting the server, and survives reloading the page. b14ca77 Simon Strandgaard commited on Feb 14
IS_HUGGINGFACE_SPACES env for determining if the app runs on huggingface or not 0e11928 Simon Strandgaard commited on Feb 11
can I spawn processes and use the file system inside huggingface spaces? 802e7b1 Simon Strandgaard commited on Feb 10